Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Senator From California Shows The Extent Of Her Ignorance

By Semperpapa

This time is the senior senator from the corrupted state of California, Dianne Feinstein (I know, you thought I was talking about Boxer, but I said ignorant not dumb).

An FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace, she came out strongly, in the wake of the massacre in Aurora, to make her and her liberal friends case for more gun control.

Now, I understand that at the breaking out of the news from Colorado, the liberal morons all came out of the woodwork crying for more gun control, but she proceeded to make statements that are absolutely wrong.

In the first place, she called the rifle that the scumbag was carrying an assault rifle. This is a fallacy that annoys the hell out of me. What is an assault rifle?
The liberal moron cannot even define it, because they consider an assault rifle anything that resembles a military weapon.
Not too long ago, Obama prohibited the return to the United States of thousands of M1 Garand WWII era rifles from South Korea. The idiot justified his decision by classifying the weapons as, you guessed it, assault rifles.

The ignorance of Feinstein is appalling. She referred to the AR-15 the scum was carrying as an assault rifle, a weapon, I am paraphrasing, that has only one use which she defined as close-quarter combat, and therefore not needed by the common citizen.
Considering that the Military versions of the AR-15 are being used by our Soldiers and Marines to take out enemy at distances of hundred of yards, it appears that the moron senator does not understand what "close combat" is really about.
And there are many commoners who use these "assault rofles" for hunting, due to their light weight and precision. But what would Feinstein know about that. The only thing she knows is how to use her political clout to benefit the business dealings of her husband.

Actually, the tactical 12ga shotgun and the .40 cal pistols are more apt to close combat than an AR-15.

I merely watched a small portion of the program. As soon as the idiot senator made her moronic remarks and neither Chris Wallace or the other senator being interviewed called her out on the preposterous statement she made, I just turned the set off, so to avoid me screaming at the TV.

But the fact is that many in the positions of control and in the media are on the same page as far as their desire to abolish the 2nd Amendment. It is imperative for these bastards to disarm the people, as it is a necessity in order to destroy the principles of our Nation.

Just my thoughts!

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