Saturday, September 29, 2012

How Can You Even Think Of Voting For Obama

By Semperpapa

This was the question I kept on asking four years ago, when I could see the bad picture on the wall and was so frustrated that the majority of the American people continued to remain absolutely ignorant about the reality of who they wanted to cast their vote for. The purposely or because of laziness, avoided even listening to the facts.

But the question remains today, as a matter of fact it has taken a whole new significance because now that we are getting to the time when we are asked to re-elect the man, we have a record that we can look at. Today we have all the results that four years ago were just signs, but they are now reality.

So I hear about the polls and who is up and who is down, who got a bump and who did not, and even as I dismiss these polls because they are conducted by folks with agendas, I am astonished by some of the results.

To the purpose of answering the original question, I want to look at the various voting blocks that the media points out as being decisive about the next elections.

The most obvious is the black voting block. We have all seen the videos of those people who declare that they support Obama because they get free telephone or free fuel, but I refuse to believe that the majority of black people agree with such extremes. I want to believe that the vast majority of black folks are, just like all those I personally know, mainly interested in supporting their families via meaningful employment.
In 2008, 95% of the black population voted for Obama. I can understand the principle, even if I cannot share the feeling, of the historical aspect of Obama candidacy, especially considering the lies he fed everyone during the campaign.
But today, again the record of the last four years should have an impact on the decision in November. Unemployment among the black population is way higher than the national average; unemployment among black youth is scandalous; foreclosures, bankruptcies have hit this voting block just as hard as the rest of the population, and Obama has flip-flopped about same-sex marriages.
And there is the issue of dependency. Obama has worked assuredly to increase the dependency of the American people upon the government. And while working hard to increase the number of Blacks depending on the government, he has arrogantly taken that voting block for granted. He has practically told black Americans that regardless of how horrific his policies have been, he will still get their vote because he is, after all, black. He has aimed at enslaving Blacks and by the videos I mentioned above, may have succeeded to some degree.
So why would American blacks still vote for the man?

Next is the American women.
Is the full support Obama is dedicated to for the continuation of the slaughter of unborn children the main reason for the majority of women to back his re-election? I cannot believe that either.
My daughter once told me something that only a woman can have the wisdom to feel: there is nothing less feminine, less woman-like than the killing of her own child. She has always believed that, but her conviction is even fortified by the miracle of her little daughter.
The left has coined the false slogan of the Conservative 'war on women' based on the position of Conservatives on abortion. They have been telling women that if Romney is elected, women will be relegated to coat hanger abortions in dark alleys. Women who inform themselves know very well that is a lie, but many only get their info from little 30 seconds ads during some reality show commercial.
The left has also gone as far as 'warning' that Romney want to take the vote away from women and a slur of other absurdities.
Meantime, Obama policies have hurt women much harder than other sectors of the population. Again unemployment and under employment, losing homes because of loss of job.
Even if the feminist movement has eroded the family entity by advancing the notion that the woman is not the center of the familiar nucleus, that truth still remains today. The woman still remains the central post of the American family and the person that is faced with the difficulties of very day living: the shrinking home budgets; the failings of education; safety and security of our children. Men worry about these things too, but we are so busy trying to put food on the table that some time we miss the small details that women have to face daily.
Again, I ask, why would women vote for Obama?

Then there is the new voting block the left is pursuing: the Hispanics.
I cannot understand the attraction that Obama has from this sector of the population. The plan for the liberals is to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, the vast majority of them form Mexico. And this position is supposed to make Obama the choice for millions of Hispanics who are legal in America.
Why would an American of Mexican origin be in favor of a political ideology aimed at making something illegal acceptable? Millions of Hispanics, either children of legal immigrants or legal immigrants themselves, work hard at building their lives and achieve the American dream. They waited their turn to be in America, they took the necessary legal steps to earn the right to prosper within our borders and have contributed enormously to the wealth of our Nation.
Every single Hispanic I personally know is totally against illegal immigration. They are against the notion that someone could just walk across the border and illegally live and work in the United States. They feel that the illegal aliens have not earned the right to be in America.
Our nation is a nation of immigrants, the famous melting pot. I am one of them, but while we maintain a personal level of cultural identity from our origins we are to succeed as Americans only if we embrace the laws of the country that welcomed us. Supporting a political current merely because it panders to cultural backgrounds is, to me, just as alien as those who entered the country illegally.
I immigrated from Italy following the rules and paying my dues. Nobody is going to convince me to vote for someone just because he or she tells me that all illegal Italian immigrants in America should be granted amnesty.

There are religious voting blocks that are being targeted by Obama and his minions. One of them, and close to my heart as I share the faith, are the Catholics. In 2008, American Catholics helped Obama win the elections in great percentage. At the time I would read news and blogs about why the followers of the Catholic religion were so in bed with this candidate. I clearly remember getting into excited debates with people who championed the Obama alleged position of human dignity. And I remember screaming that the man supports late term abortion, partial birth abortion and dependency upon the government.
The answer was always the same: we cannot base our support on single issues. Really? I still believe that the killing of innocent babies as they come out of the womb is a big one.
They argued with me about the position of Obama on individual dignity, the human dignity of the poor that he allegedly championed.
Personally, I believe that the enhancement of human dignity is well defined in the Declaration of Independence:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Nowhere in the Declaration or the Constitution says that these 'unalienable Rights' come from government. Our social and economic system is based on freedom for the individual. The role of government is merely to insure that such freedom is preserved, maintained and defended. The moment we surrender our individual freedom by placing the burden of achievement of these 'unalienable Rights' in the hands of government, we automatically enslave ourselves to government.
Human dignity is only achieved through personal effort. The government only has to create the right environment for the individual to thrive through hard work and the obedience of the laws of the land.
Today, the Catholic Church in America is faced with the realities of Socialism, something they did not have to contend with in the past. They lent their support to Obama for his takeover of the Health care system, only to be blindsided by the contraception issue of Obamacare. They had no problems with Socialized Medicine, which is a disaster in every country it has been implemented in, on the bases that it helps the poor. Can anyone in the Church explain to me how do "Death Panels" enhanced the human dignity of the poor?
The only way Socialized Medicine helps the poor is by making them die sooner.
Championing the concept of human dignity is a noble cause, but human dignity should be synonym with self reliance and personal responsibility, and that is what the Catholics supporting Obama do not seem to grasp.

The media that is part of the Obama re-election campaign also like to emphasize that their candidate has the overwhelming support of American Jews. That, if really the case, is just as baffling as the Catholic support.
The Obama administration has embarked in a veiled, but consistent trend of anti-Semitism. Many will disagree with me, but it is only deductive that if an administration welcomes into its mix elements that have a history of animosity against Jews, it must not be too keen at respecting that group of people.
Yet, the Obama regime has repeatedly shown its cards on this issue by embracing the radical Islam elements that have a visceral and consistent goal to eliminate the Jewish "problem".
From the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to the New Black Panthers here in America, Obama has demonstrated his real position on the situation, including his distancing from Israel.
Lately, things have become even more open and disturbing as Obama and his minions have openly discounted the Jewish state and its Prime Minister Netanyhau.
It is only evident that the crisis Israel faces today is one of gigantic proportions. The only reliable ally our country has in the region is facing an existential problem, because its enemies are at every point of their borders and their most eloquent one, Iran, may soon be in possession of nuclear weapons. Israel already has an arsenal of nuclear weapons and yet, regardless of the daunting threats they have faced in the past, they have never used them. Can anyone assure the world, and especially the Israelis, that Iran would not seek to see a nuclear mushroom over Tel Aviv?
But instead Obama is more interested in pleasuring his Islamic friends than standing by our only ally in the Middle East. Maybe he does not believe the Holocaust really happened or maybe is not concerned that it could happen again.
So why are the American Jews supporting Obama? I cannot answer the question. Movie moguls like Stephen Spielberg carry the water for the man who openly ignores and sometimes supports their very enemies and I cannot understand why.

Lastly, I am baffled by the support the youth of America shows for Obama. Surely I understand that the college crowd is completely brainwashed by an academia that has been working for the destruction of the American way for decades. The hippies of the 1960s became the professors of today's universities, pounding the brains of young, impressionable students into believing the evil America is. The propaganda has created a large portion of youngsters who hate America as much as those 1960s rejects did, even as they do not understand or know any of America history.
But that is only the tip of the iceberg. For decades, the alleged institutions of higher learning have been inundated by faculty members from the Middle East, from the same country where today they attack our embassies and kill our people. Many of these professors are decent people, but many are radicalized people who are just following the plan of internal destruction of our Nation.

In 1838, Abraham Lincoln said this:

"All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

Basically, what Lincoln was warning about was that no outside army and greatest leader could take America down. Our demise as a nation can only be ushered by ourselves.
This truth, combined with the infiltration from ideologies like Communism and Islam, has created the perfect storm for today. And it is all handed to us in one single man and his minions: Barack Hussein Obama.
So if the young college students with their student loans and their contorted minds are inclined to have a future of poverty, mediocrity and totalitarianism, their support for Obama actually makes some sense.

It is a great shame that the anti-American forces assembled around the world have gotten the opportunity to infiltrate our country at the highest levels. I guess it is sort of a price we have to pay for having a free society.
I am somewhat confident that at some point the average American will understand the reality we are living in and decide to reverse the national decadence the left has brought upon our once great country. I just hope when that time comes, it will not be too late.
America still remains the best, most generous, compassionate country in the world, but the exceptionalism it has enjoyed in the last two centuries is purposely being eroded by an ideology of mediocrity that Obama promised the American people four years ago.
The record is clear and an ominous sign of the future if there are still so many who can even think about voting for Obama in November.

Just my thoughts!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Benghazi? What About Benghazi?

By Semperpapa

Yes, what about Benghazi?

Do you remember a nice place called Abu Ghraib? It was a prison in Iraq where some deviant soldiers in 2004 engaged in some dubious behavior upon some of the Iraqi prisoners held there.
For months the MSM and the liberal politicians harped on President Bush regarding Abu Ghraib, inciting violent protest in Iraq and labeling all United States Military as an arm of Nazi Bush.

You may remember also that in Abu Ghraib, the violations were fairly mild, not much different than the activities you may see at some fraternity party in some of the Ivy League universities in the United States, and the pictures from the prison were probably scrutinized carefully by Barney Frank in preparation for future parties. Moreover, none of the Iraqi people were killed and the responsible individuals were prosecuted and punished.
And yet, the MSM and the sewer inhabitants like Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin and Ted Kennedy went after Bush with the highest level of vitriol, holding the Commander-in-Chief accountable for the soldiers' conduct (yes, those days are gone under Obama, the Non-Accountable-in-Chief).

Different set of circumstances, but I just want to point out that the Obama administration dramatically fouled up the security conditions and the aftermath of the sacking of the Benghazi consulate, which cost the lives of four American citizens, and a deafening silence can be heard from the MSM and the left side of the political arena.

By all indications, the White House knew within 24 hours of the killing of Ambassador Stevens and the other three victims that the attack had been a planned event by Al Qaeda to hit American interests in celebration of the 9-11-01 terrorist attacks.
Still, Obama and his minions, including Hillary Clinton and UN Ambassador Susan Rice, perpetuated the lie that the violence was a "spontaneous" response to some anti-Mohamed video buried somewhere in the Internet.
What the administration engaged in was a total misrepresentation of the facts, aimed at giving false information to the American people.

And the MSM still tries to spin the whole disgusting episode to Obama's defense, in full damage control mode. But the facts are what they are.
Obama knew, or should have known, that it was a terror attack.
Obama should have skipped the lavish fund raisers in Las Vegas and New York. Even if details may have not been available immediately, the place of a real President at a time of crisis, when National Security is under attack and an ambassador and three other US citizens have been murdered, should have been at the White House.
Obama for days continued to blame a stupid video for Islamic violence, bringing ever increasing attention to the same video.
Obama even lied all the way to the United Nations podium, where, again, he mentioned the video.

With few exceptions, the MSM and the Democrats still remain in spin mode. Why? Very simple: the marching orders are to insure that nothing will stand between Obama and power next November.

Benghazi? What about Benghazi?
Nothing to see there...

Just my thoughts!

My Future Is NOT Islam

By Semperpapa

I have a problem with this statement, made by Obama at the United Nations on Tuesday.

“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”

There are two ways I interpret this statement.

One is that Obama is so naïve about the whole reality of radical Islam, he is so ignorant about the goals and agendas of the Muslim leadership that he is practically merely bending over to the demands of those who are actively seeking the destruction of Western Civilization.

Appeasing the enemy is the only way Obama sees as the possibility of coexistence between Muslims and the rest of humanity is to conform to their demands. Just as Neville Chamberlain did in 1939, Obama is only delaying the inevitability of an open conflict by refusing to stand the Muslim invasion.

The other is that Obama is greatly sympathetic with the ideology of radical Islam. Even if we were willing to accept his Christianity, it appears that Obama’s Islamic background may still be conditioning his thinking and leanings to this day.

May it be because of his visceral anti-colonialist beliefs or because he favors the creation of an Islamic Caliphate, the open aversion toward Western Civilization, Israel and America itself seems to be the driving force for Obama stance on Middle East issues.
There is an innate fallacy in the statement.

If we follow the directives of radical Islam, the future only belongs to the followers of Mohamed and Shania law.

According to Islam, non-believers, or infidels, are either to be killed, enslaved or subject to extraordinary taxation. Anyone who converted to any religion from Islam, which includes our great Obama, is considered an apostate and deserving of immediate killing.
So, in contrast with the president’s statement, the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam, but being an infidel already qualifies me as someone who slanders the prophet, so there is no future for me.
After all, then, we Christians or Buddhists or any other religious believers do not have any future, and this I reject.
Sorry if I offend Muslims, but it is just not in my lexicon to kneel in front of any Islamic order or any pro-Islam presidential impostor.
The ideology of the religion of peace is one that promotes and justifies the annihilation of every one who does not believe like they do. Sure, I hear it all the time: the radicalized Muslims are just a small percentage of those who actually follow the religion and that may be true, but I have a great problem with those who remain silent as the small minority slaughter innocent people.
There is a profound understanding of the mentality of radical Islam I fully understand: they only comprehend and respect the application of power and violence. That is the way Mubarek and Gheddafi were able to maintain power over the Islamist hordes for decades.
On the other hand, appeasement and bowing to their radicalism only embolden their hatred and fuel their vision of conquest.

This is an American willing to only stand next to those who will forever fight against the barbaric hunger for power and subjugation.

Just my thoughts!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Message To The Muslim World

By Semperpapa

By now you all know about the apology video that Obama and Clinton showed to the people of Pakistan, in effect apologizing for America and for the obscure video that the Muslims considered offensive.
The apology is in itself not just a highly misguided attempt to appease the terrorist hordes of the religion of peace, but also an even more dangerous sign of surrender on the part of America leadership.

Yes, I said surrender and that is exactly what Obama's message wants to be, and it give the terrorists a green light for the pursuit of their goals, which are the further infiltration of their ideology into our lives and the ever close take down of Western civilization.

Never in our history a US president has expressed disdain for the expression of free speech to foreign enemies. The message that this president is really sending out is that the so called leader of the free world condemns the exercise of one of the basic rights we, as American, have.
Our Constitution guarantees that we are free to express our opinion without having the government curtailing that right in any way (and spare me the "yelling fire in a crowded area" cliche).
People have the right to express their views and no government agency should have the right to infringe upon that right.
Of course we can disagree with the message and we, again via free speech, have the right to argue and debate and ridicule the message we find unacceptable, but we CANNOT and SHOULD NOT infringe upon the right for any idiot to prove their idiocy.

In America we have the right to preach whatever religion we care for or preach nothing; we have the right to burn the American flag; we have the right to protest at Military funerals. Regardless of how much we find the speech repugnant, the message is not what is important, but the very freedom of speaking the message.

The Muslim hoards are now demanding in many ways that the United States limit our First Amendment right. They are even engaging the United Nations to pressure America to establish censorship when it comes to criticizing Islam. In response, our illustrious leadership decided to broadcast an apology to Pakistan, not to mention the apologetic stand the administration held in the two weeks following the attacks against our embassies and the murder of our citizens. The most evident result of this action was that some Pakistani high level minister place a $100,000 bounty for the killing of the video maker.

So, in the spirit of my tolerance for Islamic bullying, here is the message I would send Pakistan:

Dear terrorists,
it has come to my attention that you are demanding we subvert our Constitution in order to appease your 7th century mentality. To that we, the United States of America, say: go pound sand. And God knows you have a lot of that.
Moreover, we want to send you a clear message: any further attack against American diplomatic missions in your country, will be considered an open act of war and will be responded to in kind.
You hid Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the 9-11-01 attacks on your soil for years, giving him aid and support while pretending to be our ally and happily taking our money. Responding to such betrayal, we are immediately cutting every aid to your country.
If you want to continue to kill each other in the streets, we are not going to oppose such actions, because we feel you have the freedom to do so, but any harm that may come to a US citizen because of your backward mind set will not be tolerated in the least.
You also have 48 hours to release the doctor, who helped us find bin Laden, and his whole family unarmed to our custody for immediate transport to the United States.

A Real President of the United States

That is if we had one.

Just my thoughts!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Shooting First, Aiming Later?

By Semperpapa

Obama used his appearance on one of the Obama media outlets to accuse Mitt Romney of "shooting first, aiming later" after Romney's response to the attacks against our diplomatic interests in Libya and Egypt.
Obama, with his usual arrogant and condescending face, attempted to show that HE, the ONE, is so versed at conducting foreign policy that nobody else can match his brilliance.

In the first place, Obama had, at the time of his taking office, even less experience than Romney in matters of foreign policy.
Moreover, the conditions of our foreign policy is so disastrous that if the current conditions are indicative of Obama policy making, we must hope that soon he will just go away to organize radicalism somewhere else, before we get into a war with Britain.

Back to the shooting, aiming thing.
Obama should avoid talking about jumping to conclusions, as he and his ilks, like Clinton and Susan Rice, have done just so by coming out publicly and "assessing" that the motivation for the attacks was some obscure video on the Internet.
Without going into too many details again about the statement Romney made on September 11, which was the ONLY presidential-worthy statement made immediately following the murder of our ambassador and the three other US citizens, it is clear that Romney's words were dictated by the apologetic tone that the administration took in regard to the violence perpetrated against our citizens.

If there is one example of shooting first and aiming later in this whole mess, it certainly comes from Obama and his little puppy dogs in the administration and in the media.
They came out and blamed the video before any real investigation had been made. Obama continued to spread that manure and to some degree still does, even after the officials at State and even his Jay Carney press secretary have finally stated that the attacks were coordinated and terrorist in nature.
Obama and the other disaster, Hillary Clinton, even went as far as spending $70,000 of taxpayers' money to appear on Pakistani television apologizing for America (the dividend of that debacle, by the way, was for the Pakistani government to launch a Day of Love on Friday, which cost the life of 19 people during the violence that erupted).

So the Middle East is exploding as we speak. The Obama administration is devastated by how their horrendous policies just blew up in their faces. Israel is in clear and present danger. Our embassies in 20+ countries are under siege from radical Islamist.
And the president goes on Letterman and goes party with his useless celebrities friends.
And even today, as the video and proof that the murdered citizens in Benghazi were tortured before being killed have surfaced, Obama does not seem to be perturbed by it, nor he seems to be distracted from trying to cover up his well designed foreign affairs incompetence.

Some foreign policy, uh?

Just my thoughts!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Behind The Passion

By Semperpapa

It's barely 0400. It's still dark outside, the only sound greeting me is that of a cricket, hiding somewhere in my bunker.
Once again, I beat the alarm clock and I am wide awake, facing another day of commute and work.
This has been happening almost every morning for the last couple of months: waking up way before my alarm clock tells me it is time to face a new day.

I am blessed. I have a good job and I am surviving the economic mess my country is in, and considering the millions of Americans who have and still are unemployed, I feel deeply guilty when I have a "bad day" at work. I am sure many fellow Americans would love to have a bad day like mine.

And that is where my problem is: I wake up at these ungodly times and my mind starts processing my fears and that is it, as far as going back to sleep.

My fears. I speak and write in this blog about them, at times triggering responses form many that tell me that as much as they agree with me, they think I am too passionate about them. At time even exaggerated.
Yes I can get passionate about it, but there are good reasons behind such passion.

In the 1980s, when I got married and started a family, my wife and I made the choice that she wanted to be home with our children instead of having some stranger in some day care raising them. It was not a difficult choice morally, but a difficult one economically.
So I worked two jobs which allowed us to follow the choice we had made, with the results we see now in our daughter and our son.

Today, for a couple like us, that choice is practically non-existent. There are no part time jobs available, mostly because they are taken by folks who have no other job and who need that part time job. Maybe they can only find two or three of those jobs to make ends meet. And in some cases, a man who wants to do as I did in those days is competing with illegal aliens who will work for much less.

What's behind my passion? Simply put, I see the ruin that president Obama has brought upon our nation and I weep for my country. Many people I talk with tell me that I worry too much about these things, that my concerns about the loss of liberty we are facing daily is not there or it is not as severe.
These responses come from a belief that the destruction of our republic, as engineered by Obama and his minions, is not as severe and that eventually the American people will see through it and do the right thing. It happened after the Carter administration, and it will happen again. Those were the years when I came to the United States, legally, and was lucky enough to find a job.
But today things are much different.

In 2008, as the Obama campaign rolled over everything and anything, fueled by economic and racial divide masterfully applied by the forces of the left, I saw the dangers that Obama and his throngs posed for the American way of life. The words Obama spoke about "fundamentally transforming" America were ominous to me, but not to the rest of America, who proceeded to elect a man whose interest was everything but America.
And America has been fundamentally transformed! We have gone from a nation of producers to a nation of takers. The 47% of the American people who pay no income tax at all is definitely not comprised all of people who are necessarily smooching the system, but the fact that welfare is at an all time high, the fact that dependence on some sort of government subsidy is now seen as a good thing, something for Obama to be proud of is highly disturbing and foreign to the typical American spirit.

If 33 years ago, as I was building my new life in the best country in the world, someone would have come to me and told me that within few decades a president would have ushered into our nation a communist regime, I would have said the same thing as some of my critics: no way, you are exaggerating. Not in America.
If someone would have told me that within three decades our debt would have been $16 trillions, that 23 million Americans would have been out of work, that we would have had a president who apologize for our country to our enemies, that we would have been the laughing stock of international terrorism, I would have laughed in their faces.
If someone would have told me that the most ingenious and innovative country in the world would have been dependent on foreign enemies for energy and manufacturing, I would have called for the padded wagon.

And yet, that is exactly what is happening today.
We have a president who has banked, and still continues to, on racial divide to assume and keep power over the people. Never before, since I have been in the United States, I have seen such a racial separation in not only the political discourse, but in the behavior of people. Just before the 2008 elections, I was threatened by two black guys in a car as I was commuting on the freeway. I am convinced that the traffic saved me, as it stopped them while they were throwing racial insults at me from the car. My sin? I had a McCain/Palin sticker on my bike.

We have a president who wants to keep America energy dependent on our enemies. He wants to downgrade our country to satisfy his belief that American exceptionalism is something we should be ashamed of, something that we don't deserve, something that needs to be reversed. And he has been working hard at that.
Stopping the construction of the Keystone pipeline; preventing any off-shore drilling; stopping the development of the oil fields in Alaska; attacking and purposely wanting to destroy the coal industry; attacking the new and marvelous process of fracking. All this while he gives our tax dollars to foreign countries like Brazil to develop their off-shore drilling and sell their oil back to us, making the billionaire, and Obama supporter, George Soros even richer.
We have a president who uses tax payers money to subsidize "clean energy" companies who are already on the verge of bankruptcy, stipulating that the investors get their money before the American people once the company is gone. And, low and behold, the investors are huge Obama campaign donors!

We have a president who, by his own statement, sees the Constitution as an obstacle to his goals, and who repeatedly finds ways to circumvent our founding document and the law of the land.
This is a guy who is ready to persecute opponents for disagreeing with his policies. Anyone who dares point out his radicalism and threaten his hold on power, can expect scrutiny by a disgustingly partisan media and a visit from the IRS.

This is a president who has rendered the thousands of casualties from the war in Iraq useless, because his policies of "ending the war" has created a situation in that country where now it is helping Iran getting weapons to the regime in Syria.
Not to mention the duplicity of the message sent to the Middle East. While on his apology tour in 2009, Obama tried to appease radical Islam, promising a new beginning in relations. A combination of bowing and apologizing and promise to make sure America will stop being arrogant.
He did nothing when the people of Iran took to the streets protesting their dictatorial leaders and demanding freedom form the ayatollahs in 2009, but backed profusely the Arab Spring which had all the signs of radical Islam achievement of power. Even as the Muslim Brotherhood was gaining predominance in Egypt, Obama and his administration downplayed the radicalism of that group. Was that an "oh shit" or was it by design?

All these are facts and just few of them. This president has created a voting block of dependent Americans who, in droves, will vote for him again, if nothing more than to keep getting free stuff.

So, again, what is behind my passion.
Well, I have two children and four grand children. I have enjoyed the exceptionalism of America since the day I put foot on the soil of this magnificent country. I have started businesses, succeeded and failed, but at least I had the opportunity. Today I do not see that opportunity for my family, thanks to the open warfare that Obama and his hordes are conducting against the private sector.
Horrendous regulations and restrictions, coupled with increasingly higher taxation is making the private sector shrink, fueling unemployment.
But the worst part is the loss of freedom.
Our First Amendment right is under siege. People are persecuted for their free speech.
Our Second Amendment is under fierce attack. The government is searching for every possible angle to preclude Americans to own and bare arms, the next logical move for any dictatorial regime. The government even went to the extreme of engaging in something like Fast and Furious so to seek public outcry.
The government is forcing Americans to purchase products, like with Obamacare, and if they do not, the IRS will come after you.
The government s telling us what we eat, what we drive, what we buy, how big our toilette tank has to be, how much fuel we buy and what kind of fuel we buy. They even want to tell us what kind of light bulb we can use.

That is the monster behind my passion. I fear that my children and grand children will be living their lives in a country that resembles the country I run away from; a country where the government runs every aspect of our lives; a country where class distinction and discrimination becomes the norm; where personal work ethics and willingness to sacrifice are useless when it comes to succeeding in life; a country where personal, individual success is denigrated, suspected and stifled.
I fear that the freedoms so many American paid in blood for will be overruled by an overbearing government of elitist power grabbers.

I fear that my grandchildren will not have the chance to open a lemonade stand without a permit; that they will not be allowed the spirituality of prayer; thet they will never enjoy the marvels of a space program or some invention that would benefit mankind. I am fearful that they will encounter discrimination because of the color of their skin, or their religious beliefs or their political orientation, not because America has become less tolerant, but because they may not conform with the liberal elitist power structure.

Yes, these are some of the fears that keep me up at night. Some may think I am exaggerated, but all I ask is to get informed and look at what this country has become. If you like all the "changes" Obama gave us, than you really do not deserve to live in America. If you don't, than do your duty next November and hopefully we can get back the country we once had.

Just my thoughts!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Debates Are Totally Useless

By Semperpapa

I am not sure what the hell is the RNC doing!
Why have the Republican agreed to presidential campaign debates moderated by ultra liberal pundits?
The first will be on October 3 and the moderator is Jim Lehrer from PBS.

The second will be October 16 moderated by Candy Crowley of CNN.

And the third will be on October 22 with Bob Schieffer of CBS.
Even the vice-presidential debate, to be held on October 11, will be moderated by Martha Raddatz of ABC.
So, why are all the debate moderators liberal?

Considering the fact that each one of these so called journalists has continuously campaigning for the re-election of Obama, it is only natural that a sane thinking American would have some reservations about the line up.
I, for one, have no doubt that these liberal pundits will make sure that their approach to the debate will be the relentless attack against Romney. We may never find out the truth, but I could bet on “communication” between the Obama campaign and these journalistic terrorists regarding the questions that will be asked so that Obama can be ready.
But again, my question is not for the traitors on the left, but for the idiots in the RNC that are allowing this travesty to occur.
Many say that the debates will be pivotal in convincing the “undecided”. Personally, I do not believe that there are undecided voters, with the exception of those who live under rocks, but I am also convinced that the debates will be so one-sided and manipulated that the result of them will be absolutely useless.
Just my thoughts!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Obama Trojan Horse

By Semperpapa

No I am not referring to Sandra Fluke's crusade for free contraceptives. I am talking about the cunning actions of one man and his very effective horde of subversives: Obama and his cronies.

Everyone knows the story of the Trojan horse used by Ulysses to bring defeat and destruction to the city of Troy. For over ten years the city had been under siege, but was nowhere near defeat when Ulysses came up with the plan for the horse.
It was presented to the people of Troy as a gift, a free gift on the part of the attackers who had decided the war was to be ended.
Ulysses and few other Greeks hid inside the horse as the people of Troy brought the construction inside the walls of the city. As the Trojans were asleep after a long night of victory celebration, Ulysses came out and open the city gates for the rest of the Greek forces who proceeded to sack the city.

The 10+ years of the Trojan siege can be equaled to over forty years of siege that the liberal progressives have brought upon the American nation and its people. The modern day Ulysses is Obama while the horse is his administration.

Obama brought his "horse" inside the walls of our nation in January 2009 as he was able to lie to enough American people in believing that he was a president for the people, for hope and change.
He was able to lie his way inside the presidency and immediately started to sack the nation, destroying every single aspect of our country.

Even in Troy there were many people who did not trust the "gift" from the enemy, but were outnumbered and set aside. Many of us were also not inclined to trust the inexperienced radical community organizer from the lurid Chicago political scene, but we were discarded as racist, because Obama is half black.

Today, after four consecutive years of ransacking, pillaging and destruction, we find ourselves in a country that Obama, wanting so viscerally to "change", is almost unrecognizable.

Our debt is stratospheric.
Our unemployment is immoral.
Our freedoms, what ever freedoms we have left, are under attack.
Our dependency on the government is unsustainable.
Our foreign policy is in shamble.
Our enemies are rewarded.
Our allies are rejected.
Our principles are devastated.

I am not sure how long it took Ulysses and his soldiers to lay waste to Troy, but we know that Obama took approximately three and a half years to do it in America.

At the time of Troy defeat, the Trojan army was one of the strongest in the civilized world, but it took the subterfuge of Ulysses, a "free" gift from an enemy, to render it useless.
Similarly, Obama has been pandering to the Military, the only real organized force that stands in his way to complete dictatorship, and by the time he is done with the destruction of that entity, there will be nobody left to reclaim our beloved America, outside of We the People.

One final similarity.
Those inside Troy who argued for the acceptance of the "gift" from the enemies, sought appeasement. They fell victims to a facade of promises that was going to bring prosperity and peace to their little corner of the world. Similarly, the Obama supporters today seek appeasement with the enemies of our nation, hoping for acceptance from people who want us dead, gone, vanquished.
These supporters are willing to relinquish their freedom in exchange for a free ride somewhere, not realizing that the only ride they are going to be on is the one toward socio-economic abyss.

What these people do not recognize is that Obama is one of those politicians who likes to bamboozle the masses into believing that he is for them, but they are too ideologically and historically ignorant to see that people like Obama are in it exclusively for their own megalomaniac hunger for power.

Every dictator in history has used the same tactic and after obtaining absolute power they just rolled over their people, while maintaining exclusive life styles.
Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Pol Pot, Kim Jon Il, and so many others, all were able to con the masses into believing that their actions were justified for the betterment of the people, until the people started to say "Hey, wait a minute. We did not sign up for this" and those who dared to speak begun to disappear. Actually, they did sign up for it when they bought into the notion that government is the answer to every question.

So, we can listen to bunch of leeches masquerading as journalists, hell bent on singing the praises of Ulysses while the Trojan horse tramples their rights, as they take a myopic ideological look at what our future may be.
Or, we can change at least our history and reject the "free gift", the Obama Trojan horse, and re-take our country.
If we fail, just as Troy never again regained its luster, neither will America.

Just my thoughts!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Our Country Is Lost

By Semperpapa

It may actually be too late for America to return to a constitutional sanity, where the Bill of Rights is the law of the land.
While the degradation of our rights as American citizens has been going on for years and while the forces of left wing totalitarianism have been active underground for decades, the erosion of the principles that have kept our Nation strong has taken a life on its own in the person of the current president.

This is a picture taken of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the man who made the short film bashing Islam and that the administration hold responsible for the sparking of the unrest in the Middle East.

What you are looking at is the death of free speech in America, compliments of a government that has gotten completely out of control, fostered by a president that is mostly absent from his duties, but seemingly ready to reject the constitutional rights of the citizens.

Nakoula was picked up by Sheriff deputies in the middle of the night and taken to a station to answer questions regarding some alleged probation violations. He was released 30 minutes later, obviously because there was nothing for the government to pin on him.

Every thinking person knows that the unrest in the Middle East is not because of an obscure video that has been around since June 2012, but that instead was sparked by the profound hatred the Arab world has against America. The mere fact that the beginning was slated for the 11th anniversary of the September 11 attacks and the coordination across multiple nations of that part of the world is a clear indication that the cause for the mayhem is the disastrous Obama foreign policy, or better yet, the total absence of a coherent handling of foreign affairs. The only fools who still believe that some insignificant video is the cause of the mayhem are Hillary Clinton and James Carney.

The big problem I see is that as an American citizen, Nakoula has all the rights afforded to him by the First Amendment of our Constitution to speak whatever he wants.
I deeply loath the hate messages that the Westboro Baptist Church brings to Military funerals and on a personal base I would love to see their actions being curtailed, and yet I have in the past and still today maintained that their speech, as disgusting and vile it may be, should not be silenced by a governmental entity. Once that threshold is passed, legal precedent is established and can be used to silence all citizens, a clear violation of our rights and a quick road to dictatorship.

Just as in the case of the WBC, the anti-Islam video, in a free society, is to be policed by the people. As the hate message of the WBC started to gain publicity, private citizens, like members of the American Legion and the Patriot Guard Riders, banded together to stand in front of the miscreants with flags, singing patriotic songs to shield the grieving families from the sight of hate.
Similarly, the people will silence this film by just not watching, and I am one of them.

What we do not need and do not want is a government that goes to the media (Youtube) and ask them to find some violation of the posting rules to shut the video down; and we do not need or want to see people being led out in handcuffs just because they expressed their ideas and embarrassed the political leadership.
These, my friends, are clear signs of a dictatorial government.

The Obama administration is clearly lawless. It searched, found and made public the identity and location of Nakoula, with total disregard for the potential arm that could come to him from the Islamo-fascists that reside in our country. It also created a potential dangerous situation for all the residents who live around the man's house. I can tell you that if some member of the religion of peace would blow himself up at the location trying to "punish" Nakoula and hurt a member of my family, I would not be a happy camper.

But in the mind of the campaigner Obama, each one of us is just a tool for his maintenance of power. We the little people, the unwashed masses, the hard working morons, are nothing more than expendable non entities, necessary insignificant casualties on the road to Obama magnificence.

Our country is lost! It pains me to no end to admit it. It is lost because even as the disastrous policies of Obama have taken the Nation to the edge of the abyss on every aspect of our lives, still there are people across the country who believe that the man deserve four more years.
May it be because they stand ideologically in goose step with the Fascist views of Obama, which is bad enough, or because his policies get them free stuff, which is a lot worst.

Well, we have one last chance in November. Is everything going to right itself up with a Romney's victory? Of course not. I am not that naive. But I know for sure that the current situation in our country can get much, much worst (yes, that is still possible that it could get worst!) if Obama is re-elected.

Just my thoughts!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Death Of Free Speech Is Near And The Media Does Not Care

By Semperpapa

The entity in America that holds the lowest approval rating with common sense Americans is not Congress as reported by the media, but the mainstream media itself.
Sure they are not going to tell you that, but the opinion on the media I have heard and read about in the last couple of years, definitely places the media in the bottom of the barrel.

Why is it so? Very clearly, the common sense American people are continuously scratching their heads when they witness the so called journalists of the MSM.
No more proof of it than in the last few days when we have the entire region of the Middle East and North Africa exploding into violence and chaos, US diplomats being murdered, embassies being overrun and defaced and the MSM is spending all its time attacking the GOP candidate Mitt Romney for being the only person who actually demonstrated presidential demeanor in response to the mayhem taking place in the Middle East.

What makes things even funnier, in a parallel universe sort of way, is that the liberal hordes are twitting around again about Romney’s tax returns. No I am not joking.

So when I read the article on regarding the statement from the State Department about not responding to any more questions about the events in Libya that cost the death of four Americans, I find myself asking: what took them so long?

When Obama came out in the Rose Garden and made his little statement last Wednesday, he spewed his usual diatribe and left without taking any questions. And the MSM was silent, as the impostor took off for his campaigning efforts in Las Vegas.
And the media was so busy attacking Romney for behaving presidential that they completely ignored the fact that Obama was AWOL in a moment of national security crisis. Just that behavior alone clearly disqualifies him from being the president of the United States.

It does not help at all, in this current crisis, that the worst sec. of State in our history, Hillary Clinton, is still harping that the motivation for the attacks was some obscure anti-Islam video circulating on YouTube.
Really, Mrs. Clinton? A multi-nations coordinated attack against our diplomatic interests in countries where radical Islamic thugs run around killing people was all because of a little video? Sure, and your husband is a faithful partner!

Moreover, we have the eunuch press secretary James Carney handing out the same bull crap at the White House presser.
Well, I cannot fault these characters for behaving as if the American people are stupid and ignorant. After all Obama was elected.

The death of free speech in America is as close as it ever was. The federal government went to the extreme of searching, finding and divulging the real identity and location of the man responsible for the video, while the Obamamedia was filling the airwaves with calls for his immediate prosecution. The level of hatred for the man on the part of the so called Obamamedia is so visceral that listening to them is the same as listening to the terrorists in the videos from Cairo or Benghazi as they call for the beheading of anyone who insults Islam. Truly, save the fact that the throngs on MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NPR and all the rest are doing it in English, there really isn’t much difference from the lunatics shown in the streets of the Middle East.

The position taken by the State Dept. on refusing to divulge any information about the death of the Americans in Libya is therefore great news for the MSM, because it allows them to concentrate on much more important issues for the American people, like the oldie but goodie Romney’s tax returns…

Waiting for flying pigs and unicorns!

Just my thoughts!

MSNBC Chris Matthews Dangerously Edging Toward Mental Abyss

By Semperpapa

Yes, nobody watches this guy, his program or his network, but nevertheless he remains a great source of entertainment for those of us who look at him as a waste of good oxygen.

But from a pure humanitarian point of view, the last few weeks have shown that Chris Matthews is dangerously edging toward a personal mental abyss.
The latest comes from a statement he made during a segment with former San Francisco mayor Willy Brown (poor old Willy, reduced to having to appear on MSNBC for attention, but that’s another story).

This is what Tingle said:

“I thought the decision by Romney to run for president, even as this president had not yet even been inaugurated, Mayor, showed a certain kind of disdain,” said Matthews. “I don’t want to get into his head on this – I don’t like the look of it – but he seemed to think, ‘Well, this guy could be beat by me.’”

I know that the statement does not make much sense, but the point of it was that Matthews saw great arrogance in Mitt Romney decision to run against his majesty Obama, arrogance in thinking that he, Romney, could actually beat the mighty Obama.

Worth noting briefly, is Willy Brown’s answer:

“I’ve got a message for Mitt Romney – I wouldn’t do any head games with Barack Obama. He’s not smart enough, I don’t think he’s clever enough and he clearly has no street about him at all.”

Ok then, according to Brown Romney has “no street about him” which I guess means that the GOP candidate did not grow up in the ‘hood. Yes, because Obama did?

But back to Matthews.
Is Chris suggesting that the mere decision to run for president should be based not on the desire to challenge an incumbent president, but on WHO that president is or the moment in history?
If that is the case, then Chris should have criticized John Kerry for running against George W. in 2004 at a moment when the nation was still recuperating from the September 11 attacks and was involved in two military conflicts. But that’s not it.

Matthews’ objection to Romney decision to run against Obama is based on the fact that Chris believes that nobody should have the temerity to challenge his precious Obama. For Chris Matthews, Obama should be hailed as “Supreme Being” not just of our country, but, in time, of the entire planet.

I am not sure what the problem is with Chris Matthews. It may be that he just suffers from a form of unhealthy “man crush” with Obama or it may be just a case of a man coming out of the closet, like his colleague Anderson Cooper at CNN.
As much as the lunatic tirades of Chris Matthews can be endless sources of entertainment and amusement, I am still somewhat concerned about the man mental conditions, again from a pure humanitarian point of view, because the level of devotion to Obama shown reaches the limits of absurdity. Even when Chris cannot defend Obama’s obvious record of incompetence and radicalism, he immediately runs for the racial angle.
Clearly, in Matthews’ small, padded room world, disagreeing with the mighty Obama is just racist because the man’s brilliance could not possibly be challenged.

On the night of the elections next November, I will force myself to check MSNBC coverage. Should Romney score a victory, I am very sure that poor Chris Matthews will literally self-combust on live TV and that, my friends, would be extremely entertaining.

Just my thoughts!

Friday, September 14, 2012

America Is Angry

By Semperpapa

Isn't this the accusation we hear all the time from the left and the media? Of course, together with racist, sexist, homophobes, heartless and the list goes on and on.
But in reality, is there a reason cause the American people should be angry? Yes, there is.

We are angry because we see the strength of our Nation reduced to an abysmal level, both economically and as a force of good around the world.
We are angry because one man, Barack Hussein Obama, has succeeded in just four years, to undo a lot of the principles of America for the sole purpose of appeasing his own personal radical ideology.

We are angry that his hatred for our Nation and his lust for power have translated in rendering over 4,000 Military deaths worthless in Iraq with his unilateral withdrawal from that country, which is now falling back into sectarian disaster and becoming a satellite of Iran.

We are angry that Obama sold our troops in Afghanistan, authorizing only a portion of the troops requested by Gen. McChrystal and at the same time announcing the time when we would pull them all out of that country. Basically told our enemy to just sit tight and wait, and in the meantime kill as many of our Military as possible so to put more psychological pressure on the American people.

We are angry because he campaigns on his support of the Military while at the same time trying to cut their medical coverage and increasing their medical expenses.
And for allowing a despicable report from the Dept. of Homeland Security to label returning Veterans as potential domestic right wing terrorists.

We are angry because we witnessed, on multiple occasions, the Commander-in-Chief of our once great nation bowing to sworn enemies of our country.
We are angry because his priorities shows when there is a major crisis in the Middle East, when our diplomats are killed by Islamic radical mobs, when the Prime Minister of Israel asks to meet and Obama refuses and is on his way instead to campaign in Las Vegas, celebrity fundraisers and David Letterman Show.

We are angry because he blatantly lied to the American people telling us he was a uniter, while every day of his presidency he worked diligently to pit Americans against Americans: rich against poor, blacks against whites, men against women. Divide and conquer has a new face: Barack Hussein Obama.

We are angry because he has demonstrated his total disregard for our Constitution, first by stating that the document was an obstacle to what he wanted to do, then using Executive Orders to circumvent the will of the people.
And because he sold the Nation down the river on illegal immigration worsening an already bad situation fostered by George W. and illegally circumvent the law (DREAM Act voted down by Congress) and granted amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.

We are angry because he declared a war against domestic energy independence, openly declaring his intention to put an entire industry, the coal industry, out of business and affecting the lives of thousands of workers and the pockets of millions of Americans.
And because he gave billions of dollars to Brazil, Mexico and other countries to do what he has illegally banned in our country: offshore drilling. Those countries will get oil and sell it to us at great profit for, at least in the case of Petrobras, his bundler George Soros.
And we are angry because we see our energy costs skyrocket, something he openly advocated during his campaign in 2008.

We are angry because we saw a direct attack from Obama against the Second Amendment with the horrendous Fast and Furious program which cost the life of Agent Brian Terry and the lives of hundreds of Mexican innocent people.

We are angry because Obama, through his lap dog Eric Holder, engaged in a continuous war against equal application of the law, refusing to prosecute the New Black Panthers for voters intimidation and for fostering an environment of racial discrimination in the application of the law at the Dept. of Justice.

We are angry because Obama took our money and handed it over to the union thugs at General Motors. Because thousands of people lost their jobs at dealerships across the Nation, factories closed while the UAW Obamadroids got fatter.
And because half a billion dollars of taxpayers' money went to companies like Solyndra which was already pretty much into bankruptcy. And to make matters even more pungent, after bankruptcy, the stipulations in the loan papers stated that the investors would get their money first. And coincidentally one of the major investors is a big donor to Obama's campaign.

We are angry because we see an entire industry, the news media industry, doing the bidding of Obama, misinforming the public, ignoring the truth and working as attack dogs for the president.

We are angry because this president has made the central part of his presidency to turn the country into a block of dependents. His policies have been more directed at creating a sector of the population that depends on government handouts. Welfare at an historic level. Unemployment, real unemployment not the manipulated false data his government is feeding us, at a record level since the Depression.
And he has done so not by telling the American people that he was going to do everything possible to facilitate the creation of jobs, but instead he has done so by convincing the entitled masses that the real culprits of the situation are the job creators, small businesses.
We are angry because he has embarked in a war against entrepreneurship, denigrating the successful businesses and painting them as sources of greed and deserving mistrust.
We are angry because he purposely fostered strangling regulations aimed at destroying small businesses in favor of huge corporations that are donating millions too his campaign.

There is so much more, but this is not a book.

So yes, America is angry, or more like furious that we see our Nation going down the path of the failed European countries and all due to a man who hates our country so deeply he is doing everything possible to bring it down to the level of a third world banana republic.

We have one chance, my friends, in the coming elections. Romney may not be the epitome of Conservatism, but he is NOT Obama and that is good enough for me and a good beginning.

Long Live America!
Just my thoughts!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Women Kick Obama's Donkey?

By Semperpapa

I don’t usually pay much attention to polls, but this one is definitely worth noting.

According to the Drudge Report, ABC News has conducted a poll that is finding Obama in the negative in regard to his popularity among women.

According to the poll, the favorability rate among women has gone from 57% to 39%, something that may spell out pure disaster for the Emperor.

I am sure the pundits will have a field day with this data, but I find it interesting for couple of reasons.

First, the Obama campaign has concentrated its efforts upon some fictitious war on women that the Romney/Ryan ticket and Republicans in general are conducting. Utilizing the horrendous remarks made by Todd Akin regarding legitimate rape, the left has used the idiotic statement of the congressman to paint the entire conservative movement as a conglomerate of anti-women cave men.

This poll sort of shows that on average, the American women are not buying into the insulting and false narrative of the Obama throngs.

Second, it appears that the American women may be responding to the economic wows that are affecting our Nation more than the importance of having an abortion or free condoms.
It appears, instead, that the American women are more preoccupied about the future of their children, more concerned about the available opportunities of their children.

Third, it also appears that the majority of average American women reject the dangerous divisiveness that the Obama has mastered among the American people. The level of class warfare Obama has engaged in is the base for great potential civil unrest in America.

So it looks like late term abortion and free contraceptive is not enough to convince the majority of American women to give King Obama card blanch over the destruction of our Nation.
It is a major insult to the female population to reduce the interest of the American woman to abortion and contraception.
It is still the case that the woman is the one who goes to purchase food for the family, or puts fuel in the car, or pays the bills for the household handling the family budget, so it is the American woman that first hand witnesses the impact the communist policies of Obama have had on the family.
And the American women seem not to be too impressed.

They appear not to be so happy about the loss of opportunities for their children future.
They appear not to be too impressed by the ever shrinking household budget due to the increase in energy costs and food costs, leaving less and less for the rest of the family needs.

It may very well happen that the saviors of our society next November are going to be the American women who decide that the Obama regime is too toxic for the future of their children and our society as a whole.

Ironically, it was just today that the statements form former Sec. of State Madeline Albright asked the mocking question of what woman would vote for Romney.
Well, madam secretary, with all due respect, it is real American women.

Just my thoughts!