Friday, June 24, 2011

POTUS Has Too Much To Do

By Semperpapa

Talks on the raising of the debt ceiling appear to be at an impasse, with Republicans walking out of meetings and the President basically refusing to address the enormous debt increase our Nation has incurred since his coronation in January 2009.

So where is Obama? According to congressman James Clyburn, the President has way too much to do to be directly involved in such trivialities like the Nation’s crippling debt.

The progressive Clyburn made that statement during an interview with Neil Cavuto of Fox News, while expectedly trashing the Republicans for walking out of the talks.

"We can't have the President sitting in these meetings, three and four hours every day, when all of these other things are happening around the world. The president has much more to do with his time, and that's why you have a Vice President." stated Clyburn.

Sure, I understand that the President’s time is stretched to its limits at times, but on matters of National importance, like our disastrous economic state, his attention should be unquestionable.

I can understand him not having the time to get the name of a Medal of Honor recipient right, but we have been brainwashed by the Obamadroids that the man is just too brilliant for us to fully understand or even comprehend the depth of his genius.

Considering that Obama has been king for over 130 weeks now, I find it remarkable that the man has been able to squeeze in over 70 golf outings. Over 50% of his weekends have been occupied by golf games, which last three or four hours, Rep. Clyburn. There are also the several vacations and trips taken in the same period, not to mention the 30+ campaign fundraisers he has been attending.

On a related subject, Michelle Obama gave an interview to ABC News in which she is asking for at least four more years for her husband because, she says:

"I think there's so much more work to do. We've really just begun to lay the foundation,"

And in a disturbing sinister way, I can actually understand what she is referring to. After all, there are still some small businesses left operating in America that must be destroyed; there are still some aspects of our private lives that Michelle has not stuck her nose in; the Constitution has not been abolished yet; we still have a Military and UN Blue Helmets from Nigeria are not yet patrolling our streets; Christianity has not been squashed in favor of Marxist secularism; the dream of a global government with Obama supreme despot and Michelle the global queen is not there yet.

So yes I can see why Michelle wants four more years for her husband. Plus there are still many countries in the world where she wants to go on vacation to on taxpayers’ money.

Just my thoughts!

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