Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Bill To Nowhere

By Semperpapa

I am not sure if it is the blatant lack of urgency or the blatant middle finger to the face of the millions of unemployed Americans that pisses me off the most, but the shenanigans taking place in Washington these days are truly disgusting.

One one side we have a progressive President and just as progressive liberal establishment exemplified by the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who are showing no intention whatsoever to address the unemployment issue in our country. There is an alleged Jobs Bill that Obama is championing with a price tag attached to it of $447B supposedly being paid for by tax increases levied from the famous "rich" of America (basically anybody still with a job).

On the other side we have the Senate Minority Leader, Republican Mitch McConnell, also playing politics and urging Reid to sand the alleged bill to the Senate floor for an immediate vote. Yes, McConnell's is trying to embarrass the President by having his bill being defeated in the Democrat controlled Senate, knowing well that it would never pass in the Republican controlled House.

Ultimately, both sides are basically using the millions of unemployed as political pawns, something the scum in Washington has become really proficient at doing.
Nothing has obviously been learned by these people from the 2010 elections, when the people demonstrated that they were willing to give the pink slip to status quo politicians.

The truth of the matter is that the so called Jobs Bill is just as useless as the famous bridge to nowhere, because it is nothing more than another intrusion of an overbearing government in the people's business.
There is no bill that is going to fix the economy, no Washington policy that is going to spur the creation of new jobs. Exactly the opposite, because every time the government is "magnanimous" it also attaches controlling strings to it, increasingly interfering in the lives of the people.
It is the removal of strangling regulations upon the private sector that may accomplish a slow economic recovery. It is the removal of countless layers of bureaucratic non-sense, of overlapping agencies and commissions that is going to at first encourage the trust of small businesses to get back at producing and, consequentially, creating jobs.

Harry Reid knows very well, just as McConnell does, that the abortion called Jobs Bill would never pass, not even the liberal controlled Senate, so he is trying to buy time by "tweaking" it, by modifying it so that it would at least have a chance in the Senate, even as it is certain not to pass the House.
And while the Senator from Nevada promises to bring the bill up for a vote by the end of October, unemployed folks, at least those who are really desiring to find meaningful employment, are left out hanging on political infighting. Thanks you, Washington!

It is my prediction that the bill will not make it to be voted on.
May it be because campaigning will trample the needs of the people or because the throngs of unwashed protesters will cause the so needed "crisis" Obama is looking for, but the bill will never see the light of day. If it does, it will be due to the ability of liberals to cower the establishment Republicans into submission, again!

I saw a poster on Facebook that said: "The Founding Fathers would be shooting by now"
As much as I do not subscribe to the violent conflict resolution, I can actually understand the frustration that the majority of Americans have toward the garbage we are being fed from the political elite; toward the blatant attempt to circumvent the Constitution; toward the continuous attempt to replace the principles of our Nation with tyranny.

Yes, the Founding Fathers would be shooting by now.

Just my thoughts!

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