Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Inciting Violence? No Problem

By Semperpapa

I find it very interesting that the Main Stream Media is ignoring the violence being called for by the liberals in Michigan.

The state has voted and the governor has signed a bill that makes Michigan a “right to work” state, meaning that Michigan workers cannot be forced to belong to a union as a condition for employment.

The controversy has brought to the state union thugs from neighboring locations as a sign of solidarity for the local union thugs. Teachers did not show up for work to join the protesters, leaving thousands of children out of school.

The protesters violently attacked those who were daring to voice their support for the bill the governor was to sign and IBT union president Jimmy Hoffa even predicted the eruption of civil war in Michigan if the bill was going to be signed.

The statement from Hoffa is the only reference I find on CNN website regarding the controversy going on in Michigan, although I admit to have given the leftist CNN only a cursive look.
What is being ignore is the physical violence perpetrated by the criminal protesters against anyone who disagree with their bullying.

But even more disturbing is the statement made by Michigan State rep Doug Geiss, a democrat who tweeted the following:
We are going to undo 100 years of labor relations, And there will be blood. We will relive the Battle of the Overpass"
…referring to a clash between union organizers clashed with guards from Ford Motor Company in the 1930s.

So, if I understand this correctly, the elected official in the state legislature, is basically threatening violence if the union thugs don’t get their way. To me it sounds like an openly overt threat to public safety.

This is the way things are in the new America, the America of the community organizer, of the activist, of the inciter to unrest. This is Obama's America and the country of all those who cast the ballot to give the man a second term, four more years to further destroy the country.

I still remember the attacks from the left against Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin and conservatives in general after the shooting in Arizona, or the bombing of Oklahoma City.
Progressives are ready to call out for all sorts of violations of the Constitution to fit their agenda, but are totally silent when they are the ones perpetrating the violence. And the media is completely silent.

Nowhere but Fox News and the conservative blogs the scenes of union criminals attacking Steven Crowder and the American for Prosperity tent in Lansing, Michigan, yesterday was shown, while liberal pukes like Bob Beckel and James Carney have the audacity to justify the violence as an expression of passion.

These are the same scumbags who still go after the TEA Party because of the "threatening behavior" of those who participated to the movement rallies.
Really? Was anyone ever assaulted at a TEA Party rally?
Did any of those TEA Party participants ever destroy someone else's property?
Or threaten "civil war" or "blood flowing"?

That is correct. The answer is no!

But for the new Obama America, violence is just the mean that this tyrannical regime and its followers feel they are entitled to because they are "passionate" about their ideology. Just as Adolf Hitler used the SA and the SS to intimidate a whole nation, Obama is using the unions and the federal government to bully America into Marxism.
Well, this American, and many more I have heard from, are "very passionate" about the survival of our country.

The left wants either complete free hand over the country or civil war.
Careful what you are wishing for.

Just my thoughts!

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