Thursday, March 10, 2011

The United States Non-Existing Energy Policy

By Semperpapa

Just as many other sectors of the federal government, the National energy policy of Washington is practically a no-show policy.

From the President on down, the message has been one of striving for energy independence, but in reality, anything that has come out of Obama’s mouth and from his minions has been nothing more than a charade of lies and misrepresentations.

Since the British Petroleum cataclysmic oil spill of last Summer in the Gulf of Mexico, there has been a plethora of action on the issue of deep water drilling and any other kind of drilling of national reserves.

A moratorium on all drilling was instituted by the Interior dept. and its little puppet Secretary Ken Salazar.

The moratorium was the death nail for many companies and for thousands of jobs in the Gulf area. Even as a federal judge deemed the moratorium illegal and ordered the federal agency to begin issuing new permits, the administration disregarded the injunction and, since late last year, issued one single drilling permit. Ironically such permit was given just last week to a company that is a subsidiary of BP. It is my guess the administration is intent on securing more campaign donations from the oil giant.

The current unrest in the Middle East is just another opportunity for the federal government to drive a stake through the heart of an industry that is openly vilified by those in power. Just another crisis that should not be allowed to go to waste.

Historically, president Obama has been a supporter of high oil prices, as he declared his elation for increasingly high gasoline cost at the pump. The agenda is clear: higher gasoline prices will push the American people to support the government’s pursue of its “green policies” including the destruction of thousands upon thousands of jobs in favor of failed technologies like solar and wind alternative energy.

It is not that such alternative technologies are a failure in themselves, but they are nowhere near able to substantially replace the oil derived energy. And popular support for "green policies" will allow the government to push for more tax burden on the people, taxes that they will expertly channel to their own pet projects and pockets.

The attempt to push electric vehicles down the throat of the American people also appears to be another failure, as the Government Motors Chevrolet Volt is demonstrating nothing more that a castle of cards for the administration. From an abysmal sales record to technological issues, the Volt is nothing more than another failure of a failed policy.

So now there are certain politicians who are suggesting that, in response to the skyrocketing price of fuel, the country should tap into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to inject oil supply into the economic stream.

It is my understanding that the SPR is basically there to supply the Nation's need in the eventuality of a major disruption of the usual supply sources (read: Middle East).

Considering that the supply has not been altered by the events in Egypt and especially in Libya, Saudi Arabia increased its production to make up the supply lost from Libya, there is really no reason to even consider tapping into SPR. The pricing of crude oil is going up not in response to the laws of supply and demand, but mostly because the speculation that national and international commodity brokers are engaged in; that is where the blame must be placed for the volatility of pricing at the crude oil level.

The suggestion of utilizing some of the SPR to bring down the price at the pump is nothing more than the attempt on the part of the political elite to avoid the real issue of our dependency from foreign oil supplies. The real problem is the total absence of an energy policy at a national level, absence that is not due to incompetence or ignorance, but to a concerted attempt to punish the country for its economic dependence on a commodity that Obama and his environmental terrorist supporters want to destroy.

Tapping into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve now would also be the worse type of knee jerk reaction we could have. Witnessing the turmoil that is expanding in the Middle East, there is the possibility that the strong armed stability enjoyed by Saudi Arabia could dissipate on short notice. That is when the SPR would come in handy to supply the country.

Ultimately, a fairly simple solution would be that the federal government would heed to the decision of Judge Martin Feldman who ordered the Obama administration to halt the enforcement of the drilling moratorium. As the government demonstrate its open rejection of federal judgments that do not fit its agenda, the conditions of our energy policy is near to moribund, on life support. While Obama and Salazar take it upon themselves to decide an entire nation's economic stagnation as the high cost of energy affects every single aspect of our economy, the rest of the political leadership just does nothing, catering to the forces of irrational environmental terrorists. We are sitting on a ticking bomb but we do what we must to get re-elected!

Just my thoughts!

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