Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Obama Trojan Horse

By Semperpapa

No I am not referring to Sandra Fluke's crusade for free contraceptives. I am talking about the cunning actions of one man and his very effective horde of subversives: Obama and his cronies.

Everyone knows the story of the Trojan horse used by Ulysses to bring defeat and destruction to the city of Troy. For over ten years the city had been under siege, but was nowhere near defeat when Ulysses came up with the plan for the horse.
It was presented to the people of Troy as a gift, a free gift on the part of the attackers who had decided the war was to be ended.
Ulysses and few other Greeks hid inside the horse as the people of Troy brought the construction inside the walls of the city. As the Trojans were asleep after a long night of victory celebration, Ulysses came out and open the city gates for the rest of the Greek forces who proceeded to sack the city.

The 10+ years of the Trojan siege can be equaled to over forty years of siege that the liberal progressives have brought upon the American nation and its people. The modern day Ulysses is Obama while the horse is his administration.

Obama brought his "horse" inside the walls of our nation in January 2009 as he was able to lie to enough American people in believing that he was a president for the people, for hope and change.
He was able to lie his way inside the presidency and immediately started to sack the nation, destroying every single aspect of our country.

Even in Troy there were many people who did not trust the "gift" from the enemy, but were outnumbered and set aside. Many of us were also not inclined to trust the inexperienced radical community organizer from the lurid Chicago political scene, but we were discarded as racist, because Obama is half black.

Today, after four consecutive years of ransacking, pillaging and destruction, we find ourselves in a country that Obama, wanting so viscerally to "change", is almost unrecognizable.

Our debt is stratospheric.
Our unemployment is immoral.
Our freedoms, what ever freedoms we have left, are under attack.
Our dependency on the government is unsustainable.
Our foreign policy is in shamble.
Our enemies are rewarded.
Our allies are rejected.
Our principles are devastated.

I am not sure how long it took Ulysses and his soldiers to lay waste to Troy, but we know that Obama took approximately three and a half years to do it in America.

At the time of Troy defeat, the Trojan army was one of the strongest in the civilized world, but it took the subterfuge of Ulysses, a "free" gift from an enemy, to render it useless.
Similarly, Obama has been pandering to the Military, the only real organized force that stands in his way to complete dictatorship, and by the time he is done with the destruction of that entity, there will be nobody left to reclaim our beloved America, outside of We the People.

One final similarity.
Those inside Troy who argued for the acceptance of the "gift" from the enemies, sought appeasement. They fell victims to a facade of promises that was going to bring prosperity and peace to their little corner of the world. Similarly, the Obama supporters today seek appeasement with the enemies of our nation, hoping for acceptance from people who want us dead, gone, vanquished.
These supporters are willing to relinquish their freedom in exchange for a free ride somewhere, not realizing that the only ride they are going to be on is the one toward socio-economic abyss.

What these people do not recognize is that Obama is one of those politicians who likes to bamboozle the masses into believing that he is for them, but they are too ideologically and historically ignorant to see that people like Obama are in it exclusively for their own megalomaniac hunger for power.

Every dictator in history has used the same tactic and after obtaining absolute power they just rolled over their people, while maintaining exclusive life styles.
Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Pol Pot, Kim Jon Il, and so many others, all were able to con the masses into believing that their actions were justified for the betterment of the people, until the people started to say "Hey, wait a minute. We did not sign up for this" and those who dared to speak begun to disappear. Actually, they did sign up for it when they bought into the notion that government is the answer to every question.

So, we can listen to bunch of leeches masquerading as journalists, hell bent on singing the praises of Ulysses while the Trojan horse tramples their rights, as they take a myopic ideological look at what our future may be.
Or, we can change at least our history and reject the "free gift", the Obama Trojan horse, and re-take our country.
If we fail, just as Troy never again regained its luster, neither will America.

Just my thoughts!

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