Wednesday, November 4, 2009

One Step Closer

4 November 2009

It is the day after elections, elections that have been heralded as the first step of the new American Revolution from the right, and as really not much by the left and the media.

In New Jersey’s gubernatorial race, Chris Christie, Republican, defeated the state champion of corruption Jon Corzine, in probably the toughest loss for Obama who personally campaigned for the swine.

In Virginia, Robert McDonnell (R) strongly defeated Deeds (D) also for the gubernatorial race.

And in upstate New York, Hoffman (R) as defeated by the Liberal for the House seat of the 23rd district, but the strong showing of Hoffman was an eye opener about the place the American people find themselves in.

New Jersey and Virginia are significant because the first is a historically staunch Liberal state, where Democrats have been holding the reins of power via the social and economic enslavement of the people, the second because the state was idolized by the media as a typical example of the shift toward Obama’s ideology during the last Presidential campaign.

The congressional race in New York has been nationally publicized by both side of the political spectrum. Initially the republican in the running was some woman called Dede Scozzafava. The main issue for conservatives with this candidate was that she is truthfully a Liberal, being supportive of many of the Democrat platform, including abortion.
As the conservatives were becoming increasingly vocal regarding their opposition against this pure form of R.I.N.O. (Republican In Name Only), Newt Gingrich and Michael Steele endorsed her, justifying their decision on wanting to bring a person in Congress with an “R:” behind their name. Conversely, talk show hosts, commentators, bloggers, and all true conservatives, placed their support behind Hoffman who run as a Conservative republican.
As the poll numbers for Scozzafava plummeted and Hoffman’s climbed, Scozzafava dropped out of the race just few days ago and promptly endorsed the Democrat candidate, in a move that must have sent a nauseating feeling of embarrassment in all the GOP big wigs who had endorsed her.

Many Americans may have been glossing over all the drama of this Election Day, probably more interested in the latest tabloid TV happenings, but the importance of yesterday rests in the fact that it appears the new American Revolution has actually moved from the ideological only to the action phase. What I see in the results of the elections yesterday, even the loss in NY-23, is the translation from the Tea Party demonstrations to the ballot box.
Over the summer, as Obama and his cronies worked overtime in their quest to destroy the American economy, American businesses, American wealth and institutions, a vast number of Americans became uncomfortable with what they were witnessing. The Tea Parties became the opportunity for millions of Americans to voice their dissent with the Socialistic take over of Obama of the nation’s economy.
And also over the summer, politicians got their pompous elitism severely trimmed by the American people, who flooded the Town Hall meetings across the nation, making their feelings and dissent known in strong and informed fashion.

The Obama media even rushed to the Liberal rescue, mercilessly attacking the actions of Americans who were exercising their Constitutional Rights. Politicians attacked the actions of their own constituents, all in the attempt to discredit the opinions of common people who felt that the move toward Marxism and Fascism on the part of Obama was not what they wanted for the country.

What yesterday represents is a corollary to the events we witnessed and participated in last summer. People in two states that should have been in the bag for Obama team went to the polls and stated unequivocally that they are not much impressed with Obama these days.

Regardless of the spin that the Media and the Liberals are engaging today regarding the electoral results, I remain strongly positive about them. I realize that I am an eternal optimist, one who has always had faith in the strong feelings of individualism that the American people have been blessed with historically, but my faith was shaken in the last two elections. Seeing Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in leadership roles and then a Marxist/Fascist Community Organizer as President had a horrible effect on my optimism. But today I feel that my hope in the re-establishment of the traditional American ideals of freedom and less governmental intrusion may still be alive and thriving.
But it is not time to rest on the partial success we achieved yesterday. Much work is still needed to defeat the governmental take over of our country, because the current politicians are strong and their reach and corruption is so extensive that if the American people do not remain relentless in their dissent, the victory for conservatism we witnessed yesterday will be just a small blip of national sanity. So let us continue to tell our politicians that if they ignore us, we will fire them, starting in 2010.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

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