Tuesday, October 23, 2012

President Obama And The Art Of Squandering Capital

By Semperpapa

There are no doubts in anyone’s mind that when Obama engaged in his bid for the presidency of the United States, the historic aspect of his candidacy, being the first black, contributed to the building of a political capital that was unprecedented in our history.

The prospect of the first black President, for black America, was an understandable elation, but one that was based on the wrong foundation. In a Nation like the United States and in our time, the words of Martin Luther King Jr. should have been the guiding force behind Obama’s support:
"I have a dream, that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Regardless of the reasoning by many of why Barack Hussein Obama should be elected to the highest position of the land and as the leader of the fee world, Obama gained enough political clout that he practically skated into the position.

Everything went the right way for the senator from Illinois, something that many of us conservatives considered as America’s political “perfect storm”.
Obama’s image of a young man with a young family and apparently a lot of energy and desire to improve America was the face value the American people were fed.
The main culprit of the deception perpetrated upon the American people came from the mainstream media. Obama became their candidate and they were hell bent on insuring that the man would get elected.
Any opposition to Obama candidacy was treated by the media as an attack against a black man, with accusations of racism flying at the very mention of a disagreement and the MSM was always ready to search and destroy anyone who dared to dissent. The MSM even openly avoided any proper vetting of the candidate and his record. It was like the past of Obama and his accomplishments, or more likely the lack of them, were to be erased from public knowledge and buried under the mountain of false promises made.

So the historic nature of Obama candidacy, the shameless cheer leading of the MSM and the tiredness of the people toward George W. Bush and Republicans, insured that Obama would get the job, with total disregard for his actual qualifications.

Obama took office in January 2009, flanked by a Democrat controlled Congress. The useless and corrupted leaders of Congress, Harry Reid in the Senate and Nancy Pelosi in the House, guaranteed President Obama the ability to get anything he wanted done.
There are no doubts that the President inherited a very tough economy, that he inherited two ongoing wars, but the political capital he had started to deteriorate almost immediately.
He had campaigned on the closing of Guantanamo Bay prison. To this day, four years later, the prison is still operational.
He had campaigned on bringing the unemployment down, and four years later unemployment is at an all time high since the Great Depression.
He campaigned on ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Today, he claims that he kept his campaign promise in Iraq and is on his way to do the same in Afghanistan.
The problem here is multi-faceted. In the first place, a war is not ended! A war is either won or lost, but the mistake is understandable because Obama’s ability as a president is a lot better than his ability as a Commander-in-Chief. And that is saying something!
What he will not tell us, though, is that his administration miserably failed to negotiate American influence in Iraq. So while he claims to have ended the Iraq conflict, he fails to face up to the reality that we left Iraq to be taken over by Iran and al Qaeda, practically rendering the sacrifice of over 4,000 KIAs and many thousands of gravely wounded Military personnel basically irrelevant.
Today, as he seeks re-election, he is promising the American people he will do the very same thing in Afghanistan in 2014.

President Obama also campaigned on bringing the whole country together stating that he was going to be the President of even those Americans who did not vote for him.
Well, as much as that may have sounded good to many folks, it has translated instead into the most divisive, most class warfare-prone administration we have ever seen.
Obama’s goal of dividing and conquer has worked perfectly according to his experience as a community organizer, his only experience.
Pinning whites against blacks, men against women, rich against poor has been masterful and it is demonstrated by the polarization of our country.
Successful business people are maligned and attacked.
Any dissension on the part of non-Blacks toward the President is still called racist, even if the accusation has been so abused that it has lost any credibility.
Any dissension on the part of Blacks buys a label of Uncle Tom and Oreo.
Than there is the famous ‘war on women’ Obama and the liberals have been claiming conservative are engaging in, all based on false accusations about abortion and contraceptives.
And the new one about disparity in compensation. One thing Obama will not tell us and the MSM will cover up, is that even in the White House staff, women are receiving less pay than men.

At the beginning of his presidency, Obama was facing great economic distress in America, but instead of concentrating on fixing the economic problems of the Nation, instead of creating the right environment for the small business community to create the jobs necessary to put people back to work, Obama concentrated instead on creating a monstrous health care bureaucracy that will not only bankrupt the country financially, but will also destroy the best health care system in the world.

President Obama is masterful in very few things: one is to divide the people and pin them against each other, but he is also masterful in squandering his political capital, as shown by the 2010 mid-term elections.
Many pointed out, during the 2008 campaign, the shortcomings of this candidate, but few actually heard and researched the issues. Obama took the country by storm, telling people what they wanted to hear and playing on the racial component.
He had Congress and he had the popular support, and yet managed to take the country to the edge of financial and security abyss.
I am not sure about the thought process behind the continuous apologizing for America that has been a staple in the Obama administration, but it has defined his presidency.
President Obama could have utilized his political capital to make our country stronger and to improve the lot of the American people, but the trust in the man was squandered from day one.
It is very difficult to trust a man who, among the millions unemployed, the millions losing their homes, thousands of businesses closing, engages in countless golf games, lavish vacations, celebrity appearances and blaming everyone else for his failures.

Obama’s political capital has eroded, as the 2012 campaign is showing. Our country needs a new direction that Obama does not want to provide. He cannot run on his record and every time he does so his assertions are debunked as what they are: just lies.
What he is telling the American people is that he needs four more years to ‘complete’ his work, but considering the utter disaster his work has been and is, I sure fear its ‘completion’.
What Obama is telling us is that we should entrust him with four more years of crony capitalism; taxpayers’ money paying for investments that ultimately only benefit the Democrat Party campaign coffers; more erosion of American influence in the world; more illegal aliens; more jihadists in our mix; more dependency on foreign energy sources; more racial divide; more class warfare; more government intrusion and less freedom. And maybe even the increasing irrelevance of the U.S. Constitution.
We are supposed to embrace four more years of record poverty and record popular dependency upon government.

I was not bamboozled by Mr. Obama in 2008 and, it pains me to say, I was right. I had an inkling of who he really was and my fears came true. Today my beliefs are solidified by the horrendous record the man has racked up in just one term and I shudder at the thought of a second term where he will not have, supposedly, the pressure of re-election.

Obama has made an art of squandering political capital and it is time now to retire him and get back to re-building the country he so masterfully tried to destroy.

Just my thoughts!

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