Friday, October 21, 2011

Enough With The Debates

By Semperpapa

I have not watched any of the last two GOP debates and will most likely maintain that stance until the California primaries.
Why? Simple. The most important and crucial thing that must be accomplished is the defeat of the Obamadroids that have taken over the government. Not just the actual current occupiers of the White House, but all the appointed radical progressives that the Obama has infiltrated in every position of Washington.

The sparring between Perry and Romney, the cry baby shit from the mental patient Ron Paul, the gaffes from Cain and Backmann are grown really tiring for me. I want to hear the plan to cleanse the political scene in Washington of the cancer that has pervaded that place. I want to hear about instituting term limits for all politicians and to shut down ALL the governmental entities that are unnecessary for national security, at least until the budget is balanced.

I want to hear about how they plan on stopping the invasion of our country on the part of illegal aliens and uncounted radical Muslims; and how they are going to eliminate the strangling regulations that are killing small businesses in America.
And yes, I want to hear a pledge to investigate Obama and his minions about Fast and Furious, about Solyndra, about the farce of global warming and the billions of taxpayers money that has lined the pockets of criminals like Al Gore and similar; and looking deeply into the legality of what Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank and all the other liberal progressives have been doing while screwing the American people and telling us how much we like it.
Sorry but Nancy and Barney may like being fucked, I don't.

So I don't watch the debates and don't intend to in the future. I have the one candidate I will vote for in the primaries, even if that candidate will not, most likely, get the nomination. Such candidate is not saying what I want to hear but gets as close as possible. The result is that I will vote my principles in the primaries, but when it comes to beating Obama and his regime, I will vote for whoever will run against him.

The stooge must be defeated together with all the liberal progressives and the RINOs in Congress. It is the last chance our country has to reel back from the abyss of dictatorship in a peaceful way.

Just my thoughts!

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