Friday, February 8, 2013

Who Is Responsible For Chris Dorner’s Rampage?

By Semperpapa

Rogue ex-cop Chris Dorner is still eluding authorities who are searching Southern California in the attempt to stop his murderous rampage.

The man is responsible for three murders already, a young couple last weekend in Irvine and a Riverside police officer. The unsettling aspect of this situation is that it is most likely scenario that this criminal will not go peacefully once the law catches up with him and the possibility he may succeed to take more innocent people with him.

Interestingly, Dorner left a lengthy 'manifesto' on the internet where he sort of vented some form of a motive for his decision to become a mass murderer.

The man is an obvious admirer of our current regime leader Barack Obama, not to mention Hillary Clinton, Chris Christie, H. W. Bush and Piers Morgan.

I am therefore holding Obama responsible for the rampage and the murders that Dorner has committed and all the evil he will commit.
The delusional man, Dorner, shows the very symptoms of having completely absorbed the principles of divide and conquer that Obama has been preaching since the very first moment he entered political life.

Obama has built a political empire by dividing fellow Americans on the lines of race and wealth and success and gender. Obviously Dorner has decided that he has been forced to enter a personal war against those he decided were his enemies, the same way Obama has decided that all means are fair to win political power.

I also hold Piers Morgan responsible for inciting Dorner firearm rampage. The slimy limey redcoat has been attacking the Second Amendment of the Constitution in a visceral way, obviously inspiring Dorner that the American people do not have the right to self-defense. Dorner clearly stated Morgan's talking points in his manifesto.

By now, you may be thinking that I am not being fair to liberals, that the sole responsibility for Dorner's actions should be placed at the foot of Dorner, but in reality I am merely using the same approach that liberals have.
When Jared Loughner shot in the crowd in Tucson in January 2011, killing six and wounding many others including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the media went on a rampage against Sarah Palin, accusing her of inciting Loughner's rampage by using symbols and verbiage of targets while talking about some congressional districts republicans should be addressing for the next elections.

In 1995, then president Clinton blamed radio talk show Rush Limbaugh for inciting Timothy McVeigh to bomb the federal building in Oklahoma City, where 168 people lost their lives and injured 680 more people. The rationale there was that by just pointing out Clinton's obvious shortcomings as a president, a husband, a father and a man, Limbaugh gave McVeigh the reasoning behind the terrorist attack.

I do not remember, at the time of Oklahoma City or Tucson, anyone in the main stream media actually having the integrity to come out and call such idiotic accusations purely irrational, as a matter of fact the media was the one fueling the idiocy.
In the case of Dorner, the main stream media is purposely editing out the portions of his 'manifesto' where he praises Obama, Clinton or Piers Morgan. The usual tactic of hiding non pro-liberal details the MSM is so proficient at.

What would the media say if Dorner's 'manifesto' expressed hate for the government, or agreement with the NRA? Do you think it would be used and abused for purpose of destroying our Second Amendment?

That's right, me too.

Just my thoughts!

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