Thursday, June 30, 2011
Dick Durbin Flips The Bird To The Constitution
It is a valiant effort on the part of Illinois Senator Dick Durbin to show the country that he still is the biggest "dick" in Washington.
While the Obama administration continues to defy the law of the land in, among the many issues, illegal immigration, the United States Senate held hearings on the DREAM Act, legislation designed to grant amnesty to illegal aliens who are students or have served in the Military.
During the Senate hearing, sen. Durbin introduced several of these illegal aliens and gave a recount of their story, making the following statement:
"When I look around this room, I see America's future. Our doctors, our teachers, our nurses, our engineers, our scientists, our soldiers, our Congressman, our Senators and maybe our President."
But there is a small problem that sen. Dick missed.
Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution says: "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."
So what is the message we get from Big Dick Durbin? His were carefully prepared remarks, so the possibility of a "mistake" in his words should be discounted as I want to think that a three minute research would have given the little puppet aid of the senator who wrote the remarks the knowledge of the constitutional limitations for eligibility to the office of the President.
On the other hand, it appears that Illinois politicians have the tendency to be little concerned about that ancient, overblown document, increasingly aiming at rendering it insignificant.
I guess if it worked for Obama, the possibility of an illegal alien to be President cannot be discounted. Not that I am saying Obama is an illegal alien, but defiance of Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution does not appear to be an issue.
The larger and more disturbing picture is the continuous attack and defiance of the Constitution on the part of the Democrat politicians in Washington, be it about Freedom of Speech or the Second Amendment or Obamacare. There appear to be a consistent and increasingly overt attempt on the part of the progressive left in the country to dismantle our guiding document in favor of an unlimited and unchecked power over the American people.
This is a trend that We the People have to reverse if we want to save our country and allow this political experiment called America to remain free.
Just my thoughts!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Alliance: Progressive Politicians And Al Qaeda
About a month ago, Adam Gadahn, the American traitor spokepuke for al Qaeda, published a video in which he exhorted American Muslims to purchase firearms and to conduct attacks against the American people similar to the Ft. Hood attack.
In the video, Gadahn states that it is so easy in America to purchase firearms, including automatic assault rifles, that it would be very easy for his brothers members of the religion of peace, to arm themselves and perpetrate mass killings.
While the lunatic ranting of this piece of breathing human excrement is somewhat amusing, it has been taken seriously by the lunatic members of the Coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns.
This coalition of progressive morons, among whom is the emeritus political whore Los Angeles mayor Villaraigosa, have come up with an ad in which they ally themselves with the message that Gadahn sent.
The alliance is perfect, because these idiots of the coalition have fallen exactly in the trap that the traitor had set.
The obvious intention of the al Qaeda dog was to associate our Second Amendment rights with the potential of jihadist attacks. And the mayors fell right into the trap. Very willingly.
It is a fact that the majority of politician that embraces the progressive ideology of the liberal left, has a stated problem with our Constitution and in particular with the Second Amendment.
In history, every despotic regime became such only after disarming its people. Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Communist China, Soviet block.
A population that is unarmed is a population at the mercy of the government, because the government is the only entity with firepower.
The aim of our enemy, so beautifully explained by Gadahn, is to achieve specifically the steady and stealthy disarmament of the law abiding American citizen.
In reality, it is the American individual that keeps our institutions safe from the ravages of totalitarianism, not the Media and definitely not the politician. Power is an aphrodisiac for anyone who seeks it and since the dawn of time, those who achieved it have abused it to eliminate those in opposition.
The Coalition of Mayors, just like Congress and the White House and the court system, is doing exactly so by seeking to curtail the constitutional rights of the American people.
The forces against the Second Amendment are all aligned together and working in unison: activist groups, liberal progressives, judges and a radical administration willing to surrender the rights of the people to corrupted institutions like the United Nations.
When Obama declares that he is working under the radar to push the elimination of the right of people to own and bear arms should raise the alert among those of us who still believe in the United States Constitution.
Just my thoughts!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Speaking Of Flakes
OK, what the hell was Chris Wallace thinking? Or was he just doing the bidding of the establishment?
During an interview on Fox News Sunday, the anchorman asked newly declared Presidential contender Michelle Bachmann if she was a flake. He qualified his question by suggesting that there were some people who consider the Minnesota Congresswoman as such.

Besides the lack of professionalism on the part of Wallace, I find it interesting that he never even remotely question if Barak Obama was a flake. And that is one hell of a flake in my opinion.
So what was that all about, Chris Wallace? I was under the impression that the man had some journalistic integrity even as I would at times disagree with his approach and style, but the interview with Bachmann almost took a form of an ambush.
I am not necessarily a fervent supporter of Michelle Bachmann. I agree with some of her positions and are a little colder on some other, but she is definitely a conservative and she has a lot of popular support.
This is not a rally post for her, but it is a rant on the attack that Wallace and the MSM is already conducting against this woman. Are they going to ask Debbie Wassermann-Schultz if she is a flake? After all she has made some off the wall remarks about Republicans and Jim Crow.
Or is the trashing only relegated to Conservative women.

They already claim the first black President, Bill Clinton, and the second, Obama, but it would be inconceivable that the the first woman would be from the Party that they claim wants women to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.
To Chris Wallace defense, he did come out almost immediately and apologize for his outrageous questioning, but the damage was already done. If it would have been Sean Hannity for example, to ask a similar question to a liberal candidate, the Left would have demanded the head of Hannity on a silver platter, but because the attack was perpetrated against a Conservative woman, it will be forgotten by tomorrow.
I do not know who will be the Republican opponent to Obama in November 2012. Whoever it is he or she will get my vote (I'd vote for Humpty Dumpty against Obama). As for the primaries, my candidate of choice has not yet entered the race.
This will be an interesting 17 months.
Just my thoughts!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Democrats Divided Over The Non-War Lybia War
Interesting article in The today about a statement made by Congressman Jerrold Nadler:

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.)
(looks like he has received a waiver from Michelle nutritional campaign)
Does this mean that the Dems are breaking down? No, definitely not, because in the long run they will rally behind Obama regardless of what he does. No liberal will antagonize this radical president and risk being left out of the spoils of revolution.
All that Nadler is doing is trying to appease those Americans who are not too happy about the nebulous involvement of our forces in Libya. I wonder if the poll numbers in his district are not as favorable as he would like and he is just preparing for November 2012.
The interesting part of the article is the statement of another N.Y. member of Congress, Luise Slaughter:

Considering the venom this woman has been spewing for years, the apology she should offer the American people and future generations is for the destruction of our Nation she has fostered for years.
How amusing that she would complain of the "rush" for the Libya resolution, when the Dems behaved thousands of times worst as they rushed the Obamacare legislation through in the middle of the night, without even knowing what was in it, even though it affected the lives of every American.
On the other hand, why would I be surprised by the hypocrisy of these bastards!
Just my thoughts!
POTUS Has Too Much To Do
By Semperpapa
Talks on the raising of the debt ceiling appear to be at an impasse, with Republicans walking out of meetings and the President basically refusing to address the enormous debt increase our Nation has incurred since his coronation in January 2009.
So where is Obama? According to congressman James Clyburn, the President has way too much to do to be directly involved in such trivialities like the Nation’s crippling debt.
The progressive Clyburn made that statement during an interview with Neil Cavuto of Fox News, while expectedly trashing the Republicans for walking out of the talks.
"We can't have the President sitting in these meetings, three and four hours every day, when all of these other things are happening around the world. The president has much more to do with his time, and that's why you have a Vice President." stated Clyburn.
Sure, I understand that the President’s time is stretched to its limits at times, but on matters of National importance, like our disastrous economic state, his attention should be unquestionable.
I can understand him not having the time to get the name of a Medal of Honor recipient right, but we have been brainwashed by the Obamadroids that the man is just too brilliant for us to fully understand or even comprehend the depth of his genius.
Considering that Obama has been king for over 130 weeks now, I find it remarkable that the man has been able to squeeze in over 70 golf outings. Over 50% of his weekends have been occupied by golf games, which last three or four hours, Rep. Clyburn. There are also the several vacations and trips taken in the same period, not to mention the 30+ campaign fundraisers he has been attending.
On a related subject, Michelle Obama gave an interview to ABC News in which she is asking for at least four more years for her husband because, she says:
"I think there's so much more work to do. We've really just begun to lay the foundation,"
And in a disturbing sinister way, I can actually understand what she is referring to. After all, there are still some small businesses left operating in America that must be destroyed; there are still some aspects of our private lives that Michelle has not stuck her nose in; the Constitution has not been abolished yet; we still have a Military and UN Blue Helmets from Nigeria are not yet patrolling our streets; Christianity has not been squashed in favor of Marxist secularism; the dream of a global government with Obama supreme despot and Michelle the global queen is not there yet.
So yes I can see why Michelle wants four more years for her husband. Plus there are still many countries in the world where she wants to go on vacation to on taxpayers’ money.
Just my thoughts!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The Problem is That He Just Doesn’t Care

By Semperpapa
Regardless of all the photo ops and rhetoric in support of the Military, the main problem with Obama is that, not so deep inside, he really does not care enough about the men and women of the Armed Forces to actually make double sure that the garbage coming out of his mouth is accurate.
During a visit at the headquarters of the 10th Mountain Division of the United States Army, the Commander-in-Chief thanked the soldiers present for their service and proceeded to make the following statement:
"First time I saw 10th Mountain Division, you guys were in southern Iraq. When I went back to visit Afghanistan, you guys were the first ones there. I had the great honor of seeing some of you because a comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn't receiving it posthumously."
No problem, you would say, and you would be right if it was accurate, because Jared Monti did receive the Medal of Honor, but he received it posthumously, after being killed in combat in Iraq in 2006.
What the White House stooge did was to confuse Salvatore Giunta’s MOH award with Monti’s. Jared’s parents were present at the award of Sal Giunta’s decoration.
Of course the apologists are defending the Moron-in-Chief, who after all is so busy campaigning and playing golf that he could not possibly waste any of his precious time getting his information correctly. Moreover, it was not really that big of a deal, because, after all, Jared Monti was actually awarded the Medal. Some will probably defer the culpability of his gaffe to some of his low level aids who obviously did not give the man the correct information.
But while the liberal cronies will try to downplay the horrible mistake, the reality is sufficiently obvious, even as the event is swept under the proverbial rug.
As I mentioned above, the problem lies in the fact that Obama does not care about anything connected to the Military except when he panders to them for campaigning purposes.
The shortcoming is not in the informational failure of what was given to Obama, but in the very fact that he is not interested, and therefore knowledgeable of the actual facts he was speaking of.
The Medal of Honor is the highest decoration a US Armed Forces member can be awarded for heroism in combat above and beyond the call of duty. It is a coveted decoration that goes back to the Civil War and it is awarded to individuals whose recognized actions are so above the norm that are almost always awarded posthumously. The only surviving recipient for the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan is, to date, Sal Giunta, although surviving Sgt. 1st Class Leroy Arthur Petry’s nomination has been approved.
But for those of us who truly understand the significance of such honorable recognition our country bestows to these special individuals, the names remain imprinted in our memory: Paul Smith, Jason Dunham, Robert Miller, Ross McGinniss, Michael Murphy, Jared Monti, Michael Monsoor, Sal Giunta and Leroy Petry. These are name America should never forget, but it is unforgivable for a President.
Cpl. Jason Dunham, U.S.M.C.
Sgt. Paul Smith, U.S. Army
It would take a willing appreciation of the sacrifices made by our Armed Forces for the President to be able to recite those names from memory without hesitation, and in any case it would take an elevated level of respect for the actions of these individuals, and the American traditions they embody, for Obama to at least make triple sure that he got at least the names right.
Lip service has gotten this man into the White House, probably the least capable, and definitely the most radical, President this Nation has seen throughout its history. Lip service is what he and his wife use to blow enough smoke in the eyes of the liberal hordes to convince them that he is such a supporter of the troops, when, realistically, he only sees the men and women in uniform as nothing more than another voting block. So while some strugglers are still allowing this fake to sway them, his true constituency, the nutroots of the extreme left are even less interested in the vicissitudes of our Military and their families than he is.
But, again, the problem is that he just does not care.
Just my thoughts!
Surrender Is The Option In Afghanistan
The pundits are pouring over the Afghanistan surrender speech from Obama. On Wednesday evening, Obama announced that in July 2011 a withdrawal of 11,000 troops from Afghanistan will take place, in his words remaining faithful to the timeline he had established when he authorized the half hearted surge in 2009. An alleged feather in the cap for the re-election bid of 2012.
So, what do we have here? In one word: surrender.
By any account, as I wrote about it in the past, the idea of telling the enemy the strategic approach ahead of time is just a mere political move, with Military consideration not being weighed. It make absolutely no strategic sense.
The enemy is only required to sit back and wait for the civilian leadership in Washington to get deeper into their campaigning in order to receive back on a silver plate all that the Military took away via great expenditure of blood and treasure.
And while all this happens and Obama splits his precious time between golf, vacations and fund raising, the troops on the battlefield see their ability to hold and defend reduced.
Is such an approach Militarily sound? Only to a political beast like Obama.
And while some of the Military families are amazingly hailing this president as a friend of the Military thanks to few crumbs he has thrown at them and few campaigning appearances from Michelle, clearly ignoring the true opinion from the CinC, it is tactically well known that reducing troop level and announcing a timeline, will place those remaining in greater jeopardy.
Military commanders on the ground are not too happy with the decision and the modality of application, but ultimately they answer to the Commander-in-Chief and cannot express openly their opinions.
Afghan president Amid Karzai stated that the new generation of Afghans are ready to take the reins of the country and lead it to the future. Great words from this corrupted, treasonous individual, who we helped maintain power and who is not even waiting for our troops to leave before getting in bed with Iran.
During Obama's speech, where no American flag could be seen, no mention of "success" or "victory" anywhere. Mainly because the only victory Obama is seeking is over the America he so vehemently wants to "transform", and the only success he is going after is his political one in his bid to destroy our system.
And than there are the polls. It has been said that 56% of the American people are tired of the war. Was the poll made among Military families? Who was polled for this?
In reality, looking at the disconnect that the average American has with the Military, I find it interesting that so many people would be against a Military engagement that has not touched them personally. It is very easy to just say "this war has gone on for too long" when the person never had to endure having a loved one in combat, when they never had to see a loved one leave or ever been at a Military funeral. Are the polled individuals the same ones who could not name the Vice President or what the Declaration of Independence was written?
And what about the thousands of Gold Star families? Is surrender in Afghanistan rendering their losses insignificant? In Vietnam, American Military won every battle on the field, only to be betrayed by the civilian leadership in Washington. Over 57,000 names on the Wall, not to mention the treatment Veterans of that conflict received, should be a historical reminder of what political handling of a conflict results in.
If the situation in Afghanistan is so good, if Obama's strategy has been so successful, then why not take ALL our troops out of there and bring them home? Why reduce forces and increase the danger to the remaining ones by thinning their ranks?
Obama boasts that he ended the war in Iraq, than why are flag-draped coffins of KIAs from Iraq keep on coming home?
I am now sure that the strategy of surrender will have a decisive effect on the US-Taliban negotiations supposedly ongoing. Dealing with the enemy from a position of weakness. Well done Mr. President.
Just my thoughts!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Karzai Calls American Troops Occupiers
Once again Afghan president Karzai succeeds in pissing off the American people, at least those who pay some attention to that far away conflict and actually give a damn about our Military.
United States Ambassador Karl Eikenberry in a speech on Sunday, indirectly warned the leadership in Kabul that the American people are getting sick and tired of being called occupiers in the country where so many sons and daughters of America spilled their blood.
Even if Eikenberry did not mention Karzai by name, his remarks were obviously in response to the content of a meeting that Karzai had also on Sunday, with the Iranian minister of Defense, the very first such high level visit from a representative of the Iranian regime to Kabul.
During such visit, the two officials addressed the increasing problems that the presence of foreign troops in Afghanistan represents.
The statements from Karzai and Ahmad Vahidi follow some meetings that the former had with Ahmadinejad just last week in Kazakhstan.
In the first place, the blood of over 1,500 American KIAs was spilled in the attempt to eliminate Afghanistan's safe heaven for those who attacked us on September 11, 2001, and give the people of Afghanistan a chance at a better life, but it is obvious that allowing Karzai to be the political leader of that nation has been a grave mistake for our troops and for the Afghan people.
Karzai and his government are probably some of the most corrupted leaders that have graced this planet, and it has been thanks to the sacrifice of the so-called occupiers that he is still alive and able to spew his crap without someone sticking an IED up his ass.
What about the sudden closeness between Karzai and Teheran? In few words, it is something that we Americans asked for when we introduced the outrageous concept of timeline into a armed conflict. Just the knowledge of such action being initiated this summer is enough for Karzai to seek the sympathy of his thuggish neighbor.
It is also well known and documented that the Iranian regime has been tactically and logistically aiding the Taliban in their fight against the US Military and the Afghan government forces. So basically is now sucking up to the same people who have been actually slaughtering his own people. Which makes me wonder about the possibility that Karzai has been in bed with Teheran for some time now, just playing his double face with Washington.
So what are we left with? Realistically, two venues. We can either take all our troops out, practically leaving scorched Earth behind, meaning completely destroy every installation and piece of equipment we cannot carry out, or we could send Karzai to pound sand somewhere else and establish a similar situation like we did in Japan after 1945. In that case, Gen. Douglas MacArthur was the de facto governor of that nation and in charge of its reconstruction.
The callousness Karzai is displaying toward the suffering of his people and the bleakness of their future is for me enough justification for sending the piece of camel shit packing. Wonder how long he would survive without American forces guarding his ass.
Finally, I am completely incensed by the actions of the Afghan president as I think about all the families still mourning the death of their loved ones who died so that the Afghan people would be rid of the scourge of Taliban and al Qaeda terrorists inside their borders.
It is a true dishonor to our fallen for this man to be consorting with the same government that has been working hard to insure that the Afghan people will enjoy a similar level of pseudo freedom as the Iranian people now enjoy.
I still believe in our mission in that forsaken country. I believe in the necessity to prevent the Taliban to go back to its harboring of terrorists inside the Afghan borders. I also believe that many Afghan people are not happy at the prospective return of the Taliban ways of handling social issues.
So now, as the deadline for the withdrawal of the US troops from that country approaches, one can argue with the significance of what was achieved in that nation, what dividend we received from such high level of sacrifice.
In Germany, Japan and South Korea we can see three nations living in freedom and prosperity.
In Vietnam, it was a political failure to thwart the sacrifice made in blood.
For Afghanistan and Iraq, the pages of history are still being written.
Just my thoughts!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
There Is Definitely Something Mentally Wrong With Howard Dean
It has been common knowledge that Howard Dean is a very eccentric and puzzling characters, but the following video removes all my doubts on the man's mental capacities.
This video was from Dean's appearance at the NUTroots Nation Convention, with emphasis on the NUT term.
The main problem is the hatred expressed by white America at TEA party demonstrations? And especially Christian white men over 55?
So what about the people of other faiths who identify with America's return to the Constitutions? And what about the non-white people who identify with conservatism?
I understand that politicians have a personal mandate to pander to the audience they are talking to, but the assertion that different opinions, that dissenting with the current regime are signs of "hatred" on the part of the dissenters are preposterous.
But we cannot expect anything else from the left and the characters like Dean.
People like him have been engaging in class warfare and racial animosity for years, the real architects of the hatred and division we today see among the American people.
Their goal is the typical approach of divide-and-conquer, utilizing arguments that are designed to inflame collective fears and suspicions.
But that is the Socialist agenda, with the destruction of the individual in favor of some form of collective alignment, where the spirit of each citizen is destroyed in favor of a populist approach. This is a philosophy that has been tried and has miserably failed in countless other countries, but one that is very attractive for statist types, as they self-position to gain personal power and wealth at the expenses of the same people they so gallantly claim to want to help.
By the statements of characters like Howard Dean I gather an increasing sense of desperation on the part of the despotic wing of the democrat party.
As the historical chief beneficiaries of popular demonstration in rejection of government policies, they are certainly stunned and taken by surprise by the table being turned on them as in the case of the TEA party demonstrations. They are not equipped to handle the silent majority refusing to remain silent as we see our country crash and burn. So they resort to pitting their throngs against the dissenters.
Still vivid are the images of the left's demonstrations against Bush, labeling him Hitler and all those other nice adjectives, still resounding are the words of Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton calling dissent patriotic, but when dissent came upon theirs and Obama's policies it magically became un-American.
There is definitely something mentally wrong with Howard Dean, but the worst part is that the man is really speaking of the policies of a regime purposely marching the Nation toward a financial abyss, compromising not only our domestic security, but also our safety from foreign enemies. When total collapse occurs, if these characters succeed in their schemes, the government will step in as the savior of the people and America, as the last bastion of freedom, will be nothing more than a memory.
On a side, more light, note, someone should tell Dean that a little shoe polish in his hair does not separate him from the over-55 he attacks in his speech.
Just my thoughts!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
English Should Be America's Official Language
Here is a video of an exchange that took place in the Texas Senate during a hearing regarding a bill designed to address the issue of illegal immigration, SB9.
Maybe I am the only one to see the irony in what this video shows. Here is a guy, Antolin Aguirre, who addresses state senators from Texas by speaking Spanish, on the issue of illegal immigration.
The question posed by the senator was more than legitimate, because someone who had come to the United States in 1988 should have gained enough proficiency in the language to be able to express their grievances or opinion in English.
That is even more significant when claiming to represent a specific civic issue in an official setting like a senatorial hearing.
Personally, regardless of the content of his deposition and its merits, the fact that Antolin spoke via an interpreter is an insult to the process and the country itself, a form of arrogance that is designed to push the multicultural envelop to the point of saying "you will listen to my complaints in my language as I am a guest in your home."
When confronted, the excuse came forward. Feeling "more comfortable" using his native language, while at the same time showing he could understand and speak English well.
Had Antolin made his speech in English, even with an heavy accent and even making some pronunciation mistakes, would have carried his message much further and would have had a potentially more positive impact than his arrogant stunt (BTW did anyone check Mr. Aguirre's papers?).
And I speak of personal experience on this one, as there was a time when English was not my native language and I too struggled with communication. The difference is that I saw my ability to learn and speak the language as my responsibility in order to integrate into American social structure. I did not expect any special treatment nor I received one, outside of the understanding of the American people I interacted with.
My efforts to speak the language, as bad as it might have been, was almost universally met with a benevolent response from those who i was speaking with, even if with some occasional chuckles. The main point, as it was expressed to me, was that I was trying, and trying hard, to adapt to the country that so gracefully allowed me to be part of it.
Multiculturalism has obviously failed as demonstrated by the distancing that liberal Europe is now attempting to reel back from, as it dilutes a nation's identity and instills in citizens and all others a destructive sense of entitlement.
It is irrelevant that someone speaks his or her native language in their home, or with family and neighbors, but when it comes to official business, English should be the language used.
I was recently summoned for jury duty. As instructed, I called the night before my date to check if I had to report to my local Superior Court. The automated message gave me the choice to hear the message in Spanish and I found it ironic. To be summoned for jury duty one must be a US citizen, which also means that one has to have a proven ability to speak and understand English. So why give the option in Spanish? And why not in Cantonese or Vietnamese or Italian or German or Russian? And does this mean that if a Spanish-only speaking juror is selected the court would have to provide an interpreter?
I know, it is a demographic issue, but the ideals of our Nation are equality for all citizens, which, in this instance, would be achieved by the use of English as a national language.
Just my thoughts!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Weiner Finally Resigns
Finally, on Thursday, Congressman Anthony Weiner became former congressman Weiner, after a pitiful press conference where he was cheered and jeered.
So the man is unemployed now, but before you get all teary eyed about it, you must know that he has already gotten a job offer from Hustler Magazine's Larry Flynt, probably the only enterprise where Weiner's behavior is an actual resume enhancer (besides the Clinton Library).
In the past days since the scandal exploded, the anchor people at MSNBC even came down hard on the New York congressman, appearing to be taking the high road of morality. Truthfully, they were only protecting themselves in the very good possibility that the disgrace liberal, former vicious attack dog of the Democrat Party, would get a job at the cable network.
Personally it makes no difference to me, as long as he is gone from Congress. That he works for Flynt or that he spews his venom to the 14 people who watch MSNBC is irrelevant.
I wish the man well, especially if his wife is really pregnant, for her sake and that of the baby. As long as I don't have to listen to this politically nasty individual again.
Just my thoughts!
Earth Shuttering Discovery
An earth shuttering research study was conducted by three universities, as reported in this article.
Yes, three renown institutions of "higher learning" have combined their efforts to tell us that men buy flashy items, especially sports cars, to impress women into short term sexual relationships.

Ferrari Enzo
Just my thoughts!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Al Qaeda New Fresh Target
Here he is, the new number one of al Qaeda: Ayman al-Zawahri.
After years spent as a number 2 right behind the tall Saudi terrorist bin Laden, Ayman has finally become the CEO of the organization.
The promotion is sort of a left handed compliment for the 60-year old Egyptian doctor who has made his way in the terror organization thanks to his ability to maximize the efficiency of of the suicide bomber (I wonder what part of his Hippocratic Oath covered that specific branch of medicine) because the "promotion" is basically setting up a new, fresh target for the next Special Forces incursion.
Here is a picture of the handsome fella.

And Ayman al-Zawahri has another strike against him. If you take a good look at his forehead you will notice that a lot of God's work has been already done by gifting this piece of garbage a perfect aiming point for a nicely placed 7.62mm round.
So, my most sincere congratulations to this former number 2. And may the gods of JSOC soon bring you the same congratulatory celebration they gave your boss.
But you will always remain the biggest piece of number 2 in my book.
Just my thoughts!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Education In America: Abysmal At Best
Here is an article about the state of education in America in regard to knowledge of history from the Wall Street Journal.
This demonstrates that the billions spent by the federal government in meddling into the education system has failed miserably, again.
A poor performance at the top, starting with the ill-fated No Child Left Behind to the multicultural approach, is showing up in the level of proficiency for students.
Just my thoughts!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Obama's "Under The Radar" Policy Against The Second Amendment
Most of the news media outlets are completely ignoring this story, mostly because it is as explosive as a political scandal could be, deeply damaging for the current regime in Washington.
Operations Gunrunner and Fast and Furious are, though, getting quite the attention of Rep. Darrel Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, who appears to be set on getting to the bottom, or better yet the top, of the food chain that authorized or was in the knowing about this travesty.
These operations were directed at allowing gun dealers in the border states to sell weapons to dubious buyers. Many dealers would report their suspicions to the DoJ and ATF and were told to go ahead and complete the transactions, allowing thousands of weapons to make their way into the hands of the Mexican drug cartels. The scope of the operation, officially, was to track the weapons and get to the big fishes of the drug operations.
Some of these weapons were connected also to the killing of two US federal agents, Brian Terry and Jamie Zapata.
Rep. Issa has been trying to get the head of ATF, Kenneth Melson, and AG Eric Holder to come clean about the operation, in the attempt to find out how high the knowledge of the operations went, but both stooges are clearly non-responsive to the requests possibly forcing the House Committee to issue contempt charges.
The reality is that the two cronies are obviously protecting their boss from such an explosive scandal. The real reason for the operations is to have the issue of weapons in the United States, the very Second Amendment of our Constitution, become an international issue paving the road for what the United Nations is trying to achieve with the Small Arms Treaty.
When Obama told Sarah Brady that he was working under the radar to kill the rights of the American people as afforded by the Constitution, he was not joking. This is one of the "under the radar" efforts to generate support from the domestic liberal terrorists and the international community to force the UN treaty upon the American citizens.
I hope that Issa will continue to press with his requests. The obvious goal for the Obama regime is to keep this farce incognito until the elections in 2012, while instead it should be a campaign slogan for any of the republican contenders. The national media is greatly aiding in this effort and will do all necessary to avoid the issue for as long as possible.
Just my thoughts!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Federal Bureaucracy At Its Best
We all know that if we want something to be screwed up beyond any possible repair, all we have to do is put it in the hands of the federal government. We have many examples of such truth.
The USPS, never a day without a deficit, or Amtrak, never to leave the permanent "red" in its budget.
So, as we have looming in the distance a government takeover of our health care, Just wanted to point out this one government nugget.
Take a good look at this photo.

This is Jonathan Stewart and his family, standing among what is left of their home after last month tornadoes in Alabama.
What the wife is holding in her hands is a letter from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) in which the federal agency told the Stewart family that their home was deemed "not unsafe for living" and that therefore they would not qualify for federal relief.
What's wrong with this picture?
Yes, I thought you would agree with me that it the whole thing is ludicrous.
A lot of confidence inspiring thoughts come to mind about the competence of the federal government to handle things like our national health care.
Just my thoughts!
Recession Only Hits The American People, Not Washington
The fantasy land Obama lives in as he tries to tell the American people that the economic recovery is in full swing, may be justified by the actuality of Washington D.C.
For example, while fuel cost continues to have sharp impact on the ability of people to go to work and school, let alone taking vacations, exotic traveling of congressional members was up significantly in the first five months of 2011.
Some of the travel was paid by private enterprises, surely eager to wine and dine members of Congress with the possibility of favorable actions toward their agendas. But some of that travel is paid by the taxpayers.
So members of both Parties get to stroll around Europe with their spouses, or get to "visit" oil rigs and meet with oil companies executives around the Gulf of Mexico.
Another example is the way Obama uses Air Force One as a personal campaigning tool, firing it up at any occasion to fly to this or that fundraiser. So not only we the people foot the bill for the giant aircraft every time some fancy celebrity dinner is collecting money for the President and we also have to endure the disruption that the move causes to every area where the President goes, we also have to be lectured by the White House about energy consumption as we are left to wonder what the carbon footprint is for a Boeing 747 flying all around the country, and the world, at the whims of the One.
But it is all good. Michelle Obama goes to California, makes a little insignificant speech about Military families, which makes the trip official business, than goes on four fundraising events, most of the travel cost being picked up by the taxpayers. And some of the liberal drones are all warm and fuzzy about the "interest" shown by the Obama administration toward the Military.
At least we can be comforted by a DNC fundraiser that did not required any travel expense for the people because it was held at...the White House. Does anybody understand that the White House belongs to the people? Obama is a rent-free tenant there, not the owner!
What makes me feel good are the steps taken by the Obama regime to cut wasteful spending by forming one more committee to analyze the "problem" on the wake of the discovery of "treadmills for shrimps" and other such waste of money.
So the person in charge of that commission is Joe Biden. A man who invites the press corps to a water fight. He had a press conference today about the first step in his new role: cutting in half the number of web sites available to the people to get information about government programs. He claims that the move is to eliminate duplication of efforts and to streamline the process of search for the people. Or it could be a way to reduce access to government business for the people. You decide. And as far as "savings" accomplished by such bold action, nobody knows, but I am sure it will amount to "trillions", right Joe?
What I am happy to hear, though, is that Rep. Anthony Weiner will still collect his $174,000 salary even as he is in "rehab" looking for new ways to share his wiener with the rest of the female population. Isn't America great?
Even the dumb bimbo Debbie Waisserman-Schultz thinks that America has turned the corner in the economic recovery, so it must be true. In effect, if one goes by the employment situation for government workers, there has never been a recession as that sector has grown leaps an bounds. If a stupid idiot like Waisserman-Schultz gets to keep her job, how bad can the economy be?
And Michelle, rumors have it, is planning a nice vacation to Africa this summer. And she throws few scraps of pseudo-interest toward Military families, and some people just melt in her grubby hands. Life is good!
For the rest of us, let us eat cake.
Just my thoughts!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Obama's Economic Pie In The Sky
President Obama still giving smokey speeches about the recovery of the US economy. And he is now the only person who still believes that the"recovery" is on the way, even if not as quickly as he would like. If he really believes such crap he is more of an idiot that I thought before. Or he may be just plain campaigning, appealing to the morons among Americans who would still vote for him in 2012.
In the meantime, international credit analysts are downgrading US credit rating and threatening even further action if Congress does not lift the debt ceiling or cut spending. Congress remains inactive and the status quo is certainly going to increase the impression that the politicians in Washington are not seriously intending to fix the problem.
The Chinese are already stating that the US has been defaulting on their debt by not raising the debt ceiling, allowing the Dollar to lose value, but raising the debt ceiling would also devalue the currency, not to mention that it would give a green light to the leeches in Washington to borrow even more money, further deepening our crisis.
While this is happening and liberals are still blaming Bush for it, Obama wants to borrow even more money to give Greece in an attempt to perpetuate that country's entitlement programs.
We are spending billions in an effort in Libya without any clear policy, and starting further involvement in Yemen.
The "real" unemployment rate in the US is appalling and to address such tragedy, Obama's regime is increasing governmental intrusion by chocking the private enterprise.
From the oil industry to the automobile industry, from manufacturing to agriculture, government regulations are killing the private sector (in California, where liberalism is a religion, six small businesses leave the state every week due to the stifling oppression from the state government, just a smaller example of what Obama wants nationwide).
And interestingly, Obama is fostering for our Nation the same policies he wants to borrow money to fix in Greece. This is enough to make any thinking man scream!
The only solution we have is to cut spending drastically, starting from the US government.
Immediately, the Dept. of Education and the EPA should be shut down.
Immediately, the US should stop contributions to the United Nations and close the place down in New York.
Immediately, we should stop funding universities and government grants for studies of gay men activities in Argentina or studying behavior of prostitutes in China. Or building treadmills for shrimps!
But most of all, eco-terrorism and statist terrorism should be stopped immediately.
The water should be flowing in the Sacramento valley allowing agriculture in that area to return, in spite of the Delta Smelt.
Oil drilling should be immediately allowed in Texas, Alaska and the Gulf, in spite of some lizard, which will survive nonetheless, or disturbance to the caribous.
Chocking regulations should be greatly eased upon manufacturing businesses across the Nation, reviving one of the most important abilities of the American people to build things of quality for the rest of the world.
In other words, we MUST get Obama and his cronies out of Washington, followed closely by all those in Congress who are most interested in warming their seats than actually doing something meaningful for the health of our country. And this is a bi-partisan statement, because I want to see losers from both Parties being fired.
The time of pussyfooting is over!
Just my thoughts!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Coming Soon To A Theater Near You
And Sharia Law demonstrates once again how compatible it is with American values.
This is for anyone who believes no threat is present in our country.
Just my thoughts!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
America The New Police State
Never in a million years I would have ever believed that our beloved Nation would become a police state, but it looks like it is happening.
I have written about the killing of Marine Jose Guerena in Tucson, and I have written about the Indiana Supreme Court deciding that law enforcement has the right to enter any private home at their discretion, even in absence of a legal search warrant, but the news from Stockton, California, is just the latest in an increasing demonstration that the rule of law may be being abused by the very officers tasked to protect the citizens.
In the California city of Stockton, Kenneth Wright was awaken by about 15 officers who stormed his home early morning this week, detaining him for about six hours and terrorizing his three young children, ages 3, 7 and 11.
Initially the report was that the officers were part of the local police SWAT, but it was later clarified that they actually were part of a group called OIG, which stands for Office of the Inspector General, a federal agency connected with the Department of Education.
A spokesman for the DoE confirmed that the officers from that agency served the warrant, but refused to give details on the reason for the raid. And as it has become customary for the federal government under the Obama regime, transparency, truthfulness and honesty are long forgotten, or never used, virtues.
Mr. Wright, who has no criminal record, was subjected to the action allegedly because his wife, who does not live in the household any longer, skimped on payments for some student loans. The DoE spokesman, though, stated that that was not the reason for the search, but again refusing to give the real reason.
The $64,000 question, then, is this: why is the Department of Education involved in law enforcement activities via para-military units?
I find it extremely disturbing that a federal governmental department, which is an abject failure at whatever it is that they have been doing, has gained so much power and ability to operate above the Constitution, that they are now in charge of raiding the private residences of the American people. And to make things worst, they are allowed to keep secret their motivations upon public scrutiny.
Is that why the DoE has acquired weapons? Is because tactics like this that the IRS has requested a budget for the purchase of shotguns?
The federal government is demonstrating to be increasingly intrusive into the private existence of the citizenry. With the takeover of so much of the private sector, like in the case of Stockton the federal agents incursion would be justified by the government takeover of the student loans industry, this may be only the beginning of a police state in America, a state where governmental law enforcement units would have free reign over the infringement of the rights afforded to the people by the Fourth Amendment.
Next we may very well see federal agents from the HHS raiding our homes if we are not connected enough to gain a waiver against Obamacare, or from the FCC raiding radio and TV stations for dissenting with the government ideology.
All indications are that the direction taken is one similar to the SA in Nazi Germany or Hugo Chavez's Venezuela.
Our freedoms are under attack from the very individuals we entrusted to protect them. President Reagan stated that liberty is one generation away from extinction and the generation most culpable for placing freedom on the endangered list is the one currently running the show in Washington D.C.
There is only one chance left for the American people and that is to cleanse the White House in 2012 and return the Nation to its Constitutional path of justice and freedom. If we falter in the next Presidential Elections, the only country on this planet that still remains a beacon of freedom will no longer exist.
Just my thoughts!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Apples, Oranges, Wieners And Apologists
By Semperpapa
The story of the moment is taking a life of its own, thanks to the score of apologists for the lying congressman Anthony Weiner. This should be a quick resolving issue, with the weasel politicians admitting his wrong doing, resigning his position and just disappear into the sunset.
But that is not the liberal way.
In yesterday’s press conference where the congressman put on the necessary mixture of contrition and few crocodile tears, Weiner clearly stated that he had no intention to resign.
Of all the apologists for the swine, the one that so far has left me with the biggest “What?” response is Barbara Walters. This is the statement she made on “the View”
"Anthony Weiner, whom I also know, has a problem. He can be very sarcastic and very sardonic. And you know there are a lot of times you wish he would not say it. He is a good congressman. He has been an effective congressman. If Sarah Palin can still ride around on her bus and be considered as a possible president, this man can override this, stay in congress and just hope there is another scandal that will take him -"
Is such statement the proof that the old battleaxe has reached the point where she should finally consider retirement? Sure looks that way. In reading her words, I struggle to find any real sense to them, in both format and concept. But I guess one must be as enlightened as these liberals think they are to understand such babbling.
I fail to see the correlation between the bus tour Sarah Palin is conducting and the survival of Anthony Wiener in Congress.
Sarah Palin is a private citizen, conducting a private activity and, to the dismay of the American left, using her own funds to tour the country promoting the principles of our country. She is not a presidential candidate at this moment and merely exercising her constitutional right to speak. The bitch!
Weiner is an elected official, entrusted by his constituency to represent the will of the people in the House of Representatives. His conduct should be such to deserve that trust. He has failed in his moral test and, most of all, got caught in his activity and in his lies.
As stated previously, I could care less about Weiner’s actions, mostly because my dislike of the man is more based on his ideological idiocy and caustic arrogance than his sexual escapades. That obscure part of his behavior is a matter between him and his wife. Until he lies to the American people to save his own ass; until he lies to the American people trying to trash others to maintain his own farce.
As far as Barbara Walters, comparing Palin’s bus tour with Weiner’s escapades makes as much sense as comparing the proverbial apples and oranges. Unless we are just seeking the trashing of Sarah Palin just for the hell of it, in which case, regardless of the senselessness of the statement, we can try to throw crap to the wall and hope it will stick.
The honorable thing that the NY congressman should do is just resign and go away, hoping that his convenient marriage to a Clinton’s close aid would one day help him get the job he really wants, to be mayor of New York. He should have enough decency left to do as Chris Lee had in NY-26, who resigned after shirtless pictures he had sent to some bimbo on Craig List surfaced.
And good old Barbara should consider retirement. Maybe she can spend the rest of her life as Fidel Castro sex toy (apologize for the visual).
Just my thoughts!
Monday, June 6, 2011
June 6th, 1944
Sixty seven years ago today, the invasion of Nazi Europe begun with the Normandy landing.
Allied forces hit the French coast at five locations: Omaha, Utah, Juno, Sword and Gold.
Operation Overlord was on the way, the largest amphibious landing in the history of warfare, unleashing the forces of freedom upon the occupied nations of Europe and ushering the beginning of the end of Nazism.
Thousands of American, British, French, Canadian, Polish men braved the fierce Atlantic wall, formidably defended by German forces organized by General Erwin Rommel.
Veterans from that operation, and all Veterans from WWII are dieing every day.
Let us offer our appreciation for their contribution to liberty while we still can.
Thank you, gentlemen. This American will never forget.
Just my thoughts!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
No More Circumcision In San Francisco?
That may actually be a reality comes November, when the people of San Francisco will go to the ballot to decide if the practice of circumcising babies right after their birth is to be made illegal. If the measure passes, no male child could undergo the procedure before the age of 18.
The measure, which its founder calls Male Genital Mutilation Bill, gathered enough signatures to make it unto the ballot for the next local elections in November 2011, but local officials will call the bill simply Male Circumcision.
I will refrain from writing about the medical intricacies of the ban, leaving them to the experts in the field, and I will refrain from making any jokes containing foreskin and San Francisco, but I am chiming in the political and social ramifications.
Supporters of the ban are using the semantic “Genital Mutilation” to confuse potential voters in believing that the procedure is a painful and unnecessary operation, similar to the genital mutilation females are subjected to in certain cultures. The parallel is obviously misleading and misguided.
The part that is much more interesting to me is that there is a chance that a government mandated provision will be instituted to, once more, infringe on the people freedoms and rights.
For some religious faiths, circumcision is a rite mandated by their beliefs. For example, Jewish and even Muslim followers consider the procedure an order from God. The ban would be a direct infringement upon their ability to follow their religious guidelines. Just that alone should make the ban unconstitutional.
Then we have the hypocritical aspect of the measure. The proponents are arguing that they are interested in the rights of the child, that they want to protect the welfare of the baby, because children do not have a say in the matter. Ironically, this comes from a city where abortion is king and yet we do not hear any of these people complaining about the rights of the fetuses, nor outrage about the pain that fetus may feel as it is dismembered and killed.
The Jewish community in San Francisco is appalled at the prospect of such religious practice being rendered illegal by a mere group of ignorant activists, and some, and not just in that community, have raised the prospect of a anti-Semitic component to the measure. I was somewhat skeptical about that angle, mostly because the ban would also affect Muslims and not just Jews.
But then I saw the cartoon that is dedicated to the cause of the ban: Foreskin Man. Here is a shot of it.
I found it somewhat disturbing. The action hero could be a poster boy for the Hitler’s Youth and the Jews portrayed in the cartoon all have a devilish look on their faces. Is the cartoon author, a Brazilian named Gledson Barreto, going to also show Muslims in the same way, or is he going to just limit his crusade against Jewish characters? Are these people going to cower in the safety of attacking only Jews for fear of pissing off some Islamists that will put a bomb up their asses?
What also sealed it for me was the name of the president of the company distributing the cartoon: Matthew Hess. Wonder if anyone asked him if he had a great uncle Rudolph somewhere in Europe in the 1940s.
Regardless of a low budget cartoon strip, the very fact that the authorities of San Francisco are even considering such a measure is telling of the level of intrusion that we can see from the government. Sure the measure is the brain fart of Lloyd Schofield and he was somehow able to gather the over 7,000 signatures necessary to present the issue to the voters of San Francisco, but before the government places it on the ballot for the people to vote on, some research should have been made to seek clarity on the constitutionality of it. I am of the opinion that, even if passed, a legal challenge on those grounds will go very far to strike it down.
All this will be costly for the taxpayers of California, what a shock, and with the enormous problems we currently have in our state, the foreskin of newborns is really far down on the priority list.
So I sit here re-reading my words and my research, and I cannot help shaking my head. Maybe if I have a glass of wine, this whole crap will make some sense at all.
Just my thoughts!
Cpl. Dipprasad Pun
This is dedicated to A Goddamned Limey who took my post on Obama lousy Memorial Day speech to task.
No, my British friend, I DO NOT ignore the sacrifice and dedication of America's Allies. We are all in this fight for our very freedoms.
Major admiration for people like Cpl. Pun and all of you Limeys.
Blitzkrieg - hit them hard and fast!

The Case Of The Lizard And Drilling For Oil
By Semperpapa
It has been all over the news lately. A newly developed technology will allow oil companies to access millions of barrels of oil trapped in the rocks of an area extending from western Texas into eastern New Mexico.
This is a much welcomed development at a time when the American people are being economically impacted by the rising cost of energy. The benefits of accessing such a vast quantity of oil is predicted to translate in a 25% increase of domestic oil production and should also mean a equitable reduction of dependency from foreign energy sources.
Additional benefits, which are systematically ignored by the federal government, are the possibility of impacting the price of crude, the economic development of the areas involved and the creation and maintenance of thousands of good paying jobs.
In a time of such dire economic climate, the development of these oil fields should be a priority on the part of a federal government which is really looking for realistic ways to spur our depressed economy. That would actually make sense, but nothing coming out of Washington actually makes sense any more.
The access to the on-shore domestic oil is being threatened by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife agency, on the basis of a suspiciously flawed report from the Center for Biological Diversity.
The report, which found that oil drilling development would devastate the habitat of the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard, was compiled via what many describe as very limited and unscientific data. The problem comes from the consideration, on the part of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife, to place the lizard on the national endangered species list, with devastating consequences for thousands of jobs and national economy.
Interestingly, the counties of Texas and New Mexico that Sceloporus Arenicolus calls home have already seen a vast development of oil exploration, with drilling companies going to great extents to address the protection of the habitat for the little lizard. Drilling operations are also being conducted on both public and private property, so a placement of the creature on the endangered list would effectively bring any activity that may disturb the lizard habitat to a screeching halt.
What we are witnessing here is just another potential intrusion of governmental eco-terrorism into the very life of the American people, something that appears to be a daily occurrence these days.
With the historic record on the part of the current administration to curtail any possibility of American industries to render America less dependent on foreign oil, the decision over this issue from the USFW will be coming down possibly by the end of the year. And thousands of workers are holding their breath as their livelihood rests in the hands of a group of people who have not been elected and against whose decision American workers and businesses practically have no recourse.
In central California, the USFW was able to devastate thousands of jobs and companies by doing the same for a two inch fish, the Sacramento Delta Smelt. To allegedly protect this tiny little fish, the USFW placed it on the endangered list stating that the pumping system that brought water from the Sacramento River to thousands of acres of fertile land in the state had to be shut down.
The result is that thousands of acres of fertile land are now an arid desert; that thousands of farms had to shut down; that thousands of workers lost their jobs; and that much of the products that used to be produced on that land is now imported from abroad. Moreover, the action’s worst victims are those at the bottom of the economic scale, the same folks liberals pretend to champion while instead they sacrifice to the altar of the special interests of a bunch of tree hugging eco-terrorists.
What can be done to avoid a similar occurrence in Texas/New Mexico? I am not confident that there may actually be any remedy we the people can actually bring to this issue, with the exception of placing some pressure upon our representatives in Washington. Unfortunately, I am not too optimistic about any success for such popular action, mostly because of the historic reluctance of politicians to listen to the people.
The uproar from the Sacramento Delta Smelt disaster was fierce, albeit short lived, because the United States Government through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife agency practically gave the people the middle finger and told them to just sit down and shut up.
How easy it must be for a bunch of useless bureaucrats to sit in their plush DC offices enjoying their six digit salaries, or prancing from party to party with the self righteous attitude of being so caring even for the smallest creatures, when they effectively impact the lives of real people, people who work for a living.
The only potential saving grace in the case of the lizard is that the impact of the decision would actually affect not just the local workers and businesses, but it would also have an impact on the national economy. The American people are fed up with the high cost of fuel and the reverberations it has on everything else we purchase, so if the average American is hit in the wallet, the outcry may be loud enough to give a wake up call to politicians in Washington, starting with Obama, regarding the power these agencies have.
One can only hope…
Just my thoughts!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Obama Target Of Union Strongarm
This is laughable, to say the least.
The AFL-CIO president, Richard Trumka has taken up a position of contest against the Messiah in preparation for the 2012 elections.
It appears that the union thug is not satisfied with the speed at which Obama is destroying the Nation, and he is threatening the Big Boss to withdraw the support of the union for his re-election if Obama does not revisit his position on free trade agreements and if Obama does not quell the attention over federal deficit, something Trumka calls hysterical.
So, let me understand this. Trumka is actually threatening the President of the United States. A thug that has contact with the White House on a daily basis, according to Trumka, wants us to believe that the millions of dollars the unions have spent in 2008 will not find their way to the Messiah's coffers. Really? So where will Trumka put the money he steals from the workers?
Do not let this smoke screen hide the fact that there is a definite agenda on the part of the Trumka dude. Threats like this will try to sway attention from the dubious dealings that Trumka and the other "leaders" of today's union will engage in to insure the re-election of their little puppet and the guarantee of 4 more years of national destruction.
Believing that the union leadership will not support Obama is as ludicrous as believing that the majority of blacks will not support him either, regardless of the economic devastation he has created.
So, no rejoicing on this fake news and let us concentrate on the defeat of Obama in November 2012, because that is the very last chance we have to save our country.
Just my thoughts!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
What's All The Wiener Fuss All About?
I am really tired of hearing so much about Congressman Wiener's wiener and of its picture being twitted to whoever.
Definitely a sign of the times when in America we make a national issue of some "alleged" indiscretion on the part of a politician. Some people are indignant about the lack of character that Rep. Wiener may have shown in taking and sending the picture, but Bill Clinton was allowed to remain President after doing a lot worse in the White House, Barney Frank is still a Congressman even after running a gay prostitution ring from his own house in Washington, and so on.
The real rejection of Rep. Wiener should be based on the more important impact that he has on the American people, because he is one of the most vile partisan hack in the House.
He should be railed out of Congress for his continuous and assiduous work toward the destruction of the American way of life and of the freedoms we have.
He should be dismissed for his intention to bring the government in every personal aspect of the American people, to control every decision we make.
So, sure, let's make fun and enjoy the joking, but this is a distraction. With the garbage liberals are serving the American people, with the failure their policies have demonstrated, the picture of Wiener's wiener is really very low on the totem pole of significance.
Just my thoughts!