By Semperpapa
Van Jones. A name and a guarantee.
Last week during a radio interview, the former Obama green job czar made a clear statement that the forces he is so desperately trying to master, the progressive forces, will be turning to violence in order to become relevant again.
"...I think everybody should hold onto your seats. October is going to be the turning point when it comes to the progressive fight back..."
"...we are going to build a progressive counterbalance to the tea party. 80% of Americans agree with everything you say on this show but we have no voice. We know that jobs are more important, phoney made up deficit stuff they talk about. We know that people who have done well in America should do well by America and start paying America back in the form of more fair taxes. people who benefitted from the bailouts and from the tax breaks should start paying America back. They’re doing great. everybody else is suffering. That’s 80% of the majority. We’re going to now have a voice. You’re going to see an American fall, an American autumn, just like we saw the Arab spring. You can see it right now with these young people on wall street. Hold onto your hats. We‘ll have an October offensive to take back the American dream and to rescue America’s middle class..."
So, let me see if I understand. Van Jones is calling for the American youth to pour into the streets and promote a revolution, just like we saw in the Middle East last Spring.
In the first place, that would mean that the treatment Osni Mubarak received in Egypt, for example, will be given to Jones puppet master Barak Obama. Is this what Jones is calling for? The removal of the President of the United States? The takeover on the part of the liberal progressive Marxist throngs of our republic?
That is what I gather from the words of this master agitator. He mentions the protesters that have been showing up in New York's Wall Street, and there was a small protest in Boston where few people demanded to be arrested.
Regardless of the attempt of the state controlled media to make these protests relevant, regardless of the cameo appearance of the great pig Michael Moore and the hypocritical Susan Sarandon, who so benevolently stopped by in her limo on her way to a trip to Italy, the American people really could not give more of a rat's ass about some brainwashed college students making noise.
But there is a danger. The danger is that the violent rhetoric of Van Jones is supported and fueled by entities at very high levels of the political landscape.
Remember who Obama was! He really has nothing to show in view of accomplishments prior to running for President. He was a community organizer in Chicago, the land of thuggery. Basically not more that a thug agitator.
Jones had the confidence of Obama as a green job czar, basically placed in a position to affect policy without Congressional overview.
That, my friends, is called tyranny.
And there is even more danger. The forces of progressivism are swelled by union thugs, Black Panthers sympathizers, the Congressional Black Caucus, La Raza and the forces that want illegal immigration to be mainstreamed, the Council for American-Islamic Relations and its terrorist friends and the multitude of college students that have been brainwashed to hate America and everything she stands for and on.
What progressives like Van Jones cannot stand is the fact that millions of American people have decided that the direction the country is going is not compatible to their desires.
It was all well when the anti-American forces of liberal progressivism were allowed to operate unchallenged, slowly eroding the very fibers of our freedoms.
Political correctness, racial guilt, class warfare worked very well in silencing the majority of the American people, who were also too busy making a living to pay attention. And let's face it, too comfortable to care.
But the moment that things got less comfortable, the moment that people started to see a definite and disturbing turn toward the left and socialism, the people decided that they were going to exercise their right to dissent.
Yes, it is our right to dissent, just as Hillary Clinton said referring to her attacks against George W. Bush.
The brutal attacks that the left has and still is perpetrating against popular movements like the TEA party has its origins in the fact that the American people are challenging the forces of Marxism in our country. And the left does not like it!
They are so used to achieve their objectives via intimidation and vitriol that having to actually debate in the arena of ideologies is a foreign proposition. Hence the alternative is to intimidate the population. And why not, it has worked for decades.
The only problem with the strategy, though, is that a lot more Americans are paying attention these days, as it was demonstrated in the 2010 mid term elections. And this is not a partisan issue, because many so called conservatives have been the targets of dissent for their compromising attitudes, aimed more at maintaining power than at doing the people's business.
The left is preparing for revolution, Van Jones tells us, but strangely there are no reports of disapproval on the main stream media against such rhetoric.
The folks at TEA party demonstrations are swastika wearing, nazi approving, bigoted racists for wanting the government to return to its constitutional role, according to the media.
Van Jones and his characters are freedom fighters for the cause of Marxism.
Well today is October 1st, so we will see if the threats of Van Jones will actually materialize.
I want to live you with a question: Do you believe that if, let's say, Sarah Palin had made a statement about a conservative American Fall like the Arab Spring, that the Media would have ignored it as they are ignoring Van Jones' statement?
Just my thoughts!
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