Friday, July 29, 2011

Another Useful Idiot In Congress (And There Are So Many!)

By Semperpapa

Following the lead from Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee couple of weeks ago, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. stated on the floor of the House that the reason for the opposition Obama is facing regarding the debt ceiling issue is due to the fact that he is black, the Hill reports.

Rep. Jackson continues the strategy, that liberals are trying to revive, of going back to the good old days when crying racism allowed progressives to scare people into submission to their Marxist ideologies. It is also the proof that shit does not fall too far from the asshole!

Rep. Jackson accusations of racism are as laughable as those made by the other Jackson representative, the Lee character, because it is so very obvious that their beloved Obama has received all the breaks and facilitation possible, not just by the moronic American people who elected the fool, but continues to enjoy the undeserved perks from the complacent media and even from the fake Republicans in Congress.

While Jesse Jackson talks about government helping those in need in our country, he is also the one who wanted to give free I-pads or something similar, to school children.
Interestingly, that happened just before Obama started to twitter from the White House. Perfect! What is needed is the Supreme Leader having direct access to kids via electronic device, as if the progressive indoctrination children already receive in the despicable school systems is not enough.

And Jesse Jackson is also the cartoon character who equaled power to the states to slavery.

The statements from Jackson were made just as this report appeared on Fox News:

Once again, the call is for the development of the private sector in order to create jobs, good jobs. But the approach the man in the White House and Obamadroids like Jackson are more interested in keeping the status quo. Keeping blacks in dire economic conditions is essential to keeping them dependent on the government.

And that is a proven road to victorious elections.

Just my thoughts!


  1. Hmmm...rather than focusing simply on the so-called Dem side of the house, I advocate looking at both. And not just on the matter of the all-too-evident counts of racism by the supporters of the Tea Party.

    Why don't we start with Bachmann, for example, whose hypocrisy seems to know no bounds -

    -such as her working to secure 1st Amendment protection for bullies in the face of teen suicides in her district as a result of said bullying - likely because the suicide-committing teens might be *gasp* GAY. *facepalm*

    -such as getting pissed off and over-protective of her homophobic "gay-curing counselor" of a husband from public attack after having attacked Michelle Obama.

    -such as blathering about unAmerican behavior and riddling in Congress over the Fannie/Freddie fiasco - yet still using Fannie Mae for her own home loans.

    There is more than one side to the arguments over racism and other deplorable, hypocritical, and unacceptable behaviours by members of the Congress. I'm willing to look at both sides of the aisle critically. Are you? And if you might well behoove you to write about the Rep side *as well as* the Dem side. You know...more of a balanced and independent-thinking perspective.


  2. What I am focusing is on what appears on the official governmental records, which is the results of idiotic statements like those made by the scum I mentioned.
    Did Michelle Bachmann break the law in utilizing Fannie Mae for her home loan, if that is even true? Sourcing the Washington Post is laughable, moreover "it is strongly believed she used the corrupted agency"? Please. Does that sound like someone with an agenda?

    The "homophobic, gay-curing husband" is not in Congress and last I heard is not involved in the development of public policy. She is overprotective? So what? Should we start digging into the garbage of every politician family member? If that's the case, no Kennedy should have ever been allowed to even visit Washington DC.

    Now to the part most important to me: the First Amendment.
    Lest my words may be construed as condoning bullying of any kind, I still don't want the government to get in the middle of it.
    For example: I surely wish I had the right to infringe pain and destruction upon the freaks of the Westboro Baptist Church. The problem is that they have the constitutional right to do the shit they do. My son fought in Afghanistan for that right. I have attended countless of funerals of "kids" who paid with their future for the right of this scum to protest at their very own funerals.
    My point is that the rights guaranteed by the Constitution cannot be selective. They are there for a purpose.
    Bullying has been going on for centuries. I have been a victim of it, but I took care of it myself (I did not even have the type of parents that would help me out with it).
    Allowing the government to infringe limitations on freedom of speech is a dangerous game. Today is bullying, tomorrow may be my freedom of writing my thoughts. Or your freedom to respond to them.
    Had it been me, I would have voted similarly, as the application of our constitutional rights is a matter of fact not emotions.
    The connection between Bachmann's vote and the alleged homophobic she is being accused of is being skilfully utilized. Personally, I think that's her personal problem, not mine.

    Lastly I take great offense by your statement of the "all-too-evident counts of racism by the supporters of the TEA party"
    I am inclined to say that you never attended any of those. I have and I have never seen any form of racial animosity among any of those who participated. Making a blanket statement like that is definitely below your standards, as you called me a racist. Not that it matters, cause I know who I am, but it is typical nonetheless.
    And BTW, do not go off on the tangent that I may be a supporter of Bachmann. It is my opinion that almost every member of Congress and the administration should be brought up on charges of treason and hung, including Bachmann. Than we can start new...we already have a good Constitution to work with.

  3. No, I didn't call you a racist. And no, I don't believe that each and every member of the Tea Party is racist. As a *collective*, there are many racist elements, and just because the occasional token Black person is pointed out does not change that. Just because the gathering/s you may have attended was/were peaceful does not mean that what is underlying in parts of the message are anything other than peaceful. If you take offense to this observation, which is not my intent, then perhaps you should consider why the statement is made about the collective. I can very easily point out the blatant flaws of other organizations with which I hold some agreement with - and if the flaws are glaring enough, I do not associate myself with them. That is part of where I define my own integrity. A similar movement (partially in response to the Tea Party) is the Coffee Party Movement, with which I am more closely aligned, though I'm not a "member"...they might interest you.

    As for Bachmann, I chose her because she stands out readily presently. I could have chosen any number of members of Congress, from either side of the aisle, just as easily. The Reps are using gangster politics and counting on the People's short term memory and apathy. The Dems are spineless and trying to "keep to the moral high ground" - for appearances only -while taking the same lobbyists money that the Reps are. Both sides are guilty. My point in my comment to you here is that in your blog you are focused so heavily on one side of the equation usually that I feel compelled to point out that there are two dominant parties...and both have blood on their hands. No mistake, SP, as an Independent with certain Democratic leanings, I've been blasted myself by fellow progressives when I've made the point of spotlighting the flaws of our Dem members of Congress. I will continue to do so and without apology.

    There is far too much in-fighting and manufactured crises going on...this debt ceiling debacle is a smoke screen to cover up a couple of other things. It is a tempest in a teapot to keep the American people looking the other direction while the powers that be (and no, not the Congress) continue playing fiddlesticks with our grandchildren's inheritance. Two articles to consider:

    1. America is not broke...

    2. How Social Security was stolen...

    Going back to the Tea Party and racism...look up Tim Wise and his writings on the subject. He is far better versed than I to articulate that subject, but the observations I've made about this subject go back to the organization's origin, which has rather unusual timing, come right to it.
