Saturday, March 23, 2013

Social Decay

By Semperpapa

This could actually be the title of an almost daily post, so low has our society gone.

In Georgia yesterday, a mother was walking her 14-month old little boy in a stroller when, in broad daylight, she was approached by two young boys.
The older of the pair produced a gun and demanded that the young woman give him her money.
As the woman told him she did not have any, he shot at her grazing her face then shot into the ground. As the woman pleaded that she had no money, he shot her again in the leg and then went to the baby in the stroller and shot him in the head, killing him.

The police made quick work of this crime, arresting the two criminals. The shooter, a 17 year old, and his crime partner, a 14 year old.

The names are not the point of this, as such actors do not deserve any sort of publicity. The act is the sign of our time. According to the authorities, the 17-year old will be charged as an adult.

One must wonder what has gone wrong in our society when you have two young boys decide that the lives of innocent people are not worth a second thought.
Surely the energized gun-control nuts may use this tragedy too, claiming that if guns were banned, this crime would have not happened. Such is the foolishness of that idiotic crowd.
Truth is that these criminals, in the commission of their deed, already broke several laws even before the trigger was pulled the first time.
I am not sure about the Georgia law, but I am pretty sure that as a 17-year old, he was not legally supposed to have a firearm. Well, that did not stop him.
Robbery is also illegal (even if our great government does it all the time), and yet the illegality of the act was no deterrent for these two thugs.

And where was the police? As the cliche goes: "when seconds matter, the cops are just minutes away."

The only way that the mother could have had a chance to defend her own baby would have been if she herself was armed. That would have given her the possibility to maybe save an innocent life.

Just as in the situations in Virginia Tech, Aurora, Columbine, Newtown, the fact that the attacker was the only one with a weapon was the determining factor for the number of victims. In any of those horrible scenarios, it is impossible to tell what the outcome would have been if any of the victims would have had the ability to fight fire with fire.
Maybe the lives of one, two or ten innocent lives could have been saved. In their insanity driven push to destroy the Second Amendment, liberals claim that, for example, if an assault gun ban saves even one life, it would be worth it.
I agree with the statement from the opposite prospective: if the presence of a law abiding citizen with a firearm would have saved even one life by stopping the attack at an earlier stage, it would have been worth it. If the woman in Georgia would have pumped couple of rounds in the 17-year old chest and save the life of her little son, I will definitely applaud that outcome much more readily than having to bury a 14-month old little boy. But maybe that is just me.

It is too late for the little baby in Georgia, just as it is too late for the children in Newtown, or the movie-goers in Aurora, or the students of Columbine.
Sadly, it may be also too late for the next shooting victims, because as long as the American people relegate their right to self-defense into the hands of law enforcement authorities who, as well intended as they are, cannot be everywhere all the time, as long as the American people surrender their personal protection to some governmental entity, there will be another shooting.

The government, as it is today, promotes the social decay seen in Georgia. These types of criminal actions are used by politicians to advance a specific agenda. Be it the disarmament of law abiding citizens or the opposite, ultimately there are very few politicians, at any level or party, who will not use senseless tragedies like this one to self-promote.
In the meantime, we the people are the ones who pay the price.
Politicians want us as sheep, while they cater to the wolves and punish the sheepdogs.

Yes, I call it social decay.

Just my thoughts!

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