Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Obama: The Sinister, Perennial Campaigner

By Semperpapa

Obama flies to Las Vegas to promote his amnesty for illegal aliens. Honestly, wouldn't have been more sensible for the Liar-in-Chief to do his little song and dance from the White House and save the taxpayers of America few million dollars?

Then he flew to Minnesota to promote his anti-gun agenda. Not much more than another campaign dog and pony show.

But why is this man, the worst president our republic has ever had, perpetuating his campaigning, even though his political aspirations are done?
According to that pesky document called the United States Constitution, Obama is done with his aspirations for re-election, and yet he appears to be unaware of that fact and continues his campaigning and his malevolent falsity.
The question still remains: why?

Some folks have expressed the opinion that he is out to destroy the Republican Party, therefore he is hitting the campaign trail to boost the chances for Democrats to regain the House in 2014.
I would go along with this if not for two main caveats: 1) Obama does not do anything for anyone other than Obama; 2) he does not need to exert himself as the Republican Party is so loaded with spineless RINOs that his contribution would be an overkill.

It is my belief that the motivations behind Obama continuous campaigning are much more sinister than just political.
It s very apparent that after his re-election Obama has taken a tone and demeanor of arrogance so pronounced that it is very difficult for any real American to actually stand the sight of him more than few seconds. It is difficult as well to hear his patronizing, condescending tone of voice.

Based on any electoral logic, this man should have been run out of the White House last November, let alone being re-elected. The profound catastrophe his regime has been in the last four years should have spelled complete defeat for this two-bit dictator, and I am convince that the arrogance he is sporting these days is fueled by the fact that his victory last November must have come as a total surprise even to him.
As a typical megalomaniac, Obama must be of the belief that he has been anointed by some supernatural force to be the leader of our Nation.

This man cannot and will not recognize that the victory last November was more a rejection of Mitt Romney than the re-approval of his disastrous policies.
That, combined with the low level of rational and mental capacities of those who voted for him, has created a devastating situation for America, one we, and worst yet, our children and grandchildren will pay for for generations.

But, again, why is he still campaigning? Very simply, Obama believes he is not done with this. He has shown and stated a deep and ideological dislike for our founding document. For Obama, the US Constitution is nothing but an annoying obstacle to the realization of his agenda.
Just like any other wannabe dictator, Obama is not interested in governing for the sake of the people, but he is only interested in the maintenance of power for personal use.
Not long after his re-election, some lapdog liberal congressman even introduced a motion for the repeal of the 22nd Amendment of the Constitution, the one that established term limits for the office of the president.
Yes, my fellow patriots, Obama and his obamadroids are already scheming the subversion of the Constitution so that Obama can become president for life. Hence his perennial campaigning.

You will now say: oh that will never happen. The point is that Obama has and continues to circumvent the Constitution as he pleased, with very little fear of being confronted thanks to the progressive leaning of too many federal courts. Even as the courts declared his non-recess, recess appointments, his little leech Jay Carney attacked the court for daring to defy the One.

When Obama stated that he wanted to radically transform America, he was deadly serious and we are seeing the results and we will be treated to much more and much worst as time goes by.

He has already attacked our right to own and bear arms. He has created a divisive climate where any dissent against his policies is threatened and attacked, practically attacking our right to free speech.
The Constitution is, as I mentioned before, just an obstacle for this radical activist. He is willing to destroy our very own country for the pursuit of personal power. And many alleged Americans gave him that power.

Obama hates America and everything it stands for. And nothing he says or does can change that, as a matter of fact, everything he says and does is carefully designed to destroy everything our Nation was founded upon.
So that is why he continues to campaign. His goal is to bring the issue of his appointment for life to the presidency up for debate in the next four years, with a myriad of progressive little dictators in Congress backing him up and the promise that anyone rejecting his agenda is classified as a racist.
Many of what radio personality Rush Limbaugh described as "low information voters" will even support such travesty as long as they get to lounge on their couches and getting paid by the ever shrinking producing portion of the population.

There are some nefarious things going on in Washington these days and especially in the White House. And the Campaigner-in-Chief is pounding the pavement building our road to serfdom.

Just my thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. As always, you have expressed yourself well. I can't agree with you more. I hadn't thought of his campaigning this way, but it certainly makes sense.
