By Semperpapa
Just as I hinted in my past post on 25 August, the California version of the DREAM Act is getting closer to become reality.
The California State Assembly passed the law on party lines just yesterday and if the piece of legislation clears the State Senate, as it is predicted thanks to the overwhelming liberal presence in that body, it will go to Governor’s Brown’s desk for a quick and sure signature.
The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act) Part 2 will allow illegal aliens to have access to taxpayers’ funds to attend institutions of higher learning in the state. According to the reports, they, meaning the illegal aliens, will be able to petition and receive financial aid after legal citizens applications have been addressed.
Proponents for this atrocious legislation, like Assemblyman Ron Calderon, a democrat, sustain that the legislation is about promoting success and achievement. Calderon also says that hard working young people should not be punished for decisions made by their parents.
Opposing voices maintain that even without considering the fact that the state finances are so dire that there is no money for such foolishness, it is appalling that the already scarce resources available would have to be even further thinned out because of such type of legislation.
It is a travesty that is going to have repercussions across the state, because the next step for people like Gil Cedillo and organizations like La Raza, will be to bring up the “fairness” of illegal aliens having to wait their turn after legal citizens. If the criminal status of illegals is ignored and public funds are to be given to them, then forcing them to wait their turn is obviously discriminatory. And some progressive judge will surely concur with that accusation.
So there you go. Illegal aliens will be given money that working Californians have earned legally. And what happens after? What happens when these hard working students graduate? Will they be allowed to compete for jobs with legal citizens even if their immigration status prohibits them from working in the United States? Oh, you can bet your ass! And they will be given the right to vote too, because, after all, that is the progressive agenda. And screw the law!
This legislation is financially unsustainable and legally wrong. It will cause another can of worms being open with additional chance of fraud and favoritism. But as long as the moronic people living in this state will continue to place criminals into office, things will only get worse.
Just my thoughts!
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