Thursday, November 29, 2012

Political Correctness: America's Metastasized Cancer

By Semperpapa

I can still remember the accusations leveled at me over a decade ago when I would state that political correctness was a cancer that was eating at American cultural fiber. I was called every name in the book, as I contended that any attempt at changing one's rhetoric for the sole purpose of sparing one's "feelings", any attempt to promote self esteem as opposed to self responsibility was going to spell doom for our society.
And I was right!

From the classrooms of our public elementary schools to the work place, the concept of personal responsibility has completely lost its meaning.
We can no longer tell our children that they made a mistake, because pointing that out is "detrimental to their self esteem" and may cause the child to stop trying.
I hear the stories from my wife, a substitute teacher for three districts in Southern California, and the stories are not pretty. See, she is one of those subs who walks into a classroom not merely to spend the day making sure that the kids don't kill each other. She is the type of sub who will not put up with disrespect from the students because she is there maybe for just one day. She is the type that wants a lesson plan from the teacher so that the kids will not miss out on their education just because their teacher is not there.
But her hands are frequently tied as the system is designed to promote and praise mediocrity for the sake of the children's self esteem.

This is a trend the kids carry into the real world, the world of adulthood, where they believe that society owes them, instead of them having to strive to become a constructive part of said society. And it only gets worst when they get to any of the corrupted institutions of higher learning.
There, they are taught by a myriad of anti-American professors who have only one goal in life: to brainwash the new generations into a malleable mob of malcontents and dependents.

The same can be said for the masses of illegal aliens that have invaded the country. Beside the fact that the term "illegal alien" is a legal term, the forces of progressivism have successfully labeled its use as detrimental to the self esteem of the illegal alien.
Who are we kidding? The presence of these folks within our borders is against the laws of our country, which, by definition, makes them illegal (look up the definition if you doubt me).

Progressivism has devised cunning methods to silence the average American.
If you disagree with Obama, you are a racist.
If you believe Susan Rice should be held responsible for lying to the American people, you are a racist AND a sexist.
If you believe marriage should be a term describing the religious and legal union of a man and a woman, you are an homophobe.
If you disagree with Islamic Radicalism, you are an islamophobe.

The worst part of political correctness is that progressives have manipulated the American consciousness to the point that the average American is almost afraid of thinking with their own brains for fear of being labeled in a negative way. And the total hypocrisy of the Left knows no bounds.

I never heard the Congressional Black Caucus puppets once stating their opposition to the smear campaigns perpetrated against Mia Love or Allen West. I guess they are the 'wrong' kind of Blacks, those who have strayed from the liberal plantation.
I never heard women organizations coming out in defense of Michelle Backmann as she was smeared by her opponent, or in protest against the disgusting character assassination the media and politicians perpetrated, and still do, against Sarah Palin. I guess they are also the 'wrong' kind of women.
Yesterday, I once again heard some liberal radio talk show clown state that the opposition to Susan Rice is based on the white man's attack against a young, black woman possibly being elevated to a high prestige post in government. I guess we all forget the treatment that the media reserved for Dr. Condolezza Rice when she was Secretary of State.

The damage political correctness  has brought upon our nation is palpable. Thanks to the principle of the "slippery slope" Christianity is under fierce attack from the forces of atheism. May it be a war memorial cross in the wilderness of the Mojave Desert or a Nativity scene in Santa Monica or a Christmas tree in Providence, RI, allowing the perversion of the First Amendment is now affecting an entire population.
The cross found by the Twin Towers workers following the 9-11-01 attacks, basically two steel beams from the destroyed structure still intact in the shape of a cross, became a symbol of unity and hope for those who labored to recover the thousands of bodies in the rubbles. This cross, which transcends any religious meaning, is in the 9-11 Museum and under attack by atheist who stated that the sight of the cross and its presence at the museum, was offensive and made them physically sick.
In the first place, there is no law that safeguards one from being offended.
Secondly, I am sure their ailments are covered under Obamacare.

So political correctness is a one-way-street for liberals. How convenient is that!
But the fault does not rest only on liberals, but on all of us Americans for allowing such disgrace to occur.
We, true conservatives, those of us who believe and live our lives adhering to that forgotten sense of personal responsibility and still teach it to our children, have allowed the forces of progressive evil to cower us into this horrible and debilitating corner. We have been pushed into a position from where the only way out is to come out swinging.
And come out swinging we shall.

I have been called racist and sexist and all the other insults out there. It was hard initially, as I know who I am, but I then realized that if I felt guilty about my principles, if I let the lunatics on the left define who I am and silence me, I also let them win. And if they win, my whole country loses.
That's a prospect I just cannot let happen.

Just my thoughts!

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