Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy For The Tragedy

By Semperpapa

The horrific massacre at the elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, has touched the lives of every single American as it has, once again, exposed to the very presence of Satan. I am not merely referring to the religious image of Satan, but merely to the very expression of pure evil as it, at times, manifests itself in mankind.
The more details we learn about the massacre, the more our collective consciousness is challenged in the search of an explanation, maybe not a fully rational one, but nevertheless a possible explanation that would give some sense to the whole thing.

But, as it always happens in such cases, there are those in the progressive movement who rejoice at these sort of news. Yes, you read right: rejoice.

You may consider my statement crude and insensitive, and it may very well be, but when the anti-gun movement takes just seconds to spew their venomous agenda, it bring me to believe that these folks are happy when tragedies like this happen, as they are fresh fuel for the advancement of their agenda.

I listened to Obama statement on Friday and while we were all impressed by his teary words, I was not impressed by his hint to some 'meaningful solutions' we can all agree about.
His intention of severely attack and reduce our Second Amendment is not a secret, as he has been working really hard at it behind the backs of the American people.
But when he talks about 'mutually agreed solutions' he really means that he will use the power of the federal government to enforce whatever policy he wants, regardless of the will of the people.
Well, this is the man America gave four more years, folks.

And all the other rats are coming out to take the opportunity of the tragedy in Newtown to get their faces in the press: Mayor Bloomberg must be truly elated at the Friday morning news, as it fits perfectly into his demented narrative of complete government takeover.
Never mind that the mayor, regardless of the bans he keeps in place, is impotent against the daily criminal activity in his own town, but he is adamant to call for imposing unconstitutional laws upon all Americans.

On Saturday morning, some clinical psychologist was interviewed on Fox News and in one short sentence he was able to describe as root cause guns, of course, and television and video games.
According to this man, there are too many guns in the hands of civilians in this country. Think about this statement: too many guns in the hands of civilians!
Obviously, this is the type of 'expert' who believes that 'civilians' are nothing more than a heard of sheep that must be guided by elitists like him.
He also claimed that children are exposed to too much violence on television or in video games, so the psychology 'expert' lay the root of the problem at the programs and games. This told me that his expert opinion is that the First Amendment of the Constitution is also at fault.
What I did not hear, though, was any mention of the fact that the breakdown of family values and priorities in our country has brought many children to be left to fence for themselves. He did not mention that the epidemic of illegitimacy leaves countless children without any form of male role model in their lives, no sense of right and wrong, of personal responsibility.

The images from the once sleepy little town of Newtown are hard to take in without emotions. I think of my grandchildren and a knot forms in the pit of my stomach.
The only way I personally found to avoid being paralyzed by the pain and sorrow for the loss of such innocence was to rationalize that on Friday morning, as so much evil descended upon so many innocents, literally millions of children went to school and experienced a normal day.

The progressives who rejoice at these occurrences waste no time in trying to advance their agenda. It is up to us, the American people, to make sure that we keep rationality always at the forefront of any situation.
Let the progressives have their say, but taking the high grounds of decency by saying that 'this is not the time for politics' is not an option. The left never stops in the pursuit of its power, and by the results of the last elections, taking the high grounds does not serve the American people and our Nation well.

So we mourn those we lost, but we must remain vigilant against those who are happy for the tragedy.

Just my thoughts!

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