Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What Part Of "Illegal" Do We Not Understand?

By Semperpapa
I guess we got so used in the United States to have to press 1 for English that we must be losing the ability of understanding English.

The big controversy over the Arizona bill SB1070 appeasr to have exacerbated the issue of "illegal", but I believe that the real meaning of the word has been lost in the rubbles of our immigration laws.
Illegal, according to the Webster Dictionary means "forbidden by law or statute" and "contrary or forbidden by official laws and regulations".

When a police officer stops me for driving at an "illegal speed" it means that what I was doing was driving at a speed that is forbidden by the speed limit (regulation) posted. There is really no grey area in the matter: my action was illegal. I have to pay the fine or go to jail.

It is illegal to break into the neighbour's home and steal his property. Appropriating myself of someone else's property without consense is an illegal action. There is no grey area in the matter (although the government does just that every day) and I am to be held accountable for my actions.

By the same definition, crossing the border into United States without the permission of the US Government, in the form of a legal visa, is an illegal act. It is against the rules and regulations. And those found culpable of such illegal act should be held accountable for it.

It seems that the definition of illegal, though, has been manipulated in the case of the millions of illegal immigrants that have invaded our country.
Liberals want them all given amnesty, so to create what they believe to be their safety voting block.
Certain religious organizations, the Chatolic Church in particular, hiding behind the 'human decency' veil, wants amnesty, as the majority of the Mexicans illegally in the States brings much revenue.

As an immigrant, I know all too well the desire to come to the land of opportunity, but I waited my turn to do so legally and, once here, I strived to become an American.

What I find frustrating and repulsive is the attitude of those that protest the law, many of them illegal themselves, who approach the issue with an open "in your face" behavior that succeeds in turning off even those who want a amicable solution to the problem.
It is nonsensical to expect understanding and sympathy when those who are not even supposed to be on American soil, march on American streets demanding rights to which they are not entitled. And they do it while flying the Mexican flag!
But they are flanked by an increasingly corrupted and inadequate political structure and the pervesive cancer of political correctness.
And those who disagree, are racist. When all else fails, use the racist accusation.

Finally, a mention of those who maintain that the South of the United States belongs to Mexico and they are finally re-claiming it. Terrorist organizations like la Raza are in for a surprise, because Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and California are part of the United States, and We the People are not about to walk away from that fact.
Maybe the members of these organizations and all those who want to abolish the southern border should freshen up on the real meaning of two other words, which real Americans understand all to well: National Sovereignty!

Just my thoughts!


  1. Well said, Frank. What really gets me is when the news reports this bill as the "anti-illegal immigration bill" as if that is a bad thing.

  2. And to add insult to injury, the Feds have "given" a section of AZ to the Mexicans by making it illegal for Americans to enter because of safety issues. I'm sure you've seen the YouTube video of Jan Brewer begging for help from our Federal government since her visit with Obama a couple weeks ago. She points out that his promised support so far has put sign up to restrict access to sections of AZ to Americans. Why don't people see what's going on?
