Thursday, January 26, 2012

Things That Should Be Banned...

By Semperpapa

Recently, a post on Facebook got the issue of the banning of firearms. As expected it was a liberal idiot who brought up the issue, because it is only SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) for liberals to not only be anti-constitutional, but also to be ready to place their lives in the hand of the government and always be ready to take the side of those poor criminals out there.

This is what I have a problem with: the government (in whatever form: cops, firemen, etc.) cannot be there every time some scumbag decides that he/she wants to infringe upon our right to pursue happiness, or just plain survive. The famous line remains valid: why do you carry a gun? Because a cop is too heavy.

But for the bleeding heart sheep on the left, there is nothing in our lives that is worth taking someone else's life, that no property is worth a life and that fleeing is preferable to stand up and fight. And if fleeing is not an available choice, too bad.
I am convinced that the moral superiority these highly misguided people feel would suddenly disappear if their welfare was directly threatened and an armed someone was there to intervene, but I could be wrong.
The other major problem I have is that these morons do not limit themselves to their own personal choice not to have a gun, but they are adamant to remove my right to have one, as if my choice of being in the position to defend my family's and my life is somewhat less important than their Utopian irrational unarmed position.

Of the 25,000+ gun laws on the books in the United States, not a single one of them would prevent a determined criminal from perpetrating a criminal act, as demonstrated by the statistics of Chicago and Washington, D.C. where there are gun bans and where murder rate is rampant. How could it be if guns are banned?
Because laws are only effective if the person is law abiding. Criminals are, by definition, not too concerned about whatever it is that the law states.

But in the name of fairness, I wanted to list a number of items I also want banned, as they have been used in the commission of murder:

  • knives

  • ropes

  • telephone cords

  • cars, truck, SUVs, vans

  • motorcycles

  • screwdrivers

  • box cutters

  • bricks

  • stones, rocks

  • hammers

  • axes

  • baseball bats

  • bed posts

  • rat poison

  • antifreeze liquid

  • acid

  • pillows

  • blankets

  • duct tape

  • plastic bags

  • broom handles

  • glass bottles

  • folding chairs

  • crystal vases

  • all ornaments weighing more than 3 lb

  • gardening tools

  • electrical wire

Moreover, as there is the possibility of committing murder by just punching someone in the face or by strangulation, every person should have their hands chopped off.

Just my thoughts!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Message: Don't Get In A Pissing Match With The Marines

By Semperpapa

We have all been seeing the latest gotcha video of Marines taking a piss on dead Taliban fighters and we have all been treated to the usual indignation of those who are trying their best to shed negative vibes upon our Military.

So it is only for sake of argument that I write this about something that is really a no-News item.

What do I care if some Marines take a piss on some dead Taliban terrorists? Absolutely nothing is the short answer.

It is not a matter of just moral relativism, something that my friends on the Left are true experts at, but a matter of something called war.

War is not the glorified endeavor that has been shown by movies. In the old days, war was glorified as a noble occurrence, filled with chivalric characters who were portrayed as the champions of good against evil.

As higher education undertook the brainwashing of the youth of America, Hollywood followed suit and the image of the selfless hero disappeared, leaving the screen to the disillusioned hero or the mentally destroyed warrior.

In both cases war was a propaganda tool used for the advancement of an agenda.

In reality, war is a nasty and gross event, where humanity expresses its worst possible traits and tendencies; where sometimes the worst wounds are non visible to the untrained eye. There is absolutely nothing clean and noble about war.

Where good can be found is in the stepping up that American young men and women continue to do in defense of our Nation and our principles. Volunteering for any branch of the United States Military, especially the Army and Marine Corps, is a highly possible ticket to Afghanistan.

Service in that theater of operation is, as explained to me by several Veterans of that conflict, a mixture of extremely boring duty and shear terror. One sure thing is that the experience of combat in this war is nothing short of as terrifying as any other conflict of the past, including the "good" war, WWII.

The Marines in Marjah or Felluja, the Army soldiers and the Air Force FAC in the Patkia Province have experienced the same terror filled moments as did the Marines on Guadalcanal or the Rangers in Normandy. The only difference between the war of 1944 and tat of 2011 is that the Marines on Guadalcanal and the Rangers in Normandy did not have to concern themselves with some jerk taking videos of their actions and build a smear case against them.

My only complaint against the actions of the Marines in the pissing episode is that they allowed a video to be shot, and kept, of the episode. That's about it!

I will then be using the same approach as the liberal progressive use in apologize for the worst of human behavior.

You see, just as a criminal is excused by liberals because he/she was victim of some sort of emotional trauma by some person in their past or some circumstances created by republicans, I am sure that the Marines in the video acted as they did because they were emotionally scarred by some episode of their distant or near history.

Maybe they just witnessed a buddy of their being blown to bloody mist by some guy with an explosive vest attached to them. Or maybe they just witnessed one of those nice Taliban dudes use a child to breech their defenses only to become an innocent victim.

In any case, just the stress of combat is enough to justify a behavior that none of these men would most likely engage in under normal circumstances.

So the squeamish liberals can just go back to their rocks and relax.

I find it amazing that the news of 41% of all New York pregnancies end up in abortion gets no traction, but the shenanigans of some battle weary Marines is stirring up so much disdain.

The only aspect of the story that really pisses me off, is that thanks to the attention that the media is giving to the event, the Taliban terrorists and the corrupted Karzai suddenly have a platform from where gain some sort of devious and surely undeserved, moral standing.

If anyone is interested in comparing the actions of these Marines and those of the scum we are fighting, just search for Thomas Tucker and Kristian Menchaca, two American soldiers who were killed in Iraq in 2006.

Just my thoughts!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Sacrosanct Self-Defense

By Semperpapa

The news of the Oklahoma young woman who exercised her sacrosanct right to self-defense has gone viral across the Internet.
Here is the scoop:
Sarah McKinley is an 18-year old young widow. Her husband passed away from cancer on Christmas Day. She was in her Oklahoma City home on New Years Eve when two armed intruders attempted to force his way into her home.
She called 911 and basically asked dispatch if she had the right to shoot the intruders. The dispatcher responded that she had the right to do whatever she needed to do to safeguard herself and her young child, a 3-month old boy.
Sarah is today NOT a statistic as she proceeded to use her 12-gage shotgun to terminate one of the intruders, practically saving her and her little son's lives.

This is the good news, followed by even more positive news that the woman is not facing any legal issues (I know! Why is this even classified as "good news" when it is only common sense!).

The 911 call and the particulars of the event have made the national news, so last night I am watching, against my better judgement, one of the local channel news from Los Angeles (usually do so to check the weather).
Using the report as a pretext, one of the station reporter made her way to some of the Southern California public areas, including some liberal locals like Santa Monica. Her stunt was done to gage the reaction of common street folks to the events in Oklahoma.
The people this so-called reporter interviewed were all women and the majority of them said that she was justified in her actions.
And then there were the cooks and fruits of California, clearly examples of the reason why the social fiber of this state has gone to hell.

One woman said that Sarah should have run away instead of defending herself. OK, what if she did not have the chance to run? And in any case, she was in her OWN home! Why should she retreat from her OWN home in favor of a criminal? This is the permissive approach the morons in California have taken.
On a side note: the woman I mention above had a very heavy Hispanic accent. The "surrender " approach she champions is the same that she expect every American to have in regard to illegal aliens: irrelevant they break the law, they should be allowed to do so without consequences!

Another woman stated that maybe Sarah did not have to kill the perp, but just wound him "...just, maybe, shoot him in the arm or the leg..." showing the extreme ignorance of the common Californian about the realities of crime. This particular interviewee said she supported the idea of self-defense, but that she did not have to kill him. Really?
These ignoramuses are so smoked by Hollywood crap that they actually believe the calm, cool and collected reaction people have to being in dangerous situations as demonstrated by Tom Cruise or Matt Damon is actual reality. They do not realize the mind-altering fear one feels when facing a predatory human being threatening one's life. Sometime there may be no chance to take a careful aim to the intruder's leg or arm. And regardless, wounding an intruder is a fast road to financial ruination as somehow some liberal scum judge is going to award your very home to the offender for damages.

The ones who really baffle me are those who hesitate. The interviewer asked the question: could you kill a criminal to defend yourself or a loved one? Some people could not actually formulate a response, a reaction I have personally witnessed in some debates with some of these spineless individuals. I sure feel sorry for their children, knowing their parents could not harm someone to save them.

The optimal situation is the one Sarah McKinley found herself: she saved her son's and her own life and the scum is dead. No taxpayers' money to waste on the POS and one less douche bag off the map.
Great job, Sarah!

Just my thoughts!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Obama Surrenders America To Our Enemies

By Semperpapa

President Obama is effectively surrendering the Nation to our enemies in the attempt to insure that he can remain the Squatter-in-Chief in the White House for a second term (and possibly beyond, considering his total disregard for the Constitution).

On Thursday January 5, Obama visited the Pentagon, a rare occasion for many Presidents, to delineate his new vision for the US Military. Basically, he went to the place to rub in the face of reality a metaphorical thumbing of the nose to the whole Defense establishment.

Some in our country have been bamboozled by this man as a supporter of the Military, thanks to a willing press that has accentuated the actions of Obama and his wife Michelle.
Even some Military families have been smoked by farcical displays of executive support. Few trips to some bases and some well scripted words here and there have been successful in hiding the real disdain Barak and Michelle have for those who wear the uniform in defense of the Nation.
Empty words mean nothing when the whole regime is bent on rendering useless the blood spilled by our Military by allowing the losing of the war in Iraq.
Empty words mean nothing in comparison with the regime's direction toward losing the war in Afghanistan too. Our Military is still dieing in that conflict just as Obama is preparing to compromise with the Taliban (Oh, sorry, I forgot: the Taliban is not our enemy, right you moron Joe Biden?)

But as part of the electoral campaign, it is time for Obama to give a huge blow to the Military by telling us how he is going to cut half a trillion dollars from the defense budget, cut that will result in thousands of ground troops being separated and those retained will have even less to do their jobs.
Thousands of soldiers and Marines will not be allowed to remain in uniform; equipment will be hard to come by; training and operational proficiency curtailed. But the short sighted people will say that this so called president is hawkish about defending America because he utilizes the UAV weapon as his foreign policy tool.
The Obamadroids will say "but he got bin Laden" conveniently forgetting that the long overdue demise of that terrorist was handed over to Obama on a silver plate thanks to policies instituted by his predecessor. I am glad the scum bag is gone, but all accounts point to the lack of decisiveness of Obama in the hours preceding the raid in Pakistan.
Before we can all rejoice and acclaim the sainthood for Obama, let us not forget that the long distance, law enforcement approach to fighting our enemies has been tried already by the Clinton inbreeds and the results were seen on September 11, 2001.

Interesting that on the same day Obama announced that the nation's defense will be severely curtailed, news have surfaced that the administration is planning on sharing some nuclear weaponry secrets with none other than the Russians. Yes indeed, the Obama regime is intending to share some of the technical secrets of the Standard Missile 3 with the Kremlin.
I am sure that Obama's action follows the Russians "promise" not to share the information with any of our enemies, like North Korea and Iran, right?

For those of you who believe that the current concerns are created by Obama's lack of understanding of the real world, I beg you to open your eyes and see what the reality for our Nation is.
There is no way in hell that a single individual could be so moronic, after all Biden is NOT the president. So my conviction is that the actions we are witnessing, as reckless and non-sensical as they may appear, are being made by design.
The cutting in the defense budget, especially in the number of personnel, is designed to create an enormous influx in the unemployment columns of the Obama ledger. The more unemployed Veterans the better, as they may be more receptive to the false promises of the federal government.
Rampant unemployment will eventually foment civil unrest, but as we have seen already with the Occupy bullshit, the regime has been able to brainwash the masses diverting the responsibility away from the real causes of the complaints: a runaway liberalism of entitlement.

Surrendering America to the enemy has been a trademark for the Obama throngs, be it via apologies or tangible methods as the surrender in Iraq. The cuts in the troop level will flood the civilian world with the same same type of individuals that the regime has already classified as "potential domestic terrorists" and all while we share secrets with the Russian enemies, Iran is saber rattling and China continues to increase its military prowess.

All this makes sense only in the case that it is orchestrated by someone who viscerally hates the United States of America.

Just my thoughts!