Saturday, September 3, 2011

Pillaging The System: Tax Benefits For Illegal Aliens

By Semperpapa

Once again the federal government "efficiency" shows:

And we want to place our health care in these morons' hands?
And to think that I took the time and the money to immigrate legally! I should have just come here illegally. Look at the perks I missed out on.

We are looking increasingly like Europe, and that, my friends, is not a good thing, regardless what the elitists may tell you.
Governmental control only fuels the citizens' resourcefulness to do things illegally.

Just my thoughts!


  1. Hmmm...I guess that's somehow worse than overlooking the feds' efficiency of deregulation of corporate benefits, and failure to enforce taxation for fear that they'll take their businesses overseas.

    Oh wait...

    The comparison with Europe is a false equivalence, particularly when we actually look at the abhorrent state of our health care system - and all of Faux Spews blather about "illegal immigrants" is a lovely little red herring - that deliberately ignores infant mortality rates, maternal mortality rates, etc (we're the worst ranked nation in the first world, btw)... I'm not inclined to particularly care who is being defined as elitist here if we're going to categorically ignore the anti-intellectualism and the very same federal gov't that is comprised of "elected public servants" dedicated to keeping the population dumbed down by way of FNN and other MSM outlets.

  2. I agree! Let's nationalize all business and corporations starting with GE (oh no wait a minute, that's Obama fuck toy), let's nationalize health care and get rid of that damn constitution.
    This country is such a piece of shit that needs to be transformed into, let me see...Greece or Italy or Spain. Those are the intellectual countries we must model after because their record is so stellar!
    And we should make sure that either we do so or we must communicate to every asshole that is in this country illegally that until we are transformed into a pure socialist nation they should return to their places of birth to avoid the horrendous injustices of this nation.
    And while we are at it, let's make sure that only government news media is able to tell people the truth just like TASS used to, this way we can all be smart.

  3. Hmm. Interesting that you didn't pick a European country that actually is worth considering positive traits to model after, such as Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands,, you had to stick to your pet peeves and disregard the majority of the rest of the continent.

    What you're describing is not socialism, SP. To deliberately (or not) toss around stylized socialism only shows the nature of the fear-mongering that has become intrinsic to the conservative side of the house, lacking in any common sense whatsoever. I respect you enough, sir, to not piddle in this argument for concern of actually losing respect for you. With that, I am permanently stepping away from your blog, because the misguided information you spread, no matter how well-intended, is a bigger part of the problem this nation is facing than you may realize. I would rather be part of the solution than sitting back and bitching about what an awful job everyone is doing...without offering any solutions as to how to do it better.

    Be well, SP.

  4. "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out --
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out --
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out --
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me."

    Lest we forget.

  5. Comparing the actions of Hitler toward the Jews and the illegal immigrants is the typical approach that the left likes to take, speaking of fear mongering and misguidance. Of course, the part that is conveniently left out is that Hitler, as much as Mussolini, were socialists at heart and ideology. Just as good human being, they sought to socialize their respective countries with the historically proven results. But as they gained power they subsided to the human ugly nature of tyranny (And BTW, the German Jews that went to the gas chambers were legal German citizens, so I do see the connection even less).
    As much as the lies the left advances, no one I know, or would interact with, seeks the genocidal approach toward illegal aliens. All is asked is that the laws of our land be respected. We cannot expect that people would respect our laws if we don't ourselves.
    That sort of human behavior was exactly what the Founding Fathers sought to avoid by constitutionally curtailing the possibility of centralization of power. That scope has been diluted over the years allowing men of very little scruples to build pseudo-empires, both ideological and economic, seeking the transformation of America into what they wanted and enrich them even more. Woodrow Wilson tried; FDR tried; Nixon tried; Johnson tried. None fully succeeded, but they put certain things in motion that have eroded the rule of law to the extent that many future generations will be paying dearly for.
    Norway, Sweden and Denmark, not to mention England and the Netherlands and Germany and France, may appear as utopian societies because their governments take good care of the people. But we again conveniently leave out the impact those governments have on the people, from taxation to security. Their liberal approach has allowed an unchecked immigration from islamic countries of people that the governments keep, mostly covertly, in ghetto-like living conditions, spawning increasingly dangerous levels of radicalism.
    And just as it happened in the 1930s and 40s, when their societies will be completely overrun (there is really not much difference in ideology between radical Islam and National Socialism), they will look at America for salvation. The problem will be that as we attempt to be more like those "great" european countries, America will not be able to save anyone.
    Be well too.
