Thursday, March 17, 2011

Math Remains An Opinion For Politicians

By Semperpapa

Last Tuesday Congress voted and passed a continuing resolution that would keep the federal government working for another three weeks. The resolution passed with the help of many Republicans who lend their support in view of a $6 billion spending cuts.

But math remains just an opinion for the politicians in Washington, as the same day that the resolution passed with the whopping $6B spending cuts, the federal government added $71.9B to the national deficit. One does not have to be a financial genius to see that the government creative math does not add up.

Since the beginning of 2011 fiscal year on October 1, 2010, the national debt has increased by a staggering $676.3B to a grand total of $14.3 trillion. Even if the government would stop all spending 100%, at a rate of $6B every three weeks, it would take over 6 1/2 years to counter the increase of just the last 6 months.

It appears that the politicians are affected by a complete lack of knowledge and understanding of math and economics, but excel in the self-promotion department as they thump their chest in self praise for cutting $60 billion from a deficit of $14.3 trillion.

Meanwhile, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is asking congress to raise the debt limit to allow the government to borrow even more money. According to Turbo Tim, not doing so would have catastrophic consequences for the American economy.
The real catastrophe for the US economy has been Obama and his cronies, a spending crazed Congress and the elitist mentality that affects the majority of those who soil the Nation's Capital.

Just my thoughts!

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