Friday, December 28, 2012

First Step Against Mass Murder

By Semperpapa

Everyone is clamoring for solutions after the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. The tragedy of the mass murder of 26 innocent people at the Sandy Hooks Elementary School has deeply touched the entire Nation, especially the reality that 20 of those victims were just babies.

While long term solutions may be entertained and planned, especially in the realm of mental illness, the first target for the progressive movement is the disarmament of the American people.
It i very clear that the tragedy of Newtown is a much welcomed event by the anti-gun nutcases around the country. Long forgotten are the faces of the children and the adults who perished by the hand of a suicidal maniac. In the eyes of the radical left, starting at the very top in the White House, the loss at Sandy Hook is not more than one additional event to be used for the achievement of their anti-constitutional agenda.

America has "evolved" from a country of self relying citizens to a country where individuals look at the government to solve every glitch in their daily existence. And in the case of the 2nd Amendment, there are individuals who are more than willing to relinquish their right and freedom in exchange for a fake, manufactured sense of protection. And the tyrannical government currently in place is more than willing to oblige.

Just hours after the devastating news from Newtown begun to hit the wire, many leftists goons already took the opportunity to spew their venom. At the same time I started to think what steps could be taken to avoid the next Sandy Hook.
Clearly, stopping a deranged murderer is practically impossible if he or she is really bent on such level of destruction. But the reality is that our society must address the need to prepare for such tragic eventualities.

We have armed guards at airports and banks. Why is that? Well, because they are common targets of criminals and terrorists.
High profile individuals have teams of armed guards protecting them. Why is that? Well, because they are in the financial position to employ such 'hired guns' to protect them and their families.
So what makes these people and things more deserving of protection than our children?

Just as the anti-gun rhetoric was hitting its crescendo across the Internet, the thought of a school marshal program similar to that for airlines formed in my mind.
The basic of the program is that every school in the country should have at least one trained, vetted individual who is capable and willing to step up to an active shooter and try to stop the action. Multiple individuals would be even better.

The school defenders could be part of the faculty or staff, on a volunteer basis and under complete anonymity. This approach would be preferable, as the cost of this program would be limited to the background investigation and the training.

But considering the high number of spineless liberals forming the ranks of educators these days, folks who live in the Utopian world of government 'protection' and unicorn pixie dust, the school marshal program could be filled by the employment of Veterans who today find themselves out of uniform and unemployed.
The training requirement of these candidates would be minimal and the cost of their employment could easily be offset by the elimination of some of the high paying administrative, non-classroom position that are abundant in every school district.

The main point of the program would have to be that the school marshal identity would be known only to few staff members and never to the students and parents.
Basically, no difference of a sky marshal. When we board an airplane, we do not know if the passenger next to us is armed and ready to defend the craft from potential terrorists. We also do not know if the pilot or co-pilot are armed. But we board that flight anyway.
For all those who are succumbing to their linguine spines and claim that they would be concerned that their child went to a school with such a program in place I ask: would any of the parents or family members of the 26 killed in Sandy Hook rather feel uncomfortable about knowing there were armed guards at the school if their loved one had gone home that day?

Whether on a university campus in Virginia or a movie theater in Colorado or an Elementary School in Connecticut, the common threads of these events are that in each case someone with a deep mental illness was involved and that the areas where the crime was committed were the so-called "gun free zone" which really only means that in such zones only criminals are armed.

We have to take the first step in protecting our children. We should be more concerned about taking our children to schools where they can become sitting ducks than to schools where we know there are folks who are trained and equipped to safeguard them.
The "elite" make sure they send their children to schools where armed guards protect their precious offspring, but the same elite is rabid set on forbidding you and me from doing the same for our children.
Are their kids more important than ours?

Just my thoughts!

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