The brightest stars of the college campus student population is demonstrating against Wall Street in New York, but unclear are the motivations behind the action.
(BTW, the above article is from the Associated Press, not a conservative entity)
This should probably be Part II of the previous post, as the forces of the progressive left are preparing the battle field.
It would be interesting to analyze the demographics of those who are camped outside Wall Street and who are trying to get this demonstrations some traction across the country, but I am positive that the involved media will steer clear of any of that as it may again demonstrate the failure of policies of entitlement.
It is my wager that the majority of those who are taking it to the street are college students who are attending some brainwashing institution of higher learning on someone else's dime.
The images from New York are a direct contrast with those we saw few weeks back from Atlanta, for example, where thousands of unemployed lined up for the chance to find work at a Job Fair.

Some of the 700 protesters arrested in New York (AP)
And there is where I see the example of the decadence that our country has fallen into, all thanks to the policies of political correctness and economic justice.
Political correctness is the cancer that will kill our Nation if we do not fight it.
And I have a different take on economic justice: economic justice, in my book, is the ability of every single person in America to have a say in his/her economic development.
For so many decades, since Pres. Lyndon Johnson started the "war on poverty" champions of Marxism have pushed for giving those who rather be unproductive, a share of the fruits of someone else labor.
The target these days for the push on the Marxist version of economic justice as championed by people like Van Jones, and Obama, is the big corporations, or so the left would want to portray.
Now, I am not necessarily a big fan of large corporations, mostly because they can develop and abuse strong power upon politicians (example: General Electric), but large corporations have their place in a capitalistic society, as they provide employment and benefits for thousands of people. Moreover they provide financial independence for those who invest in their stocks.
But while the left is seemingly focusing on these large companies, aided by a complacent media, their real target is the private business in general.
Every small business owner, the type of American who decides to take a personal risk and is willing to work hard for it, has dreams of developing the business into a large operation. There may not be a desire for a multi-billion dollars conglomerate, but the aspiration to growth that would insure financial independence is a definite driving force.
Independence from whom, you may ask. Well, from a boss to begin with, but mostly from government.
And that, you see, is the problem that the left has against entrepreneurship.
So the battle of the left against business, while it is namely aimed at large corporations, is instead truly targeting the private business sector.
The way the government has to stifle private enterprises is by instituting oppressive regulations that are designed not to protect the consumer or the environment, but instead are designed to render impossible conducting businesses. When the government imposes stringent regulations on an industry, compliance almost always comes at a heavy cost for the business, cost that many small enterprises are not able to afford. The result may be devastating for the business and for those who are employed there.
Who really benefits from these regulations and their consequences? Large corporations, the evil large corporations who have pockets deep enough to be able to implement the changes. The result is the destruction of competition and higher costs to the consumer and larger profits for the larger company.
In retrospect, the beneficiaries of the attack from the left against large corporations are the very entities being attacked. And they write the biggest checks to political campaigns, especially those of liberal politicians.
Those Wall Street tycoons that the protesters seem to be targeting are also some of the largest contributors to the causes of crony socialism masked as progressive liberalism. These greedy people are the ones who benefit greatly from the bailouts the Obama regime has designed for them in the last three years.
Solyndra was a corporation who represents the very essence of crony socialism as it benefited from an out of control central government wasting enormous amounts of taxpayers' money, money that is not there but is being borrowed against the security of future generations, only to pursue a political agenda.
And just last week even more taxpayers' money was adjudicated to even more companies for the same reason, one of these companies with close ties with a corporation whose number two is Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law. But of course, this is pure coincidence.
Just as it is coincidence that on the board of one of the banks, evil banks, that benefited from the government bailout, sat the husband of Congresswoman Maxine Waters.
And we wonder why the protest lacks of clarity in its purpose? But then there is the "other" possibility: that the forces of the left, the forces pushing for protest, the forces demanding "economic justice" may be pronged by those who are looking for a season of civil unrest, one of those crisis that cannot go to waste, which would call for "unprecedented measures" on the part of the government to protect the American people.
Only time will tell, but we need to be prepared.
Just my thoughts!
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