Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kagan The Destroyer

By Semperpapa

Hearings for the confirmation of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court have begun. The Senate hearings are necessary to find out if the candidate is worthy of the nomination, and, by all reports, the belief is that Kagan will sail through them and be confirmed to the highest court of the land.

Republican senators are telling that they will be grilling the candidate on several issues that are unclear regarding her position. But why is her position on issues important?
Is it not the job of a SC Justice to interpret the US Constitution?

But Ms. Kagan is not just another nomination to such position, she is the second nominee from Obama in his attempt to change the composition of the court into a radical, activist legal body.
Ms. Kagan is not a judge and therefore there are no previous decisions that could shed a light on her position on many of the controversial issues of our times.

In her previous job capacity as Solicitor General, for example, Kagan stated that regardless of the sanctity of freedom of speech insured by the First Amendment, the government has the right to ban political pamphlets. Considering that the First Amendment was introduced in the US Constitution specifically to give the ability to Americans to express their opposition to the government without fear of reprisal, the position of this woman is not encouraging.
Will the Republican Senators ask her to explain her statement?

Kagan also has a negative opinion of the Second Amendment. She compared the National Rifle Association to the KKK, she argued against the legal action of the District of Columbia to lift the ban on handguns and she contributed to many of the anti-gun measures the Clinton Administration succeeded to cram down the throat of the American people.
So she is a supporter of the freedom of Americans to own their firearms, of the right imparted by the United States Constitution to Americans via the Second Amendment.

Simply said, Kagan is not a big fan of the US Constitution, as the very two first Amendments are truly at the basis of the entire document, as our Republic cannot exist without the absolute adherence to freedom of speech and the right to bear arms.
As a matter of fact, there could not be a First Amendment without the Second.

Kagan also appears to be a fan of the possibility that foreign law could be used by judges to approach judicial issues in American courts, as she clearly express in a letter to Sen. Arlen Specter and she championed as the Dean of the Harward Law School by changing the curriculum to include extended studies of international law.

And who can forget that, also as the Dean at Harward, she took it upon herself to reject the provisions of the Solomon Act regarding Military Recruiters on campus, only applying the law when the Government threatened the University with holding of federal funds.

All this information is out on the internet for everyone to see if one just takes the time to get informed. And if all Americans would take the time to gain knowledge of the kind of radical Kagan is, of the partisanship she would bring to the SCOTUS for years to come, of the demonstrated disregard toward our Constitution, Americans would be demanding that the Senate would reject this candidate.
But the American people will not heed the warning that many are sounding, their information based on the false notions advanced by the government owned MSM.
And not much help can be expected by the limp spines Republicans in the Senate, who will most likely not put up much of a fight for her confirmation.

So the Obama plan continues unhindered. Internal economic disaster; foreign policies designed to greatly diminish America’s influence and security; increased intrusion of government into Americans’ lives. All combined with the positioning of openly anti-Constitution and anti-America radicals in controlling positions across the government and the picture is clear.

The next step is the appointment of Kagan the Destroyer to SCOTUS and that is surely what the Thug-in-Chief is going to get. And the hell to the US Constitution.

Just my thoughts!

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