Sunday, August 26, 2012

My Thoughts On Campaign Ads

By Semperpapa

Signs of the season, I guess. Political campaign ads from the right and the left demonizing the opposition in hope to sway voters to one side or the other. And annoying as hell!

Yes, this is the season of the ads telling us how bad one candidate is and how wonderful the other is, but in reality these ads are the manifestation of how detached the average American person has become to national events and conditions.

The worst part is that there are many potential voters who base their decision upon these snippets of trash, instead of actually taking the time to inform themselves. Making a voting decision that deeply affects the totality of conditions for a whole country based on 30 seconds worth of unchecked attacks appears to me as making a mockery of one's citizen's right.
I guess it all depends on how seriously one takes such right, but, more importantly, how much each one of us realizes how significant being an American citizen really is.
When I received my US citizenship in 1985, it was a really big deal for me. As an immigrant, I took the necessary steps to petition the United States government for the privilege of becoming a US citizen. At the time, I was not offered the choice of maintaining my Italian citizenship (dual citizenship is really non-sensical to me anyway), but I had no hesitation in making the decision that I wanted to be none other than an American citizen.

Many folks, though, who have been born in the States, take that privilege very lightly. And that is where I am increasingly concerned with the future of my country, especially when it comes to voting.
The fact that campaigns spend so much money on these political ads is indicative to me that they have a certain level of success. If it were up to me, the campaigns could save themselves a ton of funds because every time one of these ads appears on TV, I tune right off, regarding of which side the ad is from.

And now, for the partisan portion of this piece, let me just address the another aspect of political ads that would actually be funny it it were not for the fact that many people pay attention to them.
The dirty attacks that are being made are still backed by the candidates' campaigns even after the lies in the ads have been uncovered and exposed.
Trolls from the Obama campaign, the likes of David Axelrod ("affectionately" renamed David Assholerod by this writer) and blabber mouth Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, will still spew the message of Romney being responsible for the cancer death of some woman, or the notion that Paul Ryan solution for fixing Medicare translates in pushing grandma off a cliff, even after the falsity of such claims is exposed.
And there are people out there who still continue to argue on those bases.

Here in California, the state of fruits and nuts and a totally lost cause, Romney campaign ads are not seen due to the fact that there is no point for the Romney campaign to waste resources in a market that is all but lost. To me it is a sign of good business.
On the other hand, I see Obama ads which is, in my opinion, a pure waste of money. So even in the showing of ads, Obama shows very little in view of business understanding.
The only Romney ads I have seen are the ones that run nationally and that simply speak of the "accomplishments" of the Obama administration. These are really easy ads to make.

In conclusion, I just wish that the American people would pay less attention to the stupid ads. The upcoming elections give Americans a clear choice between two very distinctive ideologies, making this presidential election the most important in our lives.
On one side we have a Socialist-Marxist president who has been running the country and the government as a personal piggy bank with total disregard for our traditions and our Constitution. A president who has shown a cunning ability to not only polarize the population, but to pit one side against the other at every step, utilizing class warfare to downgrade our country.
On the other side we have a man whose message is to re-build a Nation that believes in itself and in its ability to remain the only good superpower in the world.
On one hand we have Obama who not only refuses to recognize the unique role America has held in human history, but is bent on diminishing the significance of what America really means to millions of people. He stated that he wanted to fundamentally change America and he has accomplished a lot to that goal.
In Romney, I see a man who recognizes the potential America still holds and wants to unleash it, giving the chance to every single American to succeed.

The difference between the two messages is so profound that no 30-seconds ad can clearly define.

Just my thoughts!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

My Thoughts On Sean Hannity Show "The Hope and The Change"

By Semperpapa

I watched the Sean Hannity show last night called "The Hope and The Change" during which Hannity presented a documentary featuring several individuals who, in 2008, voted for Obama and have been so disillusioned that they will vote against him in the next elections.

It is all well and fine, making me feel good about the fact that there are people in America who are finally opening their eyes and seeing the truth for what it is. It gives me hope that there are folks out there in this country who are willing to admit their mistake and try to make it right next November.

But then there is a certain sense of rage that took over my thoughts, as I listened to each of the participant.

One black gentleman was adamant on his rejection of the idea that the government would reach into his pocket to take what he worked for and give it to those who did not.
Interestingly, the purpose of re-distribution that the man was rejecting was one of the issues Obama campaigned on, so the idea that the man has changed his mind based on the "surprise" factor is preposterous.
Moreover, the man is a minister and he clearly stated that he now rejects Obama for his newly acquired stand on same sex marriage. Now that would be a "surprise."
What I gathered from the man's statements is that he was caught in the lies and propaganda Obama fed the masses and cast his vote based on those lies and on the president's skin color, also admitting that having grown up in a family of Democrats, the idea of voting other than Democrat was absurd.
Personally, I see this as a typical example of how years of divisive propaganda have netted a whole group of people who just follow the "leader" blindly without any personal thought. Liberal slavery.

Another man, a white man, who admitted growing up in a household with a Republican father and a Democrat mother, declared himself an independent. He stated that he too did not really ask himself the correct questions regarding what Obama really was after, but got caught in the moment of the facade of unity and cooperation and compromise that Obama sold the people, even if his past demonstrated exactly the opposite. Hannity did not ask, but it would have been interesting to find out if wanting to be part of the election of the first black president played a role in the man's decision.

A woman was incensed at the lies she had bought into and she was very frightened by the economic conditions brought about by the Obama policies. She even mentioned the fact that her daughter is about to lose her home.
While my heart goes out to those who are so impacted by the economic disaster, the impression I got from the woman is that she was upset about the way her personal life, and her family's, was affected.
I understand fully that each one of us represents a sliver of the big pie and that we are prone to analyze facts according to our individual experiences. On the other hand, while the economic downturn has affected me in a major way, I still was able to remain employed. What I am trying to say is that while affected, I was not devastated by Obama's incompetence and socialist radicalism. And yet I rejected the "vision" of the man way before he even got the nomination in 2008. Basically, it is not just about me and how I am impacted, but it is about an entire Nation and people.
I have seen Obama's types of policies at work and they are dangerous.

Ultimately, the next election is probably the most important for the future survival of our Nation as a free Constitutional Republic. No two ways about it.
Couple of days ago, radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh made a statement on his program that said he believes the country can survive another Obama term, but that the country cannot survive the fact that there are so many who want to keep Obama in power.
While I understand the entertainment aspect of Rush's statement, I only agree with it in part. I am convinced that our country will not survive another Obama term. At least not as the free Nation we all love.
As far as the percentage of people who will still vote for him, it is just like the woman on the Hannity show was demonstrating: they will vote for him because Obama is giving them free stuff, be it welfare or unreasonable unemployment insurance or whatever else.

One of the major victories the liberal progressive have scored against America is the creation of entire blocks of population that either does not believe in the exceptionalism of America or they just plain reject it.
The left has succeeded in convincing, more like brainwashing, the American people into believing that the only way to have a "fair" society is to have the government run every aspect of it.
The part I find most disturbing is how many people in America today are more than willing to relinquish personal freedom and self determination and self reliance in order to get that free government check.

Example of this is Obamacare. It has been qualified by every respectable economist as the largest tax increase in our history and even by Chief Justice Roberts in his treasonous decision.
The left has sold it to the American people as a fair legislation, but nobody really knew what was in it. As the provisions kick in, many are realizing that it is a scam of gigantic proportions.
Those who still support it, be it for ignorance or ideology, will sooner rather than later find out the real meaning of it when the government will have the power to decide who gets that heart transplant and who doesn't; who get cancer treatment and who does not qualify according to arbitrary guidelines.
Unfortunately, many still have the mind set as the woman on the Hannity show: outrage comes only after one is personally affected, or a family member is impacted, than we all get upset.

In our history, Americans have come together in times of emergency. Prior to December 7, 1941, America was bitterly divided on intervening in another European war, with isolationists in the great majority. When attacked, the country united in the response. Even if on a smaller scale, the same happened after September 11, 2001, although much more short lived thanks to the forces of the anti American left.

In final analysis, the reasons behind people epiphanies are irrelevant, as long as the outcome is a positive one.
Why someone is disillusioned about the disaster Obama has brought upon our Nation is not as important as the significance of coming together in a time of extreme dire. The danger Obama represents for America and our way of life and our freedom is just as pronounced as it was represented by Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan or radical Islam. You may think comparing Obama to such evil is over the line, but I am not comparing the man, just his ideology. And I still have a First Amendment right!

Just my thoughts!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The War On Life

By Semperpapa

This was known before the idiotic people of America went to the ballot and put Barak Hussein Obama in the position to destroy America by instituting his immoral ideology upon the people.

As an Illinois state senator, Obama came out strongly in opposition of the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act (2008).

The act was aimed at safeguarding the lives of babies from failed abortions. If the infant did not die during the procedure, the legislation would guarantee the safety of the baby from birth on.

Obama was opposed to the act and, said the following about it:

“There wasn't any question about what was happening. The abortions were going wrong. The babies weren't cooperating. They wouldn't die as planned”, there was "movement or some indication that, in fact, they're not just coming out limp and dead."

And that is why, when I heard that folks who allegedly share my faith, Catholics, were campaigning for Obama, when I realized they would overlook his position stated above about the protection of life, I literally screamed “WTF!” because it did not make any sense on religious base and guidelines nor in terms of humanity.

Today, the same so called Catholics are all up in arm about the contraceptive provision in Obamacare, suddenly having discovered the mystery of the position of the Church over anti-pregnancy methods.

But the hypocrisy of such conduct is not any better than the hypocrisy of every single damn liberal out there. They do not impress me, as a matter of fact, if there is indeed a hell, their future eternal permanent domicile is being forged as I write.

The reality is that the real war on anyone is being conducted by the liberals in our country, not the conservatives. The bull crap being spewed by the DNC regarding the statement made by Todd Akin as a poster boy for the entire Republican Party and Conservative movement is even more infuriating.

Not only the entire conservative apparatus has come out denouncing the stupidity of Akin’s remark, but just about 100% of them has called for the douche bag to step away from the electoral race, which he is refusing to do.

During the campaign for the primaries, Sen. McCaskill, the rubber stamp Obamadroid, actually openly told the Democrats in Missouri to support Akin, because he was the candidate she wanted to face in November. And Missouri place this mole in the race.

There is not a doubt in my mind that there is a connection between Akin’s statement immediately following the picking of Paul Ryan as running mate on the part of Romney.

The introduction of Ryan created a problem for Obama and his droids; this is a guy who knows his shit about the details of what Obama is so desperately trying to keep out of the campaign: our economic dismal conditions.

Ryan will, even more forcefully and clearly than Romney himself, enumerate the multiple failure of Obama and his policies. Coincidently, and I do not believe in coincidences when it comes to Obama and his megalomaniacal hunger for power, less than two weeks after the picking of Ryan, the Missouri douche bag comes out with his brilliant opinion.

The result? The senatorial race in Missouri down the drain, especially as the douche bag stubbornly refuses to just go away.

It is my opinion that if the guy was sincerely running for the benefit of the country, he would realize that the victory against McCaskill must be achieved and he would have not said what he said or he would get the hell out of the race now.

But I do find as disturbing, as almost funny that the comments of this douche bag are hailed as indicative of the entire Conservative movement, as clean representatives of that movement as Romney and Ryan are labeled as conducting a “war against women”, when the real war is the one that liberals and Obama have declared and continue to conduct against life itself.

The abortion law is the law of the land. You decide to kill the baby prior to its birth, justifying such action by denying its humanity, that is a moral decision you must make and live with the consequences, but denying a baby that made the “mistake” to survive the abortion a chance to a life, is, in my opinion, the ultimate war. A war against life.

Just my thoughts!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

“Gun Free Zones”: True Killing Fields

By Semperpapa

Question: place yourself, or at least try, in the mind of a potential mass murderer bent on going on a shooting or stabbing spree. How would you select your target?

Would you go to a gun store or pawn shop or police station or would you look for the closest “gun free zone” like a school?

The answer is obvious, at least to those of us with an understanding of the fact that evil exists in the world and live our lives with a baseline of common sense.

Liberals do not have the luxury of either gift, so they insist that the way to safeguard innocent people is to take firearms away from me and every law abiding citizen in America.

These anti 2nd Amendment activists have infiltrated every aspect of our lives, smartly pushing unscrupulous politicians to implement laws that have absolutely no meaning or usefulness for the safety of the people.

The University of Colorado is one of these examples, as demonstrated by the publicity stunt they are pulling now.

The administration of the university declared that they were complying with the Supreme Court ruling regarding the right to own and bear guns, lifting the blanket law of no guns on campus. So far so good, right? Not exactly.

What the university has directed is that students who have legal carrying permits have to be segregated in specific areas and dormitories on campus.

Realistically, what the university has done is to create an advertisement for “safe areas” for any mass murderers wanna bes.

Now if a lunatic wants to go on a shooting spree, he/she knows exactly which area of the campus they can go to conduct their business without any possibility of being confronted.

The vast majority of the past shooting sprees have taken place in areas designated as “gun free zones” where the perpetrators were absolutely sure that none of their potential victims would be able to counter the attack. The weapons free label of the locality is one that is observed only by those citizens who follow the rules, something that a criminal, by definition, is not likely to do.

The possibility of a random armed citizen is the only deterrent that criminals face. Not too long ago there was a surveillance video posted of an elderly man who just happened to be standing inside an internet café when two thugs came in to rob the patrons. The man pulled his .380 and shot both robbers, I am sure to their great surprise.

Am I advocating that everyone should carry a weapon? No, just as much as I am convinced many people on the road should not be allowed to operate a motor vehicle, but if one is inclined to carry a firearm for self protection and he/she meets the guidelines for such carry, they should be allowed to do so. I know many people who do not and would not even own a firearm, and I am convinced that it is their sacrosanct right not to. But the U.S. Constitution gives me the right to not only own a gun, but to also “bear” the gun, which really means to carry the gun and no political activist should be allowed to prevent me from it.

Yet, in their infinite wisdom, the county sheriffs in California are very reluctant to allow their citizen their constitutional right.

It is my hope that actions like the one taken by the University of Colorado does not come back to haunt them. It would be a real tragedy if their publicity stunt, if their desire to make an anti-gun statement of some sort, in their attempt to somehow vilify those with carrying permits, would give some nut case the ability to be selective on their targets.

On the other hand, liberals are very much fine with the sacrifice of collateral damage if it fits the accomplishment of their agenda, actually the more innocent dead the better.

Just my thoughts!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Depending On Our Enemies

By Semperpapa

Reports are telling us that the dependence of the United States upon Saudi oil has increased by 20% since last Summer. For some time, our "leadership" had been able to reduce our imports from the Saudis, but that trend has reversed.

The Obama administration, via its relentless war against National production, be it offshore drilling, oil pipelines and other dictatorial approaches, has decided that it is more advantageous for our country to increase our dependency on enemies of our freedom instead of increasing our self-reliance.

The Obama administration has purposely ignore a court order that should have forced them to issue more offshore drilling permits, last year, thumbing its nose at the court decision, which is bad enough, but also disregarding completely the will of the majority of the American people, who would much more decisively cut or greatly reduce the ties we have with declared enemies of America.
And, before you get all in a twist, I am not only remembering the bow Obama executed to the Saudi king, but I also remember the picture of George W. holding the king's hand.

But the problem we face these days, with the increase in imports from the Islamic kingdom, is that the foreign policies of appeasement toward states sponsoring terrorism have made us increasingly more vulnerable to foreign attacks. No matter how many drone attacks Obama authorizes, our dependency on foreign oil leaves our nation one disaster away from national emergency.
For a while we keep on hearing that Iran is planning the shut down of the Strait of Hormuz in case of any action against that country. You may say that our naval presence in that area is a good insurance policy against such action, but that would immediately translate into a conflict with the Iranian forces, a prospect, considering the defense cuts Obama has forced upon our Navy, not so appealing after all.

Even domestically, our vulnerability is more than apparent. It's real.
Couple of weeks ago, an oil refinery in central California had a massive fire. Being the only refinery in our state, the price of gasoline for us jumped overnight.
So what is the problem? If you ask me, it is the fact that there is only one refinery in California. Not only the government refuses to gain access to the enormous amount of domestic oil just below our feet, but it also stops the construction of processing sites that can respond to domestic disasters.
And again here in the state of fruits and nuts, California, the government shut down the Saint Onofre nuclear power plant and its production of electricity. So, we the people of California are paying higher gas prices while our electric bills skyrocket. Ain't progressivism great?

The White House, in its infinite incompetence and indecency, is looking at the November elections and sees that the increase in gas prices does not play too well in the campaign of treason, so they are dusting off the old Strategic Oil Reserve card: they publicized their potential intention to release some of the oil in the reserve to "help" the hard working people of America (at least those who still have a job).
It is the usual smoke screen.
SOR is there to provide a safety net for our nation's economy in case of major natural disasters and/or international conflicts. Just as Obama wants to use Medicare as a piggy bank for Obamacare, he wants to use SOR as a piggy bank for his re-election efforts.
Granted, the Obama presidency well qualifies as a major national disaster, almost giving the idea of using the Reserve a legal leg to stand on, but my main dislike of the plan is that it would deplete our strategic reserve at a time when the Middle East is on the verge of a major war.
So the question is: should we deplete our Strategic Oil Reserve to boost Obama's re-election campaign when the possibility of actually having to use the reserve as intended, grows exponentially?
I know how I would answer, but the re-election of Obama has become the most important goal for him, his cronies, the media and his supporters. More important than our National Security, our Military, our Men and Women at war and the future of the Nation as a whole.

I know the meaning of the words "dereliction of duty" and most the people in Congress, from both Parties, are the embodiment of them. What is really left for our Nation is to regain control of the politics of Washington. We the People have to prevail for the survival of an entire Nation and an entire ideology.

Just my thoughts!

Powerful Word: Choice

By Semperpapa

There are so many words in our vocabulary that can be considered powerful. One of them is definitely choice.
What makes humans (well, at least some humans) different from all other members of the Animal Kingdom is the God given ability to decide our conduct, to make our choices.
Some are very obvious and mundane, like what we are going to eat for lunch or what shirt we are going to wear for work. Some of the choices we make are more involved, like what car to buy or where to live. In these cases, a thought process takes place to allow us to make the choice that best suits our short and medium term conditions.

When we meet someone attractive, we make the choice to explore that person's character in order to decide if the elements that make that person attractive go beyond the mere outside image. If those elements meet our approval, we make the conscientious choice to place ourselves in the position of expressing our interest, even at risk of rejection.

Of course, political choices are, or at least should be, guided by careful analysis and objective rational.

In my personal life, I have made some incredible good choices, especially in my relationships, undoubtedly aided by some great luck (like when my wife actually gave me the time of day when we first met). But some other choices may have not been the best sample of my ability. But what has remained a constant in my life has been my attempt to always analyze as much as possible the factors that inspired my choice before actually making it. Most of all, I believe the most important aspect of making a choice is to take responsibility for it, even if it turns out not to be the best of our life.

Taking responsibility is in itself a choice. I may have a job I like, but not too happy with the company I work for. If I make the choice to just leave my employer before seeking a new one, I have to recognize my responsibility should new employment be delayed. Any financial distress caused by my choice, regardless of the original work conditions, cannot be blamed on anyone or anything but me.

In my past employments, for example, I never remained with a company after giving notice. If I had made the choice of seeking employment elsewhere, I feel it had been based on reasons that just few more dollars in the paycheck would not solve. Granted, we work for money, but there are some issues that even money cannot solve inside some organizations.

In politics, the issue of choice is a little different. Here in California, for example, as a Conservative my vote has very little impact on the outcome of things. This state has been taken over by the forces of progressivism for so long that dependence on government, entitlements, handouts, corruption and the stomping on the citizens constitutional rights has become ingrained in the very fiber of the population.

The people of California have again made the choice to embrace gang violence, illegal immigration and liberal cronyism as SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) for the people in Sacramento. Occasionally the silent majority expresses their rejections for certain progressive policies being pushed upon the people, only to be shut down by liberal, corrupted courts, as in the case of some of the Propositions that have appeared on our ballots in the last few election cycles.

In the end, it remains my choice to live in this state. I could decide to move to another state of the union and leave behind all the nonsense that the former Golden State has fallen into. Maybe one day I will make that decision, but as of today, my choice is dictated by more important factors of my life: my children and grandchildren live near me, and that is way more important than anything else.
People joke about the fact that we stay in California because of the weather, and that is a powerful reason, but in my case it is the proximity to my family that guides my choice.

Cannot say much for the rest of the state choices, though. After all we so "proudly" gave the state to Jerry if-it's-Brown-flush-it, and to the Nation we gave Feinstein, Boxer, Waxman and the queen of garbage Pelosi.

But don't blame me for them...not my choice.

Just my thoughts!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bumper Sticker Tells The Story

By Semperpapa

I spend an indecent amount of time on the freeways of Southern California, commuting back and forth to work trying to make a living, and I have the chance to observe the types of bumper stickers people place on their cars, especially the political ones.

In 2008, just before the presidential elections, I too had a McCain/Palin on the back of my motorcycle until I got verbally and almost physically assaulted by two black men in a car who felt were entitled to openly, and in a threatening manner, object to my political views. Following the incident, I removed the sticker because one is a little too vulnerable on a bike in freeway traffic.

These days I have noticed some cars with the old Obama/Biden 2008 stickers on their vehicles and they make me laugh.
Some of them are barely visible, having discolored greatly, ironically matching the level of appreciation for Obama even in the state of fruits and nuts.

Few days back I saw a new one. It stated:

            “Bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive. Any questions?”

Actually I did, but the moron was too busy talking on the phone, which is illegal here, to pay much attention to the glaring biker next to her.
The question I had was simple: how many times did Obama refused to give the go ahead for the raid on bin Laden after Valery Jarrett counseled him? Three times.
And who risked his life on the raid? Not Obama.
And who has been basking in the accomplishments of those Heroes while finding every possible way to screw them? That was and is Obama.

And as far as GM, if Obama resuscitation of GM was such a great move, why is the corporation on the verge of bankruptcy again?
If sucking up to the unions and handing out my money to them was so brilliant, why is the GM stock in the dump?

But I am sure the ugly, homely white woman driving the brand new car, a Japanese import BTW, was all proud of her statement (the sticker was on the paint on top of all the rest, a real bitch to remove). Surely she does not realize that considering the immense damage her man has done to this Nation, sporting a sticker in support of the idiot will just point out to everyone that she is a moron.

I am expecting every day for the government to declare that stupidity is a disability so that those with Obama 2008 bumper stickers will qualify for handicapped parking.

Just my thoughts!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Endangering Our Military

By Semperpapa

Evening of May 1, 2011. The news outlets are ablaze with the announcement from the White House of an important message from President Obama. Speculations abound, as it has to be big for such an announcement on a Sunday evening.

Finally, about an hour later than previously announced, the President showed up to tell the Nation, with his usual smug face on, that American Special Forces had successfully conducted a raid into Pakistan and killed Osama bin Laden, taking his body out to an aircraft carrier where the remains were properly buried at sea in accordance with Islamic criteria.

America rejoiced, and understandably so. The mastermind of the 9-11-01 attacks that killed almost 3,000 innocent people and triggered the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan, had met his well deserved demise.

The necessary information to even get to the point of planning such a raid was gathered via years of painstakingly collected intelligence, much of it provided by interrogations conducted at Guantanamo Bay terrorist camp and much with the help of some courageous local actors.

Immediately, as impromptu street celebrations were taking place in the streets of Washington and New York, the details of the mission started to be leaked to the outside world. It was too much of a good thing for the Obama regime not to cash in politically on it.

Suddenly, the killing of bin Laden had become the new Democrat slogan for Obama re-election. The only negative aspect of the mission was that it had to take place a year too early.

In the past 14 or so months since the mission, some more details have surfaced, including the fact that it took three “stand down” from Obama before he finally had to give the “go ahead” order. And all this, according to some recent reports, after his advisor Valerie Jarrett had convinced him to stop the mission all three times.

We can only speculate, but considering the track record and the fact that Jarrett only cares about one thing, maintaining Obama in power, it seems clear that the delays were sought in the hope that the mission could be delayed as close to re-election time as possible.

But in my mind, the euphoria of knowing that the last thing the hated bin Laden saw in life was the hardened face of a US Special Force Warrior soon left, as increasingly revealing details of the raid, the tactics and the equipment used started to appear out there all over the news.

“It was SEAL Team 6 that conducted the raid”

“It was a new classified type of helicopter that crashed”

Any minute I expected the names of the SF individuals to be revealed. And ironically, the same media that for eight years had foamed at the mouth to come up with accusations against our Military, was now losing itself in the praises for the brave warriors who executed Obama courageous plan.

Meanwhile, precious details of the unit that had accomplished the raid were placed out in the open for everyone to study, especially our enemies. Our enemy is a very cunning and capable one, especially when aided by our complete disregard for the real meaning of covert operation. Especially on the part of those more interested in gaining political advantage than to safeguard our Heroes.

It was less than 4 months after the bin Laden operation that a CH-47 loaded with Special Forces and Afghan soldiers was shot down with total loss of life, 38 men. At least 20 of the 30 American soldiers on the chopper were SEAL Team members.

Although the SF Command says that none of those who had perished had actually been part of the SEAL Team 6 who got bin Laden, we will never know the truth. At least that secret was kept, surely because it had no campaign value for Obama.

I just find it interesting that so many SF of SEAL Teams were on a chopper that was hit by the proverbial silver bullet. Could it be that the insurgents were able to put two and two together from the secret information leaked? I guess we will never know, although I do in the pit of my stomach.

In the fervor of aiding the false image of the tough president, leak after leak continued to make its way to the media and to the Hollywood bottom feeders, anxious to sing the praises of Obama and aiding his re-election efforts.

But besides the 30 Americans who died in August and who knows how many more whose safety had been compromised by the Obama leaks (after all I am not under the illusion that the men and women of the Military are nothing more than useful idiots for Obama and his anti-Military regime) there is also the story of the Pakistani doctor, Shakil Afridi, who had been instrumental in the positive identification of bin Laden at great personal risk, and who is now languishing in a Pakistani prison after his name and role was divulged by leaks.

Just another expendable collateral damage sacrificed to the altar of king Obama.

Words fail me in expressing the contempt I have toward this president and his minions: Jarrett, Axelrod, Gibson, Emanuel, Panetta, Clinton and so many more. Suffice to say that in my opinion, these four years in which this despicable administration has been in office will be historically looked at as one of the darkest period in our history. A time when racial discord, class division and national danger reached the highest level probably since the days of the Civil War.

That is if in November this poor excuse for president will be sent packing. If he gets another term, there will never be a United States of America any longer.

Just my thoughts!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Silent Majority Makes Itself Heard

By Semperpapa

Granted, the silent majority has been a lot less silent in the last few years, mostly thanks to the explosion of communication venues like talk radio and social media.

But yet, the silent majority is still pretty much silent as a political block, making itself heard in different ways than liberal activists, a definite minority, usually do.

A typical example is the saga of Chick-Fil-A, the fast food chain.

It was not a masterful activist organization that brought millions to the chicken fast food restaurants, but it was a simple suggestion on the part of some conservative talk show host that rung a wake up bell for some of the largest crowds that ever congregated at a restaurant chain in history.

The point that the majority of the people made was very clear: there is still a First Amendment right in America and a minority group will not bully the majority into submission. Those who patronized the restaurant as a sign of protest were not all opposed to same sex marriage, but mostly they were supporters of the right of the CEO of Chick-Fil-A to have an opinion and to express it if asked. Pure and simple.

To make things even clearer, the only acts of bullying and intolerance were perpetrated by the minority of gay activists who engaged in employee berating and vandalism.

So why was the turnout so overwhelming? Again, because the silent majority does not engage in demonstrations and violence like the left does, but they just show up en masse like the TEA Party congregations showed in the past.

Once again, we witness the common American just show up and send a very clear message to those who may believe they have an upper hand due to the noise and intimidation they engage in.

After the decision to pick Congressman Paul Ryan as running mate, Gov. Romney has been able to see what the silent majority opinion is. Thousands of folks showed up to listen to him and Ryan during the last bus tour. Finally, we feel, there is someone running for president who is truly speaking the conservative values that have been so lost in the last few elections and that have been rekindled by the 2010 mid-term elections.

Yes, we are tired of the garbage coming out of politicians’ mouths, garbage spewed for the simple purpose of getting your vote. No more flowery speeches about values and fiscal responsibility, while our money is wasted on failed government programs.

The reason for Ryan’s popularity, and Romney’s energized campaign, is that the people feel refreshed by the fact that the Wisconsin Congressman is directly addressing issues that are of the utmost importance to the people.

There is an underlined necessity to address our spending and budget, not just for the health of our economy, but also for matters of national security.

Many in the Pentagon have chided into the deficit issue by stating that the current condition and direction of our deficit is a great threat to our national security, especially considering the debt we have with China. Everyone should clearly understand that China is NOT our friend and that having such a great debt with one of our fiercest enemies is a clear and present danger to our national security.

And this should be also the answer about the reported foreign policy ignorance of Ryan.

The VP is not directly engaged in foreign policy anyway (which is a blessing considering the current VP).

In final analysis, as much as the Romney/Ryan ticket is not as conservative as I would like it, it is a definite improvement on the garbage we have in the White House right now. Moreover, even though the left is going absolutely berserk on the Republican candidates, including the expected unhinged media establishment and even some RINOs in the Republican establishment, the final word will be spoken by the electorate in November. If the conservative silent majority will show up in force, as it did for Chick-Fil-A, to finally express its disgust with the conditions and direction our beloved country is going, the victory of at least an acceptable level of Conservatism will be such that even the Democrat ever present voters' fraud will not make a difference in the outcome.   And our country will survive, because I am convinced that if Obama is re-elected, the United States of America is finished as a Constitutional Republic.   Just my thoughts!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Wake Up, You Little Lazy Bastards!

By Semperpapa

Moooochelle Obama tells supporters to recruit their little “lazy friends”.

Well, that’s a little bit of Karma if you ask me. The little lazy friends Queen Mooochelle is trying to get her sturmtroopers to reach out for are the same lazy throngs that she and her hubby the king created by putting so many frigging people on welfare.

Now the same losers are too busy being lazy and sucking at the government tit that they are not campaigning for His Majesty the Obamba.

I am all for these bloodsucking morons to remain strung out on whatever chemical the USDA and the HHS passes to them and leave the rest of us to take care of the country,

Just my thoughts!

What The Romney Campaign Should Understand

By Semperpapa

I am so sick and tired of hearing of the "undecided voters", folks that are allegedly on the fence in regard to the next elections.
But I am even more furious about the Republican Party puppets in Washington, who are so reluctant to address the real issues of this campaign.

Here are some of the aspects of this campaign that Romney and his crew must understand and act upon it, as I see it.

There are three basic voting blocks in America today.

One is the above mentioned "undecided".
These are individuals who, supposedly, have not made up their mind on who they may vote for in November. In my humble opinion there are about three of them. You must be living on Mars (and before we landed the last gadget at that) to have been immune to the garbage this campaign has produced. And, to make things even worst, it would be interesting to find out how these "undecided" have actually been able to escape any consequence of Obama ideological war against America.

I am sure that the majority of these people are in the category of those who are of such enormous superficiality, that if reality does not directly slap them in the face, they are totally oblivious of anything that actually is happening to our country.

The next block is that in Obama corner.
Leaving aside the black population, which has been ravished by this president policies, but who will still vote for the man because of the color of his skin, we have those who are enjoying the new welfare attitude of the man and would never vote against the true architect of their free ride.
In addition there are those who enjoy the Utopian image of a compassionate president that Obama has been able to create truly out of nothing. It does not matter that the truth is completely opposite, because these imbeciles do not realize that his policies are aimed at enslaving them in favor of the ruling class. These are truly sheep on the way to the slaughter house and they feel superior to everyone else while the president dangles the carrot in front of them.
By the time they would realize what his policies are really about they would be at the point of no return.

Then there is the voting block that realizes the real destruction this president has brought upon our country, both economically and socially, and who will either vote against Obama or abstain from voting all together, if they do not feel the alternative is Conservative enough.
Part of this block is also those who realize the incredible danger associated to the re-election of a president who is bent on subverting the US Constitution and who has dedicated his entire life to the destruction of the capitalistic nature of our economic system, in favor of a centralized, despotic, controlling dictatorship.
This block, which represents my views, will do everything in its power to bring the defeat of Obama in the next elections, because we realize that the only way to insure the survival of our Nation is that the man is retired from the presidency.

What should, then, be the campaign strategy of Romney and Co.?
Very simply put, he must go for the proverbial throat, no prisoners taken. Scorched Earth upon the despicable record this president is so tenaciously trying to hide.
Every time an Obama ad comes out accusing Romney of having killed some cancer patient somewhere, Romney should come out with an ad that emphasizes the fact that Obama is adamant about partial birth abortion. Compare the two killings!
Every time Obama talks about how rich Romney is, Romney should talk about all the sordid details of Obama's business dealings with Tony Rezko.
Every time Obama talks about Romney wanting to give the "rich" tax breaks, Romney should bring up the cronyism Obama engages every day with the Solybdra-like cases, with the tax breaks for General Electric and so on.
Every time Obama talks about how much he supports the Military, Romney should bring up the fact that Obama considered making wounded warriors pay for their own medical costs, how the gutting of the Military will impact our ability to defend ourselves and he should also bring up the connections between Obama and a renown terrorist like Bill Ayers.

There is no more time for holding back, Mr. Romney! Our country is running out of time.
Sure there are many in Congress today, many of the Republican dinosaurs, who cannot understand the true meaning of Conservatism, but I expect that the man that most likely will be going up against the most liberal, radical, incompetent president in our history, would appeal to his most inner conservative ideology and use it as the foundation for telling people that next November, the clear choice for the very survival of the Nation is to make damn sure that Obama is handed a resounding defeat.

Just my thoughts!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Romney Soon To Announce VP

By Semperpapa

It has been going on for some time now: Romney to announce his Vice President choice for November. The media and the pundits have been having a field day with this on both side of the spectrum.
Liberals are suggesting some off the wall names (NY mayor Bloomberg, for example), while conservatives are suggesting names that they hope will energize the electorate that is not so excited about Romney.

In the end, the selection of the VP on the part of a candidate has just a marginal effect on the elections.
In 2008, John McCain selection of Sarah Palin did not change the outcome of the election (nothing was going to change that), but the difference the selection of the Alaska governor made was that in the end McCain got more than 20 votes.

Today the speculations continue.
Names like Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan are ever present, while New Jersey governor Chris Christy remains one of the favorite speculations.
As much as I can appreciate what Christy has done in his state as far as confronting the unions, I still do not believe the man is as conservative as I would like.
Rubio is a definite excellent choice, but his selection, if done for the sole purpose of gaining some Hispanic vote, would be short sighted. The man is a conservative and as president of the Senate he would be a definite improvement from the current one (although Humpty Dumpty would be an improvement from Biden).
Paul Ryan is another excellent choice. His expertise in fiscal matters would be a monumental improvement compared to the present incompetence plaguing our Nation's capital.

Other names have also surfaced: Bobby Jindal, Condi Rice, Gen Patreaus.
In the case of Jindal, the choice would be excellent. As the governor in Louisiana, Jindal has tremendously improved the economic conditions in that state and he is a solid conservative.
Ms. Rice, as much as we can all be in awe of her strengths and accomplishment, is not the conservative I would be very happy with. From a social point of view, she would be great, but this country is in the middle of a fight for its very existence and I do not believe it is time for window dressing.
Gen Patreaus is not the political animal that would be necessary at this time.

The name Jeb Bush has been mentioned. On this subject, I only want to say that I am tired of the Bush family. As much as I can appreciate some of the things George W. did during his presidency, there are many I do not agree with. And Jeb's position on illegal immigration is totally opposed to mine.

I almost forgot Portman. And that's the problem with Portman. Nobody knows who the hell he is.

Some popular conservative voices have brought the name Allen West up. Personally, I would love to see the Congressman from Florida being recognized for his conservative stance, built upon personal convictions. But I do not believe it will happen. Unfortunately.

Ultimately, the choice of VP is a marginal one when it comes to this election. Yes the right person would have an energizing effect on American conservatives to go vote for Romney, but regardless of the VP, American conservatives are already aware of the fact that for America to survive the Socialist onslaught of the Obama regime, it is more important to defeat Obama than it is to elect a Republican.
Moreover, it is essential that the House will remain in Republican control and that the liberals in the Senate are finally sent packing (would love to see Harry Reid knocked off his undeserved pedestal).

In final analysis, Romney has to make a choice that is going to help him take out Obama and his minions. A Romney victory in November has to be so overwhelming to defeat the voters' fraud the liberals will be engaging in. It is up to each one of us to help defeat the forces of thuggery and dictatorship that the current president is going to trust upon the American people.
If you believe that the despicable ads we are witnessing these days are the lowest, wait until the Romney ticket gains momentum and some of the cash cows of the Obama regime dry up. It will be pure hand-to-hand political combat out there...that's the Chicago/Obama way.

So yes the VP nomination will be made public soon, but in the final analysis it is more important to defeat the current Marxist regime than it is to have the perfect candidate. It is not the time to worry about bi-partisan bs, but it is time to take our country back from the jaws of dictatorship.

Just my thoughts!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Police Officers "Trigger Happy"?

By Semperpapa

A lot of hoopla is being made in Anaheim, California about two police shootings that netted two gang bangers dead.
Am I really to worry about this? Cops are "trigger happy"?

Without even touching the subject of bad cops, which obviously exist just as there are bad doctors and engineers and firefighters and every other profession, the civilian population must understand what cops face every damn day of their work life.

When an emergency call comes in, the responding officers walk into an unknown environment that could be the last of their lives. It is easy to get outraged by some of the media crap that announces the scumbag shot was only armed with a BB gun. How ignorant to believe that a cop called to a "man with a gun" emergency in the middle of the night should have realized that the weapon the thug was holding was actually not a firearm, in the milliseconds that took for the scum to turn around and point it at the cop.

I am so tired of these bleeding heart liberals and the friends of the dead scum accusing the cops of being trigger happy, when the burden of survival actually falls on the person that is confronted by the cops.
The two dead gang bangers in Anaheim were known criminals with long violent rap sheets.
If their actions were innocent, than there should have been no reason for them to run away from the cops and act suspiciously.

On November 7, 2010, officer Ryan Bonaminio of the Riverside Police Dept., was chasing a suspicious individual in one of the city parks. the suspect ambushed him with a blunt object and knock him on the ground, proceeding to take Ryan's weapon and execute him with a shot in the head in spite of the officer's plea for his life.
That was the end of a good kid, an Army Veteran with multiple combat tours in Iraq. A son who just went to work that night to insure that the law abiding citizens of Riverside could sleep a little safer, but was cut down by a loser that thought his temporary freedom was worth another human life.
The bastard is now on death row, surely getting ready to enjoy the next 20-25 years of leisure at taxpayers' expenses, and surely receiving the support of other societal losers like Mike Farrell, while Ryan's family and friends remain with the devastating emptiness of a life taken away for no reason.

Ultimately, as previously stated, the burden of safety remains in the civilian hands. If I am stopped by a police officer and have nothing to hide, I will comply with the cop's requests. I know I have done nothing wrong and that I am a good person. That cop does not know me from Adam and he or she wants to go home that night.

So, to the folks in Anaheim I say this. Those gang bangers that were killed will not be able to victimize anyone else any more, including the same stupid idiots who are now protesting.

Just my thoughts!