Saturday, February 4, 2012

Why Am I Rejecting Such A Deal?

By Semperpapa

After some long and deep thinking, I have reached the conclusion that I have been keeping the wrong approach to my personal economics.
I have been against the progressive, Marxist redistribution of wealth way to make sure someone else is held responsible for my bad handling of financial matters. Really stupid, in retrospective.

What I should instead do is embrace the concept and ride the wave of blood sucking for as long as possible.
I have two old cars sitting on my driveway, one actually not running, that I have not been able to afford fixing. The other with over 130K miles making all kind of noises. I have not been able to purchase another vehicle because I have been utilizing a good portion of my income to pay off the debt I have incurred as I tried to run a business when the economy crashed taking me down too.

The conclusion I have reached is that the most convenient course of action I have now is the embracing of the progressive ideology of empowering the government to take from the "rich" and give it to me.
I work 60 hours per week and commute another 15 hours/week to a job that as much as I like it, it creates a lot of stress for me for a pay I deem insufficient for my worth.
All the while, over 12% of the people around me are unemployed and getting paid for almost two years I pay an exorbitant amount of taxes for it too.
I am underwater in my mortgage, but the new Obama proposal will not do diddly for me, because I have a job and am couple of weeks overdue on the payment. According to the brilliant dude's plan, qualifying for the "help" from this new proposal requires to have so many months of on time payments. Someone should tell Mr. O'Brilliant that if I was in the position to be always on time with my payments, I would not be looking at any assistance from the Government.

Nancy Pelosi stated that unemployment is good for people and the economy because it allows people to explore some personal interests, like photography, she said. And to think that I had rejected such brilliance of thinking!
In the last 33 years of my life, I have been on unemployment insurance for a total of 5 months. In those days, 1993, I could only get the payment for a limited time frame and I had to show real efforts in searching for employment to get paid. Yes, photography or anything like it was the least of my concerns with a family to support.
Today, I still work, but I am beginning to see the light. I should find a way to lose my job and go on unemployment for the next 99 weeks. Stop paying for my debt and my mortgage and everything would be fantastic.
This new course of action would allow me to get paid for doing nothing and pursuing some personal "interest", qualify for all kind of government handout for almost two years without even having to show any intention of getting employment.
And all on the dime of the rest of the American suckers who go to work and produce every day.
All I have to do is vote for Obama and the Democrats, because they are for redistributing the wealth of the "rich" to the rest of us. Yes, the smart thing to do would be to defect from the community of the producers and join the community of the takers...

Why am I rejecting such a deal? Just because the Obama progressive ideology will soon run out of the "rich" money and have to stick it to lower and lower income producers, should not give me pause in taking advantage of such a sweet deal.

And you know, the neighbor up the street with the three cars parked on his property is unfair, when I only have one working car, so I think I will call some SEIU and ACORN folks and get them to help me take one of those cars for myself...maybe the Mercedes.
After all, progressives believe that there should not be proprietorship, that the state should give according to necessity and political affiliation.

I feel good to have reached such an epiphany. The hell with personal responsibility and give in to a government that will take care of me. What could go wrong.

Just my thoughts!

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