By Semperpapa
Regardless of all the photo ops and rhetoric in support of the Military, the main problem with Obama is that, not so deep inside, he really does not care enough about the men and women of the Armed Forces to actually make double sure that the garbage coming out of his mouth is accurate.
During a visit at the headquarters of the 10th Mountain Division of the United States Army, the Commander-in-Chief thanked the soldiers present for their service and proceeded to make the following statement:
"First time I saw 10th Mountain Division, you guys were in southern Iraq. When I went back to visit Afghanistan, you guys were the first ones there. I had the great honor of seeing some of you because a comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn't receiving it posthumously."
No problem, you would say, and you would be right if it was accurate, because Jared Monti did receive the Medal of Honor, but he received it posthumously, after being killed in combat in Iraq in 2006.
What the White House stooge did was to confuse Salvatore Giunta’s MOH award with Monti’s. Jared’s parents were present at the award of Sal Giunta’s decoration.
Of course the apologists are defending the Moron-in-Chief, who after all is so busy campaigning and playing golf that he could not possibly waste any of his precious time getting his information correctly. Moreover, it was not really that big of a deal, because, after all, Jared Monti was actually awarded the Medal. Some will probably defer the culpability of his gaffe to some of his low level aids who obviously did not give the man the correct information.
But while the liberal cronies will try to downplay the horrible mistake, the reality is sufficiently obvious, even as the event is swept under the proverbial rug.
As I mentioned above, the problem lies in the fact that Obama does not care about anything connected to the Military except when he panders to them for campaigning purposes.
The shortcoming is not in the informational failure of what was given to Obama, but in the very fact that he is not interested, and therefore knowledgeable of the actual facts he was speaking of.
The Medal of Honor is the highest decoration a US Armed Forces member can be awarded for heroism in combat above and beyond the call of duty. It is a coveted decoration that goes back to the Civil War and it is awarded to individuals whose recognized actions are so above the norm that are almost always awarded posthumously. The only surviving recipient for the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan is, to date, Sal Giunta, although surviving Sgt. 1st Class Leroy Arthur Petry’s nomination has been approved.
But for those of us who truly understand the significance of such honorable recognition our country bestows to these special individuals, the names remain imprinted in our memory: Paul Smith, Jason Dunham, Robert Miller, Ross McGinniss, Michael Murphy, Jared Monti, Michael Monsoor, Sal Giunta and Leroy Petry. These are name America should never forget, but it is unforgivable for a President.
Cpl. Jason Dunham, U.S.M.C.
Sgt. Paul Smith, U.S. Army
It would take a willing appreciation of the sacrifices made by our Armed Forces for the President to be able to recite those names from memory without hesitation, and in any case it would take an elevated level of respect for the actions of these individuals, and the American traditions they embody, for Obama to at least make triple sure that he got at least the names right.
Lip service has gotten this man into the White House, probably the least capable, and definitely the most radical, President this Nation has seen throughout its history. Lip service is what he and his wife use to blow enough smoke in the eyes of the liberal hordes to convince them that he is such a supporter of the troops, when, realistically, he only sees the men and women in uniform as nothing more than another voting block. So while some strugglers are still allowing this fake to sway them, his true constituency, the nutroots of the extreme left are even less interested in the vicissitudes of our Military and their families than he is.
But, again, the problem is that he just does not care.
Just my thoughts!
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