By Semperpapa
No one day goes by that more shows up in some news about the scandal of Operation Fast and Furious and the involvement of the current Department of Justice and the Obama administration.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms' director Kenneth Melson decided to give a secret testimony to Congress in respect to the intricacies of the operation.
This is a relevant detail that many news outlets have purposely ignored in the ever ongoing effort to shield Obama from any possible negative imagery.
Melson testified with only his personal attorney present, while he had the choice of availing himself of the legal support of the Dept. of Justice army of lawyers. Or did he?
As Rep. Darrel Issa is attempting to dig deeper into the details of Project Gunrunner, Melson was singled out by the DoJ and the White House to take the fall for the whole thing. The announcement of Melson being outed from the BATF was made, followed by Melson stating that he was not going anywhere.
So why is Melson distancing himself from the administration? In my opinion solely for the purpose of saving his ass, as the ramifications of this whole situation could reach criminal levels at any time.
I am not exempting Melson from his responsibilities in the matter because he is distancing himself from Obama and Holder, as I want to see every person responsible for this travesty hanging, but it is obvious that he was a willing operator in the grand scheme of this corrupted administration to subvert the constitutional rights of the American people.
As I stated in previous posts on this subject, Operation Gunrunner/Fast and Furious was an opportunity seen by the anti-Second Amendment crowd that lives in the crevices of Washington D.C. to further their agenda.
In a testimony to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee headed by Issa on May 3, 2011, Attorney General Eric Holder stated that he had become aware of the project only few weeks earlier. That was an obvious lie, but Issa only addressed the false testimony of Holder by saying that he believed Holder had not been accurate in his deposition.
And some late reports indicate that some of the weapons involved in Operation Gunrunner were paid with stimulus money, basically funds that were allocated to supposedly "create jobs" and help revive the economy, our money, were instead used to expand this ill-conceived cluster fuck.
Here lies the problem we have in our current political discourse. Holder falsely testified under oath in front of a Congressional Committee. Eric Holder should, at a minimum, be relieved of his job, as clearly stated by Florida Congressman Col. Allen West, pending a full criminal investigation. But that does not appear to be in the future, at least as long as the tyrannical administration is in power.
So what We the People and those of us law abiding gun owners are left with is a determined political leadership dedicated to end our Second Amendment rights.
The latest is that the same actors, Obama and Holder, are intensely working on new "gun safety" measures. What a surprise!
Using the January tragedy in Tucson that cost the lives of six people and the wounding of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the White House and the DoJ are going to issue some new gun safety measures aimed at infringing upon our rights. Freakish gun control morons are, according to some reports, not going to be too happy with these measures, as nothing less than a complete abolition of the Second Amendment would do for those idiots. At the same time, these new measures will be just one more step toward the progressive march toward the very same goal.
This fits with the agenda of the Obama re-election campaign. Take away our rights in a measured way, not severe enough to cause the American people to revolt, hopefully enough to momentarily appease the fringe Left.
All the while, the American people, brainwashed by the media spin of issues like Operation Gunrunner, do not realize that every step, as small as it may appear, is taking the Nation toward the overturning of the Constitution.
And speaking of hypocrisy, I find personally disgusting that politicians are so involved in violating our Second Amendment rights while they to give themselves the right to carry concealed weapons.
California legislators, scared by the Giffords' attack, want to have access to CCW permits more readily, claiming that their jobs are as dangerous as those that, under California law, qualify for such a permit, mostly jewelers, bail bondsmen and some other "dangerous" occupations.
So basically, California politicians, many of them liberals, want special consideration for obtaining a permit that they vehemently want to deny the rest of the people. That's tyranny!
Be aware, America, of the ugly hiding behind the "good intentions" of politicians.
Just my thoughts!
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