Saturday, June 11, 2011

Obama's Economic Pie In The Sky

By Semperpapa

President Obama still giving smokey speeches about the recovery of the US economy. And he is now the only person who still believes that the"recovery" is on the way, even if not as quickly as he would like. If he really believes such crap he is more of an idiot that I thought before. Or he may be just plain campaigning, appealing to the morons among Americans who would still vote for him in 2012.

In the meantime, international credit analysts are downgrading US credit rating and threatening even further action if Congress does not lift the debt ceiling or cut spending. Congress remains inactive and the status quo is certainly going to increase the impression that the politicians in Washington are not seriously intending to fix the problem.

The Chinese are already stating that the US has been defaulting on their debt by not raising the debt ceiling, allowing the Dollar to lose value, but raising the debt ceiling would also devalue the currency, not to mention that it would give a green light to the leeches in Washington to borrow even more money, further deepening our crisis.

While this is happening and liberals are still blaming Bush for it, Obama wants to borrow even more money to give Greece in an attempt to perpetuate that country's entitlement programs.
We are spending billions in an effort in Libya without any clear policy, and starting further involvement in Yemen.
The "real" unemployment rate in the US is appalling and to address such tragedy, Obama's regime is increasing governmental intrusion by chocking the private enterprise.
From the oil industry to the automobile industry, from manufacturing to agriculture, government regulations are killing the private sector (in California, where liberalism is a religion, six small businesses leave the state every week due to the stifling oppression from the state government, just a smaller example of what Obama wants nationwide).
And interestingly, Obama is fostering for our Nation the same policies he wants to borrow money to fix in Greece. This is enough to make any thinking man scream!

The only solution we have is to cut spending drastically, starting from the US government.
Immediately, the Dept. of Education and the EPA should be shut down.
Immediately, the US should stop contributions to the United Nations and close the place down in New York.
Immediately, we should stop funding universities and government grants for studies of gay men activities in Argentina or studying behavior of prostitutes in China. Or building treadmills for shrimps!
But most of all, eco-terrorism and statist terrorism should be stopped immediately.
The water should be flowing in the Sacramento valley allowing agriculture in that area to return, in spite of the Delta Smelt.
Oil drilling should be immediately allowed in Texas, Alaska and the Gulf, in spite of some lizard, which will survive nonetheless, or disturbance to the caribous.
Chocking regulations should be greatly eased upon manufacturing businesses across the Nation, reviving one of the most important abilities of the American people to build things of quality for the rest of the world.

In other words, we MUST get Obama and his cronies out of Washington, followed closely by all those in Congress who are most interested in warming their seats than actually doing something meaningful for the health of our country. And this is a bi-partisan statement, because I want to see losers from both Parties being fired.
The time of pussyfooting is over!

Just my thoughts!

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