Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Forget The NRA. The Real Gun Lobby Is The American People

By Semperpapa

The statement was made by, I believe, FOX News commentator Charles Krauthammer in the days following the Aurora massacre.

And it is right on target!

There is an innate feeling of respect for the United States Constitution still remaining among the American people, even as the current regime in Washington, from the Executive to the Legislative to the Judicial, continue to find ways to destroy our founding document, especially when it comes to the Second Amendment.

Many Americans are still convinced that the maintenance of all the other rights in the Bill of Rights is intrinsically connected to the existence of the Second Amendment. Yes the National Rifle Association is the physical presence in Washington for the safeguard of this essential right of the American people, but the NRA would not have the power that it has if not for the support of the American people.

I am not an NRA member, mostly for personal reasons that transcend the mission of the association, but I am in complete accordance with the principles of the group when it comes to the safeguard of my rights to own and bare firearms.

But the true lobby for the 2nd Amendment is us, We the People, who are consistently bent on insuring that the political experiment called United States survives the continuous and relentless attack from the forces of Communism and Fascism.
Over the course of centuries, the first thing that despotic leaders had to achieve in order to control the masses was their disarmament. Obama and his ilks are bent on doing just that, but it appears that the American people will NOT go quietly.

Just a report today states that the sales of firearms in Colorado, monitored via the number of background checks requests to the ATF, has skyrocketed since the massacre in Aurora, a trend that has occurred after every mass murder in recent times (Columbine, Virginia Tech, Ft. Hood, etc.)

Now, why would that be the case?
Simply explained, the average person feels that there is a potential need for law abiding citizens to be in the position to defend themselves and their families from criminals.
As the saying goes "when seconds are of the essence, cops are only minutes away" and it is a truth that only liberal fickle minds cannot accept.

Sure you may have idiots like mayor Bloomberg and Jason Alexander and Bill Press calling names and all the other things they do in order to bring some attention to themselves, but in the final analysis, the American people just tell these fools to go pound sand every time they open their mouths.
And the morons do not get the message and foam at the mouth every time a tragedy like the one that unfolded in Aurora occurs. The truth of the matter is that these fools could not care less about the lives lost in Colorado and instead rejoice as the expendable little people who got killed there represent the necessary collateral damage to achieve their agenda.

Ultimately, while the NRA is the representative of the American people who do not want the Second Amendment violated by a tyrannical government or a criminal (not much difference there anyway), the true strength of the people resides in the people themselves and in our Constitution.

Just my thoughts!

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