Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

31 December 2009

To all my friends and family that endure my rants!

I would like to wish each and everyone of you, and your families, the happiest New Year.

Reflecting on the past 12 months, I have a mixed bag of emotions stirring up inside me as it always happens when we get ready to say goodbye to another year. And I must say that I am very happy 2009 is over.
2009 brought the onslaught of hearth wrenching defeats for the principles and ideals of America, thanks to the increasing intrusion of an overbearing group of politicians into the average American's life.
In 2009, we witnessed a political leadership in Washington bent on destroying the very foundations of our Nation and all for nothing more than personal gain.
From the economy to National Security, the characters in the White House and Congress have created a sense of insecurity in the hearts and minds of the American people that will only be defeated BY the American people in a struggle that will be costly both in blood and treasure.
We have witnessed millions of Americans finding themselves unemployed, small businesses decimated by governmental intrusion, rampant corruption and racial tension. And we have witnessed the continuous apologetic approach of a Media that is so enamored with the Liberal Fascist ideologies of the jokers in Washington DC, that they do not even try to hide their bias any longer.
We have had Muslim terrorists killing Military recruits in front of recruiting offices, shooting up soldiers at Ft. Hood, try to blow up airplanes full of people, and yet the most apparent reaction has been a manifested reluctance on the part of Obama to even call it terrorism.
Instead, the apologetic administration has decided to bring the trials of the masterminds of the 9-11-01 attacks to New York. Just another demonstration of the complete and utter indifference toward the Nation's interest and security, not to mention the abominable insult and pain this action on the part of Obama's puppet AG Eric Holder is perpetrating on the families of those lost on September 11, 2001. And who can forget Obama changing September 11 from Patriot Day to "day of service" or something like that, purposely attempting to diminish the true historic significance of that infamous day!
2009 also saw the Commander-in-Chief take almost four months to make a decision on additional troops for Afghanistan, clearly placing our sons and daughters in that far away land, including my own Marine son, in greater danger.

There are so many more reasons for America to wish for the end of 2009, but thankfully there were also some good things happening in the last 12 months.
On a personal level, my son got married; my grandson was born; my daughter got a new job; got the news that I will be grandpa again, but most of all my loved ones are all in good health!
On a more general level, America has once again demonstrated a certain level of National pride with the popular reaction to Washington demonstrated by people of all political leanings and ethnic background coming together in the Tea Parties to protest the government take over of our lives. The movement was villified and derided by politicians and by the Media, but in reality it has become a force that hopefully will have an impact in November 2010. If nothing else, the participation of millions of Americans has shown that the common, hard working American citizen can, when pushed into a corner, come out swinging. AND WE WILL!

What is my wish for 2010? I pray that my son will come home safe and that all Military personnel deployed will be safe. I pray for God to keep on blessing us with good health. And I pray for the American people to take at heart again the interest of the country.
I wish for a rejuvinated feeling of patriotism that will place the interest of America and its citizens above the personal interest of the individual. I wish for the scourge of Political Correctness to be defeated before it defeats our Nation.
And I wish for the American people to inform themselves as the November elections approach so to make an educated choice at the voting booth that will remove the absolute Fascist grip that the Liberal hordes have on our Nation and our lives, before it's too late.

It is not just a political choice we must make, it is a matter of survival for our beloved Nation!
Have a wonderful New Year!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank Semperpapa

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hey, Republicans, Listen Up!

29 December 2009

I wish I had the chance to be heard by the Republican Party "leaders", because I would like to give them an advice:

if you want to have the chance to regain the majority in Congress, even a slight chance, come November 2010, you need and MUST campaign on the complete denouncement of Obama domestic policies and on some aspects of his foreign agenda.

The Health Care bill disaster has to be stopped!

Cap and Trade bill insanity has to be stopped!

Out of control spending of money we don't have has to be stopped!

The outragious, indiscriminate, abominable pork spending has to be stopped!

Victory must become the commanding word about our commitment in the war on terror!
Our Military MUST be allowed to do its job with all the support they need!

Any attack against our Constitution must be stopped!

I suggest that the Republicans aspiring at gaining electoral support in upcoming elections think really hard about what they stand for, because the American people are ready for a third Party and that would cement the Socialist/Fascist take over of our Nation.
It is time for the Republican Party to develop a spine and embrace again the conservative principles that American Conservative consider at the bases of America Exceptionalism.

And remember that you can fool us only for so long before we FIRE you!

Just my thoughts.
Frank Semperpapa

Government Made Environmental Terror

29 December 2009

Here is the story.
Hundreds of thousands acres of farm land in California’s San Joaquin Valley are today an arid desert, thanks to the intervention of one federal judge who sided with law suits filed by environmental terrorist groups.
At the focal point of the issue is a 3 inch long fish called the Delta Smelt. This fish, who’s habitat is confined to the Sacramento Delta, was supposedly placed on the endangered list because a large number of them was getting killed in the water pumps that brought water coming from the mountains around Sacramento, from the delta to the farmland that was once one of the most fertile land in the world, providing food for the entire Nation.
Also supposedly, the dire situation of the Delta Smelt impacted the local salmon population, at least according to some biological reports used by the environmental terrorist to support their legal suits.
Inspired by the Endangered Species Act, federal judge Oliver Wanger issued an order for the shutting down of the water pumps feeding the California farmland. Now the millions of gallons of water that once provided life to the fields of the Sacramento Valley farms, dumps right into the Pacific Ocean, aggravating even more the drought situation of California.
The consequences of the action have been devastating for the farmers of the Sacramento area, with unemployment rates reaching the 40% in certain local areas. Additional effects on the rest of the state has been the skyrocketing cost of water for all Californians and increase in cost of produce that now has to be imported from as far as China.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is refusing to invoke an emergency panel of the Dept. of Interior, called the “God Squad” designated to analyze emergencies just like the one California farmers are finding themselves in.

The pumps remain silent as thousands of farmers are now depending on governmental assistance, millions of Californians are hit financially and the land that once provided food for millions of Americans is just a desert.

And now here are my thoughts.
This situation in California is just one more sign of the abyss our country has fallen thanks to the progressive ideology that has taken the reins of our country.
We have a political leadership, at every level and from both Parties that is so deeply detached from the needs of the people that it could be very easily considered as a country within a country.
From the Left in power we have the continuous, unobstructed march toward turning as many Americans into dependents of the government. People who depend on the government for their survival, for the food on their table are less incline to “fire” the politicians in power. Dependence on the government creates a loyal constituency, just as demonstrated by the continuous re-elections of corrupted politicians like Maxine Waters and many others.

From the Right we have spineless politician who are not capable or willing to stand up for the American people, especially here on the Left Coast. RINOs like the Governor are not, in reality, espousing the Conservative ideologies that voters expect from them, caving in to political correctness and special interest pressures.

There is nobody, on the elected official list, willing to stand up and confront domestic terrorism, which is the exact goal of environmentalist groups.
There is really no other way to describe the actions of any group that put the interests of a fish in front of the livelihood of thousands of people. These groups have been a detriment to our Nation, only aided by the lack of common sense, by the lack of resolution, by the spineless submissive behavior of elitist politicians who are so detached from reality, that are so immersed in their self-serving, oligarchic little world, that they should be run out of town.

What happened to our valiant California Senators? Dianne Feinstein has pledged to put pressure on the Sec. of Interior Ken Salazar, while that pinnacle of corruptness and ignorance of Barbara Boxer has been missing in action on the subject. Californians should be very happy about their representation in Congress!

And while the land that once fed millions dies, we can all be happy that the unemployed farmers can get government assistance and line up in food lines to receive produce imported from China.

Can someone remind me why these politicians are in office? And are the American people become so stupid, dependent and unprincipled that these people continue to get re-elected?
How sad.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”


29 December 2009

Associated Press reports that on 28 December President Obama "abruptly" left his golf game in Hawaii where he is vacationing with his family, and "sped" away in his motorcade. It appears that the child of one of his guests hurt itself while playing on the beach. No member of the Obama family was hurt and after an ambulance was seen leaving the compound followed by a black sedan (non racial, just reporting) the President returned to his game.

Waiting now for an appearance of President Obama on TV to address the emergency, while the proceedings for awarding Obama the Medal of Honor for his heroic gesture are already on the way.

Ok, this is over reaching, but I have to have some fun sometimes!

Just My Thoughts
Frank Semperpapa

Monday, December 28, 2009

The Napolitano Fairy Tale

28 December 2009

Feeling safe these days? I didn’t think so.
The Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is not helping much either. On Sunday, she stated that the aviation security system worked when the Nigerian Muslim terrorist tried to blow up a plane full of people on Christmas Day.
When called upon her statement, she run to hide behind the usual “taken out of context” defense.

In a follow up statement, after her clock had been cleaned by Peter King (R-NY) who called her out on the fact that every aspect of aviation security had failed, Napolitano stated that her assertion was directed at the response of the aviation authorities after the incident occurred.
It would be like praising the Coroner office after a mass murder!

Had it not been for the alertness and reaction of passengers on the aircraft, few hundred innocent people would have become the latest victory of al Qaeda.

I look at the issue as a proof that America’s enemies are preparing to take advantage of the insanity that has taken over our country. In typical military fashion, incidents like the one that took place on Northwest Airline flight 253 on Christmas Day are small probing skirmishes our enemies conduct to ascertain how degraded our security system has become.
The Nation’s leadership, in the continuous effort to eradicate the security accomplishments of the Bush Administration, aims at bringing the system at the pre-September 11 conditions, and if this move places innocent lives in jeopardy, the cost is worth the appeasement of the Muslim world.

How did Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab manage to get through the security system in Amsterdam? My answer is very simple: because of reversed profiling.
In other words, while security was checking the shoes of some 80 years old grandma, while security was thoroughly checking some guy with his two kids, Umar was allowed to make it through for fear of offending him by profiling. Because of his color and his name, any additional or more detailed check would have been classified as profiling and worth of the indignation and reprisal of the PC police and maybe some law suit from CAIR.
But according to Sec. Napolitano, this is fine. Wonder if she would feel the same if a loved one of hers was aboard that flight.

Sec. Napolitano, it is time for you to come out of your fairy tale and do your job or resign!

Do we, as a country, desire to stop this insanity? If so, we must demand that profiling be strictly adopted. We must demand that when innocent lives are at risk the chance of “offending” someone is well worth it. I would rather someone be offended than several innocent dead.

Learning from the September 11 attacks, I pose this scenario to you: what if Mr. Abdulmutallab had not been alone? What if, just like on 9-11, he had been part of a group of suicidal, determined men who were going to be able to repel the passengers’ efforts enough for the man to detonate his device? What would the News report today? Bush's fault?

And would Ms. Napolitano praise the recovery efforts?

And one more thing that really burns me. Some reporters address the terrorist as “alleged”.
Hey people, there is nothing to “allege” as there were couple of hundred witnesses who saw and fortunately stop the scum bag, people who experienced the scare of their lifetime. So keep your Politically Correct bullshit for another time!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Just Next Door

27 December 2009

There was an article that appeared on 17 December 2009 in the WorldNetDaily web site reporting that a mosque is to open in New York just few steps away from Ground Zero.
The mosque will be part of an Islamic Cultural Center that imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is planning to establish in a five story building just two blocks away from the site where the World Trade Center stood. The building is so close that on September 11, 2001 the landing gear of one of the planes crushed into the WTC fell through the roof. The building has been vacant since that day, so the owners were more than willing to sell the property to a group of investors of which Rauf is member.
According to reports, Rauf is the founder of ASMA or American Society for Muslim Advancement and he has been conducting Muslim sensitivity training for the FBI New York office.
During the sessions, Rauf would speak of the misunderstanding that the West has about Islam and about the backlash that Muslims suffered from after the 9-11 attacks.

Mr. Rauf also, in 2004, spoke in Australia about the guilt America and the West should recognize for the mass murder of civilians throughout history and he asserts that Christians, and especially American Christians, should declare their culpability and responsibility in the development of terrorism.
According to Rauf, the Koran does not incite its followers to commit murder or mayhem, but he points an accusatory finger at America for the responsibility of terrorism. Basically America asked for it, which is an inherent apology for those who, according to Rauf, misinterpret the Koran and its teachings. In the view of this man, terrorism cannot and will not be eliminated as long as America does not acknowledge its guilt in the treatment of Muslims, citing how it was American Christians who perpetrated civilian mass murder in WWII bombings like Dresden and Hiroshima (of course it is problematic to see the connection between Dresden or Hiroshima with the Muslim world, but one cannot be too particular when pushing one’s own agenda).

It is even clearer now that the approach the Obama administration has taken toward the Muslim world is somewhat in line with the assertions of Mr. Rauf, as the President and those serving him have gone to extreme lengths to appease and apologize to the followers of Islam.

In his speech in Cairo to the Muslim world, Mr. Obama said the following:

“I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles – principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings. … So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed. That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn't. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

An enhanced understanding of Islam is certainly a step forward in the achievement of a world free of terrorism, provided that the “moderate voices” of Islam are able to eliminate the preaching of hate that some sects of Islam are disseminating to their fanatical followers. Even if Mr. Rauf is applying the typical Liberal approach of “he made me do it!”, the world is not a kindergarten and shifting blame to make oneself less culpable is not going to impress me.
There is really nothing new or captivating in the words of an elitist like Rauf that could change the fact that one cannot condemn an act of violence at the same time apologizing for it.

Then there is the truly disturbing aspect of having a Muslim cultural center two blocks away from the place where 19 Muslim terrorist were able to kill almost 3,000 innocent people. Maybe it’s just me, but the idea of having a place where the ideology that drove the terrorist to fly airplanes full of civilians into buildings full of civilians is taught next door to the place where they achieved their nefarious victory, is somewhat in bad taste. To me it is the equivalent of having an Imperial Japan Cultural Center in Nanking in 1944, or a Nazi Cultural Center just outside Dachau in 1952. It just is in horrible taste.

I do not blame Rauf or his followers for their actions. Islam is, in my opinion, a fascist ideology masqueraded as a religion, for the sole purpose of spreading their oppressive tentacles on as much territory and as many people as possible. What Mr. Rauf and people like him are doing, is to take advantage of conditions created by the Politically Correct cancer that has pervaded the West. Europe is already on its way to a radical overtaking, and the United States are on their way too. And people like Rauf are riding the PC wave with expertise and patience. Small steps will remain under the radar, even if big steps, like this Muslim Cultural Center next door to Ground Zero, will cause some people to pause.

I saw or heard nothing about this endeavor in New York, surely because nobody has the courage to stand up and say anything for fear of being labeled intolerant.
Not all German people were Nazi in 1933 when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. Not all Germans were Nazi when he dragged a whole country and the world into a disastrous war, or when millions of people just started disappearing. But by the time those Germans who were not Nazi realized the abyss Hitler had taken them, it was too late to do anything about it.
Hitler too had campaigned and won his elections on the promise of change to the German people.

And it is happening just next door.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

If I had My Way

22 December 2009

Some local news organization in Texas reports the following:

The lead defense attorney for accused Fort Hood shooter Maj. Malik Nidal Hasan says he will file a motion complaining his client’s civil rights are being violated.
Belton attorney John Galligan told News Channel 25 via phone the restrictions the military has put on his client while he’s confined to his room at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio are illegal.
Hasan is restricted to speaking English only, and the only visitors he can have are his immediate family, and his legal counsel. “But his attorneys and his family can’t be in the room with him at the same time,” Galligan complained.
Galligan was upset that his client was praying on the phone with his brother Friday in Arabic when he said the military interrupted the call.

So the scumbag lawyer has the audacity to bring up some "abuse" his client is suffering at the hands of the big bad Army.
I got something to tell this lawyer: my friend, if I had my way, you would be facing the same fate this piece of dog shit will get just for defending him.

And I got something to tell his client too: my friend, if I had my way, I would not waste tax-payers money to get you back healthy. As soon as it was possible, I would have taken you out to Ft. Hood courtyard and have 14 Army snipers remove that knob of pig shit that is your head.

So really, I think that the current condition this man is in are more than fair and that he is receiving more civil rights that he deserves...

Just my thoughts
Frank Semperpapa

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The True Meaning Of My Christmas

19 December 2009

It is that time of the year again, the time when many Americans are rushing around trying to cross over every name on their Christmas list upon picking up that “special” present.
Even in the mix of a deep recession, Americans are still abiding by the rule of shopping that has become the norm for our society.

As it happens every year, many of us reflect on the usual recrimination about the true meaning of Christmas being gone, and yet we mostly do so while in line for that one next gift or when it is time to further deplete our finances.

Well, I too reflect on what Christmas really means to me.

The real meaning of the celebration remains embedded in my religious beliefs always, but it was greatly enhanced when on Christmas Eve 1984, I became a father for the first time. That particular year, the idea of going Christmas shopping was not even a consideration as the time of my daughter’s birth was fast approaching. As a 25 year old soon-to-be dad, the hope for finding the perfect gift for my wife was completely obfuscated by my hope, with lot of praying added, that she and my baby were going to be well. Nothing else really mattered at that particular time.

I feel it is human nature to search for some symbol that defines our existence, and as much as I fear that the significance of that symbolism has lost some of its value today, personally becoming a dad was the proof that my existence was truly meaningful.
I knew nothing about being a father, especially of a girl, and as she did not come with an instruction manual, I found myself in the on-the-job-training of my life.
And yet, even as the concern about my ability to be up to the job was at time paralyzing, I looked at the birth of my daughter as the greatest Christmas gift that I have ever received that year and every year since.
What the birth of my daughter also meant was my realization that the miracle of life is a serious, binding contract with my God about the priorities in my life. It made it very clear to me that the most important aspect of my life, the very true proof that my life had a meaning, was to be a good husband and a good father, and as much as I have failed repeatedly at many things, at least I can in clear conscience say I tried my best.

Even if I am not an overly religious person, I understood the hope that the birth of Christ brought to mankind in the hope that the birth of my daughter brought into the tiny, insignificant sliver of history that is my life. And that Christmas gift from God and my wife 25 years ago also made me understand even more clearly that the fortune I had been enjoying as the husband of my wonderful wife, was more real than ever.

When my son was born in July 1987, the miracle of the Christmas gift was again replicated. Again the fears and doubts were rekindled, but as a “veteran” father, they were more subdued, and he was a boy which gave me the impression that I may be a little more equipped to be a good dad for him.
For my wife and I, Christmas had become the time when we enjoy looking at our kids opening their presents on Christmas morning. Looking at their big eyes as they discovered the next present; in reality looking at them being kids.
With the passing of time, the true meaning of Christmas has gained strength within me, transcending the time of the year, manifesting itself every day via the excellent job my wife did in raising our children. Through her indefatigable effort, my daughter and my son have been giving me Christmas presents every day of the year by just being who they are, by the choices they made, by the behavior they have exhibited every day.

So now it is Christmas 2009, by all aspects the most intense Christmas in the last quarter of a century. My family has grown by leaps and bounds in just the past 14 months with my daughter first and my son later getting married and my son and daughter-in-law having their first child, my grandson.
This Christmas season is one of intense mixed emotions: as we celebrate my daughter’s professional achievements with the new job she will be starting in January and my son-in-law educational pursuits, we are also enduring my Marine son deployment to Afghanistan and attempting to support my daughter-in-law as she raises our grandson and as she endures the life of a Military wife. And she is a great Military wife!

As I see people scurrying around looking for the “special” gift, I wait anxiously for the great gift of hearing that my daughter-in-law has heard from my son and that he is doing well. I get a new gift every time my daughter walks in my house. I get a new gift every time my daughter-in-law comes to see us with my precious grandson. I get a new gift every time my family is sitting in my home, laughing and demonstrating each other love and respect.
My son already gave me an early Christmas present, few days before shipping out to Afghanistan. As we sat on the patio of my home having a smoke, the conversation fell on my recrimination about never serving in the Military, at which point my Marine son told me that I served in a different way, by being a father to him and his sister. Could I ask for a greater gift?

Never before I had wanted time to pass quickly as right now, because I have some incredible Christmas gifts coming in 2010: my daughter’s new job, my son-in-law academic achievements, my son home coming, my daughter-in-law giving us our second grandchild.
So really it is always Christmas for me, every day of my life.

The true meaning of Christmas for me is my wife Adriana, my daughter Jaclyn and her husband Brian, my son Frank and his wife Jessica and my grandson Noah and who knows, maybe a granddaughter.

Merry Christmas to all, especially those serving our great country and their families!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Danger Of Indecision

18 December 2009

When over four months ago Gen. Stanley McChrystal passed his report on Afghanistan to Obama, the decision was delayed, the decision was delayed substantially by an Administration that appeared to be conflicted between doing the right things for the American Military involved in that conflict and the importance of Obama political liability.
Now that the President has finally decided to give his general 75% of what the report asked, it will take up to four months for the first 9,000 Marines to get to the Helmand Province and reinforce the contingent already in the area which is tasked with the disruption of the Poppy trade and the interdiction of Taliban forces transferring from Pakistan into the country.

The Associated Press contributed to an article which appeared on the web site. The report was coming from journalists currently embedded with the 4th Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion of the 4th Marine Division out of Camp Pendleton, California.
In an interview, the Battalion Commander Lt. Col. Michael Martin described his frustration at the current conditions, namely his lack of forces, that would allow him to push his line companies further toward the Pakistani border which would consequently allow him to interdict the flux of Taliban terrorist on their way to some of the centers of the province.

Because of Force Cap (a fancy way to describe the force rationing the chain of command had to implement regarding the troops to be deployed) the 4th LAR is at about 60% strength, having left at least one line company back in California, leaving just few hundred Marines having to cover an area approximately the size of Connecticut.
According to the remarks made by LT. Col. Martin, he does not have enough forces to extend his patrolling of the areas close to the border, let alone establishing FOB (Forward Operating Bases) in the areas where the Taliban is most active in border crossing.
The battalion has been able to create an FOB at the Khan Nechion castle where Bravo Co. is located, which has been a stubborn Taliban controlled area, hindering the enemy’s activities there. And the offensive that the Marines started at the beginning of December, Operation Cobra’s Anger, took the American forces into another important area at the town of Now Zad.

But these gains are relative and not enough to fatally impact the influx of terrorists into Marjah. Large areas in the south of Helmand still are uncontrolled by the Marines, as Lt. Col. Martin cannot commit forces so thinly dispersed that their safety and security could be compromised.
According to local intelligence, the Taliban fighters have been using the unchecked areas to make their way into Marjah. This town is where the Taliban has had free range and a hub for the narco-trade. Basically a place the Taliban is not going to just give up.

In reading the AP report of 16 December, the name Marjah jumped up at me, as the unusual town was catching my attention for the second time in so many weeks. The first time I heard of the place was a week or so ago when I came across an article from the Chicago Tribune of December 5, 2009.
In the article, the writer Tony Perry mentioned that the new offensive, Cobra’s Anger, was designed to clear Now Zad, but that the city of Marjah had become sort of a Taliban sanctuary in the area and that the enemy was becoming more entrenched there, almost as if intending to make a last stand.
Brig. Gen. Larry Nicholson, commander of the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, expressed his prediction that such sanctuary was eventually going to be denied to the enemy, meaning that the Marines would have to clear the whole city. It was in that article that I first heard Marjah being compared to Fallujah as regarding the fighting waiting for the Marines.

House-to-house clearing and urban combat appears to be the future for the forces in that area of the Helmand Province. And the prospect of another Fallujah-type Military operation, one that could cost the lives of hundreds of Marines in the same fashion as the taking of the Iraqi city did, is a disturbing one, especially for those Marines who have received their deployment orders since Obama made his decision.

So here are my thoughts. Since the McChrystal report was delivered to Obama over four months ago, it is incalculable the number of terrorist that have made their way into Marjah, but it is safe to assume that the ranks of terrorist now facing our Marines in the city have been swelling considerably. This assumption and the fact that the ISAF forces currently in the area are not enough to interdict the Taliban travel, make for an increase threat for our forces in future operations.
Just as amply described by Bing West in his excellent work called The Strongest Tribe, it looks like political decisions are going to weigh heavily on Military strategy. When this attitude manifested itself during the Vietnam conflict with Johnson and McNamara, it resulted completely disastrous and costly for our forces. And again when the same approach was used by Bush and Rumsfeld to satisfy Paul Bremer in Fallujah in 2004, the political dilly dally allowed the enemy to flood to the city and, even if eventually defeated, resulted very costly to the US Military.

What makes the prospect of taking Marjah even more worrisome is the new approach that McChrystal has adopted regarding civilian casualties and the sometimes extreme restrain our forces have to adopt.
If our Marines and soldiers are to take Marjah, how is the high command going to direct our forces in regard to civilians? Are our forces going to try and take the city fighting a brutal enemy while with one hand tied behind their backs? I want to hope not.

Without any previous knowledge of the tactical picture on the ground in Afghanistan, my impression, shared by millions of Americans, was that the dithering President Obama was doing over his decision regarding the troop surge, was potentially going to be costing American and coalition lives. It did not take a genius to figure out that 68,000 Military members in a country the size of Afghanistan was an insufficient number, just as it did not take a genius to figure out that delaying the reinforcement of the troops already in theater was a dangerous political game that Obama was playing using the lives of American troops.

And Mr. President, one of those Marines with the 4th LAR is my son.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Send Nancy!

16 December 2009

I have a suggestion for President Obama: considering that the ugly witch of the West Nancy Pelosi now has a plane that can carry 200 passengers, why don't we send Nancy to pick up the terrorist at Guantanamo and take them back to New York and Illinois?

I think that would be an efficient way to utilize Queen Nancy's new toy.
And I think she should accompany the aircraft (with Reid, Durbin, Schumer, Snow, Collins, Murtha, Jackson-Lee, Maxine Waters, Al Franken...the more the merrier) and that the terrorist should be free of their shackles in the name of the Progressive ideals of fairness.

Give the Air Force and security personnel parachutes and America would be for ever grateful.

Just My Thoughts!
Frank Semperpapa

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Which Is The Truth?

14 December 2009

Governmental cronies are telling the American people that the recession is over, aided by the always accommodating Media.
The American people are being inundated by reports that the Christmas spending is up, making the representatives of the retail sector somewhat optimistic about the Holiday business season.
But the same reports add, after the rosy picture is painted with images of crowded shopping malls, that the American people are not necessarily spending more, but looking for the ever present bargains that businesses have to offer in order to entice potential customers.

While the Media is targeting those Americans who spend less time getting informed about the true state of the Nation’s economy than the time of finding out the latest gossip about Tiger Woods, certain details go almost unnoticed.

Obama’s cheerleading squads are counting exactly on the lack of interest the American people have developed for anything that does not touch them personally. All the “good news” about how the President’s approach, aided by the complacent Congress, never really mention that the American economy keeps on loosing over 400,000 jobs every month.
While the criticism of the Bush Administration was bitter and relentless when the economy would add ONLY 200,000 new jobs, what makes news today is that things are really good because the increase of the unemployment rate nation-wide appears to be slowing. Media collaborators get tingles up their legs and appear in a state of euphoria when the government announces a .2% drop in the national unemployment, statistic that always gets revised in a pejorative direction.
And what is the justification offered by the Liberals when the rare contentious question is asked? Considering what Obama found as he became President, things are wonderful. When in doubt, there is always the “blame Bush” safety answer.
And just to add insult to injury, the Media has come out with editorial pieces describing the positive impact unemployment has had on certain individuals who profess to have re-discovered a relationship with their families.

There is some truth to that, as told by a Reuters article from Chicago. According to the December 8th piece, the U.S. Conference of Mayors has reported a 26% increase in demand for food assistance and homelessness. The article places the blame for the worst average increase since 1991 to unemployment, high housing costs and low wages.
So is this type of activity that the Obama followers consider as a family building activity? Fathers and mothers taking their children to food banks and shelters?
And as far as low wages, if American workers were allowed to keep more of the money they earn by working, maybe, just maybe, there would be more availability of funds to put back into the economy. Just a crazy thought.

The Reuter article also mentioned another sign that Obama’s policies are saving the country, in that the number of single people seeking help for hunger and homelessness is level or even dropped in some areas. That is something to celebrate, as that means that the increase is ONLY for entire families. What a relief.

And while Liberals in Congress are twitching at the idea of providing financial coverage for the Military in Afghanistan, while they are hitching to stick the American people with as much taxation as they can possibly figure out, we hear of the billions of dollars pork spending that members of Congress, from both sides of the aisle in true bipartisan fashion, have attached to the latest increase in spending to fund their wasteful pet projects.

And if this is not enough, there is the honorable Speaker of the House Pelosi, who has gotten for herself the military version of the Boeing 757, the C-32, so that she does not have to stop for refueling when on her bi-weekly travel from Washington to California. Her previous tax-funded aircraft, the C20B, USAF version of the Gulfstream III luxury jet, was really beneath her position as it had to stop in one of those flyover states for refueling, yes one of those states where the little people, the right wing extremist and tea partiers live. The new aircraft, which is capable to carry up to 200 people, will cost the American people up to $5.75 millions per year, so that she can fly around with her whole family in style. I guess she has a special Obama dispensation regarding her carbon foot print. And while she flaunts her elitist excesses in the face of the American people, she pushes for restrictive and fascist legislation aimed at making sure that the people of America DO as she says, not as she does. Can you say HYPOCRITE!!!

Does Pelosi extravagant behavior mean that the recession is really over? It must, because the ignorant American people who voted these outrageous jokers in office still maintain that the worst Congress in the history of our country is doing a good job.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Another "No Good" Bill

12 December 2009

Yesterday, Senate bill S448 cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee and will be allowed to go to the full Senate for deliberation and eventually vote.
What S448 basically does is to give extra protection to ‘journalistic’ sources from prosecution in the case of leaking of National Security confidential information.

The bill had been stalled in Committee for some months and finally made it out with a vote of 14-5 in its favor. Several amendments were voted down and some others approved. One of the amendments that were voted down was one from CA Senator Dianne Feinstein who, together with IL Sen. Durbin, wanted to add a more precise definition of ‘journalist’.

What S448 practically does is to give unprecedented protection to those ‘journalists’ who receive and divulge leaked classified information. The ‘journalist’ will be protected from having to be subpoena in court to uncover the source of the leak in the case of an investigation. Exclusion from the protection of the bill are cases where criminal activity or terrorist activity is involved, but even in such cases, the decision will be made by a court, not the NSA or intelligence community.

One of co-sponsors of the bill is the so-called Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham from South Carolina.

In a statement made after the vote, Alabama Senator Jeff Session, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, explained his opposition to S448, stating that the Democrat majority in the Committee voted down amendments to this already gravely flawed bill, that would protect our troops on the battlefields.

“As our troops prepare for a surge in Afghanistan, the majority blocked an amendment to protect the secrecy of troop movements and battle plans,” Sessions said. “The rejection of these and other amendments recklessly imperils the security of our citizens and our soldiers, and leaves in place a bill that is deeply and fundamentally flawed.”

Sen. Session further explained his concern about the collateral damage such bill is invoking. Speaking of the already existing provisions about judicial scrutiny for subpoenas, Sessions added.

“These are strong protections. But this legislation goes much, much further. It takes the extraordinary step of transferring core determinations about national security from the executive to the judicial branch. Any single judge would effectively have the authority to kill a criminal or national security investigation -- even if the subpoena is legally sound -- simply because that judge makes a political decision that the investigation is not in the public interest.”

And considering the track record of the political agenda driven federal judges and of Attorney General Eric Holder, the bill could very well be a costly one for our troops involved in the war on terror and for the general security of our country.
Cases like the leaking of the NSA terrorist surveillance program by the NY Times and the CIA secret terrorist jails by the Washington Post will become more the norm than the exception, especially if the ‘journalistic’ entity has a personal political agenda.

And again the Washington establishment is using the US Military and the security of the whole Nation to further their cause. Considering the bedfellows the Media and the Liberal/Progressives have become, this bill allows said Media to further the contorted and misguided agenda of the anti-Military Left and allow transparency where it is not needed, namely the world of intelligence gathering for purpose of protecting America from further terrorist attacks, all in the name of the right to know of the people.
Again, the pressure of a minority of people who demand more information they should have, appears to have trampled the right of the rest of the American people and the American Military to expect the highest degree of protection from the Government. This minority does not recognize the reality that when classified information is leaked to the press, it also ends up in the hands of America’s enemies, who are very good at exploiting it.

Thankfully S448 is far from becoming law, as it has to be voted by the whole Senate and then reconciled with the corresponding bill from the House, although the current performance of members of Congress does not give a very good feeling about doing the right thing to the American people. Hopefully the delay will stretch to November 2010 and after those elections, hopefully the make up of Congress will be more favorable to the protection of America.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa

Friday, December 11, 2009

Not So Transparent After All

11 December 2009

A report on the preliminary investigation conducted on the November 5 shooting at Ft. Hood, Texas, has been delivered to the White House. So why is the White House refusing to make that report available to the members of the House Intelligence Committee? More specifically to the Republican members of the committee?

Is this another example of the refusal on the part of President Obama to keep all members of Congress abreast of the investigation in Hasan terrorist attack against the soldiers, or just a way for Obama to cover up some sinister agenda?

It is increasingly difficult to determine the true direction this President and his Congress is taking these days. Delaying for months the decision on the troop increase for Afghanistan was a typical example of what appears to be a total inability to make hard and possibly politically uncomfortable decision for this crowd, only interested in the increase of their personal powers at what ever cost.
One must believe in the lack of decisiveness angle, because the other alternative, the deliberate and determined dismantling of America’s laws and Constitution, is too disturbing to even contemplate.
According to the 1947 National Security Act, the President is obligate by law to divulge the findings of the preliminary report to members of Congress in the House Intelligence Committee. All members, not just those who support your agenda.

In November, just after the attack, Obama urged the American people to not take the “tragic event” and turn it into a political issue, something that the Liberal Progressive in Congress did on an hourly base to Bush while our men and women in uniform were sacrificing so much in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The politically correct, permissive attitude that has become so relevant in our country will, if not checked, spell the complete trampling of the American ideals of freedom and security. The most frightening aspect of it is that 52% of the electorate in America purposely chose, in November 2008, to ignore all the signs that the vote they were casting was to give a radical, openly anti-American man the chance to gain enough power, aided by a oligarchic Congress, to insure the slow erosion and destruction of our country.
Was it ignorance? Maybe guilt for sins of a distant past? The American people were blinded by promises of an open government, a fair government, hope for transparency in contrast with the perceived closeness of the Bush Administration, which, by the way, kept the country safe for eight years.
So how is this for transparency? What is the purpose of covering up a terrorist attack on America?

Moreover, while leaks of classified material is the norm when it comes to National Security issues or Military planning for our forces involved in Afghanistan, there is absolutely no leak about this report, suggesting that the content is such that Obama is keeping it very close and protected (although leaks are in my opinion deliberately made and used as political tools). And such action from Obama gives plenty of reasons for concern, as it may display the chronic, problematic danger that political correctness represents for the security of our Nation.

At a minimum, Obama's actions are even more telling of the lack of transparency in government he had promised during the campaign. In other words, he is a liar!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa

Lwt Us Not Rush To Judgment

11 December 2009

Law enforcement officials in Pakistan have arrested five Americans of Middle Eastern descent in a house in the city of Sargodha, Pakistan. The five Muslim men were caught in the residence linked to a well known al Qaeda supporting organization.

Supposedly, it was family members of the five men who alerted members of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in D.C. and Virginia when their relatives basically disappeared in November.
According to the reports, the five have admitted to the Pakistani authorities that they were indeed in the country to be trained for jihad, as they attempted to receive training from the same al Qaeda splinter group Jaish-e-Mohammed, the same group suspected in the abduction of journalist Daniel Pearl, who members of the religion of peace killed and decapitated.

Of course, one must not fall victim to a rush of judgment. Just because they were caught in a renown terrorist house, just because they confessed to wanting to conduct acts of terrorism, just because they tried to get terrorism training from al Qaeda, and just because they are Muslims, does not definitively mean that they are terrorists.

According to family members of one of the men, he was not a Muslim activist, nor was he of violent tendencies. And the White House expressed the deepest appreciation and praise for the American Muslim community for alerting the authorities via CAIR.

So let us not rush to judgment in calling them Islamic terrorists, as we don’t really know details of why they became radicalized and bent on acts of jihad. Surely it would not be their fault, but AG Eric Holder will find some US Military member or intelligence officer to blame it on, and than there are always the sure points of blame in George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

A good way to proceed may be to bring the five men back to the US, pay for their Medical school and give them a rank of Major in the US Army. What could go wrong!

It is my sincere hope that the prosecution of these individuals will take place in Pakistan, where the ACLU and any of the bleeding heart, anti-American Liberal riff raff can turn them into a terrorist propaganda tool. We already have enough of that happening with Obama’s decision to bring the masterminds of the 9-11 attacks to New York for trial in a US court.
Besides, AG Holder would drop the charges anyway and the New Black Panthers would give them full membership and possibly emploument with the Obama campaign.

So, people, please do not rush to judgment, as thanks to political correctness and thanks to the new line of thought that even when a confession is in hand, there is always going to be someone who is going to apologize for the bad behavior of others.
It is amazing how American people, thankfully a minority, are adamantly offended by display of Christmas cheers and messages, by display of a cross or the Ten Commandments on public/government land and buildings, but do not appear to be unruffled at all by the idea of people who have long benefited from the grandiosity of America who take the step to attack Her.

Surely some CNN or MSNBC stooge will at some point take the mea culpa stand and blame the entire history of our country for the radicalization of these five members of the religion of peace, not that anybody is watching.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Never A Dull Moment With Barbara

9 December 2009

There is never a dull moment with the mentally challenged Senator from California Barbara Boxer. In one of her oh so eloquent manner, she argued that Obamacare coverage of abortion is equivalent to the coverage that is available for Viagra for men with sexual dysfunctions.

In the first place, ma'am, Viagra does not have a victim, does not cause the death of anyone, provided that the man using it does not have a heart condition. Viagra, my dear ma'am, is prescribed and used for the improvement of the lives of men and women.
Abortion, on the other hand, kills the baby, prevents a life from contributing to society and destroys the lives of many women who live with the guilt of their actions.

So, Senator Boxer ma'am, I, and probably the majority of American people with normal IQ levels, cannot make the connection you propose between the two issues, unless you are imagining such parallel because Viagra is a medication for men and abortion is a medical procedure for women, in which case your anti-male sexism is once again unveiled.

Even if I am not a very religious person, I can almost hear the noise of construction as your senatorial mansion in Hell is being built.
But I thank you, ma'am. I thank you for giving me a reason to laugh every time you flap your gums; thank you for making me feel extremely intelligent as compared to you; and finally I thank you because every time I feel down, all I need to do is think that somewhere out there there is the man who is married to you, and that makes me feel oh so lucky!

You, ma'am, are a true disgrace for this country, our state of California and your gender.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank Semperpapa

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sacrificial Donkey

8 December 2009

Let me see if I get this correctly: I am opposed to the Government take over of the Health Care System and I am what? Oh yeah, I am a proponent of slavery. Makes perfect sense from the point of view of somebody like Nevada Senator Harry Reid.

Well that is what he stated Monday, as his plan for the destruction of the health care system in America faces increasing rejection not only on the part of Republican senators, bless their hearts (and of course with probable defection from the usual suspects Snow and Collins), but also on the part of some Democrat senators who are not exactly thrilled by the Senate bill, although for different reasons.

Reid's verbal attacks betray the fact that even if the Democrats have the necessary majority in the Senate to bend the American people over, the Liberal throngs are not all on the same page.

And in a move that I am SURE is completely COINCIDENTAL, the cadaverous Reid launched his racial attack the day after Obama goes to the Senate to confer with his cronies over the Health Care bill. I am sure that the President did NOT suggest for the comatose senator from Nevada to use the race card in trying to scare, intimidate and coerce those opposed to this travesty of a bill to kneel at the request of king Obama.

Well, here are my thoughts.

Harry Reid is the sacrificial donkey selected by Obama to go on the racial rampage because Reid is most likely going to be fired next November when the people of Nevada will handle this ignoramus the proverbial pink slip. So Obama is tasking the zombie Reid to come out with the brilliant race angle of the debate.

Of course, a little ignored detail is the fact that historically it was Democrats who were opposed to outlawing slavery and abolishing desegregation. And who can forget that the only former KKK in the Senate today is a Democrat, the honorable Robert Bird.

I am personally sick and tired of the race card being played by Liberals whenever they are confronted with dissent.
I remember when Liberals were screaming their dissent against President Bush, regardless of the image and morale damage they were inflicting on the American people and especially the Military. I remember the jackass Reid declaring the war in Iraq "lost" as our men and women were dieing in that far away land. Or the scorn perpetrated against Gen. Patreaus as he was actually bringing victory within our grasp.
And at the time, such behavior was dubbed as patriotism!

I have always known that Harry Reid was an ass, but I am very happy that he is now the latest sacrificial ass of king Obama. It is a great fortune for America that within a year we will not have to endure the sight of this evil man nor hearing his despicable words.
I just hope that the strategy of fomenting racial unrest in America that the current Administration is continuously attempting to incite will not succeed in the meantime.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank Semperpapa

Saturday, December 5, 2009

True Meanings

4 December 2009

I wonder how many people can read the words below and tell where they are from:

Day is done ...

Gone the sun ...
From the lakes ...
From the hills ...
From the sky ...
All is well ...
Safely rest ...
God is nigh...

Fading light ...
Dims the sight ...
And a star ...
Gems the sky...
Gleaming bright ...
From afar...
Drawing nigh ...
Falls the night...

Thanks and praise ...
For our days ...
Neath the sun ...
Neath the stars ...
Neath the sky ...
As we go ...
This we know ...
God is nigh ...

And I wish I was a rich man and be able to by a dinner for every person that actually was able to tell what these words are. Myself I just found out just few years ago that the song in question actually had lyrics, as I thought it was only a musical hymn.

Well the words you just read are the lyrics of one of the most venerated musical piece for every Military Veteran of the United States. They are the words of Taps.

I was inspired to these thoughts by an e-mail I received from a man whose friendship I value as one of the greatest fortunes of my life. This is a man who not only talks the talk but also walks the walk, and who has accepted this nasty civilian as a friend and a brother. Doyle ‘Popeye’ Tolbert.

Doyle forwarded to me this message he had just e-mailed to a local radio station:

Sent to Radio Station KRTH in Los Angeles today.

This morning, 12/3/09, I was riding to Riverside to take part in the arrival of a "Fallen Warrior" who was being brought home to his family after paying the ultimate price for this Country. I do not normally listen to your show but was listening today. You had a contestant on the line who failed to answer the question correctly and during the conversation between you, the contestant and others on your show, a few notes of "Taps" was played in the background.I found this very offensive that you would use this tune in such an off hand manner. Possibly you do not understand what those few notes mean to us Vets and active duty troops. It is to be played only at the end of a service honoring a Fallen Warrior, or a vet who has served this Country honorably in the past. This Country has forgotten or is in the process of forgetting again, what the military means. Memorial Day and Veterans Day are not just long weekends that signal the beginning and the end of summer and not excuses for another "Big Sale" at all of the department stores. So please if you could, find some other means of relating to your listeners that a wrong answer has been given. I thank you as will all other Vets.

Really, not much for me to add to the eloquent point made by Mr. Tolbert regarding the issue of Taps being desecrated by frivolous use, better yet, abuse, from couple of entertainment idiots.
But one word used by Doyle really triggered my thoughts and emotions, the word “again” in the last paragraph of the message.

See, Doyle is a Vietnam Veteran, and when he uses the word “again” in respect to America forgetting the Military, it enrages me. He, and so many other heroes of that conflict, paid extreme prices for their service to a country that turned its back on them. And when a Vietnam Veteran uses the word “again” in the context of his or her feeling about how America is detached from its Military today, I can literally feel my blood pressure skyrocket and my commitment to the support and defense of the United States Armed Forces is doubled.

There are very few people in my past from whom I can really say that I learnt life lessons from, and the Vietnam Veterans I have the privilege to know today are most of those people, because even after being so disgustingly mistreated by the society they sacrificed, bled and died to protect, they remain the most dedicated patriots this country could ever hope to have, especially in their commitment to never let the bad apples of today’s American society perpetrate that same shameful injustice on today’s New Greatest Generation of Warriors. And Mr. Tolbert, like so many like him, continues their service to our country to this day.

My hat is off to you, Doyle. It is a true privilege and honor to know you.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

Friday, December 4, 2009

Call Your Senator?

4 December 2009

I keep getting notifications from anti Health Care Disaster Bill entities, asking me to call my senator to pressure them not to support the impending destruction of the finest Health Care system on the planet. Not a perfect system, but nevertheless the most efficient by any standards, both in terms of cost and quality.

Living in California, what good would calling the offices of Sen Feinstein and Boxer do? Absolutely nothing!

This is the result of years of pillaging that these two corrupted Liberal witches have brought upon the once great state of California. And the Conservative voice of the state has been all but silenced, while we watch, some time in horror, how the state is being pillaged by catering to illegal immigrants, criminals, welfare recipients and special interests.
We have a Governor who wants to look like a Conservative while behaving continuously as a Liberal; a state legislature that should be imprisoned at a minimum; areas of complete moral and social decadence like San Francisco and Berkeley; an economy that is imploding; taxes that are choking those of us who still have a job.

And all this is worsening thanks to people like Feinstein and Boxer, representatives like Maxine Waters and Waxman and the queen of spooks Pelosi.

And you want me to call my senators? What I really want to concentrate on is the recall of the entire California political throng, starting with Boxer in 2010.
All Conservatives in California should concentrate on getting informed and work for the firing of all incumbent Liberals come November 2010.
Calling the esteemed senators of California to tell them to oppose one of the worst government takeover of 1/6 of the American Economy is just a waste of a good proverbial dime.

Most politicians only care for their constituency as elections approach. Once the ignoramuses re-elect them they just continue their pillaging until the next time. This is caused by the fact that most of them have never held a real job, never had to make real budget decisions for their families. They are career politicians. The only way to stop the pillaging of the American people is to find and elect candidates who want to "serve" the people and "support and defend" the principles and ideals of America. Which, in my opinion, means term limits.

Oh yes I forgot to mention that the requests to contact my senators have come from some political figures, one being Sen. McCain, who are also asking for donations, the ultimate reason.

Sorry, people. I work for my money and I struggle to make ends meet, while my expenses continue to grow, especially in taxes and entitlements to people milking the system.
I understand, and appreciate that a politician has to count on donations, but until I hear true Conservative messages, until I hear true support for the American ideals so dear to me, until I hear true and unadulterated support for our Military and our Veterans, I will NOT part with even a dollar of my hard earned money. Not even a phone call!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank Semperpapa

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Barbara Boxer's Wrong Crusade

3 December 2009

I am not sure if I should laugh or be outraged, but I have not touched on the subject of Global Warming since the whole thing has been officially debunked. I have been consumed with more important things, like the vicissitudes of our Military. Yes the same Military who give this shameless, ignorant idiot the right to be an elected official. In past histories of past dictatorships, mentally deficient people like Mrs. Boxer would have been euthanized. Huummm, maybe Obamacare could have some positive…but I digress.

Anyway, the main gist of the Global Warming debacle is that someone hacked into some scientists e-mails and found literally thousands of pieces of electronic correspondence proving that the scientists who had been the most vocal supporters of the whole concept had been, for lack of better term, cooking the books. In a scientific environment, messing around with test and research data is not just unethical, which in the Al Gore circle of bottom feeders is a resume enhancer, but it is also a nail in the coffin, as far as reputation, in scientific circles.

The US Senate has a committee called the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee, basically just another of the hundreds, if not thousands, of committees and commissions and the like that are there only to insure that the thieves in Congress can feel important while they screw the American people.
The importance, relevance, efficiency and honesty of the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee can be dismissed by the mere fact that Sen. Barbara Boxer is the Chair ma’am of it. I guess the chairmanship of the Senate Custodial and Garbage Removal Committee was already taken by Susan Collins. Sorry, I digress again.

The good senator from California, hopefully the soon to be former senator form California, has been pressured by Republicans on the Committee (yes, Republicans are there too), especially Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe, to call for an investigation by the said Committee on the fraud that the whole Global Warming/Climate Change/AlGorism cult has perpetrated upon the people of the United States and the world as a whole.
Every day the evidences keep on mounting against the entire Al Gore green religion, and yet today Sen. Ma’am Boxer is calling for the criminal prosecution of whom? The scientist? No, the e-mail hackers. That’s right, Barbara “single-digit-IQ” Boxer is bent on having a Senate investigation to bring to justice those people who hacked into the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia and by doing so they uncovered one of the largest, if not the largest, fraud perpetrated against mankind.
Trillions of dollars, countless businesses, millions of jobs have been wasted worldwide thanks to the self-righteous, self-serving scheme that these environmental terrorists have shoved down the people throats.

While the word ‘terrorism’ is commonly relegated to those who blow things up and kill innocent people, in the case of Al Gore, Boxer and the bloodsuckers at the United Nations, it can also be used because for years these people, these terrorists, have been playing on the fears, to use Gore’s own words, of common people. There was a time when the scientific world held a high degree of respect, due to the once rigid standard of ethics inherent to scientific research itself. What this scandal is in danger of causing, if the truth is not found and corrections fast declared, is that the confidence of the common person in the whole notion of scientific expertise will be forever damaged. And all because of the desire of so many Liberal/Progressive morons bent on Armageddon theories and ideologies and on gaining control of the masses through wide-spread hysteria.

I find it severely unconscionable for elected officials, the like of Boxer, to have the courage of attempting to distract the same people who entrusted them into the office they hold by taking up the wrong crusade.
I understand that the very nature of politics is well demonstrated by such attitude, after all I read somewhere that politics is amoral, but to so openly and blatantly demonstrate the American people that her ideological stands are more important than the truth is offensive.
On the other hand, I am not surprised because I am increasingly getting used to be offended by those who were so wrongly given the trust of the people.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Come On People, Who Cares!

2 December 2009

Ok folks, can someone tell me what the hell is all the fuss the Media and some Americans are making about Tiger Woods traffic accident? Why is the cause of the accident any of our business?

The important thing is that he or anyone else was not hurt. Period!

And people, try to concentrate a little on the much more important garbage that our government is dishing out while we are all so distracted and intrigued by the possibility of the pretty white wife beating up the star black golfer.

Obama is going to send additional troops to Afghanistan, finally, but with the intention of starting taking them out by July 2011.

Hey Commander-in-Chief, why don't you have your idiot press secretary tell the Taliban, yes the enemy of our America, what time the white flag ceremony will be held in the Rose Garden?

You could have Michael Moore make a documentary that can become mandatory viewing for the school children of your America.

Never once the word 'victory' was uttered. He is, as I have said before, not interested in the victorious conclusion of the Afghan conflict, regardless what the cost in lives is, because it is only those the Liberals identify with the societal rejects that join the Military anyway, so not being as sophisticated as the Liberal elitists, they are expendable.

The "decision" he enunciated could have been taken three months ago, and some of the reinforcements could have already been in Afghanistan. Over 100 US Military personnel has died in Afghanistan since the report was presented the his majesty Obama. Maybe some of those lives could have been saved, maybe not.
The point is that there was not much in view of a policy description that justified waiting so long to get the surge in motion. Indecision costs lives!

And than there is the issue of declaring to the world, including our enemies in Afghanistan, that if things don't go well on the ground, he will start withdrawing troops in 18 months. What the hell does that mean, Mr. Obama? Does it mean that if you, whom I don't considered capable enough to decide what to have for lunch, will make the determination of what the conditions are on the ground in Afghanistan? And isn't it July 2011 about the time when the 2012 Presidential campaign fires up? And are you setting up your field commanders to take the brunt of the blame if you decide things are not good on the ground?

What it looks to me like is that you are basically planning to once again use the blood of American sons and daughters to prop your political aspirations.
And please call your boy Chris Matthews at MSNBC and tell him to shut the hell up. He is an embarrassment to the human race every time he opens the hole that happens to be located below his nose.

And these are my thoughts
Frank Semperpapa

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Finally Troop Decision On Afghanistan!

29 November 2009

Finally there is some good news regarding the Afghanistan decision that Obama has been taking his sweet time making. It appears that on Tuesday the President will announce the call for troop increase that McChrystal requested, or at lease the majority of it.
Gen. McChrystal had requested 40,000 additional troops some months ago and it has been suggested that Obama will call for a surge of 30,000-35,000, starting with 9,000 Marines to be added to the 10,000 already in the Helmand Province, the area where the Taliban is most active due to the poppy seed crops.

It is my hope that the deployment of the additional Marines has been already put in motion, so that their augmentation of the existing force may be accomplished in short order.
The remainder of the troop increase, speculations are made, will be accomplished on a time table that has not been defined as of yet.
Again it is my hope that the time-table will be a short one, as I believe that the best possible course of action is to surge quickly as the enemy hibernates for the winter and is not expecting an offensive. This is also the opinion of Arizona senator Jon Kyl.

I do, though, have some deep issues with this whole thing.
As I wrote earlier, the dragging of feet done by the Administration still remains a major point of dissatisfaction for me, but at least it appears that finally a decision will be made.
Another point of contention for me is the arrogance that Obama is showing, arrogance that was enunciated by the Indiana Democrat Senator Evan Bayh on Fox News Sunday. According to the senator, Obama is putting the trust in Sec. of Defense Robert Gates. According to Bayh, Obama and Gates are showing some deference to McChrystal and the other field commanders, but that the general’s was only a recommendation and not the Ten Commandments.
So let me see if I get this right. The field commanders request 40,000 troops, Obama calls for about 35,000 to make sure that he sends the message to McChrystal that he, the One, is in charge, as if Obama wants to thumb his nose to the general by shortening the surge by two brigades or so. Again according to Bayh, the difference in numbers will be made up by NATO troops (I believe it when I see it!)

And incredibly enough, Liberal traitors like Sen. Carl Levin D-Mich, Rep. David Obey D-Mich and Sen. Bernie Sanders I-Vt, are discussing the funding of the war. This really blows my mind!
With all the pork spending and waste of taxpayers’ money this Congress and Administration have been doing for the last year, with all the debt the corrupted politicians have dumped on the American working people, these corrupted politicians are complaining about providing our Military what is necessary to succeed in Afghanistan. The Liberals in Congress are so hungry for taxation that they are suggesting a war tax to fund the war. They call for the “rich” to be burdened with additional taxes to pay for our men and women in uniform, while literally stealing the hard earned money of the average American.

And who are the “rich” they are targeting? Considering the current state of unemployment, the massive entitlements, the health care reform disaster looming, it appears that who is left in the “rich” category is any American with a job.

Still I am a little more confident that our Military will actually receive the additional reinforcements that they need. I am a little more confident that Obama is not leaving our men and women in harm’s way out to dry in the deserts and mountains of Afghanistan. My only hope, at this time, is that the surge will be quick and determined, so that we can catch the enemy off guard and really make a positive step toward a victorious solution of the conflict.

Yes Mr. President, I realize that the word “victory” is uncomfortable for you when it comes to our Military, but this Marine father wants our country, our deployed loved ones to be victorious.
Call me extremist!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Charging Navy Seals?!

25 November 2009

What the hell is going on? To what extent is today’s America going to be tolerant of outrageous behavior against our Military?

I read that three members of the elite Navy Seals are going to undergo court martial proceedings for an incident related to the capture of one of Iraq’s most wanted terrorist, some Ahmed Hashim Abed who was responsible for the killing and mutilation of four Blackwater contractors in Fellujah in 2004.
According to the reports, said Ahmed complained to some officer about a bloody lip that the accused “allegedly” gave him after being captured. Charges also include making false statements.

So three American Heroes nab this piece of shit, and instead of being thankful that they did not terminally ventilate the bastard, he accused them to give him a bloody lip.
What gives me hope is the response that the three Seals have given to the shit-for-brain officer who was going to give them an admiral mast – a non-judicial punishment which would have terminated their careers – and instead they requested a court martial.

At this point I am expecting any minute for Dick Durbin or John Murtha to grab the closest microphone and spew their invective against our Military, calling them blood thirsty and reminiscing of the Gestapo. Maybe compare them to Sheik Mohammed.

Or maybe the Seals will be compared to Hasan and their actions be used to apologize for what the terrorist did in Ft. Hood.
After all the American Military and the American way of life is to be apologized for, in the name of Political Correctness.

Sharpening my pitchfork!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

Monday, November 23, 2009

Told You So!

23 November 2009

When I wrote not too long ago about Obama putting America on trial, I was not trying to be controversial or a conspirator, but just using my God given gift of common sense.

And Obama is delivering the bully pulpit to those who have the blood of 3,000 innocent American on their hands, to spew their poisonous Islamic propaganda.
In fact the lawyer for one of the terrorists Obama and Holder want to bring to New York has basically confirmed what many Americans are fearing.
Scott Fenstermaker, attorney for Ali al-Aziz declared in a press conference that his client will plead not guilty, but at the same time will not deny his role in the 9-11-01 attacks on America. All they are seeking is to explain what happened and why they did it.

So here it is: Obama, and his boy Holder, are going to facilitate, at American tax payers’ cost, the enemies of America to use our Judicial system, at least what is left of it, to put America and our ideals and principles on trial. By the time this travesty will be over, there will be a large number of mindless Liberals in America (the very same moronic, ignorant idiots who voted for him) who will take the side of the terrorists, who will take up an apologetic stance for the terrorists. and from there to acquittal the step will be a short one.

That’s what this disgrace of a President is bringing our beloved Nation to. And all you Liberals will be the first sacrificial lambs of this Fascist take over.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa

Sunday, November 22, 2009

22 November 2009

When President Obama visited the Dover air base where flag draped coffins of KIAs from Iraq and Afghanistan arrive on their final journey home, the Media went on a self imposed orgasm over the compassion the Thug-in-Chief was showing for the American Military and its sacrifice. Of course what was hidden, if shown at all, was the small detail that the man's PR cronies had organized the whole thing as a photo op for a President who has repeatedly shown very little interest in guiding or backing the US Military.

On November 19, during his Asia world tour, Obama visited a base in S. Korea, where he actually told 1,500 troops assembled that they made a pretty good photo op.
So here is the actual admission from this poor excuse for a Commander-in-Chief of the only use he has for our men and women in uniform.

All the while there are 100,000 troops sitting in Iraq, practically idle, and no decision on the troop surge has been made for Afghanistan until the Turkey-in-Chief has his own turkey dinner.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank Semperpapa

Highest Paid Whore

22 November 2009

There is a new highest paid whore in Washington. I know what you are thinking: how can you tell in Washington?
But yet, Louisiana senator Mary Landrieu, a Dem of course, who has been strong arming the cadaver Harry Reid on the Health Care bill.

As the disaster that this bill is would have no chance of getting anywhere without the support of the fabulous Landrieu, Reid amended the bill with another travesty clause that, the Congressional Budget Office, price tags at $100 Million. The amendment, in its usual obscure language, is clearly dedicated to benefit only one state of the Union: Louisiana.

So, good old Mary Landrieu, who is up for re-election in 2010, will be able to claim this robbery of American working people money as a victory for her constituency and probably be re-elected by the ignorant hoards of her state.

And for all of you who still believe that your Obama and your Liberal champions of Congress are there to give you free health care, you will soon find out, if this disastrous bill passes, how much more expensive for you free health care will be.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank Semperpapa

Friday, November 20, 2009

Now I Get It!

20 November 2009

The Senate Health Care Reform bill is re-introducing a 5% tax on Botox! (actually is a sur-tax on elective cosmetic surgery, but the Botox angle fits my point)
So now I understand how Obama is planning to pay for this disaster: make it retroactive and hit Pelosi. Funding solved!

Frank Semperpapa

Pardon the Turkey

20 November 2009

I actually lost count of the number of weeks wasted by Obama inaction regarding General Stanley McChrystal report on Afghanistan.

The general has requested an additional 40,000 troops to be sent to that theater of operation as the only way to avoid losing the war in Afghanistan.
On his part Obama has been stalling any decision on the matter, excusing his complete inaction by stating that such a commitment of troops is deserving of proper analysis and ponder.

Ok, let me, for a moment, give the man the benefit of the doubt. Let’s consider the weight of the decision being such that he wants to get as much debate possible. If I am faced with such a burden, I tend to concentrate on the task and find a solution for it, or at least make a decision according to the best possible information I can get.
So in my opinion, with the life of so many Military personnel in the ballot, with the outcome of the entire Military campaign up for grab and the prestige of an entire country on the line, everything else would take second place.
And as far as getting the best possible counsel, who could provide Obama with more educated opinions than people who really have experience and knowledge of Military affairs, people the like of Sec. Gates, Admiral Mullen, Gen. Patraeus and Gen McChrystal. These should be the main actors in the matter’s debate.

On the same subject, I definitely do not accept nor consider the opinions of people like Emanuel and Axelrod as even deserving any mention, including the opinions of Pelosi or Reid or Durbin or Kerry. I wish I could tell these people in their faces that I have more confidence and respect for Saddam Hussein than I have in them.

But the reality of things is that President Obama does not care much for what happens to Afghanistan and our troops. The delay tactics Obama is using are straight out of the same Liberal play book that has created so much pain for the American Military and their families. Dating back to the Carter disaster and the Clinton regime and continuing today under the Liberal regime of Obama, the handling of terrorism and how the US Military should be involved in that fight, the Democrats are notoriously and consistently adverse to the security of the country.
Gone are the days when FDR and Harry Truman took painful interest in the vicissitudes of our people in uniform, making hard and hurtful decisions for the strategic purpose of ultimately limiting casualties.

Carter allowed American citizens be held hostage for 444 days in Teheran, only managing to send some poor Special Forces members on a doomed suicidal rescue attempt.
Clinton refused to recognize that the attacks against American interests throughout the time of his abuse of the Office was an all out war our country was involved in, including the treatment of the first attack against the WTC as a law enforcement issue.
And today we have an absolutely uninterested individual in Office, whose only goal is to increase his own personal power and facilitate the take over of the whole country on the part of the corrupted, criminal cronies that put him where he is.

As a candidate, Obama kept on harping on the “Iraq is the bad war” and “Afghanistan is the good war” in order to score points with those Americans suffering from the Bush Derangement Syndrome.
He was going to pull the troops out of Iraq, ending the governmental distraction of that “bad” war while concentrating on a winning strategy in Afghanistan.
Well, as someone else already told Obama, HE LIED!

Today we still have 100,000 troops in Iraq, basically babysitting the Iraqi security forces, mostly relegated to remote bases away from urban areas.
Today we have 68,000 troops in Afghanistan and a theater Commander, who was selected by Obama, requesting 40,000 additional troops to accomplish the mission his Commander-in-Chief assigned him.
And what is Obama response? I don’t want to rush into a hasty decision.

That is very true, as I understand it. Making what his Majesty would call a “hasty decision” does not fit the political agenda for himself and the other Liberal fools in Congress.
The entire House and 1/3 of the Senate is up for re-election in November 2010. Obama will not make a decision until he gets some of his disastrous agenda through Congress and up the American people collective rear ends. Once the financial/health care/fiscal destruction of the United States of America will be achieved, then Obama will decide for the withdrawal of the troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, bringing thousands of Military personnel back to a Nation in financial ruin, making these Veterans immediately dependent on the federal government.

The way I see it, the US Military is what Obama and his cronies see as the most imminent threat to their regime. These are men and women who have volunteered to put their lives on the line for their country and are not going to be too happy about their country being destroyed from within.

So Obama will again postpone any decision about Afghanistan until he has had the chance to impart the Presidential pardon to the traditional turkey and after he will enjoy his own turkey, the one that he is free to eat thanks to the blood and sacrifice of those in uniform who he so disgustingly continues to ignore and use as political pawns.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa