Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Race Warfare To Save Obama’s Presidency

By Semperpapa

There is a very interesting video that showed up on the Internet. Sure, we cannot trust everything we see or read on the Internet, but when videos like this surface, it is difficult to spin it as being taken “out of context”.


I have written about Rep. Maxine Waters saying that the TEA party can go to hell, about Rep. Frederica Wilson calls the TEA party the real enemy.

Rep. Maxine Waters

Now this video shows that so-called black congressional leaders are inciting violence, calling for civil warfare against what they declare to be the enemy.

What is really going on here? Nothing really new, actually, the same old crap, just more out in the open.

Rep. Frederica Wilson

The people who in the past have been working in the shadows for the destruction of our republic are today soiling the halls of Congress and openly conspire for civil unrest in order to advance their agenda.

Racial discord has been used by the progressive movement for decades, as demonstrated by the ascendance of characters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to a dubious prominence role within the American black community. But while they were able to murk the waters of their actions under the pretense of enhancing the social conditions of black America, in reality they, and the new slave owners of today, had only one goal: to create a new sector of the population easily manipulated into keeping them into power.

Rep. Wasserman-Schultz

The next question is then, why now? After all, the election of a black president should have put all the alleged racist accusations to bed. Millions of whites voted for Barak Hussein Obama in 2008, many driven by the historical aspect of the candidacy and by an innate sense of guilt that has been fostered by the establishment and the media for decades.

For those of us who took the time to search information about Obama before the elections and who sounded the alarm of what his presidency would be, the label of “racist” was immediately applied. And even if this is one of those “I told you so” moments, I take very little solace and gratification from having been right. God knows how much I had wished to have been wrong.

Again, why now? Well, it is actually very obvious, if one takes just few minutes to get informed.

It all comes down to power and the elimination of dissent. Smoke screen is thrown out by characters like Maxine Waters who are shown on a video talking about her dissent with the supreme leader. Hey, folks, this is just a smoke screen, nothing more, besides, what she is complaining is that the President has not been liberal enough. And that’s coming from a pure socialist politician.

But the approval numbers of Obama are slipping, and after the results of the 2010 mid-terms, the progressive establishment sees the danger of the conquests made in the last few years being possibly reversed in 2012. And they are looking for a new way to shore up the bleeding.

Their approach is an old one: the racial card. But there is a problem today with that approach.

The American people are very much less receptive of the guilt trip involved in the race card. The labeling of racism has been so abused by the progressive movement that the average person is sort of sick of it, so the next step is fear. By identifying the TEA party movement as a racial enemy, progressives are laying new grounds based on scaring the American people into believing that the defeat of Obama in 2012 would be the spark of civil unrest in the country’s streets.

All this is a well designed plan, part of the re-election campaign of Barak Obama. This president has already shown on copious occasions that he considers the United States Constitution as an obstacle to his voyage of transforming the country. Be it halting the deportation of illegal aliens or scheming to destroy the 2nd Amendment, Obama is not shy about placing himself above the law and the will of the American people. Racial warfare is the perfect approach, because any major civil unrest, as called out by the Black Congressional Caucus, would allow Obama to increase his own power in spite of the Constitution. If the American people actually yield to the fear of civil unrest, he also wins if such fear keeps people away from voting polls or push people to re-elect him in 2012.

I may sound alarmist, but the historical evidence is overwhelming when it comes to the ascension of tyrants to absolute power: increasing the power of the central government; dividing the citizens and pitting them against each other; elitist attitude in the face of the people; behaving in a “above-the-law” manner; surrounding himself with declared anti-American individuals.

Can anyone else see this?

President Lincoln believed that America was never going to be defeated by a foreign entity, but from the inside. President Obama and his cohorts are the living proof of that belief.

Just my thoughts!

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