Thursday, September 10, 2009

In The Meantime

I have been working on a special post in Remembrance of 9-11-01, which will hopefully go up by tonight.
In the meantime, just few words about the two people who died in Afghanistan couple of days ago during the rescue of NY Times reporter Stephen Farrell.
One man was Farrell's interpreter Sultan Munadi, who was killed during the rescue operation. Munadi, also employed by the Times, was one of those Afghan people who we are in that country to encourage. He could have been anywhere else pursuing a much safer life, but instead returned to his country to help it in its slow, painfully slow, progress into the 21st century. It was love of country that brought him to work for the people and the nation, and the same love that fostered his death.
The second casualty was a British Commando. He also could have been anywhere else living a safer life, but instead he participated in the operation to save the lives of two men and in turn paid with his own for it.
Not to place value on human life, as it is almost all invaluable, but the British soldier gave his life for the cause of freedom for people very far away from his own home, and for the cause of defeating terror and protecting his country. Munadi had a very personal stake in his fight.

Who is the real winner of this whole thing? Well, Stephen Farrell of course. This was his second abduction from the Taliban. He was taken as he and Munadi were "covering" the alleged civilian casualties caused by the bombing of stolen fuel trucks. He is a winner because he came out alive from the ordeal and because he will probably, at some point, write a book depicting how terrible the actions of the British Commandos were which resulted in the death of his friend.

And by the way, his abduction had been kept under wrap by the Media for his safety, including the Associated Press who just few days earlier had splattered the picture of the dying Marine LCpl Bernard all over the world against the wishes of the Bernard family and Sec. of Defense Robert Gates. As usual, the Media dogs take good care of their own and screw everyone else, especially the Military and their families.

Sure I am glad Farrell made it out alive. The question is: what will he do with the gift that the British Commando gave him? As Captain Miller's (Tom Hanks) last line from "Saving Private Ryan" muttered as he was dying to Private Ryan (Matt Demon) goes: Earn This!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank Semperpapa

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