Monday, March 26, 2012

The Enemy Is Inside The Gate

By Semperpapa

It is hard to fathom, but it cannot be swept under the proverbial rug any longer: the enemy of America is already inside the gate.
And the Trojan horse trying to bring the country down is represented by a president that is no longer hiding behind cunning and subterfuges, but actually openly and brazenly pursuing multiple policies of defeat for the very principles of our Nation.

Mr. Obama and the progressive leadership of the Democrat Party, are no longer hiding their intentions to radicalized every aspect of the American republic in order to create enough instability that the people will be looking at the government for "salvation". Such move will then guarantee liberal control of the lives of the American people.

For decades, liberals have based their strategy on the enumeration of anything they perceived to be unjust in the American system: from economic to social aspects, the way to gaining control of the hearts and souls of the people has been to point out and emphasize to the maximum, any potential grievance that the masses may have. The adoption of community organizers and union thugs is at the very base of such a policy.
Community organizers, like Mr. Obama, have only one scope: to foment discontent in the common folks and to create a class division between them and the rest of society.
Union leadership is not any difference, pinning the worker against those who are the providers of jobs.
In past moments in history, community organizers and union leaders might have had a reason to exist, a legitimate place in the socio-economic conscience of the American people. Racial, age and gender discrimination created a necessity for some people to stand up and say "enough".

In today's climate, though, the necessity of such activism is all but gone. What is left is the hunger for power that representatives of activism have absolutely no intention to relinquish.
Today's activists are inclined to not only expand upon crisis by blowing them out of proportion, but they go as far as manufacturing the crisis in order to remain relevant to the social discourse in our country.
The names are the same they have been for the last four decades: Al Sharpton, Jessi Jackson, Richard Trumka, Andy Stern.

In the case of the good reverends Sharpton and Jackson, these two gentlemen have been going around the country for decades self-proclaiming to be the leaders of the black population of the United States. While they preached and agitated the black masses against social and economic entities in America in the name of equality, they were actually blackmailing these entities into conceding favors and large sums of money to the reverends in exchange for avoidance of bad public relations. Even large corporations like Honda and Coca Cola have felt the squeeze of the reverends.
And who can blame them. A multi million dollar operation like Coca Cola is very much receptive to the accusations of racism and discrimination. The loss of any percentage of business results in millions of dollars losses for a business in such a competitive arena.

No business can sustain the attack of a determined activist who wants to extort money by alleging discrimination, and that is exactly what these criminal minds bank on.

Large corporations, even as they are maligned so fervently by liberals, they still are able to provide good jobs for thousands and good dividends for their stock holders, and they do so while under pressure from thugs like the good reverends from the outside and the union bosses on the inside. Yes, that is a pure case of the enemy already being inside the gate.

But still the most dangerous example of the proverbial Trojan horse is that of liberal progressive elected politicians and appointed progressive radicals. And the current administration probably holds the record on the subject.
It is not a surprise that the worst radical in this Nation's leadership structure is the man in the White House, President Barak Obama. He is one of those community activists described above. A politician who has never worked a honest day in his life but instead always worked at creating malcontent among those who would pay attention. He has made a career, and a lucrative one at that, in pinning people against each other, all the way to his campaign for the presidency and the shameful campaigning he is currently on for his re-election.
And no, I am not considering shameful that he is campaigning, but rather the fact that he is doing so in very lavish style at the expenses of the American taxpayers who have already been pillaged by his goons. What I also find dishonest and offensive is the way Mr. Obama tries to blow smoke into the eyes of the American people, confident that his lack of personal and political integrity will go unnoticed by all of us the "little people".
Typical is the way he run to Oklahoma to tell the people that the piece of the Keystone pipeline to be constructed in Oklahoma and Texas was one of "his top priorities", just weeks after he had killed the real Keystone pipeline project and the thousands of jobs that came with it.

I don't mind politicians blowing their own horns, as it comes with the territory. Sometime ago, a much wiser man said that "politics is amoral" and that is the very truth.
But it is the blatant lies and distortions that get the best of my patience.

As the legend goes, Ulysses was not alone in the Trojan horse after it was wheeled within the walls of Troy, but the Greek warrior was surrounded by his faithful appointees. And Obama is nothing less.
From characters like Valery Jarret to Holdren, Salazar to Solis to Chu and all the other cabinet secretaries and various czars, the governing reins of the country have been turned over into the hands of probably the most radical leftist bunch of individuals that has ever held power in our country, and the results are tangible.

Every totalitarian regime has its leaders, its elite society and the masses.
The leader is the one who decides who the elite is, via the ruffian behavior of those eager to be part of the elite. The masses are the ones who cower in the proverbial corner and allow the leadership to keep their tyrannical foot on their collective necks.
In the United States we have the Obamas in the leadership role. We have Congress and Washington establishment plus academia, the media and Hollywood as the elite class and than there is the rest of us, the masses.

What it comes down to is what makes America different from other countries: the foundations of our system, via the Constitution, based on the supremacy of the individual versus the political leadership. Unfortunately, the past few years have witnessed the erosion of these very principles thanks to the elitism politicians have been exhibiting.
The attitude has changed drastically from the notion that politicians are there to serve the will of their constituents to the self-serving pandering and undisturbed pursuit of personal gratification, being it for abuse of power and/or great financial gain.

What is left is for the people to take the country back from those who today are actively planning for the total demise of an entire nation. The real tragedy is that America's demise is not just horrible for the American people, but it is also a global tragedy, as the beacon of hope and freedom that America has traditionally been associated with, will also be gone, if we allow Obama to have his way.
During his campaign, Obama boasted that his election was going to radically transform our country, and the American people actually voted for that bewildering notion. There is nothing wrong with the United States that would require a radical transformation. How can a person say they "love" their country and at the same time wanting to "radically change" it?

Yes, the answer lies in the fact that Obama and those ideologically like him, truly despise our country and everything it stands for. While they like and abuse the freedoms America offers, they actively plan for its destruction (not unlike Islamic terror supporters like CAIR).

The enemy is already inside the gate, and it has been for many years already. It has used the very principles they want to eradicate against the people and we are allowing it to happen in the name of peace and non-confrontation. We are just as responsible!

Just my thoughts!

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