KILO submarine, Iranian Navy
By Semperpapa
Iranian navy officials have been reported to have stated that they intend to move some of their vessels into international waters just off the coast of the United States.
According to the report, the Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said that
“As the global arrogance (forces of imperialism) have a (military) presence near our sea borders, we also plan to have a strong presence near the U.S. sea borders with the help of the soldiers who are loyal to the vali-e faqih (supreme jurisprudent),”
If you remember, as the beautiful Arab spring was taking place in Egypt with the ousting of Hosni Mubarak, Iranian warships moved for the first time through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean, causing the Israeli and American Navies to increase their readiness.
Now, the emboldened Teheran leadership is talking of placing some vessels off the coast of our country.
What is the US to do? Basically, international waters are just that and as long as the Iranians are past the 12 mile internationally recognized maritime limits, legally there is not much that can be done. Except that whatever craft present in the immediate vicinity of our territorial waters should be shadowed by fully ready, willing and able US Navy vessels, capable of sending the boats straight to Allah at the slightest sign of transgression.
It also should be made clear, through unequivocal statements, that due to the well known willingness of the Iranians to take hostages at will, any act on their part against any other vessel in the vicinity would be considered a hostile act with obvious consequences, even in international waters.
Such a mission on the part of the Iranians would obviously require a high level of logistical support and it is believed that the friendship between Ahmedinejad and Chavez in Venezuela, could give the Iranians the needed logistics. At the same time Venezuela is not necessarily around the corner either, so the whole thing could just be one of the usual bullshit muscle flexing Iranians are so well known for.
On the other hand, it is also possible that the Obama administration would agree with the Iranian admiral’s statement about American imperialism and give the Iranians the ability to get their refurbishment from our own ports or vessels, at American taxpayers’ cost. After all it would help Obama image around the Muslim world.
Ultimately, the US Navy should look at this as a great opportunity for some training in surveillance and possibly target shooting, provided that the Defense budget cuts the White House wants do not curtail the operational cost for our ships.
Just my thoughts!