Friday, September 4, 2009

Van Jones

4 September 2009

Who is this man that Glenn Beck has been unmasking for a while now?
Mr. Jones is Obama ‘green jobs’ czar/commissioner or whatever. A man who really has nobody but Obama to answer to for whatever actions and policies he comes up with.

What are the qualifications of this man is kind of a source of concern for me.
He is a self-proclaimed Communist community organizer, and one that stated his philosophical leanings some time in the mid 1990s after the fall of the Soviet Union.

He is a man who goes in front of an audience at, of course, Berkeley University and calls Republicans “ass holes”. During this charade, he stated that he does not believe Obama is an ass hole, but that he, Van Jones, can be an ass hole. Stating the obvious, Mr. Jones?

This is the man who has been a ‘community organizer’ most of his adult life, with a touch of revolutionary twist to it, a fairly large ‘touch’. It appears that in the Obama regime, community organizing is a sure way to get to the President ear, bypassing all the controls that anyone with the power of influencing policy affecting the entire country, should be subjected to. Another useless community organizer!

Mr. Jones is the man who in 2002 signed a petition supporting the Left lunatic fringe who underwrote the notion that the Bush administration was involved in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks against America. He signed a petition demanding investigation in the Government role in the murder of 3,000 innocent people, most of them Americans.

This is also the same man who has vowed to “radically change America”. I have two simple questions for Mr. Jones: one, what’s wrong with America to need a ‘radical’ change? and two, who the hell do you think you are, Mr. Jones, to believe you have the power or ability to do so?

And Mr. Jones is the man who stated that white polluters are steering their poisons toward black communities, basically accusing the white people of purposely wanting to poison black people. Well, Obama, so much for your lie about being everyone's President! Is it under that desire that you place this scum bag in a position of power?

I guess the misguided Van is under the impression that just being black and a community organizer gives him the power to undertake such a task as changing a whole country, riding the wave of political correctness that has all but destroyed the very fabric of our country.

Now, if anyone had any doubts about the intent of the new regime in Washington to silence the political opposition to Obama, one only has to look at the whole picture. If it was not for those members of the public discourse to look into the shenanigans of the Liberal Emperor, a lot of the truths regarding the scum that Obama is surrounding himself with would just go unnoticed and unchecked. If the Marxist/Fascist regime would succeed in silencing the opposition, the true image of the level of radicalism presented by Van Jones and the other scum like him, would remain a hidden danger that the American people would come to find out too late to do anything about.
No wonder the Left is so in love with dirt bags like Hugo Chavez. The Venezuelan pig has succeeded in the effort that Obama is attempting in the US. House Representatives like Diane Watson in Los Angeles can feel the wetness of excitement when they feel they have a chance of benefiting from the Castro-like revolution they hope Obama will bring to America.

And I will never stop to heed this warning to all True Americans: Obama’s weakening of our Military and Intelligence services is a way to facilitate some horrible “man-made-event” that would allow him to suspend the Constitution and take full power. His cronies, from Rahm Emanuel to Diane Watson and Maxine Waters, are just waiting for a crisis so that their complete take over can be achieved.
Maybe Van Jones was the Che Guevara the Left was looking for, but thanks to Right Wing Extremists like Glenn Beck and Michelle Malkin, the American people are now more aware of the looming danger Obama and his thugs present to an entire country.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

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