Tuesday, May 1, 2012

When Class Does Not Matter

By Semperpapa

As in President Obama.

No there is obviously nothing wrong in a politician to self-praise for his or her accomplishment, but in the case of Obama and the killing of Bin Laden, the lack of any class or respect for the office of the Presidency and what it really represents for the American people, is appalling.

What would be acceptable is that the President would call the assassination of Osama Bin Laden an administration accomplishment in the arena of foreign policy and national security. But to parade as a blow fish and use the action in political ads goes well beyond the acceptable.
The action in Pakistan that netted the killing of the most hated sub-human for America, and many other civilized nations, was based on intelligence investigation that Mr. Obama not only had nothing to do with, but that he even tried to literally kill as he instructed his DoJ to investigate CIA operatives connected with Guantanamo Bay.
Moreover, the information that initially sparked the sequence of events which brought SEAL Team 6 to the compound where Osama was holed up, was obtained by the same people Obama criticized and via methodologies that he, Obama, vehemently opposed while pandering to the ultra left during the 2008 campaign.

The CIA memo that also has surfaced indicating that Obama had indicated that a Navy admiral was the author of the official authorization for the raid and the verbiage aimed at covering Obama's ass if things would have gone wrong, further indicates that the "courageous" leader wanted the political victory the action was going to bring if successful, but was ready to unload the blame if not.
This is the true sign of a cunning, successful politician and a lousy, despicable leader, descriptions that fit Obama very closely.

Than there is the use of the action heroically conducted by exceptional warriors in the political ad, which saw not only Obama taking credit for the actions of others, but also insinuating that his likely Republican opponent Mitt Romney would not have authorized the raid.
In the first place, there is no way that Obama can make such statement in honesty, but honesty is definitely not part of the DNA of this Chicago politician.
Secondly, as Romney responded, every president deserving such title would have authorized the mission with the info in hand. "Even Jimmy Carter" Romney added.

But Obama was not satisfied and actually double down accusing Romney of rejecting any action inside the so called ally Pakistan, just another Obama lie as Romney, paraphrasing, actually stated in 2007 that he would never take anything off the table , just he would never publicize it. Exactly right.
Obama's drive to political power is so perverted that he would have no problems in divulging sensitive info if it meant pandering to some voting block (and even leaking secret plans of our allies if necessary).

Some have qualified Romney answer as undignified by the mentioning of Carter's name, but I actually think that it is time toll it like it is, no more sugar coating. The stakes are the survival of our country.

Today we hear that Obama has made a surprise trip to Afghanistan to confer with Karzai and that there will be an Obama presser from the A-stan later (probably an official statement of surrender followed by an apology).
We can be assured that the Commander-in-Chief will somehow use the Military again as a campaign sound board, again a campaign stunt courtesy of the American taxpayers.

It is already awful to see a Nation slowly being brought down to its knees by the coordinated efforts of a relatively small number of radical tyrannical Marxists, but to add insult to injury, Obama is purposely doing so using our money and smearing that fact all over our collective faces, almost daring us to protest. And be labeled racist.

Oh well, I have been called worst...
Just my thoughts!

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