Wednesday, March 2, 2011

AG Holder Can’t Take The Truth

By Semperpapa

I have written in the past about the flat refusal on the part of Attorney General Eric Holder to exercise the duties of his position.

The obvious racial leaning that the AG has institutionalized in the Department of Justice has been open and well documented by the shear inaction that the department has made its very own modus operandi since the election of Obama to the Presidency and the installation of Holder at Justice.

Nothing seems to be working in the case of the Black Panthers voters’ intimidation violation, a case that Holder’s Justice dismissed after deeming it not offensive enough (surely the outcome of that case would have been different had it been KKK folks that day in Philadelphia).

The attitude of the whole department has also been disclosed by a whistleblower, whom has come out and clearly stated that the racial preferences are the name of the game for the Department. But the Left has done its homework to sweep that whole thing under the rug (oh the good old days when whistleblowers were the heroes of the Main Stream Media!)

Even Congressional official letters were not enough to force the AG to divulge the reasons for the immature dismissal of the charges leveled against the BP going back to Election Day 2008.

Eric Holder was not too happy when, during an appearance in front of an appropriation sub-committee, was confronted by Rep. John Culberson of Texas about Holder’s preferential treatment of the Black Panthers.

As he was accused of his failure to cooperate with the Civil Rights Commission investigation, Holder got really testy in his answer

“Think about that, When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60s to try to get the right to vote for African Americans, to compare what people subjected to that with what happened in Philadelphia, which was inappropriate….to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line for my people,”


“To compare that kind of courage, that kind of action, to say some Black Panther incident is of greater concern to us, historically, I think just flies in the face of history,”

What really flies in the face of history is the behavior of this man. In his capacity, Holder is tasked to run a Justice Department that is equally responsive to all American people, not just “his people”.

Actions like these on the part of such a high ranking, not elected, official is a direct insult to the principles of our Nation.

I am not making a point of disregard for the trials and tribulations that the black people of America had to endure in the past, but that does not justify, under any circumstance, the condoning of criminal behavior today.

There is absolutely no doubt, even in respect to the revelations of people inside the department, that Mr. Holder is running an agency that openly engages in the same racist tactics that people like Holder or Sharpton or Jackson preach to have been fighting against.

The attitude is appalling. It is a demonstration that the agenda of Holder, obviously supported by his boss Obama, is one of institutional pay back against the injustices of the past. The position of Attorney General is quite a powerful one, and the Left has made it a career in attacking past officials who had been appointed by Republican presidents. John Ashcroft was one of those who got the excoriating treatment, even as he was tasked for a daunting job in the days following the 9-11 attacks.

So, while Holder got his skivvies in a twist when confronted by the truth, some of the leftists went to his aid. One of such creatures was the Philadelphia Representative Chakah Fattah, a Democrat of course, who while stating that the Black Panthers should not have been there, he had to stick the usual apologetic “but” when he stated that the “incident” did not really amount to anything worth of national attention and that it had been overblown by Republican partisanship.

He stated:

“The most unethical thing a person can do is make allegations based on absolutely nothing, The only issue of race is singling out this particular decision…That this rises to national significance is bogus on its face.”

Basically accusing the GOP of using the race card. And this coming from individuals who have made a career, and a lucrative one at that, from the exploitation of the black population.

Once again I ask: would these characters be so dismissive if it had been two KKK thugs in Philadelphia or anywhere else?

But the MSM is silent on any of these matters. No Chris Matthews charging, or Paul Krugman foaming at the mouth; no Schults ranting or Andrea Mitchell twisting her ugly face in disgust.

Ironically, as Holder was getting so grumpy for being confronted by the truth, Charlie Rangel was comparing the attempt of state governors to abolish collective bargaining for government employees’ unions to an attempt of Republicans to re-establish slavery. But I am sure someone will look at the good old Rangel’s comparison as legitimate. Go figure.

Just my thoughts!

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