Sunday, July 31, 2011
Bend Over, America!
All the hoopla about the debt ceiling raising and the compromising that Republicans and Democrats are seeking for the "good of the country" would actually be amusing if it not for the fact that the lives of millions of American are being affected.
What is amazing to me is the open bullshit that politicians are feeding the American people. We are treated and told we are stupid and incapable to see through the smoke screen that great intellectuals like Boehner and Obama and Reid are putting up.
Well, this stupid American thinks otherwise.
In reality, it is very clear. The so-called urgency of the National debt has been predicted since last January, but promptly ignored until the last minute, in the attempt scare the American people into a mental condition that would force them to accept any possible compromise in order to avoid the country's financial demise.
News flash: the demise of the country has been already ushered in by several previous political so-called leaderships, from both parties.
The scare tactics are amazing. If this plan passes, seniors will be left to die and child mortality will skyrocket. If that plan passes it will be the ruination of the country. Wow, and so these morons in Washington waited until the last minute to address the problem?
In the least they should be fired for incompetence. Personally I think that they should be tried for treason against the Nation, but I digress.
The truth of the matter is that they, and I mean both parties morons, waited for the last minute to be able to present a compromise plan that truly will not be much more than placing a used band-aid on a sucking chest wound. They will show up all happy in a "bi-partisan" manner announcing that they reached an agreement, patting themselves on the back for achieving one more disgraceful victory over the people of our country and our freedoms.
There will be admittance of imperfection, but you know?, we fought so hard!
There will be chest thumping in regard to having done what was necessary to avoid financial Armageddon.
And the funniest part will be the fact that the media will hailed the "courageous leadership" of these morons all the while the people in Washington will dutifully bend over the American people can figure out the rest.
It would not be so bad if the consequences of these bastards' actions would remain short term, but the fact that their irresponsible actions are condemning future generations to an unimaginable debt is appalling. I find it highly angering that the my grand baby who is not even born yet, is already in debt for thousands of dollars.
Ultimately, it will be the American people to decide their own future. As of right now, the future is bleak at best, as the very same American people keep on re-electing the same scum into office, handing over the keys of the country to the same people who have and still are "leading" us off the cliff.
Bend over, America! And you WILL like it.
Just my thoughts!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Another Useful Idiot In Congress (And There Are So Many!)
Following the lead from Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee couple of weeks ago, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. stated on the floor of the House that the reason for the opposition Obama is facing regarding the debt ceiling issue is due to the fact that he is black, the Hill reports.
Rep. Jackson continues the strategy, that liberals are trying to revive, of going back to the good old days when crying racism allowed progressives to scare people into submission to their Marxist ideologies. It is also the proof that shit does not fall too far from the asshole!
Rep. Jackson accusations of racism are as laughable as those made by the other Jackson representative, the Lee character, because it is so very obvious that their beloved Obama has received all the breaks and facilitation possible, not just by the moronic American people who elected the fool, but continues to enjoy the undeserved perks from the complacent media and even from the fake Republicans in Congress.
While Jesse Jackson talks about government helping those in need in our country, he is also the one who wanted to give free I-pads or something similar, to school children.
Interestingly, that happened just before Obama started to twitter from the White House. Perfect! What is needed is the Supreme Leader having direct access to kids via electronic device, as if the progressive indoctrination children already receive in the despicable school systems is not enough.
And Jesse Jackson is also the cartoon character who equaled power to the states to slavery.
The statements from Jackson were made just as this report appeared on Fox News:
Once again, the call is for the development of the private sector in order to create jobs, good jobs. But the approach the man in the White House and Obamadroids like Jackson are more interested in keeping the status quo. Keeping blacks in dire economic conditions is essential to keeping them dependent on the government.
And that is a proven road to victorious elections.
Just my thoughts!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
More Attacks From The Usual Domestic Enemies
With all the talks about cutting spending, the usual suspects, domestic enemies of America are making sure that the current crisis does not go to waste.
Every time I hear the group Center for American Progress express any sort of opinion on anything, I am alarmed, as I consider John Podesta, former Clinton's chief of staff and current leader of the ultra-progressive group, one of the most dangerous enemies of our Nation.
But it is not surprising that calls for the slicing of the Defense budget would be coming from the same vile crowd that is pushing America to become just like Europe.
The approach of progressives is to bring the defense and security ability of our Country down, like every nation across the Atlantic, to a level of inefficiency that we saw following the end of the Cold War.
That the Pentagon should be subjected to a deep analysis to insure a more efficient operating strategy is not my issue. There are many steps that could be taken to trim the waste that accompanies Military expenditures, but the indiscriminate cut in carriers, airplanes or personnel is just a new invitation to a disaster.
When the drastic cuts were made as the Berlin Wall came down, Presidents George H. W. Bush and Clinton went on a cutting frenzy that left our forces depleted and our intelligence crippled. The result of such actions was the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Today the situation is even more dire. The instability in the Middle East, the proximity of Iran to become a nuclear power, the expansionist move of China added to the terrorist component of Yemen and Somalia, sees a world that is much more dangerous than ever, as the old fashion rejection of the freedoms represented by America is augmented by the radical Islam component.
The Islamic jihadi component has always been there, but it has taken a whole new role these days with the ever expanding hold such ideology has over governments in Europe and in America.
I can understand that Liberals believe that Obama has won the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, even if the only goal of the current administration is the retreat from those engagements, and I can understand that the administration is going to get as much mileage out of killing Osama bin Laden as possible. I can also understand that few photo ops and a little lip service in support of our Armed Forces may sway some people, but the long term strategic consequences that $1 trillion indiscriminate cuts would have on the Nation's security is frightening.
And the concern does not even begin to address the problem that Mexico and some of the South America countries represent.
But what the hell. Let's cut the Defense spending so that we can pour more money into the failed policies of entitlement spending. Let's cut our ability to defend our Country diverting funds to help our enemies, outside and inside our borders, get stronger. So the domestic enemies can one day join hand with the foreign enemies for the fatal blow to America.
Just my thoughts!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Another Attempt From The Left To Use Racism
One hidden truth the Left is not willing or capable to understand is that accusations of racism are no longer carrying the weight that they used to, no longer effective in shaming good American people into hiding their dissent.
These accusations resulted in the election of the worst President that our nation has seen since its birth on July 4th, 1776. And the people of this great Nation are sick and tired of this tactic.
According to the Texas Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, the reason for the rejection of Obama budget proposal, which does not exist anyway, is because Obama is black.
The dim witted Texas politician was all up and arms in her Friday speech on the House floor.
What a surprise! A very well known abuser of the term and concept of racism accusing those who dissent with the President of being disrespectful toward Obama because he is black.
The truth of the matter is that those who Lee accuses of "disrespecting" the President are not even beginning to express the real feelings of their constituencies. They are so bent on compromising, instead of actually listening to the people, that they will undoubtedly screw the American people either way. The secret deals and the closed door meetings are ongoing not because the participants want to improve the economic conditions of our country, but because they are desperately trying to hold on to the power and relevance in Congress.
Bohener, Cantor, McConnell are a bunch of spineless politicians, the real picture of the establishment Republican Party, one that is just as addicted to spending and maintaining power via giving away entitlements that are absolutely unsustainable.
These incompetents have learned nothing from last November elections, but are conscientious of the fact that they are making themselves targets for the next elections, so they resort to secret pacts and deals, aimed at compromising with Obama and his throng of progressives and hoping that the lurid details will remain unnoticed by what they still see as an apathetic population.
As for Sheila Jackson Lee, while her racist diatribe may score some points with the same people who hold Jessi Jackson and Al Sharpton as their leaders, they fall on the deaf ears of those other Americans who are tired of the race card being abused.
I doubt that next elections will see Lee being thrown out of Congress, after all she has her constituency nicely paid for, but the possibility of rendering these morons irrelevant in the political discourse is there. From the election of real Conservatives in the US Senate to the firing of Obama from the White House, the signs may be there. As they are for the cleansing of the Republican Party of those Judas the light of Graham, McCain, Snow, Collins and the like.
The survival of our country as a free and self-determining republic is at stake!
Just my thoughts!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
This World Is A Little Cleaner
The world is a little cleaner these days, not much but a little bit.
Humberto Leal Garcia, convicted in 1994 of the brutal rape and murder of 16-year-old Adria Sauceda, received a lethal injection in Texas. It only took 17 years for this scumbag to receive what he deserved!
Why did this case make the national news? Mostly because Obama decided that it was politically favorable to side with a brutal murderer against the laws of the State of Texas and the decision of a criminal court.
At the base of all the hoopla about this piece of garbage being executed is the fact that when apprehended, the good Leal was not informed that as an illegal alien and Mexican national, he could avail himself of the legal help of the Mexican consulate. So what!
The Obama administration decided it was politically advantageous to ask the state of Texas to stay the execution while the Supreme Court looked at the issue, not because Obama gives a rat's ass about Leal's fate, but because Obama needs the vote of illegal aliens in November 2012.
Even the United Nations got in the discussion citing international law. Now that Leal has finally been executed, the UN is telling foreigners to stay away from Texas. A good suggestion, in my opinion, that illegal aliens should pay attention to.
But SCOTUS told Obama and the UN to pound sand in a narrow 5-4 decision.
And Texas told Obama and the UN to go pound sand as well.
Now Leal is dead and the world is a slightly better place.
Saddening part is that former president George W. Bush also supported, during his administration, the position of Obama and the UN.
Another bad point against W.
Just my thoughts!
Getting Faster And More Furious?

By Semperpapa
No one day goes by that more shows up in some news about the scandal of Operation Fast and Furious and the involvement of the current Department of Justice and the Obama administration.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms' director Kenneth Melson decided to give a secret testimony to Congress in respect to the intricacies of the operation.
This is a relevant detail that many news outlets have purposely ignored in the ever ongoing effort to shield Obama from any possible negative imagery.
Melson testified with only his personal attorney present, while he had the choice of availing himself of the legal support of the Dept. of Justice army of lawyers. Or did he?
As Rep. Darrel Issa is attempting to dig deeper into the details of Project Gunrunner, Melson was singled out by the DoJ and the White House to take the fall for the whole thing. The announcement of Melson being outed from the BATF was made, followed by Melson stating that he was not going anywhere.
So why is Melson distancing himself from the administration? In my opinion solely for the purpose of saving his ass, as the ramifications of this whole situation could reach criminal levels at any time.
I am not exempting Melson from his responsibilities in the matter because he is distancing himself from Obama and Holder, as I want to see every person responsible for this travesty hanging, but it is obvious that he was a willing operator in the grand scheme of this corrupted administration to subvert the constitutional rights of the American people.
As I stated in previous posts on this subject, Operation Gunrunner/Fast and Furious was an opportunity seen by the anti-Second Amendment crowd that lives in the crevices of Washington D.C. to further their agenda.
In a testimony to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee headed by Issa on May 3, 2011, Attorney General Eric Holder stated that he had become aware of the project only few weeks earlier. That was an obvious lie, but Issa only addressed the false testimony of Holder by saying that he believed Holder had not been accurate in his deposition.
And some late reports indicate that some of the weapons involved in Operation Gunrunner were paid with stimulus money, basically funds that were allocated to supposedly "create jobs" and help revive the economy, our money, were instead used to expand this ill-conceived cluster fuck.
Here lies the problem we have in our current political discourse. Holder falsely testified under oath in front of a Congressional Committee. Eric Holder should, at a minimum, be relieved of his job, as clearly stated by Florida Congressman Col. Allen West, pending a full criminal investigation. But that does not appear to be in the future, at least as long as the tyrannical administration is in power.
So what We the People and those of us law abiding gun owners are left with is a determined political leadership dedicated to end our Second Amendment rights.
The latest is that the same actors, Obama and Holder, are intensely working on new "gun safety" measures. What a surprise!
Using the January tragedy in Tucson that cost the lives of six people and the wounding of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the White House and the DoJ are going to issue some new gun safety measures aimed at infringing upon our rights. Freakish gun control morons are, according to some reports, not going to be too happy with these measures, as nothing less than a complete abolition of the Second Amendment would do for those idiots. At the same time, these new measures will be just one more step toward the progressive march toward the very same goal.
This fits with the agenda of the Obama re-election campaign. Take away our rights in a measured way, not severe enough to cause the American people to revolt, hopefully enough to momentarily appease the fringe Left.
All the while, the American people, brainwashed by the media spin of issues like Operation Gunrunner, do not realize that every step, as small as it may appear, is taking the Nation toward the overturning of the Constitution.
And speaking of hypocrisy, I find personally disgusting that politicians are so involved in violating our Second Amendment rights while they to give themselves the right to carry concealed weapons.
California legislators, scared by the Giffords' attack, want to have access to CCW permits more readily, claiming that their jobs are as dangerous as those that, under California law, qualify for such a permit, mostly jewelers, bail bondsmen and some other "dangerous" occupations.
So basically, California politicians, many of them liberals, want special consideration for obtaining a permit that they vehemently want to deny the rest of the people. That's tyranny!
Be aware, America, of the ugly hiding behind the "good intentions" of politicians.
Just my thoughts!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
New York Legislature Really Busy
As the legislative session inches closer to its end, the New York legislature is busy getting the last nanny state craziness on the way to Gov. Cuomo's desk.
And you thought that proposing the elimination of salt from restaurants was outrageous! Now the New York politicians have decided to enter regulations on sippy cups!
I am sure that the California legislature is keeping a very close eye on what is happening in New York state, surely looking for ever new and creative ways to stick it to us citizens.
Oh the beauty of tyranny, when the government can tell us how to engage in every aspect of our lives. But at least they are covering all bases: from what we eat to how we wipe our...donkeys.
Just my thoughts!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Freedom From Freaks And Clowns
Interesting article from Fox News
Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone is bringing up the proposal.
It is hard to believe that the motion would actually go anywhere, but I would dare to say that it would have many followers among the people of the counties Mr. Stone is calling for secession.
Unfortunately, the actual will of the people means practically nothing in this state.
California has been hijacked by liberal progressives for a long time now, literally run by activists and lobbyists, overrun by illegal aliens and allegedly led by a group of state politicians who, regardless of political and party affiliation, have nothing more that their personal gain and power as guiding interest.
What was once the 7th economic power in the world is today reduced to nothing more than an overcrowded welfare state.
From in-state tuition for illegal aliens to EPA regulations killing our economy, California has ceased to be a place where people went to for economic improvement.
The housing market and construction industry at a depression level, manufacturing and similar industries in pretty much the same conditions has swelled the ranks of those seeking help from the State. Hard working people who saw their livelihood disappear are now standing in line shoulder to shoulder with those who have been milking the system for years.
Large franchises, like Carl's Junior, planning to open up over 500 new franchises across the nation, but none in California, thanks to the state freaks who want to regulate anything under the sun, including what we eat.
Jobs for teenagers, which historically included fast food business and similar, are today being sought by older workers desperate for any kind of employment. The unemployment rate for teens in California is one of the highest in the nation at about 33%, increasing the chances that many teens would drop out of school and many ending up in the justice system.
Thousands of acres of central California, once producers of a large portion of agricultural products, remain arid thanks to the Fish and Wildlife placing a 2-inch fish on the endangered species list.
Business leave California at an average of 6 per week, entrepreneurs looking at other states that offer more friendly environment to them.
And while the state continues to slide into economic devastation, the Sacramento Clown governor just signed a budget that is a farce after legislators complained that they were not getting paid, thanks to a proposition passed by the people. So they passed a travesty of a budget, basically anything so that their salaries would be dispensed again.
Sup. Stone has a good idea, even if it being laughed at by the Clown Brown office. I wish the people would have a real voice in the matter.
Just my thoughts!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
The Second, Predictable Part Of Operation Fast And Furious
By Semperpapa
Just as it was expected, the second part of Operation Fast and Furious (aka Gunrunner) was put into action yesterday by the liberals in the House of Representatives.
The operation conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, was initiated under the Bush administration with the intent of having some semi-automatic weapons being channeled into Mexico and tracked by US authorities in the hope of following them to the drug cartels leaders.
It was an ill-conceived operation to begin with, but it actually went into overdrive in 2009, with thousands more weapons being allowed to go south of the border. The operation was also opposed by law enforcement agents, both from ICE and the Border Patrol, but the complaints went unheeded by the leadership of the bureau.
It all came to a head when BP agent Brian Terry was gunned down in Arizona in December 2010. The weapon used in the killing of Brian was traced back to be one of the weapons involved in operation Fast and Furious.
As the news about this governmental screw up started to appear, despite the efforts of the main stream media who went immediately into a protect-Obama mode, my immediate thought went to the statements made by both Obama and Hillary Clinton last year where they blamed the drug violence in Mexico to the firearms from the United States. At that time I thought it was just one more example of liberal accusing the United States for the problems of others and an attempt to further undermine our Second Amendment rights, but little did anyone know that the two scumbags were blaming America for the influx of weapons into Mexico while a good portion was done under the auspices of their federal government.
But the discovery of the government’s sponsorship makes connecting the dots a lot easier.
Point A: Obama and Clinton lament the influx of firearms moving from the US into Mexico;
Point B: they blame the availability of such weapons in the United States;
Point C: availability is caused by lack of gun control;
And now point D: liberals in Congress want to institute even strictest gun control legislature.
With a little common sense and an understanding of the progressive limitless crusade against the Second Amendment, we can all see what the whole thing comes out to be.
Obama gets into office in January 2009 and finds this incredibly stupid, albeit limited operation going on at the BATF. Obama, as the good progressive he is, steps up the scope of the operation, not to aim at the Mexican drug cartels, but as a way to allow the increase of violence in Mexico and shift the blame back to America. The unfortunate, but opportune death of Brian Terry creates the connection between American firearms and Mexico drug cartel that the anti-gun forces in the United States were looking for.
So the solution to the problem in Mexico is to have more anti constitutional legislation in the United States. I failed to see the connection between the internal problems of Mexico and the rights of people like me here in the United States, rights that are guaranteed by nothing less than the United States Constitution.
These liberal progressives, regardless of their party affiliation, are always ready to trample the rights of us citizens, especially when it comes to the Second Amendment. The continuous effort to disarm the law abiding citizens of our country is not going to work, regardless of how much intrusion and control politicians are seeking in our lives. There is a limit to how much tyranny the average American is willing to tolerate, and all the subterfuge Obama and his minions are engaged in will only exasperate the people and bring the totalitarian attitude of politicians to the forefront of the people attention, with predictable consequences.
Obama and corrupted criminals like Eric Holder saw the potential for the utilization of an ill-conceived policy of the federal government and greatly expanded the scope of it, planning on utilizing this predictable “crisis” to their advantage. It is up to us, the American citizens, to insure that our constitutional rights are safeguarded, because we cannot trust or count on politicians any longer. Washington is a corrupting environment, potentially turning even the most ethical politician into a power hungry stooge. We the People have to stand up and tell them that we will not stand by and allow them to render our Constitution, our rights and our security meaningless. We the people have to tell these freaks that the days of apathy are over and that we are paying attention.
If the Republicans in the House know what is best for them, if they do not want a pink slip at the next ballot, they better make sure that the proposed legislation by the liberal members of the legislative body goes absolutely nowhere and that the will of the people is respected.
Just my thoughts!