Sunday, September 4, 2011

Obama's Jobs Speech: Change All? Or Not.

By Semperpapa

The famous "jobs speech" that Obama promised before going on his vacation may not be the hyped up "save-all, change-all" performance after all.
Sure he postured as if this speech would be one of revolutionary impact on the abysmal employment situations in America, but now it is being downplayed by the regime and the media. The expectations of the American people need to be reeled back, as the guy does not have a clue after all, nor do any of the obamadroids in his administration.

Aids to the president have already stated that as much as the speech will be important, it will be only a pat of the overall strategy Obama is advancing. The speech will not be demonstrative of the entire approach, so, the aids warn, do not expect a solve-all performance.

What I see is a politician with absolutely no idea of what he is doing or what he wants to do. This guy is only guided by those who pull his strings and guide him into his disastrous policies.
They told him to stop the EPA regulations, because he was loosing among the so-called undecided voters, not because these regulations would cause thousands more jobs to vanish.
He does not care: federal agents raid an American corporation with guns drawn because Gibson is alleged to have violated Indian laws, the country of India laws, regarding the importation of wood for the guitars. And if the company moves its manufacturing to Madagascar, the government is telling Gibson CEO, the factors of the investigation would just go away. But what about the 1,100 workers of Gibson? Who cares, give them unemployment for two years and tell them they need to vote for Obama for more.

Coincidentally, Obama will be leaving for California, Colorado and Washington right after the speech, on some more fundraising activities. When in doubt, Obama can always come here to California so that the Hollywood elite can idolize him and dish out $37,000 per couple to have dinner with the guy.
And what about the unemployed Californians? Eh, screw them! Let them eat tofu.

Yes, this speech will not be anything of substance as usual. It will have the same empty platitudes that the American people have been listening for two and a half years; there will be the usual "blame Bush" portion; there will be the usual "bad luck" complaints against the Japan earthquake and tsunami and the unrest in the Middle East; and we will surely hear, squeezed somewhere in there, that the reason he has not been able to fully dedicate himself to the creation of jobs was because he was too busy killing Osama bin Laden.
Plus Congress is obstructing him because he is black.

Oh well, just another speech from President Obama that will have the same effect of trying to make a whole in the water.
At least, we will have the NFL opener to take our dumb minds off the issue.

Just my thoughts!

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