Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Let's Leave Hypocrisy With The Liberals

By Semperpapa

I am always ready to level criticism against Barak Obama, mostly because I think he deserves it as I am basically against any of his ideology, but I think that we Conservatives should leave hypocrisy to those who are experts at it: Liberals.

I have heard and read of folks who are calling the actions of Obama against Libya unconstitutional and similar, and I am always convinced that most of what the man does can be found as far from the Document as possible, but his reaction to the events in Libya is not one of them.
The President, as Commander in Chief, does have the right to respond to a perceived threat to our National Security without a formal declaration of war from Congress.
Many presidents have done so in the past. As long as there is a notification to the legislative branch of government, the operation in Libya is not unconstitutional.
As I understand, if the United States was to go to war against Libya as a nation, than there would have to be a formal declaration of war on the part of Congress.

Let us not get swayed by the actions of miscreants like Kuchinich and Nader, or the mentally challenged Ron Paul. These are people who, especially the two liberal clowns, never see the necessity for any use of force.

There is so much to criticize Obama for, even in this particular instance. You want to point out that the man bowed down to the United Nations? You are right!
You want to point out that he left the country on vacation as our Military was engaging? Absolutely!
You want to criticize the total lack of congruence between the statements of the different actors who make statements regarding the real end game of this whole operation? I could not agree more!
Again, there are many legitimate reasons that would justify criticizing Obama on the whole Libya thing, maybe the fact that everyone involved in it gives a different policy aim for the action.
The leadership of the operation has been left to France and Great Britain, even as both countries are not any clearer of the resolution they are looking for (France just wants Gheddafi gone!)

Some say the end result must be change in Libyan leadership. Some say that we are only protecting innocent civilians. Others say Gheddafi is not a target at the same time his conpound in Tripoli is obliterated by cruise missiles.
Basically, we are bombing the hell out of Gheddafi's regime and military apparatus, allowing rebels to regain some initiative, but at the same time we say that we are not at war. This level of inexplicable chaos is the result of the United States not having a real President with the ability to make some important and enduring decisions on a short period of time. There is no voting "present" when it comes to sending our men and women into battle.

So with all that is wrong with this whole enterprise, let us not get hypocritical by calling it unconstitutional. The liberals are master at hypocrisy and we should leave that expertise to them.

Just my thoughts!

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