Friday, April 20, 2012

The Obama Mystical Economic Rebound

By Semperpapa

Yes it is a mystical phenomenon at best, and in reality a major lie.

Regsardless of how much Michelle Obama tries to equate her husband to God, we have not been delivered from the darkness into the light in the least by the actions of the current squatter of the White House.

Just as the good little wifey was boasting of the quasi-biblical accomplishments of Barry, the news came out that the government was revising the number of weekly unemployment filings from their initial 380,000 to 388,000. Sure, you say what's the big deal, only 8,000 people.

Yes, you tell any of those 8,000 people how insignificant the statistic is.

In 2004-2005, in the middle of two fighting wars, the media had a field day at the news that the economy would add less than 400,000 jobs and unemployment rate was less than 5%, taking the opportunity to trash W. Bush for the imminent recession.

But, as prominent conservatives point out, the new normal is that when the economy adds only 120,000 jobs in one month and 388,000 new unemployment claims are filed and the fake unemployment rate is just over 8%, the media calls it an economic recovery.

Progressives don't just re-write history, now they want to re-write the dictionary as "economic devastation" really means "Obama recovery".

And that is not the end. The housing market has taken another dive, with home purchases dropping another 2.6%.

How could that be. Interest rates are at near zero; millions of foreclosures mean that many banks may be willing to make a deal to move some of the properties, although the credit qualification standards have been tightened significantly. And the Obamessiah has delivered us from the darkness.

Well, the truth is that the real unemployment rate, if one counts all those folks who have run out of unemployment pay checks or have just given up on searching for employment that just isn't there, is probably closer to 19% than 8%.

Also, guess what. when people do not have employment, they usually do not spend money on frivolous items and definitely do not try to purchase homes.

I know it may be hard for people like Obama and Dodd and Frank and Pelosi to grasp the concept that many Americans will not commit to large purchases like homes and cars when the economic environment is such that instability on the job market reigns supreme. After all, we do not all have the financial benefits that are so popular among politicians.

The Obama economic recovery is nothing more than a huge smoke screen that Barry is very skillfully blowing out with the help of a disgusting partisan media. A lie that the feeble minded of our society are more than willing to swallow so that the free stuff may keep on coming.

A mystical presidential tooth fairy

Just my thoughts!

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