Friday, March 9, 2012

Celebrating The Birthday Of The Prophet

By Semperpapa

According to the Christian Post, an imam from Queens, New York is planning on starting a campaign to make April 26 a national holiday.
April 26 happens to be the day the prophet Muhammad is supposed to have been born.

The imam, Mohammad Abdul Qayyoom, the celebration of the birthday of the prophet is one way to have a set celebration for Muslims, as the following of the lunar calendar for holidays like Ramadan, are not set for a specific day.
Qayyoom wants the one day, April 26, to be like Christmas or Valentines Day for all Muslims and folks of other faiths to celebrate.

Well, considering that political correctness has been successful to kill the Christian significance of almost all holidays, one would think that the attempts of Qayyoom will be unsuccessful as the anti-religion folks in America will be surely pushing for the famous separation of church and state.

But I am not certain that the will be the case, as it is possible that organizations like the terrorist supporting CAIR may be able to skew the outcome.
Personally, I welcome the celebration of the birth of a pedophile, blood thirsty false prophet at a national level, because it fits perfectly with the direction the current administration is trying to take the country.

Forget about Jesus Christ, or wishing Merry Christmas or Happy Easter, but on April 26 we will all wish each other "Allah Akbar" and maybe slaughter ourselves some damn Jews.

Just my thoughts!

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