Thursday, November 29, 2012

Political Correctness: America's Metastasized Cancer

By Semperpapa

I can still remember the accusations leveled at me over a decade ago when I would state that political correctness was a cancer that was eating at American cultural fiber. I was called every name in the book, as I contended that any attempt at changing one's rhetoric for the sole purpose of sparing one's "feelings", any attempt to promote self esteem as opposed to self responsibility was going to spell doom for our society.
And I was right!

From the classrooms of our public elementary schools to the work place, the concept of personal responsibility has completely lost its meaning.
We can no longer tell our children that they made a mistake, because pointing that out is "detrimental to their self esteem" and may cause the child to stop trying.
I hear the stories from my wife, a substitute teacher for three districts in Southern California, and the stories are not pretty. See, she is one of those subs who walks into a classroom not merely to spend the day making sure that the kids don't kill each other. She is the type of sub who will not put up with disrespect from the students because she is there maybe for just one day. She is the type that wants a lesson plan from the teacher so that the kids will not miss out on their education just because their teacher is not there.
But her hands are frequently tied as the system is designed to promote and praise mediocrity for the sake of the children's self esteem.

This is a trend the kids carry into the real world, the world of adulthood, where they believe that society owes them, instead of them having to strive to become a constructive part of said society. And it only gets worst when they get to any of the corrupted institutions of higher learning.
There, they are taught by a myriad of anti-American professors who have only one goal in life: to brainwash the new generations into a malleable mob of malcontents and dependents.

The same can be said for the masses of illegal aliens that have invaded the country. Beside the fact that the term "illegal alien" is a legal term, the forces of progressivism have successfully labeled its use as detrimental to the self esteem of the illegal alien.
Who are we kidding? The presence of these folks within our borders is against the laws of our country, which, by definition, makes them illegal (look up the definition if you doubt me).

Progressivism has devised cunning methods to silence the average American.
If you disagree with Obama, you are a racist.
If you believe Susan Rice should be held responsible for lying to the American people, you are a racist AND a sexist.
If you believe marriage should be a term describing the religious and legal union of a man and a woman, you are an homophobe.
If you disagree with Islamic Radicalism, you are an islamophobe.

The worst part of political correctness is that progressives have manipulated the American consciousness to the point that the average American is almost afraid of thinking with their own brains for fear of being labeled in a negative way. And the total hypocrisy of the Left knows no bounds.

I never heard the Congressional Black Caucus puppets once stating their opposition to the smear campaigns perpetrated against Mia Love or Allen West. I guess they are the 'wrong' kind of Blacks, those who have strayed from the liberal plantation.
I never heard women organizations coming out in defense of Michelle Backmann as she was smeared by her opponent, or in protest against the disgusting character assassination the media and politicians perpetrated, and still do, against Sarah Palin. I guess they are also the 'wrong' kind of women.
Yesterday, I once again heard some liberal radio talk show clown state that the opposition to Susan Rice is based on the white man's attack against a young, black woman possibly being elevated to a high prestige post in government. I guess we all forget the treatment that the media reserved for Dr. Condolezza Rice when she was Secretary of State.

The damage political correctness  has brought upon our nation is palpable. Thanks to the principle of the "slippery slope" Christianity is under fierce attack from the forces of atheism. May it be a war memorial cross in the wilderness of the Mojave Desert or a Nativity scene in Santa Monica or a Christmas tree in Providence, RI, allowing the perversion of the First Amendment is now affecting an entire population.
The cross found by the Twin Towers workers following the 9-11-01 attacks, basically two steel beams from the destroyed structure still intact in the shape of a cross, became a symbol of unity and hope for those who labored to recover the thousands of bodies in the rubbles. This cross, which transcends any religious meaning, is in the 9-11 Museum and under attack by atheist who stated that the sight of the cross and its presence at the museum, was offensive and made them physically sick.
In the first place, there is no law that safeguards one from being offended.
Secondly, I am sure their ailments are covered under Obamacare.

So political correctness is a one-way-street for liberals. How convenient is that!
But the fault does not rest only on liberals, but on all of us Americans for allowing such disgrace to occur.
We, true conservatives, those of us who believe and live our lives adhering to that forgotten sense of personal responsibility and still teach it to our children, have allowed the forces of progressive evil to cower us into this horrible and debilitating corner. We have been pushed into a position from where the only way out is to come out swinging.
And come out swinging we shall.

I have been called racist and sexist and all the other insults out there. It was hard initially, as I know who I am, but I then realized that if I felt guilty about my principles, if I let the lunatics on the left define who I am and silence me, I also let them win. And if they win, my whole country loses.
That's a prospect I just cannot let happen.

Just my thoughts!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Laziness Spells Doom For A Society

By Semperpapa

Laziness is the doom of any civilized society. It has been for centuries and it is becoming increasingly apparent that the United States are on the same road.

Included in my definition of laziness is apathy and the desire to offload our responsibilities upon others.

There was a time, not too far back, when the American people were the epitome of hard work. We were the people who worked and toiled in order to build a better life for ourselves and our families, and in turn for a stronger nation.
The results of such national behavior were the ascension of our country to world power status, not merely because our Military was the largest and most powerful, but because behind those who served in uniform was a whole country working toward a common good.
We achieved predominance in the world not by occupying others, but by liberating them.

In the past, one of the most significant factor in our national success has been the fierce independence of the American citizen in the pursuit and achievement of our goals. Surely, the road to personal success is paved by failures, but it was more probable that for each failure there would be a success, fueled by our perseverance and desire for hard work.

Today the reality has changed in the United States. The forces of evil we Americans fought and overcame in other countries, successfully freeing them from tyranny, have impregnated the national discourse and taken over our national consciousness.
The same forces of evil could have never defeated us in the last century as perpetrated by foreign actors, so the forces of evil infiltrated our social infrastructures and eroded our national identity from the inside.

In the years following the end of WWII, the Soviet Union engaged in a campaign of global take over. The ideological infiltration in the national fabric of many countries brought the Communist ideology, and tyranny, in many of those countries. Slow, unrelenting social warfare pinned the citizens of those nations against each other.
Divide and conquer was the strategy, conducted to perfection by ideological operatives who were successful in spreading the lie that social equality was achieved not by empowering the individual to strive for a better condition, not by allowing the individual to seek a betterment of their situation, but by inculcating the minds of lazy citizens with the notion that government intervention was aimed at reducing the success of certain citizens instead of fostering the upward social movement of all others.

In the days when Cuba fell to the Communist agenda, the days when an Iron Curtain caged millions in Eastern Europe, in the days when 're-education' took place in Vietnam and the Killing Fields were fully operational in Cambodia, in the days when countless countries in Africa and South America were overrun by ideologies of 'equality', the truth was that equality preached by the holders of power stopped at the entrance of their palaces.
Tyrants led millions of people into an abyss of mediocrity and dictatorship by convincing them that the road to 'equality' run through a small number of politicians who knew what was best for the people. And they were still successful in obfuscating the collective minds while engaging in lavish living themselves.

But while the rest of the world succumbed to these ideologies, while the rest of the world embraced tyranny, both hard and soft, as described by author Mark Levin, there was still one country in the world where the individual was still somewhat in control of its own destiny, where the individual was able to pursuit happiness as he or she deemed fit for their existence, in short where the individual had freedoms: the United States of America.

It is not a coincidence that immigration to the USA was a goal of millions last century, and still is for millions more these days. It was not the hope for a free ride.
People who immigrated into the United States, me being one of them, had dreams of achieving the American Dream. And I mean achieving it, not being given it.

But the forces of evil have also infiltrated our social fabric in the United States. The Communist ideology has impregnated the collective consciousness of the American people, who, as demonstrated in the re-election of Barack Obama, have decided that it was more advantageous to have the government take a major role in the lives of the individual. In short, over 50% of the American voters have decided that it is preferable to lose one's freedom in exchange for free government subsidy.
I am positive Nikita Kruschev is right now laughing himself silly in the corner of Hell he has been relegated to, as he is witnessing the crumbling of a society that once was the beacon of freedom for millions, a society he worked so hard to defeat, but was never able to.

Today we have a government that sees the Constitution as an obstacle to the power grabbing actions of a corrupted, tyrannical leadership. Obama said so himself, and yet the American people re-elected him to a second term that promises much of the same failing policies of the first. And who would be surprised if the current regime would work assiduously to possibly reverse the 22nd Amendment of the Constitution in order to keep Obama indefinitely, or just abolish the Constitution all together.

Today we have a large percentage of the population who has become so encrusted in their laziness that they are more than willing to see a tyrannical regime eroding the liberties of individuals and businesses at a neck breaking rate, all in the name of some ideological misfit called 'equality'.
These lazy Americans understand equality in a perverse way. They believe that hard work, inventiveness and success are to be discouraged and fought, while entitlement are a legitimate way to get what allegedly one deserves.
Liberals call this new American mind set progress. I call it regress to ideologies of dictatorship that have been proved lethal to nations by a slur of international examples.

Laziness, as we are witnessing these days, spells doom for a whole society.
When a society grants an individual who has been working hard to destroy the very foundations of our nation a second term to just continue the assault on our liberties, it demonstrated that said society has gotten so lazy and dependent on the government that it would reject any contrary ideology of self reliance.
If our nation persists on the path taken in the last four years, if our nation becomes complacent about the overbearing role of a soft tyranny, eventually that soft tyranny will be replaced by pure, hard core tyranny, leaving the people with the clear choice of submission or revolt.

Just my thoughts!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Americans Tired Of Race Baiting?

By Semperpapa

Well, count one American for a ‘yes’.

The race baiters are once again sharpening their teeth on their favorite activity with the Susan Rice issue.
The US ambassador to the United Nations has made herself a huge target for Republicans after visiting five separate Sunday morning shows five days after the Benghazi massacre, to spew the lies of the administration that the attack against the US Consulate in the Libyan city was a spontaneous reaction to some obscure video on the Internet.

The investigation on the tragedy has so far shown that it was known immediately that the attack was premeditated and organized, clearly work of al Qaeda. It is also more than obvious that the cover-up in Benghazi on the part of the Obama administration was aimed at delaying any possible discovery of facts before the presidential elections.
Clearly, all efforts were made to hide the truth from the American people so to not tarnish the fake image of success of Obama’s policies against the terror group and specifically in the North Africa country.

The cover-up was successful in keeping the Libya disaster out of the election campaign and the people somewhat in the dark, although I mostly blame the American people who had the information available but just chose to ignore it in their decision.
Today, in the wake of Obama re-election, rumors are going around that Obama is considering promoting Susan Rice to the position of Secretary of State once Hillary steps down.
The rumor, obviously leaked by the administration to test the political waters, has been met by also obvious protest on the part of some on the Republican side.
Senators John McCain, Lindsay Graham and Kelly Ayotte expressed their rejection of any ‘promotion’ for any actor who was involved in the Libya cover up.
Interestingly, though, the usual suspects on the left launched a crusade against McCain and Graham, purposely leaving out Ayotte, accusing the senators to be angry white men on a smear campaign against a young black woman.

Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Oh), who will be the head of the Congressional Black Caucus, has accused the senators, just the two white men, of racism and sexism. Basically, same crap just different day.

The incompetence of Susan Rice has been documented, from her clear inability to handling the genocide in Darfur to her lackluster tenure at the UN. Elevating her to Sec. of State would usher in another four years of absolutely no consequence just like the last four.

Fudge made the following accusations during some unhinged press conference:

 “There is a clear, a clear in my opinion, sexism and racism that goes with these comments that are being made by, unfortunately, Senator McCain and others,”

So, as we can see, the race card is up and showing its ugly face via the so-called Democrat leadership.

Just to be clear, I am not at all convinced that McCain and Graham are merely following their conscience regarding the elevation of Rice to the Secretary position as much as trying to aid their friend John Kerry, who really wants the job. Regardless, it is more than obvious that Susan Rice is not Secretary material.
And, unless my memory fails me, I do not recall Rep. Fudge or Clyburn or anyone from the Congressional Black Caucus making any statements of support for Rep. Allen West during his unsuccessful fight to correct voter fraud or making any statement about Mia Love congressional race in Utah. Obviously, West and Love are the 'wrong' kind of blacks for the CBC losers.
Nor I recall any of these women who came out with accusations of ‘sexism’ being vocal about the abhorrent treatment the media reserved, and still engages in, for Sarah Palin.

Ultimately, the fact is that the race baiters are all too emboldened by their ultimate supreme leader, president Obama. He was successful in 2008 to divide America on racial lines and on all other basis and continued to do so for the last four years. All indications are that the next four years will bring not less, but more divisiveness among Americans, championed by the White House.

Personally, I never did and never will fall in the trap of the race baiters. I have been called every name in the book and it really is not that big of a deal for me. I rather adhere to my principles and to the principles of the Constitution. Everything else is just a disgusting attempt to distract from the real issues and cover the ever growing governmental corruption.
I am not going to fall for the lie that Rep. Clyburn spews around with the ‘code words’ that underline racism. The man, which I call an idiot (and that is not a code word because he IS an idiot) has made a career on keeping his race down so to benefit as a ‘champion’ for the struggle. He is the real racist in this equation, flanked by other racists like Fudge and company.
Pure and simple!

Just my thoughts!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Pain Of A Gold Star Father

By Semperpapa

Earlier this evening, as I listen to a radio talk show while at work, the host of the program, the Great Mark Levin, conducted a phone interview with a Gold Star Father.
The name of the man is irrelevant in this context, but he lost his son in Iraq. The reason I am saying that his name is irrelevant is because I heard a man that spoke for all Gold Star families.

Even after years have gone by, one can still hear the enormous pain in the man's voice, pain a father must feel when the natural course of events is reversed and a child needs to be buried before a parent.
The interview, which really amounted to a monologue, was as emotional as it could get, mostly because of the subject matter.
Mr. Levin asked the man about his thoughts on the Benghazi massacre.

The answer was pungent. The man said that what the families of those murdered in Benghazi got was the famous knock at the door that all who have family members deployed dreads most of all: the representative of the Military branch of the loved one and a chaplain notifying the family of the worst.

As the father of a Marine who spent 7 months in Afghanistan, I can relate to the anxiety felt every second of those seven months for the possible 'knock at the door'. It was an anxiety that my daughter-in-law felt, my wife and I felt and my daughter and son-in-law felt.
My son came home safe and sound, but in so many instances, too many really, the dreaded home visit has occurred and that was the pain of the Gold Star Father.
He compared the knock the families of the murdered in Benghazi received with the one he received when they came to tell him his son had fallen, but he added that in his case what followed made all the difference.

In his case, they got to meet president George W. Bush who showed genuine sorrow for their loss and who took the time to explain to them why he had had to make the awful decision to send young men and women in harms way. He showed compassion.
But in the case of Benghazi, the man expressed his sorrow for the families of the victims because, to make things worse, they received no compassion from the Commander-in-Chief, a promise from the sec. of State of punishment for a film maker that everyone knew had nothing to do with the murders and a vice president who made vulgar and highly inappropriate statements.

The families of those who were murdered in Benghazi demand answers regarding what happened on September 11, 2012. The are entitled to honest and straight forward answers.

So here was one man with a forever pain that, as a father, I can only begin to understand. He spoke for all who have lost a child in the service of the country and who anguish in search of reasons and closure.
It was a very emotional interview and it was my fortune that by the time it came on most of my co-workers had already left, as it would have been embarrassing to have anyone see my tears.

From the pain of a Gold Star Father we should all learn something: that so many have sacrificed greatly for this Nation, that so many still are sacrificing and that our debt of gratitude for those who have passed, their families and all those who have served is one we should honor by conducting ourselves in a respectful and honorable way.

Just my thoughts!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Patreaus Debacle

By Semperpapa

And it is a debacle.
Highly regarded and decorated four star Army retired general David Patreaus, currently head of the Central Intelligence Agency, has given his resignation to president Obama on Friday.
It was a shock for many. Gen. Patreaus has long been regarded as an outstanding leader and the news of his extramarital affair came as a shocking surprise to all.

The affair, according to reports, occurred with the author of his biography, Paula Broadwell.

According to reports, again, the FBI has been conducting an investigation on the issue for some time, alleging that the Ms. Broadwell had had access to Patreaus personal e-mail which could be a breech of security.
Regardless of the details of the investigation of the affair, which are not interesting to me in the least, I find it remarkable that this is the second 'issue' that has surfaced in less than a week since the re-election of Obama last Tuesday.

The first was the attack against a US drone by the Iranians, which had been kept under wrap by the administration before the elections, and now this story of sordid doings on the part of the CIA director.
Some people have advanced the notion that the timing of the 'revelation' and resignation of Patreaus could be tied to the fact that the officer was slated to testify in front of a congressional committee, over the Libya affair, next week. So the opinion is that now he will not have to any longer.
The problem is that, as declared by South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy to Fox News Greta Van Susteren, the committee will have Gen. Patreaus testify, either voluntarily or by subpoena.

So what is going on here? Well, this is my gut feeling.
Gen. Patreaus has previously testified in front of Congress, that the attack against the Libya consulate was a mob action, in an attempt to back the cover up story initially given by the administration.
That's already a strike against Patreaus.

Secondly, if there are proofs that Broadwell had access to sensitive material without just approval, that would be a great violation of security and a real black eye for a former Army officer and director of the CIA.
Strike two.

Finally, the idea of a high ranking official with such tremendous responsibility for the safety and security of our Nation, having been involved in an adulterous relationship, further casts a very negative light on the reputation of the man.
Strike're out!

My feeling is that although the administration will not be able to prevent Patreaus from testifying, unless the general shows up dead somewhere before the congressional hearings, the system (the Obama machine and the main stream media) will succeed in tarnishing the image of the decorated soldier enough that anything he will say in his testimony will be regarded as coming from a less that reputable source.

And just a short time ago, the news broke that Hillary Clinton has decline the invitation to testify in front of the same committee, meaning that if the committee wants her to answer questions they will have to subpoena her to appear.

All this, including the timing of the resignation, fits oh so perfectly with the way this corrupted, criminal administration has conducted business for the last four years. Also an indication of what the next four will be like, only worst.
The writing on the wall is clear. Just as the truth behind the scandal of Fast and Furious will not be known for some time, if ever, the truth about the way Obama and his ilks abandoned over thirty American citizens to die in Benghazi for political gain will take a very long time to be exposed, if ever

Yes, folks, this is our current leadership.

Just my thoughts!

It’s Time To Clean The House

By Semperpapa

Well, now is the time for Republicans to clean house, and I mean the House of Representatives.
The first head to roll should be that of House Speaker John Bohener. He needs to go and relinquish his position as leader of the legislative body.
John Bohener is no leader!

In an interview with Diane Sawyer of ABC news, Bohener stated that Obamacare is the law of the land and that the efforts of republicans in the House to repeal the law will not be going forward after Obama’s re-election.

The problem with the Republicans in Congress, and specifically in the House, is that they are more interested in keeping their lucrative jobs than to do what is right for the country and its people.
Obamacare is a disaster of biblical proportions for our Nation, and regardless of the Supreme Court decision, every mean available for its repeal should be explored by the representatives of the people.

The re-election of Obama to a second term should have nothing to do with doing what is right for the people. The most used word by those who are allegedly supposed to represent the American people is compromise and compromise they will, because in their corrupted minds, it is more important to suck up to the president and continue the status quo.
In the mid-term elections of 2010, the victory at the polls was for those conservatives who listened to the people and campaigned to reject the socialist policies that are taking our country to the level of a third world nation.

Bohener is the poster child of the behavior that so many conservatives in those elections voted against.
The loss of Mitt Romney on November 6, 2012 is seen by the republican ‘leadership’ as an invitation to capitulate to the progressive policies of a radical leftist. Instead it should be seen as a call to action for every single conservative to renew the fight against what Mark Levin rightfully calls ‘statism’.

Does anyone really believe that a liberal speaker of the House, like Nancy Pelosi for example, would stand up and relinquish their fight against a republican president policy?
That is the reason why Obama won a second term!

The defeat of republicans on 6-11-12 was not due to a lack of messaging, but it was ushered in by a lack of principled unity.
Let me give you an example: in Missouri, Todd Akin had a good chance to unseat Claire McCaskill for the US Senate. After his unfortunate statements regarding abortion, for which he profusely apologized for, the RNC abandoned the guy and McCaskill, one of the most corrupted members of the Senate, kept her job.
In the Democrat camp, candidates make horrendous statements, like Biden and his "put you back in chain" one, and the party just rallies around them and spin excuses until the issue is forgotten. 
Richard Mourdock in Indiana got the same treatment and conservatives lost that seat too.
By contrast, a complete nutcase like Elisabeth Warren got all the support of the party even after every stupid statement or lie. 
That is the difference, and as long as the spineless republicans in the leadership don't understand that the only way to win is to remain united in the ideological cause, our country will slip further into the liberal abyss.
And we may get to the point that there will not be a way back.

The Republican Party is supposed to be the representative party of American Conservatives and it has failed miserably, because it has become the party of the wishy-washy morons who are more interested in compromising than to advance the conservative ideology.
The main difference between the two parties is that when ‘compromise’ is achieved, it always translates into the liberals forcing conservatives to capitulate on their positions.

That’s not compromise, but surrender. And folks like Bohener are very good at surrendering.
It is time to replace these unworthy leaders and replace them with sound ideological conservatives.

Just my thoughts!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Depressed About The Elections? Think Of Israel

By Semperpapa

Sure we are depressed about the results of the elections last Tuesday, but there is always worst: Israel.

I must admit that thinking of Netanyahu and the future of Israel is a real scary prospect with the re-election of Obama.
What must be going through the Israeli Prime Minister's mind right now?
It is an existential fight Israel is faced with, surrounded by millions of fanatics who are dedicated to the destruction of that country and its people, and after four years of Obama rejecting the backing of the Jewish state and even undermining it, now the re-election of Obama practically leaves Israel alone against the world.

Sure, the Obama administration has pledged support for Israel in the past, but the actions of Washington have been all but reassuring of the actual intentions.
If the support of Obama and his droids for Israel is going to be at the same level of the support given to American citizens in Benghazi, Netanyahu must be planning that the inevitable conflict in the Mideast is going to see Israel practically alone against the forces of evil surrounding them.

Yes, we are all depressed about the prospect of another four years of Obama, but for Israel it is a matter of survival, pure and simple.
How heartbreaking must be for the people of Israel to know that 69% of American Jews voted for the man who appears to be supporting the demise of the Jewish State as much as the terrorists of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Just my thoughts!

Romney Did Not Fail America. America Failed America

By Semperpapa

With the elections finally over, the Monday morning quarterbacking is in full swing on the Right to place blame for the devastating loss for our country, and I want to emphasize that it was NOT a loss for Republicans, but a loss for the whole country.

As I have mentioned before on several occasions, Mr. Romney was not my first choice in the primaries, but I stood behind him during the campaign and voted for him.
So, what did actually go wrong on Tuesday?

The pundits out there are blaming Romney for not conducting the right campaign, for not espousing conservative ideals strongly enough, for not hitting on some major issues enough like the Libya cover up, etc., but the real culpability for the failure of firing Obama on Tuesday goes directly to the American people, not Mr. Romney.

At the root of the debacle is the radical transformation of American society and culture that has been ongoing for several decades now, a transformation that is fast taking America toward the edge of a societal abyss, and I am not sure we are properly equipped any longer, as a society, to prevent.
We have become a nation of dependents, a transformation that Obama has wanted in his first term and worked hard at achieving. And he has been successful if the increase in welfare recipients is an indication.

The message that came from the Romney campaign was clear. Return America to the conditions where the majority of people would be able to obtain good and rewarding employment, taking responsibility for their economic and financial future by being allowed to keep more of their earned income.
The message was to return the country to its founding principles where self-reliance and hard work were the only necessary tools needed to succeed at achieving the American dream.
And it was to return America to moral standards where the unalienable right each one of us has are not given by a 'benevolent' dictator or government, but by God.

What America has voted last Tuesday for, instead, is the rejection of these principles and the confirmation of a society that rejects self-reliance in favor of entitlement, rejects hard work in favor of hand outs and rejects any sort of spiritual guidance in favor of a purely secular approach.

The fault I assigned to Romney is that he did not hit on some very important elements of the Obama failures, driving the conservative principles forward: Libya, Ft. Hood, Fast and Furious to name three.
Why is every conservative devastated by the results of the elections last Tuesday? Well, I can tell you this conservative's answer. It is purely unfathomable that with such a record of economic incompetence and failure; with such a record of attacks against the Constitution; with such a record of government intrusion; and such a record of foreign policy disaster, Mr. Obama was given four more years.

Again, this is a cultural breakdown in America. If on my job in the private sector I produced failures and costly mistakes, my employer would replace me with someone else, not give me more time.
But in the new America, failure is rewarded. In the new America an abysmal record is rewarded with additional chances to make it worst. It is really a devastating reality.

Everything that Obama is espousing in America, and the American people entitled him to achieve for four more years, has been the norm in dozens of countries around the world and it has failed miserably.
And it is failing in America too. The only problem is that, in the past, when other countries failed there was always a hope for humanity called America. Now that America is failing there are no other places in the world to turn to. The whole world in in a heap of trouble.

This was the message of Mr. Romney: return America to the place where we as a free, prosperous and strong country would still be the beacon of light in the darkness of global tyranny.
It was not Mitt Romney that failed America, but it was America that failed America. It was the entitlement society of free stuff that failed America. It was the pursuit of the nanny state that failed America.
By the time Obama is done in four years, our country will net be recognizable any more.
Is there any hope for America? I think there is, but only time will tell.

Just my thoughts!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

America Is Dead

By Semperpapa

Obama just won another four years. As ridiculous that may sound, it is a reality that we Americans are faced with. What this means is that America is dead. The American dream is dead. The great political experiment is dead.

I know many will accuse me of being over dramatizing the results of the elections, but I am not.
It is not only the fact that Obama, an incompetent, radical Marxist who hates America deep into his core, is going to be soiling the White House, OUR White House for the next four years, but what the elections really means in terms of the place our population is in.

Starting with the re-election of the traitor, if anyone thought that the last four years were bad, if anyone thought that the conditions of our country, from its economy to its security, were bad, you are in for a much greater surprise, a bad surprise.
The traitor has been given four more years to destroy the very foundations of America, the very traditions of our country. He has already made our country the laughing stock of every single Islamic terrorist out there, never even entertaining the very word "terrorism". He has been give card blanch to engage in any kind of agreement with al Qaeda, Hezbolla, Hamas and especially the Muslim Brotherhood.
And let's not forget the 'flexibility' he now has to engage Vladimir Putin.

He has been given open range to finish off our coal and natural gas industry, and to increase the strangling of our own oil production. And to hand over even more of our treasure to the Muslims and George Soros.

But this is only part of my reasoning about the death of America.
The very sign of it is the fact that with the record Obama racked up in the last four years, there are still so many who voted for him. And that is the extraordinarily disturbing reality.
The unanswered question is this: what part of Obama record from the last four years made people vote for him?

Well, right off the bat, we can answer for the black population. Surely with few exceptions, I can safely say that we will find out the majority of blacks in America voted for the color of his skin. Never mind the very poor performance he exhibited to improve their economic conditions (or any one's conditions, for that matter).
Then there are the women who voted for Obama. Why? Was it the abortion on demand? Was it the 'freedom' to kill their babies even if they were born? Perhaps.
Or was it the fact that he wants each one of us to pay for the ability of women to spread their legs at will without the inconvenience of pregnancy?
Maybe we will find out in the following days, but it remains a disturbing fact that with women's unemployment so high, with household budgets shrinking thanks to the increase in costs like fuel and groceries and utilities, women actually voted for the man who wants all of the above to go even higher, a just punishment for the undeserved prosperity of our citizens. And all so that they would have the freedom to kill their babies and someone to pay to avoid their conception?

Now, I live in California and I am fully aware of the screwed up nature of Californians. These are the same people who have attacked the once Golden State and reduce it to the level of a 3rd world economy, riddled by debt, illegal aliens, high taxes, job-killing regulations and deeply anti-business. So I can understand how does California may vote for Obama.
But I cannot understand how a state like Pennsylvania can vote for Obama when he has clearly declared war to its major industry: coal.
How can folks in that state vote to keep the executioner of their livelihood in power. This question really baffles me.

The same for Nevada. Obama has attacked that state since his first day in office, creating a backlash against their major industry. And yet the majority of the people of Nevada voted to give the man another four years.

Most disturbing is the fact that the American people were not disgusted by the way Obama classified the Ft. Hood massacre as a "workplace violence" incident, not terrorism.
Or the way Obama handled and subsequently covered up the murder of the four American citizens in Benghazi.

Why do I think America is dead? Because even as the people were confronted by a terrible economic performance; while they saw Obama and his family on lavish vacations while their home was being foreclosed; while they saw Muslim terrorists killing Americans with impunity; while they saw Obama give Billions of taxpayers' money to his cronies in ventures doomed to fail because they were campaign donors; while they saw Obama conducting a clear war against our constitutional rights and continuously attempt to gain dictatorial powers over our lives; and while he divides Americans pinning them against each other so to gain power, they still went to vote for him.

Yes this is disturbing, because it is uncharacteristic of the American spirit, a spirit of freedom and independence. But I guess being able to free load off other people, free Obama money free condoms and free cell phones are troubling temptations for what appears to be the majority of the American people.
And if that is the way Americans want it to be, our republic, our country is dead.

Just my thoughts!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Not Much Difference Between The Treatment Of The Benghazi Americans And The rest Of The Country

By Semperpapa

I am really not too surprised about the way Obama sold the American citizens in Benghazi down the river, causing the death of four of them.
I am not surprised, because, if we really look at the way Obama has used his presidency for the last four years, he has been selling the whole nation down the river.

In the case of the four in Benghazi, and it was only four who paid with their lives for his political expediency thanks to the hero SEALs of that day, Obama just watched them die and gave no order to expend every possible resource for their rescue. It was not in his political interest, in his re-election strategy, to risk a military intervention. Those under siege in Benghazi were ultimately expendable in the big picture of his political success.

In reality, there is not much difference in the way Obama has destroyed the whole country since day one of his presidency. Every move made and word spoken, every executive order and every policy has been directed to increase Obama power and Obama image. There has been only one person who is better off today after four years of despotic regime: Obama and his droids.

Obamacare is one example. As the Nation struggled with a crippling recession, as jobs were being lost at neck breaking rate, Obama embarked on the governmental takeover of the health care system in the country.
From the cost to the American taxpayers, to the devastating burden on small businesses, to the hypocrisy of exempting himself from it, Obama pushed through this horrendous legislation.
He sold the American people down the river with a system comprising of higher costs and lower quality, but still making sure that himself and the other traitors in Congress would not have to be subjected to the legislative monstrosity.

With the auto industry takeover, thousands of independent dealerships closed, and thousands of people lost their jobs. In that case, Obama made sure to satisfy the demands of the unions who contribute so much to his re-election campaign, sacrificing the lives of those who he deemed unnecessary for his maintenance of power.

Stopping the Keystone pipeline sacrificed the lives of all those who could have benefited from thousands of good jobs and millions of Americans who would benefit from the lower cost oil.
Stopping all drilling on federal land, which followed the largest takeover of American land by the federal government, just added to our dependency from oil from countries who just plainly want us dead, not to mention the much higher fuel prices.

Unconditional retreat from Iraq, after failing to reach an agreement on residual troops to remain in that country, effectively handed Iraq to Iran, rendering the sacrifice of over 4,000 American lives useless. Making their sacrifice a waste was a good trade with the ability to say, on the campaign trail, that he ended that war.
And the unreasonable ROE in Afghanistan, aimed at some form of pandering toward the terrorists of al Qaeda and the Taliban, a unilateral gesture of benevolence toward those who have killed our soldiers for over eight years. But those deaths are a small price for Obama to pay to have a campaign slogan.

Let us also not forget the heroes of SEAL Team 6 who risked their lives to take out the hated Osama bin Laden. They got paraded by a shameful president who cared nothing about their safety or the safety of their families when it came to scoring a political success.
Just weeks after the raid on bin Laden, a chopper loaded with Special Forces, including members of SEAL Team 6 was shot down in Afghanistan with tremendous loss of life.

And who can forget the travesty that Obama perpetrated against the victims of the Fort Hood massacre, where he had the report on the shooting classified as a "workplace violence" so that he could continue his narrative of terrorism being non-existent because he was president. Those folks, the dead and the wounded, were hung out to dry by this megalomaniac, narcissistic poor excuse of a man.

American blacks will still overwhelmingly vote for Obama because of the color of his skin, regardless of the fact that Obama has used the racial component openly and shamelessly. National unemployment among blacks is well above the national rate, and yet American blacks still support Obama.
Women have been abused by this regime, reducing them to a conglomeration of people who, according to the rhetoric used by the Obama campaign, are only interested in abortion and contraceptives.

Obama has abandoned the American people for sake of keeping his job safe and secure so that he and his  family can live the life of luxury they obviously believe they deserve. And while the simple, little people of America are suffering, he trusts that by speaking some chosen words of false compassion he can fake the American people from one 18-holes of golf to the next vacation.
Now it is high time for the American people to tell Obama to go to hell, a place that is extremely appropriate for him and his Obamadroids.

So when you go vote tomorrow, make sure that you think about all your American brothers and sisters who Obama has condemned to death, in some cases, and into a life of mediocrity and dependency.
And all for sake of personal political power!

Just my thoughts!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Revenge? You Are Damn Right

By Semperpapa

President Obama gave a speech telling the deranged supporters that their vote next Tuesday should be the best revenge against his opponent and his policies.
In response, Gov. Romney stated to his supporters that the vote on November 6th should be a vote for 'love of country'.
While I do agree with Romney's premises, I also believe that our vote in the upcoming elections should be one of revenge also.

We should exact our revenge against a president and an administration that has taken our beloved Nation to the brink of an abyss that is truly unprecedented. Maybe the country's division closest similarity could be considered the conditions preceding the Civil War. The difference is that the way American should seek their revenge is via their vote.

Since day one of his presidency, Barack Hussein Obama has been campaigning on the strategy of dividing the American people and he has succeeded, probably beyond his own wildest expectations.
He has been able to pin blacks against whites, men against women, rich against everyone else and all with the goal of creating the conditions for an internal ideological conflagration that would insure his maintenance of power.

Obama took office with a full democrat Congress and the ability to attack the economic downturn of 2008, but instead he completely ignored the economy in favor of creating a government takeover of the national health care system, placing millions of people in the position of becoming dependent on the government for their basic health needs. And not too long ago he reaffirmed that he had no regrets about neglecting the economy for the first two years of his regime.

Revenge? Absolutely! Obamacare is a disaster for our Nation, not only because it is doomed to fail and drag the country into a permanent state of poor quality care, but also because places unconstitutional powers into the hands of the government.

The American people should vote for revenge against a president who has shown that he does just have no interest in our Military, but that he actually hates our men and women in uniform. In his proletarian ideology, the Military represents everything he abhors. He sees our military power as a tool of colonialism, the same type of colonialism he grew up hating thanks to the teachings of Frank Marshal Davis and the little he knew about his own radical father.
Today we see that more casualties have been suffered in Afghanistan in the last four years than in the entire previous eight years of the war. Declaring to our enemies our strategy for Afghanistan and establishing Rules of Engagements aimed at favoring the enemy, has created the perfect conditions for the high casualty rates of the last four years.
He also deserves our revenge for rendering the blood sacrifice spent in Iraq useless. Over 4,000 dead American troops and thousands of wounded. And all he was able to achieve was the handing over of Iraq to the Iranian regime. Today, weapons convoys make their way trough the Iraqi roads from Iran to Syria to refurbish the armaments of the Damascus tyrant in the slaughter of his own people.

Finally, we must seek revenge for the way Obama abandoned the American citizens in Benghazi.
From the moment the attack against our consulate in the Libyan city started, Obama made the calculated decision that those Americans in Benghazi were expendable in order to maintain the fake image that his policies of support for the rebels in that country had been a success.
From the moment the attack begun, he and Clinton and Panetta knew that bringing the Military to render aid to those trapped and under attack by an Al Qaeda affiliate, would demonstrate that his long time claims of success against the terror group, was pure bull crap.
So he decided to sacrifice the lives of the American citizens to protect his feeble political image. And while the death toll of four Americans is already very high, we must realize and remember that he was willing to sacrifice many more on that night, many more American lives that were saved by the heroic actions of two former Navy SEALs. And the bodies of the dead Americans were not even cold that he was on his way to Las Vegas to campaign. Can you imagine if that would have been a Republican president? The wrath of the Media? But the despicable media, with very few exceptions, is all but ignoring the whole 'Libya thing' supporting the regime in the attempt to delay any real investigation until after the convenient!
I cannot think of any graver form of high crimes and misdemeanors that a sitting president should be held accountable for. And to make things even worst, if that is even possible, he and his ilks attempted to cover the whole crime up with the story of an anti-Islamic video, further counting on their conviction that the American people are just bunch of stupid morons.

Yes, my friends, I am seeking revenge next Tuesday. From day one of his presidency, Obama has demonstrated a deep and long reaching hatred for America and our principles. It is now high time to exact our revenge on this poor excuse for a human being and send him off into retirement.

We the People must decide now! God bless America!
Just my thoughts!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

About Mormons And Military Service

By Semperpapa

Last night, my son and his family were sitting in our home. My son and daughter-in-law had just gotten back from a quite dinner alone as we watched our precious grand children.
They got one of those rare evening alone and we got to spend some time with our precious ‘monkeys’.

As we sat talking before they went home, somehow the conversation came out about Ann Romney appearance on the View and the asinine question, more like an insinuation, made by Whoopy Goldberg that Mormons do not serve in the Military because of religious reasons. My son had not heard of that exchange and was incensed by the insinuation.
See, my son is a retired Marine with one combat tour in Afghanistan. What made him mad was the fact that his battalion, the 4th Light Armored Reconnaissance, is, as a reserve unit, comprised of companies from several different states throughout the United States.
One of the companies that deployed in Afghanistan was Charlie Co. from Salt Lake City, Utah. The vast majority of the members of that company follow the Mormon religion.

What made my Marine son even more mad was the memory of two of Charlie Co. Marines who were killed in combat operations: Carlos Navarro and Nigel Olsen.
My son did not know these Marine brothers personally, but in the culture of the Military, the loss experienced by Charlie Co. was a personal loss for the whole battalion.

The moral of the story is that Goldberg should have probably done some research on the background of the question that obviously was planning to ask Ann Romney.
Maybe Goldberg was aware of Charlie Co. and of the ultimate sacrifice paid by Carlos and Nigel to protect her very right to be an idiot on television, but I am of the opinion that when it comes to the Military and the sacrifices they make, detached and ill informed celebrities are AWOL.
On the other hand, there is always the possibility that Goldberg already knew the true answer to the question she posed Mrs. Romney and just wanted to create the false pretest for the moronic followers of that program that Mormons are not inclined to serve in the Military and cast a negative shadow on the fact that none of the five Romney sons had served in the Military. Could she be so deceiving? For the sake of Obama, these losers will stoop to unimaginable low levels.

Finally, I want to remind all who read this that the obligation we have as a Nation is to make sure that the memories of Carlos and Nigel and every single other lost Military member is never forgotten nor soiled, and that the support of those who have come back never weaken. Losers like Goldberg will hopefully be relegated to a secondary role in our society and eventually just fade in ignominy.

Just my thoughts!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Media Bias Knows No Shame

By Semperpapa

I have been out of the country for the last four days and during such time I have gotten a real taste of the pro-Obama campaign being conducted by the media, as the only source of news I was able to view was CNN.

Every minute of every broadcast on the Communist News Network was aimed at the re-election of Obama, exploiting the disaster caused by hurricane Sandy in the north east part of the United States.
Every single ‘report’ filed on the devastation caused by the horrible storm was an open praise for the way Obama had ‘handled’ the response to the suffering of millions of Americans. Images of Obama walking with New Jersey governor Chris Christy, images of Obama with Red Cross volunteers or some of the affected people appeared on broadcast loops over and over.

As I was waiting for my flights at various airports, the monitors were all tuned on CNN, adding insult to injury as people were waiting for their flights to depart.
It was either the image of Obama touring the affected areas or some special report on how Michelle Obama handles the ‘rigors’ of the campaign.

Even the channel promotional clips were aimed at painting the challenger Romney in a bad light. For example, CNN promotional ad about the upcoming election coverage showed a sound bite from Obama telling his supporters at a rally that he wants to move the country forward, followed by a sound bite of Romney telling he wants to “take the White House back” portraying the president as all interested in the advancement of the people’s cause and the opponent as merely seeking power.
Here in California, we conservatives have little or no hope to place the state on the Romney column next Tuesday, and yet we will be going on to vote and express our opinion on the race and on the need to replace Feinstein as US senator and many other issues.

One story that the CNN was almost totally ignoring was the Libya disaster. In the whole time I was ‘forced’ to watch CNN, the ongoing investigation on the failures of Obama foreign policy that resulted in four Americans being slaughtered was mentioned once for about two and a half minutes. Never once was the outrage of American Veterans over the abandonment of our citizens mentioned.
And never once that I heard the $16 Trillion debt mentioned.

Finally, one of the female anchor reported that during one of Romney’s rally, I believe in Florida, a hackler started screaming some disjointed accusations that Sandy was the result of global warming while being removed by security. The hilarious thing was that few minutes later she also reported that New York mayor Bloomberg endorsed Obama because he, the mayor, believes that the storm that devastated his city was caused by climate change and that Obama was the only choice because of his position on the subject. I wish, for the sake of New Yorkers, security would remove Bloomberg and send him to some gulag in Siberia.

The whole four days experience was educational. It more than confirmed why CNN ratings are in the dumps. I never watched the leftist propaganda machine that the cable news has become, and I will never watch it again. Even my wife, who, although conservative, likes to listen to both sides of the issues, was incensed by the open, undisputed bias that CNN displayed.
We were actually waiting for CNN to report that the water flooding the New York subways and finally slowly receding, were doing so thanks to Obama’s ability to lower the water levels.

Just my thoughts!