Recently, a post on Facebook got the issue of the banning of firearms. As expected it was a liberal idiot who brought up the issue, because it is only SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) for liberals to not only be anti-constitutional, but also to be ready to place their lives in the hand of the government and always be ready to take the side of those poor criminals out there.
This is what I have a problem with: the government (in whatever form: cops, firemen, etc.) cannot be there every time some scumbag decides that he/she wants to infringe upon our right to pursue happiness, or just plain survive. The famous line remains valid: why do you carry a gun? Because a cop is too heavy.
But for the bleeding heart sheep on the left, there is nothing in our lives that is worth taking someone else's life, that no property is worth a life and that fleeing is preferable to stand up and fight. And if fleeing is not an available choice, too bad.
I am convinced that the moral superiority these highly misguided people feel would suddenly disappear if their welfare was directly threatened and an armed someone was there to intervene, but I could be wrong.
The other major problem I have is that these morons do not limit themselves to their own personal choice not to have a gun, but they are adamant to remove my right to have one, as if my choice of being in the position to defend my family's and my life is somewhat less important than their Utopian irrational unarmed position.
Of the 25,000+ gun laws on the books in the United States, not a single one of them would prevent a determined criminal from perpetrating a criminal act, as demonstrated by the statistics of Chicago and Washington, D.C. where there are gun bans and where murder rate is rampant. How could it be if guns are banned?
Because laws are only effective if the person is law abiding. Criminals are, by definition, not too concerned about whatever it is that the law states.
But in the name of fairness, I wanted to list a number of items I also want banned, as they have been used in the commission of murder:
- knives
- ropes
- telephone cords
- cars, truck, SUVs, vans
- motorcycles
- screwdrivers
- box cutters
- bricks
- stones, rocks
- hammers
- axes
- baseball bats
- bed posts
- rat poison
- antifreeze liquid
- acid
- pillows
- blankets
- duct tape
- plastic bags
- broom handles
- glass bottles
- folding chairs
- crystal vases
- all ornaments weighing more than 3 lb
- gardening tools
- electrical wire
Moreover, as there is the possibility of committing murder by just punching someone in the face or by strangulation, every person should have their hands chopped off.
Just my thoughts!