Monday, February 6, 2012

Two Fat Boys And A Criminal Agenda

By Semperpapa

And I am talking about two fat white boys with their asses full appearing in a commercial during the Superbowl.
The two jokes are the New York mayor Bloomberg and the Boston mayor Thomas Menino (I swear if this Menino asshole is Italian I will blow a gasket!).

So the two assholes show up in a commercial that attacks the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. And this is from two morons who are mayors of two cities where the infringement of the constitutional rights of the American people is under attack the most (what would have made it even more laughable would have been to see the mayors of Chicago and Washington DC flanking the two tubs-o-lard).

The fruit cake from New York uses the wounding of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson last year to attempt some sort of legitimacy for his idiotic point.
With 24,000 gun laws in the American books, the "problem" as seen by these hypocritical assholes should not be an issue. The truth, which is something these morons would not know if it crawled up their fat asses, is that the only limitation to the right to own and bear arms is effective on those of us who have such weapons for legitimate reasons, not the criminals.

But what the assholes like Bloomberg and Menino and so many others really want is the complete elimination of the right assured by the Constitution. And why?
Simply because their clear and insidious agenda of taking over the lives of the people is to insure that the people do not have the ability to stop the over intrusive government, the very reason why the Founding Fathers had the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights, the only Amendment that truly safeguards the whole document.

Bloomberg, who thinks of himself as the king of the Big Apple, surely goes around with a substantial armed escort that isures his fat ass is protected. But that's because it is Bloomberg, the rich fat ass mayor.
What about my family, Michael? Can you guarantee that any of these stupid ass laws, or their totality, will 100% guarantee the safety of my family? And if not, can you guarantee that your life is worth as much as that of my loved one?

No you can't, you hypocritical bastard!

Just my thoughts!

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