Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bloomberg Not The Only Moron

By Semperpapa

Much news has been made by the moron that the New York people have been electing to guide what used to be a great city, Mayor Bloomberg.
After attacking and successfully infringing on the rights of New Yorkers in the amount of salt you eat, and the amount of sugar you eat, and if you smoke or not, Bloomberg is now going after the soda.

He want to place a ban on the sale of soda drinks in cups larger than 16 ounces. He says that he does not want to limit the rights of people to drink soda, but what he is really trying to do is to force the people to understand what is really good for them.
So, you stupid ass people of New York, you are not capable to decide how much soda you can drink, but instead you need a elitist ass hole politician to tell you how much you can drink, how much salt you put in your food and how much sugar you can ingest. No more smoking for you, stupid ass New Yorkers and, by the way, forget your 2nd Amendment rights. According to Bloomberg and the morons leading you, the only people with the right to have firearms in New York are the criminals.

So you stupid ass New Yorkers are set. You are morons and Bloomberg must make sure you don't hurt yourself and in any case you are morons for continuing to elect this ass hole.

But Bloomberg is not alone in the category of the giant nanny morons. I found Dr. Manny Alvarez, a Fox News contributor that actually supports Bloomberg.
This is Dr. Manny Avarez opinion:

"The Bloomberg administration in New York City has proposed new legislation that would ban ‘super-size’ sugary drinks served in cups greater than 16 ounces.
The city will be the first in the nation to impose a 16-ounce limit on the size of sweetened beverages sold in food establishments. The ban will affect restaurants, movie theaters, stadiums and arenas, as well as mobile food carts
Personally, I think it’s about time. Despite the fact that I hate government regulating how we behave, this one makes a lot of sense to me. For decades, the sizes of drinks and food have gotten out of proportion.
Foreigners who come as visitors are often amazed by the portions of the foods that we serve in comparison to the rest of the world.
And of course, the fault lies in ourselves, because we keep asking for more and more, and companies are more than happy to oblige and find interesting ways to sell more. Often this involves making foods or drinks larger and even more fattening.
We’ve come to celebrate restaurants that glorify high-fat, nutritionally deficit foods. Take the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas, for example, which features ‘Triple Bypass Burgers’, and has landed in the news more than once this year after customers collapsed while eating.
I’m all for a free market economy, but at what cost?
There have been studies that have found correlations between food portion sizes and rates of obesity, blood pressure and heart disease. A report by the CDC found portions increased 75 percent between 1977 and 1991 – unsurprisingly, we’ve observed huge jumps in obesity rates as well.
Studies have shown that people with more on their plates eat nearly 50 percent more than people who are served smaller portions.
So, in this case, I’m going to support Mayor Bloomberg. I hope other states follow suit, and hopefully we will all learn that moderation of anything is part of a good lifestyle.
Don’t kill the messenger. Applaud the message."

Well, I am so happy to see that Mayor Bloomberg is not alone in his stupidity and elitism. And all for the issue of obesity?
Well, both Bloomberg and Alvarez look like they have not missed too many meals themselves. But I am sure that, especially the multi-millionaire Bloomberg, are not too worry about their health as their medical coverage must be a golden one.

As for the rest of you, stupid ass New Yorkers, you'll have to spend more money, what it always comes down to for Bloomberg anyway, to have a soda.

Just my thoughts!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Are Farrakhan Threats Being Investigated?

By Semperpapa

Not just no, but hell no!
The following are quotes from the leader of the Nation of Islam Luis Farrakhan:

 “So, America . . . I tell you, you’re on your way to war and if you declare war on Iran at the behest of Israel and you bomb Iran and some of you are saying we should invoke Hiroshima again on Iran, meaning drop an atomic bomb on Muslims — I have even heard that they’re talking about even bombing Mecca . . .,”

“So I’m warning you, America, if you bomb Iran, I’m looking at San Diego, I’m looking at your beautiful cities — the God that I represent is going to take out some of your cities with earthquakes. You live in the city, I live in the city, but some of us are going to die, because we agree with them, agree with evil. So the God of judgement and justice, he’s going to kill a lot.”

“I mean after they find you guilty ain‘t nobody that’s law-abiding feeding a guilty person. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you people. The taxpayers gotta come out of their pocket to feed murderers, thieves, cutthroats."

To me, the statements of this sub-human piece of garbage are clear and unveiled  threats that Homeland Security and the department of Justice should definitely pay attention to, but I am also aware that the queen of incompetence, Janet Napolitano, and the Heinrich Himmler of DoJ Eric holder will not spend any resource or fund to check this straight jacket fool.

Regardless, the Nation of Islam is one of those organizations that likes to hide behind the Constitution to spew their poison. The hide behind the laws they want to abolish in order to propagate their message of hate, not much different than the garbage from the Westboro Baptist Church. These morons from the Nation of Islam are very well versed in the way of radical Muslims as they like to hide behind women and children.

At 79, we can only hope that at some time soon, Allah will decide to come and fetch the old scummy Luis and rid humanity of such cancer.
Patience is needed and patience is a virtue.

Just my thoughts!

Obama's Presidency: A Stunning Success - Part II

By Semperpapa

Yes my fellow Americans, the presidency of Barak Hussein Obama has been a stunning success for the agenda the man has been pursuing.
Many are so transfixed by the facade of this man that they still fail to see the truth. They cannot accept that there could be such nefarious intentions on the part of a US President. I keep on hearing from the so called moderate conservatives, just a polite description of spineless and testicularly challenged people, that they believe the President is convinced he's doing good for the country, but from an American traditional prospective, there is no way in hell that anyone can look at the disaster our economy is in and believe that any outcome from it could be positive for our Nation.

During his campaigning, Obama declared that he wanted to radically transform America. If he loves this country so much, why would you want to radically transform it?
It would be like me telling my wife I love her and am happy with her, while at the same time telling her that it is time to radically change her ways or else.

Divide and conquer, the very strategy Obama is implementing in the administration of his Constitutional duties. As a matter of fact, Barak Hussein Obama has quite a difficult time understanding the importance of the United States Constitution in the conduct of the government in America, by his own admission considering the ancient document more as an obstacle to the achievement of his agenda than the guiding document it has been.

The Constitution, with its various Amendments, is the guideline that has kept our nation at the forefront of history for the last two and a half centuries. Sure the issue of race and slavery is a painful mark on our history, but while Obama and his minions continue their attempt to squeeze more mileage out of that empty tank, the damage that race bating causes to our entire social structure is enormous.

But the racial game, even as the new slave owners like the twins of misery Sharpton and Jackson desperately try to revive it, appears to be almost over. Attempts to instigate racial unrest and ultimately war in America are still ongoing, but the efficiency of the attempts to intimidate the average person into fear appears to be over too.
An increasing number of Americans are becoming reluctant to succumb again to racial intimidation. Many, victims of that sort of intimidation in 2008 are now refusing to be forced into that corner again, raising their voice of dissent against the Marxist policies they see being forcefully implemented by a regime that expertly blew a lot of smoke in their eyes. Either intimidation or naivete, gave America Obama and all the baggage that came with the man.
The rest, as the saying goes, is history, a very successfully history of slow and determinate erosion of the principles that made America the last world superpower and the only superpower that does not conquer for the sake of conquer.

Obama's presidency is a failure from the point of view of the principles that have guided this Nation since 1776, principles that Obama has fought against his whole life, inspired by people who dedicated their lives to the destruction of America.
From the prospective of Obama and his minions, his presidency is a resounding success, justifying, in his statist mind, seeking a second term. And why not? After all, even considering the tragic consequences of this man's policies upon the entire population, the approval rating of such fool is still up there, or at least that is what the main stream media wants us to believe.
Success was met by Obama's pitting Americans against Americans. Like I said, divide and conquer.

Be it rich against poor, whites against blacks, men against women, straight against gay, Obama has gone down every divisive road available to his political machine.

Effectively, the division that Obama and his henchmen exploit is basically relegated to ideology above all else.
Obama has no problem with rich especially when he is in that category. Moreover, he is not at all uncomfortable surrounding himself with very rich people, as long as they share his ideology.
The fund raising of millions of dollars accomplished by Hollywood puppets like George Clooney and others is in the least disturbing to Obama, who not only greatly enjoys rubbing elbows with America's "beautiful people", but he also greatly enjoys the money these miscreants dump into his coffers.
Accumulation of wealth is only objectionable on the part of Obama when those accumulating such wealth are ideologically distant from the re-distribution garbage proposed by the president.

Obama also has no qualms with white folks, again as long as their ideologies are in line with the regime, while having no reservation with the destruction of blacks, and non-whites in general, who are ideologically opposed to his Marxist ideology.Ultimately, I believe that Obama is not necessarily anti-white (although I am sure he would not mind a blacker America), but mostly Obama is  against any voice of dissent, any sign of disagreement with Obama's agenda. If you are white or non-black, you are racist and if you are black you are an Uncle Tom. For Obama there is no middle ground: either you are with him (and greatly benefiting from it) or against him ( and marked for destruction), as any good despot would be.

The same applies to the issue of gender war. Obama has no problem in salary inequality among those who work for his administration, as long as they all push to obtain the ultimate Obama success.
In any case, by defining conservative values to some sort of war on women and by promising women that their freedom to kill any unborn child at any time and for any reason shall never be infringed upon, Obama knows very well that he will captivate the women voting block all to himself. be continued...

Why My Passion

By Semperpapa

I have heard of some complaints about my style of blogging, something about being too harsh or too forward. Regardless of the fat that it is my Constitutionally given right to express my opinion I am engaging in, there are really no guidelines, outside of common sense, that are given to us Americans in the exercise of that right.

Just as I can be called a racist by some misguided, brainwashed ignoramus, I have the absolute right to call them "misguided, brainwashed ignoramus" if I believe that the adjective clearly describes the moron.

So now, for a clarification that I am willing and voluntarily offering, I want to tell you why I am so passionate about what I write.

When I came to the United States in 1979, the country I found was drastically different than the one we see today. And those were not the best of times, as the White House was occupied by someone called Jimmy Carter, the economy was in great distress and Iranian radical Islamists were holding American citizens hostages in Tehran.
Inflation was rampant and oil prices were skyrocketing as the incompetent inactivity of the Carter administration was taking the Nation down the bankruptcy road.
To compound the bleak situation, our image abroad as a superpower was deeply tarnished and the office of the president of the United States was the subject of international derision.

Then came President Reagan and the Nation was re-born.

Yet, as bad things were in 1979 as I arrived to start my new life, there were many of the aspects of the greatness of America that was still available to its citizens.
I found employment, started going to school and concentrated on learning the English language.
What I see today is the lack of the very elements that I found available to me in 1979 only for being willing to work for it. Today there are no jobs.
In the last 30+ years, every time I had the need to, I have been able to work a second job, if I had the need to increase my income for a short while. Today, the jobs that many people could consider to be that second temporary job, are taken by folks who have been unemployed for two years and have no other mean of income.
Jobs that historically were sought by teenagers who wanted to have a level of economic independence from their parents, are today held by professionals who have been laid off years earlier.

In those days, having to rely on welfare or unemployment for some time was an incentive to work hard to get back up on one's feet. Today, we have politicians who see the astronomical increase in welfare recipients and the creation of a permanent dependency upon the government as a success for the current politicians.

In 1979, after surviving the misdoings of the peanut president, the prestige of America was revitalized by President Reagan, and once again the good superpower stood up to tyranny, the Soviet Union, eventually ushering the demise of one of the most evil regime in history.
Today, we have a multitude of forces increasingly tugging at the security of our Nation: illegal aliens demanding rights they do not have and placing enormous economic burden on our structures and economy. All kind of minority groups demanding this change and that change, demanding this entitlement and that subsidy, aiming at draining even further the resources of the American people.
The Nation came together very briefly in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks, but even that was short lived, as Islamic activists and their lovers have been able to claim their minority rights upon all others, regardless if they would trample upon their rights.
And lies and distortions were used to advance a political agenda that was aimed at the destruction of George W. Bush, our Military and our very institutions.

So I am sorry for the harshness of my words, but it is very hard for me to see my country being pillaged by a bunch of Marxist radicals anarchists and Islamists. I am tired of seeing the very social structures that attracted me to this great Nation being destroyed and denied to my children and my grandchildren.
This is the only way I have to scream my opposition in a wilderness of popular apathy.
I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who stated that, paraphrasing, in order for evil to triumph it only takes for good men to do nothing.
I have four kids and four grand kids and I am speaking up for them. If I don't, by the time others will, it is going to be too late to reverse course. I only hope that it is not too late already.

Just my thoughts!

Obama's Presidency: A Stunning Success - Part I

By Semperpapa

All conservative pundits and various candidates for the 2012 November elections, at any level, like to campaign on the slogan that the Obama administration in the last three years has been an abysmal disaster, but I completely disagree.
For the real aim of Obama and his minions, the last three years have been a stunning success.

During the 2008 presidential campaigning, then Sen. Obama was able and incredibly successful in his quest to mask the very intentions of his candidacy. The smoking screen was that of the first black president, destined to represent the healing of a Nation with a past of racial inequality and discrimination.
He told us that he was going to be the President of all Americans, even those who disagree with him. He told us he was going to lower the ocean levels and convince those who hate America and want us destroyed that now, with his radical presence in the White House, America was going to be more open to fairness, less arrogant, less confrontational.

He run on the promise that he was going to end wars and bring home an over-extended, tired Military, because, after all, just his election was going to eliminate the need for us to be in any war. He even gave Arab news outlet Al-Jazzera, the very first interview as president, and went on an apology tour.
His appeal to those Americans who entrusted him with their vote was based on many different factors, everyone of which fostered by either ideology or blindness.

Every leftist progressive voted for him, mostly because he practically embodies the level of radicalism they have been looking and working for for many years. What was the experience that Obama brought to his political career? Nothing more than political and radical activism, conducted in Chicago, where the enviroment of corruption is of national and historical fame.
While the media completely ignored any vetting that was being done in the months leading to the 2008 elections, progressives were ecstatic about the fact that the truth about the "qualification" of Barak Obama to hold the office of the presidency was going completely and purposely ignored.
The mole was in.

To compound the perfect storm, a relentless campaign was conducted by Obama, his organization, the media and academia, to apply a label of "racist" to anyone who actually saw the danger of Obama in the White House. Shaming ignorant and malleable folks to vote for the man was a truly masterfully completed objective and accomplishment on the part of the enemies of America.
Was there racism in the 2008 presidential elections? Of course there was, but the most blatant demonstration of racism was the one demonstrated by black America. Nobody can tell me that Obama receiving over 95% of black votes was not racially motivated.
But the complicity of a corrupted and immoral media conglomeration insured that this fact was going to be downplayed or totally swept under the rug.

Yes, Obama presidency has been a stunning success, from its campaign throughout its first term.
Obama wanted the presidency to promote his Marxist ideology of class envy. It is only through the successful division of the population that such agenda can be achieved. In a country like the United States, classes have not been part of the common lexicon for decades. One of the aspects of the American that attracts immigrants so powerfully is exactly that: the only pre-requisite for success in America is the willingness to work hard and to take chances, chances that are fostered by a governmental system that promotes, supports and rewards entrepreneurship and hard work.
What Obama wanted to create was a new sense of classification among the people. Talks of the "middle class" the "rich" the "poor" all it accomplishes is a growing distrust among Americans.

One of the most important aspects of the exceptionalism of America resides in the unity among the people, unity of purpose and dedication toward one common goal: national success.
It is an interesting dichotomy I am referring to. On one hand, it is the individualistic attitude that makes America strongest, but similarly the individuals come together as one, as Americans for the achievement of the best for our country, the common good. But the adoration of some misguided females and the brainless following of the Obamadroids was enough to guarantee that this thug from the streets of Chicago, a politician who has never held a meaningful job, could maintain, increase and abuse power, by dividing and conquering the American people. And he's been stunningly successful.

Never in the history of our Nation since the Civil War, the population has been as divided as it is these days.
Just in the last couple of weeks we have seen Obama coming out of the closet in support of gay marriage. He does not care in the least. He wants the homosexual vote and even if the anti-gay marriage black are showing their disagreement, Obama knows well that the black population will still vote for him because he's black. Nor he cares about the Hispanics, who may also be against gay marriage for religious reasons, because he trusts that pinning illegal aliens against the majority of the American people will push the Hispanic vote in his camp.

Divide and conquer...
( be continued...)

Friday, May 18, 2012

When Wealth Is Condoned

By Semperpapa

I have finally grasped the message being shoved down the American people's throats these days by the elitist leadership and various droids: Wealth is good as long as the "right" people and conditions are met.
The operative word is not "right" as in conservative, but as correct or PC or progressive.

Ultimately, if you are a person attacking the capitalistic system while using abusing and greatly benefiting financially from the exercise of the freedom that capitalism and free market affords you, than your accumulation of wealth is legitimate and well deserved.
Attacking left wing millionaires and billionaires is not cool, because they have the right to be rich and they deserve the riches.
Michael Moore is entitled not only to make a fortune in the production of movies that attack America, but he is also entitled to keep most of his money, including exercise legal action to make sure that every cent he feels he deserves gets to him.

George Clooney, and all the other clueless Hollywood elitists, feels he is entitled to make tens of millions of dollars for his appearance in a flick, way more than any of the other actors in the same flick, and why? Because he feels he is entitled to more as name recognition in that industry is an advertisement in itself. But what about all the other actors in the same flick? Should they not be compensated equally?

Bono, the famous liberal singer of the Irish band U2, has been making a career and a great following of social environmentalist morons out of his denouncement of greedy capitalistic financial systems, and yet it looks like good old Bono will be making approximately $1B out of his investments in the Facebook IPO. How's that for social consciousness!

This is a practice the Left is really good at. It is simply called "hypocrisy" and it is standard operating procedures for the enemies of freedom.
Progressives can freely exercise their financial freedom of investment that only Capitalism can give them, but anyone else who does the same while not espousing the Communist ideology, is instantly greedy, crooked and racist.
Making money is the reason cause people take chances and start businesses, the reason cause people go to work. The current leadership, truly merely self proclaimed leadership as they are no leaders in the least, could not care less about the freedom or even the ability of the American people to open or run a business or even to go to work. They could not care less about creating the right conditions for the private sector to create jobs. These so called leaders are only interested in blowing smoke in the face of the people who are only seen as voting eggheads.

Progressive thinking is that if you are a liberal, making money is your "right" but if you are a conservative, than making money is the sign of your greed and a tell tale of your willingness to exploit some lower social form.
That is why we hear multi-millionaire stating that they would not mind paying more taxes. Warren Buffett and similar morons, want everyone else pay taxes through the nose, while they enjoy cheating and not paying theirs. These people say that the "rich" should pay more, but they are not receptive in exercising their freedom to pay more to the IRS voluntarily.

So I have a suggestion. All millionaires registered Democrat and supporting liberal politicians and liberal ideology, should have a flat tax rate of 80%. I am sure Will Smith, Eva Longoria and Buffett will be satisfied about the government "taking care" of the needs of the people.
All others, should be afforded the freedom to keep more of their money or pay more if they want to.
I believe the situation would stimulate the economy out of the recession. All the money that Longoria wants me to pay for her beloved illegal aliens could be paid by her and her peers. And maybe she could buy herself some knowledge and wisdom. Or maybe not.

The irony of all this is that all these so called liberal millionaires live a life of true luxury, while trashing the life of luxury conservative millionaires live. What sense does that make?
Unless throwing a lavish, rich and decadent party during which one speaks against Bush or global warming, automatically absolves them from their excesses. That must be it!

Wealth accumulation and retention is basically condoned only when those doing it conform with the liberal progressive ideology.
So Obama spoke, so it will be written. Pharaoh Obama has spoken...

Just my thoughts!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

America: The New Twilight Zone

By Semperpapa

I thought it was just me losing my mind, but the Twilight Zone musical theme continues to pop up in my mind with increasingly and disturbing frequency.

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has been pro-active in his attempt to combat illegal immigration, is being sued by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
The accusations are that Arpaio has been using unconstitutional methods in handling Hispanic inmates.

My questions is: are you for real?
When it comes to the United States Constitution, there has been very few AGs in the history of our country who have trashed the Constitution as much as the current squatters at the DoJ and the White House.

In the spirit of the Constitution, one of the few real duties of the federal government is the protection of our international borders, a duty that the current administration, as much as many of the previous ones, has been absolutely incompetent.
And this is not the correct word. Incompetence implies the inability to do the right thing, but in the case of Obama and Holder and the entire regime, the problem is not inability to do things right, but the conscientious effort to do what is absolutely wrong and detrimental to our social and political system.

So while Holder is purposely ignoring black-on-white criminal federal prosecution (i.e. the Black Panthers voter intimidation crime of election day 2008 in Philadelphia), the Obamamedia, in full campaign mode, goes looking for some prank Romney did in High School.
And the sad and infuriating aspect of all this is that there are quite few American people who continue to be more interested in what Romney might have done in High School than what Obama and his minions are doing today. The Media is pursuing a story on Romney that is as I write, falling apart, but in the past have refused to even give a second look at Obama's own admission that he was basically a crack head in HS.

And the Twilight Zone music keeps on playing in my head...

Just my thoughts!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Beacon Of Freedom No More

By Semperpapa

Growing up in Italy in the 1960s and 1970s and the height of the Cold War, there was only one simple element that allowed my family to have some hope, and that was the possibility, should the Soviet tanks finally roll into our streets, that we could somehow seek and obtain political asylum in the United States by reaching either the embassy or the local consulate office.

And we were not alone, as every Western European country had individuals with secret plans of how to get to one of such locations of freedom should the necessity to escape dictatorship arise.

Even after the fall of the Soviet Union, seeking asylum from oppression at the doors of a safe heaven like an American official site has been the goal of every person wanting to live in peace.
But the image of America as a beacon of peace is finally gone. The forces of totalitarianism that have been lurking in the dark dungeons of America's progressive movement have achieved what countless foreign entities have failed to achieve over more than two centuries.
America is a beacon of freedom no more!

On the wake of the latest story about Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng attempt to reach the US Embassy in China, this following story has just surfaced.

This is what political expediency and pandering on the part of the scum occupying the White House and Congress has brought us: the loss of hope for millions.

Indeed, America was a beacon of hope for those human beings seeking liberty, but today has become the land of Obama and his ilks. The sacrifice of the principles that have characterized our short history has been decided by the power monsters that walk the halls of our capital.

Just my thoughts!

Semper America Rants On Facebook

Hey friends,

Don't forget that my rants, and mini-rants, are also on Facebook. Just search for Semper America and "like" my page...

Thanks folks and God bless our Troops and our Nation. We sure need it!

Frank Semperpapa

Nancy Pelosi Not Honest? Really?

By Semperpapa

No way, I said, as I read the statements of former CIA agent Jose Rodriguez. There is no way I am going to believe that someone so ethical, honest and whatever else like Pelosi would actually lie about anything.

OK, time to turn sarcasm off.

According to Rodriguez, and a pile of documentation backing his story up, the former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had been briefed about the enhanced interrogation techniques used by the CIA in the years following the September 11, 2001 attacks, on captured terrorists, for the purpose of gaining information on future attacks against our nation.

Repeatedly, Pelosi has rejected the insinuations that she had any knowledge of such enhanced interrogations techniques, stating that she would have not stand for torture. The truth of the matter is that in those dark days following the 9-11 attacks, every single politician was running scared, and for many reasons.

The high profile nature of these folks job and the fact tat they are always so ready and happy to place their faces in front of a camera or microphone make them targets for any follower of the religion of peace.
Moreover, being seen as supporters of what misguided progressive idiots call torture makes them targets for the ultra leftist fringe of unwashed bottom feeders, especially at a time when the Obama regime was unleashing the DoJ dogs against CIA operatives connected to Guantanamo.

Nancy Pelosi, well aware of the truth and of documentation proving it, went on record few years back denouncing at first any knowledge of such tortures occurring and later that she had been assured waterboarding was not being used. On both accounts, according to Rodriguez, the California congresswoman is at best failing to properly remembering or at worst being untruthful.

So what it really comes down to is credibility of two individuals: Rodriguez or Pelosi.

Well, I am going to be as diplomatic as I possibly can, but my bet is definitely on Rodriguez.
There is no way in hell that I would believe the word of a seasoned, corrupted, power hungry political beast like Pelosi over that of a CIA operative who has been fighting an unknown and dangerous war for the safety of America. This does not mean that I have blind faith in everything that Mr. Rodriguez says, after all I don't know the man, but in a contrast with trusting the ugly witch of the West or him, he wins hands down.

And couple of words about torturing.
I am sorry to disagree with Leslie Stahl about the Orwellian actions taken by CIA interrogators upon the terrorist. During her interview of Jose Rodriguez, the CBS dimwit could not mask her horror at the admission from Rodriguez that they had given Khalid Sheikh Mohammed the dietary supplement Ensure (a high vitamin, high protein drink used in hospitals to give cancer patients dietary supplements they would not get otherwise). Stahl called it "dietary manipulation" and America does not do that! (Of course unless you are Mooochelle Obama and you want to tell 300 million people what to eat, but I digress).
As I recover from from the horror of hearing that the operational mastermind of the 9-11 attacks had been forced to drink a dietary concoction, I became even more enraged by the fact that it was in part my tax money that paid for those drinks.
Hey, if I have to pay for torture of these sub-humans, I want to see fingernails ripped off, electrodes attached to genitals, power drill action.

Now that's good old fashion torture! Definitely nothing that the elitist morons like Pelosi or Stahl would know if it smacked them in the face.
We the People, on the other hand, have had to endure two years of looking at Pelosi ugly face as third in line to the Presidency: we KNOW what torture is.

Just my thoughts!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

When Class Does Not Matter

By Semperpapa

As in President Obama.

No there is obviously nothing wrong in a politician to self-praise for his or her accomplishment, but in the case of Obama and the killing of Bin Laden, the lack of any class or respect for the office of the Presidency and what it really represents for the American people, is appalling.

What would be acceptable is that the President would call the assassination of Osama Bin Laden an administration accomplishment in the arena of foreign policy and national security. But to parade as a blow fish and use the action in political ads goes well beyond the acceptable.
The action in Pakistan that netted the killing of the most hated sub-human for America, and many other civilized nations, was based on intelligence investigation that Mr. Obama not only had nothing to do with, but that he even tried to literally kill as he instructed his DoJ to investigate CIA operatives connected with Guantanamo Bay.
Moreover, the information that initially sparked the sequence of events which brought SEAL Team 6 to the compound where Osama was holed up, was obtained by the same people Obama criticized and via methodologies that he, Obama, vehemently opposed while pandering to the ultra left during the 2008 campaign.

The CIA memo that also has surfaced indicating that Obama had indicated that a Navy admiral was the author of the official authorization for the raid and the verbiage aimed at covering Obama's ass if things would have gone wrong, further indicates that the "courageous" leader wanted the political victory the action was going to bring if successful, but was ready to unload the blame if not.
This is the true sign of a cunning, successful politician and a lousy, despicable leader, descriptions that fit Obama very closely.

Than there is the use of the action heroically conducted by exceptional warriors in the political ad, which saw not only Obama taking credit for the actions of others, but also insinuating that his likely Republican opponent Mitt Romney would not have authorized the raid.
In the first place, there is no way that Obama can make such statement in honesty, but honesty is definitely not part of the DNA of this Chicago politician.
Secondly, as Romney responded, every president deserving such title would have authorized the mission with the info in hand. "Even Jimmy Carter" Romney added.

But Obama was not satisfied and actually double down accusing Romney of rejecting any action inside the so called ally Pakistan, just another Obama lie as Romney, paraphrasing, actually stated in 2007 that he would never take anything off the table , just he would never publicize it. Exactly right.
Obama's drive to political power is so perverted that he would have no problems in divulging sensitive info if it meant pandering to some voting block (and even leaking secret plans of our allies if necessary).

Some have qualified Romney answer as undignified by the mentioning of Carter's name, but I actually think that it is time toll it like it is, no more sugar coating. The stakes are the survival of our country.

Today we hear that Obama has made a surprise trip to Afghanistan to confer with Karzai and that there will be an Obama presser from the A-stan later (probably an official statement of surrender followed by an apology).
We can be assured that the Commander-in-Chief will somehow use the Military again as a campaign sound board, again a campaign stunt courtesy of the American taxpayers.

It is already awful to see a Nation slowly being brought down to its knees by the coordinated efforts of a relatively small number of radical tyrannical Marxists, but to add insult to injury, Obama is purposely doing so using our money and smearing that fact all over our collective faces, almost daring us to protest. And be labeled racist.

Oh well, I have been called worst...
Just my thoughts!