Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Race Warfare To Save Obama’s Presidency

By Semperpapa

There is a very interesting video that showed up on the Internet. Sure, we cannot trust everything we see or read on the Internet, but when videos like this surface, it is difficult to spin it as being taken “out of context”.


I have written about Rep. Maxine Waters saying that the TEA party can go to hell, about Rep. Frederica Wilson calls the TEA party the real enemy.

Rep. Maxine Waters

Now this video shows that so-called black congressional leaders are inciting violence, calling for civil warfare against what they declare to be the enemy.

What is really going on here? Nothing really new, actually, the same old crap, just more out in the open.

Rep. Frederica Wilson

The people who in the past have been working in the shadows for the destruction of our republic are today soiling the halls of Congress and openly conspire for civil unrest in order to advance their agenda.

Racial discord has been used by the progressive movement for decades, as demonstrated by the ascendance of characters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to a dubious prominence role within the American black community. But while they were able to murk the waters of their actions under the pretense of enhancing the social conditions of black America, in reality they, and the new slave owners of today, had only one goal: to create a new sector of the population easily manipulated into keeping them into power.

Rep. Wasserman-Schultz

The next question is then, why now? After all, the election of a black president should have put all the alleged racist accusations to bed. Millions of whites voted for Barak Hussein Obama in 2008, many driven by the historical aspect of the candidacy and by an innate sense of guilt that has been fostered by the establishment and the media for decades.

For those of us who took the time to search information about Obama before the elections and who sounded the alarm of what his presidency would be, the label of “racist” was immediately applied. And even if this is one of those “I told you so” moments, I take very little solace and gratification from having been right. God knows how much I had wished to have been wrong.

Again, why now? Well, it is actually very obvious, if one takes just few minutes to get informed.

It all comes down to power and the elimination of dissent. Smoke screen is thrown out by characters like Maxine Waters who are shown on a video talking about her dissent with the supreme leader. Hey, folks, this is just a smoke screen, nothing more, besides, what she is complaining is that the President has not been liberal enough. And that’s coming from a pure socialist politician.

But the approval numbers of Obama are slipping, and after the results of the 2010 mid-terms, the progressive establishment sees the danger of the conquests made in the last few years being possibly reversed in 2012. And they are looking for a new way to shore up the bleeding.

Their approach is an old one: the racial card. But there is a problem today with that approach.

The American people are very much less receptive of the guilt trip involved in the race card. The labeling of racism has been so abused by the progressive movement that the average person is sort of sick of it, so the next step is fear. By identifying the TEA party movement as a racial enemy, progressives are laying new grounds based on scaring the American people into believing that the defeat of Obama in 2012 would be the spark of civil unrest in the country’s streets.

All this is a well designed plan, part of the re-election campaign of Barak Obama. This president has already shown on copious occasions that he considers the United States Constitution as an obstacle to his voyage of transforming the country. Be it halting the deportation of illegal aliens or scheming to destroy the 2nd Amendment, Obama is not shy about placing himself above the law and the will of the American people. Racial warfare is the perfect approach, because any major civil unrest, as called out by the Black Congressional Caucus, would allow Obama to increase his own power in spite of the Constitution. If the American people actually yield to the fear of civil unrest, he also wins if such fear keeps people away from voting polls or push people to re-elect him in 2012.

I may sound alarmist, but the historical evidence is overwhelming when it comes to the ascension of tyrants to absolute power: increasing the power of the central government; dividing the citizens and pitting them against each other; elitist attitude in the face of the people; behaving in a “above-the-law” manner; surrounding himself with declared anti-American individuals.

Can anyone else see this?

President Lincoln believed that America was never going to be defeated by a foreign entity, but from the inside. President Obama and his cohorts are the living proof of that belief.

Just my thoughts!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Too Good To Be Ignored: MSNBC Asks Ray Nagin About Hurricane Readiness

By Semperpapa

It was too good to ignore. The dumb asses at MSNBC interviewed former mayor of New Orleans Ray Nagin as an expert in hurricane preparedness.


Really? Ask Nagin opinions about how to prepare a city for a hurricane? What's next, asking Tim Geitner about fiscal policy? Or Bill Clinton about respect for women and marital fidelity?

Regardless of the stupidity of Martin Bashir and the entire MSNBC conglomerate, and regardless of the amount of blame placed on George Bush, warranted or not, regarding the response of the federal government to hurricane Katrina, the picture below will remain the legacy of mayor Nagin and his inept, borderline criminal handling of the safety of the people of his city.

Hundreds of buses that were destroyed by the flooding caused by the hurricane, when they should have been used to evacuate thousands of people from the city. Several days of advanced notice about the impending disaster were not enough to convince this "expert" that he had to get the people out of the low areas of New Orleans.
And yet now Ray Nagin is an expert, at least in the eyes of the progressive boobs of MSNBC and the six people that actually watch that station.

In a way, we can ascertain that the best mode of conduct would be to do the diametric opposite that this idiot says and things would probably turn out much better for the people.

Just my thoughts!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Gil Cedillo And His DREAM

By Semperpapa

The DREAM Act is dead on the national political stage, but there are those who will not be detracted in their efforts to stick it to the people anyway.
One such clown is California legislature assemblyman Gil Cedillo from Los Angeles.
This character is pushing a bill in the state assembly that would allow illegal aliens to have access to Cal Grants, or taxpayers' funds available to American citizens who qualify on the basis of their income.
In other words, the liberals who are running the state of California into an increasingly desperate economic abyss, now want to take even more tax money out of an already broke system and give it to people who are not supposed to be in this country in the first place.

So while the state is faced with a truly dire fiscal disaster, fostered by years of liberalism and anti-business regulatory bonanza, we are going to be giving money to people who are, for all intents and purposes, criminals.

Cedillo's says that the legislation is aimed at avoiding the creation of a sub-society composed of illiterate immigrants and that their ability to get an education will make them more apt to integrate in American society.
The problem, though, is in the fact that, as illegally residing in the country, these folks are not allowed to legally work in America. So how can paying for their education be productive?
How would they become integral part of our society if they cannot work in the country?
The answer is simple: regardless of what the laws of the land state, liberals are not incline to adhere to them, as demonstrated by the federal government, Obama's government, who just ordered the Department of Homeland Security to halt all deportation proceedings for those illegals that were not involved in a criminal act. (Amusing conundrum: the mere act of entering our nation illegally IS a criminal act, but I digress).

Where are we now? Cedillo had seen the same legislation vetoed by the other clown, Schwarzenegger, in the past, not because it is a travesty of our laws, but because Schwarzenegger realized that there was no money for it. Simply put, Schwarzenegger agreed with the bill in principles, but realized that it was a fiscal impossibility.
Not to be detracted, Cedillo is bringing the bill back into the legislation, confident that the new Governor, the emeritus scum Jerry Brown, is much more sympathetic to the cause of illegal aliens and will not hesitate to raise our taxes to pay for it.
Why doesn't Cedillo ask the Mexican government to pay for these illegal aliens tuition? Or the governments of Guatemala or Honduras? Why am I to pay for their education? What the hell is going on!?

Is this wonderful or what? Take a good look at California! This is where the rest of country is headed for with liberals in control.

Just my thoughts!

Joining The Circus

By Semperpapa

A new ass clown joined the circus last November (yes, that election was not a universal victory for common sense after all): Florida Congresswoman Frederica Wilson.

She joined the rest of the clowns like Maxine Waters and Co.

I consider myself an unofficial TEA party member, mostly because I am reluctant to identify with any specific group as I am first and foremost an American.
But the labeling done by these clown tells me that the ideological choice I am following is the correct one. After all, if Waters and Pelosi and Reid and Durbin and Schumer and now Wilson consider me their enemy, my philosophical position must be correct.

Wilson just stated that the TEA party folks are the real enemies of the country, joining Waters in her latest attacks against the popular movement.
I may go straight to hell, but one thing for sure is that Maxine Water has already a special place there where she will have to answer for her sins against not just America, but the black people of her district.

I actually do not put much weight on Wilson statements. I recognize that someone who wears bright red and yellow cowboy hats is merely looking for attention, even negative one. And joining the throng of the lunatic left is just another attempt to make herself noticed.

Keep on, you Marxists, you are doing the work for your own defeat by just flapping your ignorant gums.

Just my thoughts!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mainstreaming Pedophilia

By Semperpapa

We have gotten to the point that even an offense like pedophilia is being justified.


Reports like this are the true expression of the state of decadence that our country has reached.
When there is an actual group of so-called professionals, even if pure degenerate quacks, that actually has the right to congregate and spew this kind of crap, and surely being taken seriously by some elements of our decaying society, there is very little room left for more falling.

Here is a conglomeration of depraved individuals, most likely pedophiles themselves, who is proposing the mainstreaming of a criminal behavior that should be instead integrated in the list of capital punishment deserving criminal acts.

Instead of campaigning for the execution of these non-human as they are convicted of molestation of minors, these self-proclaimed elitists are pushing for society to take a more tolerant approach to their criminal and perverted behavior.
I wonder if the recipient of such attention was one of their children if their opinion on the subject would remain unaltered and their reaction would be of "understanding" of the oh so maligned "needs" of these unfortunate members of society.

On the other hand, it is all possible that the members of the higher education institutions who participated at the conference are the same scum that has perpetrated similar ignominious acts upon their own children.

Yes, my friends, this is just another forward step of your devoted progressive movement. Just another example of the cancer that afflicts our society, where everything goes; where disgusting behavior is tolerated and justified in the name of an even, non-judgemental playing field.
And some are still wondering what the hell has happened to our country? I don't!

Just my thoughts!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

For Anyone Who Cares

By Semperpapa

Does anyone in Washington really care?

Below is a picture of a job fair in Atlanta, Georgia, where thousands of people lined up overnight for the opportunity to come face to face with representatives of companies who may be hiring.


According to the article from ABC News, this job fair was held at the campus of the Atlanta Technical College, just as the unemployment report for that state saw an increase of the rate of jobless from 9.9% to 10.1%.

Similarly, the latest news from the miserable state of California is that the unemployment rate has also gone up to 12%, second highest in the Nation only after Nevada at 12.9%.

Nationwide, unemployment among blacks has reached catastrophic proportions at over 16% and teenage unemployment rate in the Nation’s Capital is above 50%.

But my question remains the same: does anyone in Washington DC care?

As so many millions of Americans are struggling to hold on to their basic life style, their homes, their vehicles, where is Congress? Where is the President?

They are on vacation.

Some members of Congress went back to their districts and they are, again, being mercilessly trashed by their constituencies. And deservedly so.

The President, instead, is in Martha’s Vineyard, one of those elitist conclaves that so readily welcomes the “champions of the people” when they are in need of a vacation among peers to recuperate from their exhausting work of destroying America.

And it sure feels good to know that at the same time those seeking jobs in Atlanta were camping overnight for a chance at a job, Michelle Obama took her own plane to her vacation, obviously too anxious to get her extravaganza started instead of waiting for her husband who followed her just few hours later.

But what the hell! After all the government is paying for the extra aircraft, right? So who cares.

The average American is canceling any sort of non-essential spending as the future appears to be troubled by the stagnant economy, at the same time seeing their investment vanish in the stock market.

Most Americans, and by this definition I mean those of us who have a real job and have to be cognizant of a household budget, are refraining from any vacation plans, mindful of exorbitant fuel costs and unsure about the future.

Witnessing those who are supposed to, and get paid really well for, thumping their noses at the rest of the population and enjoying their lavish lifestyles, is a true proverbial slap in the face, further diminishing the already abysmal confidence we have in the elected officials. But as some national polls show that the popular rate of approval for Congress and the President are the only thing dropping faster than the Stock Market, these elitists do not appear to care much. Why? Simply put, they trust that the American people will just relegate themselves into a higher level of apathy.

Nothing perturbs these folks, so sure they are about their position of power.

Adding insult to injury, prior to leaving for his vacation, President Obama went on a bus tour across couple of states. Just another waste of taxpayers’ money: two buses purchased in Canada, and a motorcade of about 40 gas guzzling SUVs to carry his entourage. And what did the American people get in return?

Nothing more than a campaign stunt, full of the usual platitudes and a charade of insulting statements Obama used to blame his majestic failures on everything in the world rather than his own incompetence: the earthquake in Japan and the tsunami, the unrest in Egypt and the rest of the Middle East, and of course the always useful Bush.

Typical! Liberal progressivism has been using such tactics for over a century, pushing for excusing bad behavior by blaming someone or something else, something that occurs in our court rooms every day.

Worst of all, though, was the President’s announcement that he will propose a new economic strategy in September when he gets back from vacation and Congress decides to go back to Washington. Really? No rush, Mr. President!

If this is not the proverbial “Nero plays his lyre while Rome burns” I do not know what is.

And if one is incline to believe that the absence from Washington of politicians is a way for them to do less damage to the country, think again.

Just yesterday we were treated to the news that the Obama administration was halting all deportation court proceedings for illegal aliens who were not involved in violent crime. Just a clean way to circumvent the will of the people and the laws of our country in order to pander to the Hispanic population he desperately needs for his re-election bid. Amnesty by fiat.

In the meantime, we also hear of over 600 new regulations the government instituted in the month of July alone, further pounding death nails in the coffin of American businesses.

I wonder what the Obama new plan will be. Surely he must be working really hard at it in the $50,000/week mansion on Martha's Vineyard. Hope he does not tire himself too much or his golf game will suffer. I am sure the folks lined up in Atlanta would not want that to happen.

Just my thoughts!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Of Taxes And Unemployment

By Semperpapa

I have a quick solution for our liberal friends around the country, those who voted for Obama and are registered democrat and plan to vote for the man again.

They are chanting that the "rich" are not taxed enough, that the President's intention to redistribute wealth is the way to go to achieve a more "fair" socio-economic balance.
There are no laws that prevents liberals to pay more taxes. If Warren Buffet wants to pay more taxes, nobody is preventing him to write a big fat check to the IRS.
If Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, and all the other multi-millionaires want to write big fat checks to the IRS, I am all for it.
It is easy for these scumbags to give millions to the government when they still have millions left to indulge in their lavish life styles.
What I find repulsive is that these morons will, instead, give their money to the election campaign of people like Obama so that the rest of the American people are going to be forced to pay more taxes.
With the state of unemployment and welfare today, the "rich" are increasingly becoming any poor slob that is lucky enough to have a job.
I work for my money and I will be damn if I want to support those who do not.
If we get the government out of our lives, if we allow the free market to take its course and we spur private enterprise, we will, as a country, return to our past splendor.

Only hard work and ingenuity will save our Nation.

As far as unemployment, I think that on every job application there should be a question regarding who the applicant voted in the last presidential election. If the applicant says Obama, he/she should be automatically passed on for the job. This would leave people who really want to work with the ability to do so.

All kidding aside, the unemployment figures are tragic, especially among the black population and teenage kids. The reality is that it is not the government that will be able to solve the problem, but the private sector.
It will take for the government to remove oppressive regulations for small businesses so that they will be able and once again willing to expand their workforce.
For every person that leaves the unemployment line a new taxpayer will be created to the benefit of the duties the government is mandated by the Constitution to oblige to.

Once again, it will be American hard work and ingenuity that will save our Nation, not government.

Just my thoughts!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Devoted Representative Of The Religion Of Peace

By Semperpapa

I know, the leader of the Nation of Islam is not to be considered as a representative of a whole religion, just as much as those who flew airliners in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and Shanksville cannot be considered representatives of the Muslim faith.
Nor should we be detracted in our tolerance by suicide bombers that keep on killing our soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq.
At least this is the message that keeps on emanating from the apologists for a cult-like religious belief. We should not be grouping an entire faith into the throngs of extremists. It is fine to label Catholicism under the actions of some pervert priests, but do not dare even think about doing anything similar with Islam, lest you may face hate crime accusations at best or beheading at worst.

But than we have the cartoon character of Luis Farrakhan, who occasionally delights us with his peaceful words of wisdom, when he is not flying around in the prophet's spaceship.


And to make it even more palatable to the level headed people in the audience, this dude decides that Hasan, the mass murderer of Ft. Hood, is not the terrorist, but those he supposedly counsel are. Yes sir, the true terrorists are our Armed Forces.

I am unable, in the context of decency, to really express the indignation this man inspires in the most hidden crevices of my soul. All I can say is that I hope soon the news of this evil monger's not-soon-enough demise will grace the world. There is a special place in the pits of hell for garbage like this guy.

One thing that caught my attention is the love the man has for the concept of sodomizing. It appears to be a very favorite word of his repertoire. Maybe he gets really excited when surrounded by those uniformed little fuck toys standing around him.
But I cannot pretend to understand.

One day, Farrakhan, you will face the ultimate judgement and you will be held accountable for the hatred you spread.

Just my thoughts!

Good News From California

By Semperpapa

Finally some good news from the Socialist State of Kalifornia:


Yes, all the other problems afflicting this state must have been resolved, because now the state legislature is taking the time to address such important issues.

That must mean that the 12%+ unemployment has been slashed.
That businesses are not leaving the state at a rate of 6 per week anymore.
That water is once again flowing through the thousands of acres of arid desert in the central part of the state.

Or maybe not!

Maybe it is that the socialist bastards that the moronic people of this state continue to re-elect over and over and who continue their march toward the destruction of what was once the 7th economy of the world.

And to make things even more pleasant, Moonbeam Brown, our esteemed governor, is again going after Proposition 13, a proposition that has kept property taxes low for decades.
Gerry Brown even campaigned on attacking Prop 13 and he still got elected last November, which means that the state is effectively run by welfare proponents.
If successful in his quest, it will be those who work and produce to be hit the worst with an increase in property taxes that may make it impossible to actually afford a home in this state, sort of a punishment for those who are still trying to make it on a honest day of work, in favor of the hoards of career welfare scum and throngs of illegal aliens.

Really good news from California, isn't it?

Just my thoughts!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Distraction Means Disaster

By Semperpapa

I am so sick already of the bullshit that is transpiring out of the GOP candidates for 2012 and the games they are playing.

The Iowa debate, which I admit I purposely ignored, saw the candidates going after each other, trying to tear each other up and missing the main point of this whole thing: there must be unity in order to make sure that Obama is fired in November 2012.

I know that the tactics being employed are the usual politiking that takes place when candidates are involved in a political race. I get it.
The problem is that the next presidential elections are not the usual political event. The stakes of the event are higher that they have ever been for our country. The peril America is facing is unprecedented in our history, much more grave a situation that we experienced since the Revolutionary War.
The current administration, from Obama on down to the least significant Obamadroid, are bent on changing the nation in ways that the American people do not want. Their statist approach and tyrannical views are contrary to anything our country has ever stood for.
From the economy to foreign policy, from the Constitution to National security, Obama has made an intentional mess of things.
And do not come and tell me that he killed Osama bin Laden!

All the infighting taking place among the GOP wanna-be candidates may make a great time for the shameless media searching for the ever growing rating score, but it does absolutely nothing for insuring that the hope and change the dude in the White House is dishing out is sent to the eternal heap of defeated totalitarian regimes.

The distraction is going to spell disaster. The candidates should merely engage in explaining their positions on the issues that the American people are most afraid of and that the voters will make the distinction. But through all of it, they should remain focused on defeating Obama.

Just my thoughts!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Waking Up To Awful News

By Semperpapa

I hate to wake up in the morning and be greeted with some awful news. No it is not the downgrading of the credit rating for America by S&P.

This is much worst.


This is much, much worst.
There are today 31 families that will receive the dreaded visit from the Military Officer and the Chaplain to report that their loved one will not be coming home, at least not in the manner every family of deployed Military hopes.

It is a routine of mine to access the news every morning as I rejoin the living, but I may be looking at a routine change. It is becoming highly stressing to check out what is happening in the world as the morning comes.
Since that crisp September morning nearly 10 years ago, when I was greeted by the images of a burning tower that just got hit by an airplane, I hold my breath every time I turn the TV or the computer on in the morning.

Maybe it is time to change.

Rest in eternal Peace, fearless Warriors. May God welcome you among his elite and may He wrap His arms around your grieving families.

Just my thoughts!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Good News Upon Good News

By Semperpapa

Yes, good news continues to grace the American people.

The Dow Jones crapped out over 500 points just today, wiping out retirement savings for millions of Americans. Just as the politicians in Washington had predicted, the reaching of the “compromise” on the debt, was going to boost the economy…or maybe not!

But we can rest assured that the retirement plans of those in Congress are not affected, as a matter of fact, considering the exhausting “work” they have done in the last couple of weeks, I think it is time to vote themselves a raise.

Obama was pissed off because his campaign funding goals had suffered due to the “unyielding” attention he had to dedicate to the debt debacle. But not to worry, because he has hit the campaign trail with vigor, running to hide among the multi-millionaire donors that paid up to $35,000 per couple to eat dinner with the guy. How appropriate that while the economy gets deeper in the shitter, Obama is sucking up to those scumbags who fly around in private jets.

And we are not done, as tomorrow the unemployment data will be released. Some “experts” say that if less than 150,000 will be added to the economy, there will be even more down sliding for the stock market.

As a response, Obama will engage in a Palin-style campaign bus tour, except that his will be paid by?

You guessed: me and you. I am so proud.

And just in case you thought that Obama was a total failure, you racist bastard, he has been highly successful in bringing the United States, almost single handed, to be just like Europe…more exactly like Greece, Spain and Italy!

So now Obama is really concentrating on jobs, no REALLY. I am sure that many of those pieces of shit who contributed so lavishly to his campaign today will surely be repaid by landing a job, a lucrative job, for the administration. So as you can see, he is a man of his word.

And just to make sure that the types of jobs Obama wants will be available, it is reported that his administration has added 608 more regulations just in the month of July. That’s the way to spur the economy…of China.

Luckily, it is also reported that the Communist Party of America has endorsed Obama for President. How appropriate!

On the other hand, according to his lovely wife Michelle, the fact that Obama’s hair is getting grayer truly means that he deserves a second term…hummm.

Good news: Sen. Harry Reid is finally able to concentrate on more important issues, like the pomegranate trees on his property in Nevada. A whole country wishes that he would just stay there with his damn trees instead of returning to Washington and further destroying the country.

Congress is in recess, a very well deserved summer vacation. I sure hope that they will opt for some sort of an overseas vacation, as I do not believe their presence in their districts will be as welcomed as they would like.

Yes, good news upon good news, if you hate America!

Just my thoughts!

Al Gore's Arab-American Spring Thingy

By Semperpapa

Got to admit that former VP Al Gore has some balls, cause he is still willing to show his face in public, but it is understandable that, as a good progressive puke, he gets a pass on just about anything.
And he will get a pass on this too:


Yes, we need a revolution in America, on the same line as the one witnessed in Egypt and Tunisia and Syria. Is that what Al Gore really is calling or wishing for?

For all the hatred and lies that the Left has been spewing about the TEA movement, the truth shows to be a high level of jealousy that the progressive liberal morons are experiencing.
The fact is that the Left cannot stomach common people awakening to the tyranny that the government is increasingly imposing upon the American people and the total ignoring of the Constitution.

The problem is that corrupt politicians from both Parties, the same politicians that have been pillaging the country and the people, are not well equipped to handle a challenge to the power they feel entitled to, so they lash out in an attempt to destroy it.

I am positive, though, that Al Gore would not be too happy if an Arab-style Spring thing would actually take place in America, because it may not turn out the way fat ass Gore would want it.
It may make good headlines for his television station, but I do not believe he would be too happy with the end results.

Just my thoughts!