Sunday, August 26, 2012

My Thoughts On Campaign Ads

By Semperpapa

Signs of the season, I guess. Political campaign ads from the right and the left demonizing the opposition in hope to sway voters to one side or the other. And annoying as hell!

Yes, this is the season of the ads telling us how bad one candidate is and how wonderful the other is, but in reality these ads are the manifestation of how detached the average American person has become to national events and conditions.

The worst part is that there are many potential voters who base their decision upon these snippets of trash, instead of actually taking the time to inform themselves. Making a voting decision that deeply affects the totality of conditions for a whole country based on 30 seconds worth of unchecked attacks appears to me as making a mockery of one's citizen's right.
I guess it all depends on how seriously one takes such right, but, more importantly, how much each one of us realizes how significant being an American citizen really is.
When I received my US citizenship in 1985, it was a really big deal for me. As an immigrant, I took the necessary steps to petition the United States government for the privilege of becoming a US citizen. At the time, I was not offered the choice of maintaining my Italian citizenship (dual citizenship is really non-sensical to me anyway), but I had no hesitation in making the decision that I wanted to be none other than an American citizen.

Many folks, though, who have been born in the States, take that privilege very lightly. And that is where I am increasingly concerned with the future of my country, especially when it comes to voting.
The fact that campaigns spend so much money on these political ads is indicative to me that they have a certain level of success. If it were up to me, the campaigns could save themselves a ton of funds because every time one of these ads appears on TV, I tune right off, regarding of which side the ad is from.

And now, for the partisan portion of this piece, let me just address the another aspect of political ads that would actually be funny it it were not for the fact that many people pay attention to them.
The dirty attacks that are being made are still backed by the candidates' campaigns even after the lies in the ads have been uncovered and exposed.
Trolls from the Obama campaign, the likes of David Axelrod ("affectionately" renamed David Assholerod by this writer) and blabber mouth Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, will still spew the message of Romney being responsible for the cancer death of some woman, or the notion that Paul Ryan solution for fixing Medicare translates in pushing grandma off a cliff, even after the falsity of such claims is exposed.
And there are people out there who still continue to argue on those bases.

Here in California, the state of fruits and nuts and a totally lost cause, Romney campaign ads are not seen due to the fact that there is no point for the Romney campaign to waste resources in a market that is all but lost. To me it is a sign of good business.
On the other hand, I see Obama ads which is, in my opinion, a pure waste of money. So even in the showing of ads, Obama shows very little in view of business understanding.
The only Romney ads I have seen are the ones that run nationally and that simply speak of the "accomplishments" of the Obama administration. These are really easy ads to make.

In conclusion, I just wish that the American people would pay less attention to the stupid ads. The upcoming elections give Americans a clear choice between two very distinctive ideologies, making this presidential election the most important in our lives.
On one side we have a Socialist-Marxist president who has been running the country and the government as a personal piggy bank with total disregard for our traditions and our Constitution. A president who has shown a cunning ability to not only polarize the population, but to pit one side against the other at every step, utilizing class warfare to downgrade our country.
On the other side we have a man whose message is to re-build a Nation that believes in itself and in its ability to remain the only good superpower in the world.
On one hand we have Obama who not only refuses to recognize the unique role America has held in human history, but is bent on diminishing the significance of what America really means to millions of people. He stated that he wanted to fundamentally change America and he has accomplished a lot to that goal.
In Romney, I see a man who recognizes the potential America still holds and wants to unleash it, giving the chance to every single American to succeed.

The difference between the two messages is so profound that no 30-seconds ad can clearly define.

Just my thoughts!

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